Adinda Buana Putri - Reading 2 Assignment 5

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Name : Adinda Buana Putri

NPM : 10621008

Class : 1SA06

 Exercise 4.8

Reading for interpretation and inference, part 1.

Indicate which of the following statements in the reading text support (√) or do not support (X)
genetically engineered products.

1. √ “Genetic engineering, or recombinant DNA technology, was able to achieve with precision and
efficiency what traditional breeding could never have accomplished: the creation of transgenic
organism that contained genes from another organism.”

2. √ “The early 1980s saw a proliferation of biotechnology companies in the fields of agriculture and
pharmaceuticals , where the potential successes of recombinant DNA promised to be a lucrative as
they were innovative.”

3. X “France and five other European countries proceeded in 2011 to ban genetically modified
organisms on their soil.”

4. √ “The birth of Dolly, the first cloned sheep in 1997 showed that remarkable progress can be

5. X “GE foods themselves have not been around long enough for their health effects to be
thoroughly studied, let alone scientifically determined.”

6. X “Healthy crops can grow only in healthy environments.”

 Exercise 4.9

Reading for interpretation and inference, part 2

Choose the correct interpretation for each of the following statements from reading text. Pay special
attention to the boldface words and phrases.

1. “And if so, are genetically engineered superfoods all that they’re cracked up to be?”

a. Are genetically engineered superfoods defective?

b. Are genetically engineered superfoods as good as people say they are?

2. “In the mid-nineteenth century, Gregor Mendel’s experiments with garden peas transformed
traditional breeding practice into the science of genetics and showed the seeds of an agricultural

a. In his experiments, Gregor Mendel planted a new kind of seed.

b. Gregor Mendel’s experiments were the beginning of great changes in agriculture.
3. “… the U.S. government gave genetic engineering technology the green light by providing grants
for research into genetic manipulation of food crops.”

a. GE technology was able to go ahead with research

b. GE technology had to protect the environment.
4. “… but the associated health and environmental risks coupled with social, philosophical, and
ethical issues will continue to fuel the debate.”

a. People will disagree about the value of genetic engineering.

b. People will eventually agree about the value of genetic engineering.

5. “In 2011, 60 family farmers, seed businesses, and organic agricultural organizations field a lawsuit
against Monsanto, turning the table on a multinational giant that has been in the habit of bringing
patent infringement suits against farmers. These plaintiffs claimed that their crops had been
contaminated by Monsanto’s seeds.”

a. Family farmers, seed businesses, and organic agricultural organizations damaged

Monsanto’s offices.
b. Family farmers, seed businesses, and organic agricultural organizations did to Monsanto
what Monsanto had been doing to them.

 Exercise 4.10
Essential and nonessential ideas and details.
Indicate which detail in each of the following pairs of details from the reading text you consider
essential (√) and would include in a summary, and which you would consider nonessential (X) and
leave out.

1. Paragraph 2
a. √ Farmers bred plants and animals with desirable traits to produce better offspring.
b. X Gregor Mendel experimented with garden peas.
2. Paragraph 3
a.√ Wheat and cereal grain hybirds were developed after World War II to increase food
b. X Nazareno Stranpelli experimented with hybrids to reduce Italy’s dependency on grain
3. Paragraph 4
a. X Researchers at Stanford University succeeded in splicing DNA fragments in 1972.
b. √ Research in molecular biology made it possible for scientists to identify, splice, and
duplicate DNA
4. Paragraph 5
a. X The first transgenic mouse appeared on the cover of Nature magazine in 1982
b. √ The U.S. government supported genetic engineering by providing funding for research
5. Paragraph 8
a. √ Herbicides and pesticides cause serious health problems, such as neurotoxicity,
disruption of the endocrine system, immune system suppression, and cancer.
b. X GE crops are grown in monocultures.
6. Paragraph 9
a. X In 2011, France and five other countries banned genetically modified organisms on their
b. √ GE foods are not as strictly regulated or controlled as additives and preservatives.
 Exercise 4.11

Critical Thinking
Making Evaluations. Indicate which of the following uses of genetic engineering you support (√) and
which you do not support (X). Give reasons to support your answers.

1. √ Creating a peanut that doesn’t cause an allergic reaction

Reason: I’m totally agree. Because peanuts are also one of the main ingredients that commonly used
to make a food. And people who exposed with peanuts strat at the age of advanced infants to
2. √ Creating larger fruits and vegetables in different colors and shapes
Reason: it’s great idea, when we have a big size of fruits or vegetable that have a full inside, unique
colors. It means, they’re in a good condition, and if we sell them at the market it have a different
cost from another.
3. X Creating fruits, such as peaches or cherries, that don’t have stones or pits
Reason: I disagree, if it is made as same as peaches or cherries, so another fruits doesn’t have
differences and difficult to recognize it.
4. X Improving or changing the taste of unpopular foods, such as spinach
Reason: I disagree, I think its really weird when spinach has a sweet teste. I just like it as usual.
5. X Producing animals such as pigs with less fat
Reason: I disagree, because I think people were like pigs as fat as usual, if the pigs are less fat, then
eating it doesn’t taste good.
6. √ Producing animals and plants that carry vaccines and drugs
Reason: I agree, because it will minimize of cesspool by the chemical production.
7. √ Creating giant animals that produce more meat
Reason: I agree, the more meat we produce, the better quality we get.
8. X Injecting seeds with pesticides and herbicides so that crops do not have to be sprayed
Reason: I disagree, because pesticides are used to kill animals on plants not for seeds to be planted.

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