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Name : Adinda Buana Putri

NPM : 10621008

Class : 1SA06


1. It is against the law to________ against people on the basis of their skin colour, race,
religion, sex, age, or sexual orientation.
a. Discrimination
b. Discriminatory
c. Discriminate
2. Olympic athletes are not allowed to compete if they have been taking performance-
_______drugs or substances.
a. Enhancement
b. Enhancing
c. Enhance
3. Your_______ of this poem is quite different from the way that I understand it.
a. Interpretation
b. Interpretative
c. Interpret
4. The pharmaceutical company is hoping to come up with a __________drug for the
treatment of breast cancer.
a. Revolution
b. Revolutionary
c. Revolutionize
5. The recipe____________ the ingredients and the exact amount that you are to use.
a. Specification
b. Specific
c. Specifies
6. Mendel’s experiments were a _____________ that changed the course of science.
a. Revelation
b. Revealing
c. Reveal
7. Many significant medical benefits have ____________ from the research project.
a. Emergence
b. Emergent
c. Emerged
8. The research project was able to go ahead due to a generous ____________ of funding from
the government.
a. Allocation
b. Allocated
c. Allocate
9. The military government was criticized in the media for its ____________ of basic human
rights to its citizens.
a. Denial
b. Denied
c. Deny
10. What is the ____________ number of student who will be attending college next year?
a. Estimation
b. Estimated
c. Estimate


a. HGP associated with ethical, legal, and social issues.

b. International meetings and conferences give birth to Human Genome Project
c. Molecular biologists succeed in mapping the genetic structure of simple organisms
d. Potential abuse of genetic information calls for clear ethical guidelines
e. Man seeks explanation to origins of life
f. HGP promises revolutionary new drugs and reduced health care costs
g. Rapid technological advances allow researches to process and store more genetic
h. International scientists to map the complete human genome and U.S. government to
provide financial support
i. Human Genome Project completed ahead of schedule, opens doors to many fields
j. New field of biotechnology brings hopes of genetic cures for disease
k. Future value of HGP lies in further research and applicants
l. HGP promises to revolutionize how doctors test and treat patients and diagnose disease
m. Lawmakers concerned with issues of discriminations based on genetic information
n. Scientific research leads to discovery of DNA and development of the science of genetics

H Paragraph 1

E Paragraph 2

N Paragraph 3

C Paragraph 4

G Paragraph 5

J Paragraph 6

B Paragraph 7

I Paragraph 8

L Paragraph 9

F Paragraph 10

A Paragraph 11

M Paragraph 12

D Paragraph 13

K Paragraph 14


1. The Human Genome Project was complete in ________

a. September 1999
b. February 2001
c. April 2003
2. The discovery of recombinant DNA allowed researches to __________
a. Split, splice, and copy DNA
b. Duplicate DNA faster and cheaper
c. Store larger amounts of DNA
3. The Human Genome Project’s greatest application lies in the filed of_________
a. Medicine
b. Anthropology
c. Environmental science
4. The structure of the DNA molecule was discovered by__________
a. Gregor Mendel
b. Charles Darwin
c. James Watson and Francis Crick
5. The first living organism to be genetically mapped was ________
a. Bacteria
b. The fruit fly
c. The garden pea
6. The percentage of the human genome that had been mapped when the HGP announced
a. 90%
b. 99.99%
c. 100%

Indicate which of the following statements are true (T) and which are false (F)

7. T The Human Genome Project was more ambitious than Manhattan Project to build the
atom bomb.
8. T All information from the Human Genome Project is available to the public.
9. F Only American scientists and researches worked on the Human Genome Project.
10. F Through the Human Genome Project scientists now know everything about human genes
and how they interact with each other and the environment
11. T In the United States, it illegal for companies and organizations to use genetic information
to discriminate against people.
12. F There are no negative issues or concerns associated with the Human Genome Project .

Answer the following questions in complete sentences

13. What were the three main goals of the Human Genome Project?
- To understanding of genetic diseases.
- To create effective pharmaceuticals and medical treatments.
- To prevent human suffering due to genetically transmitted diseases.
14. What was the significance of the work of Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin?
Gregor’s Mendel’s make an experiments established that traits were passed from parents to
offspring in an organized and predictable way, and Charles Darwin has developed the theory
about evolution.
15. What four technological advances made the Human Genome Project possible?
The Human Genome Project are made by recombinant DNA, the PCR machine, computer
technology, and the Internet.
16. What is the significance of the Genetic Information Non discrimination Act?
The Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act made discrimination on the basis of genetic
information illegal for employers, insurers, courts, schools, and other entities.

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