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M1 (EVA 1)


Departamento : Gestión Ambiental y
Sucursal : IPCHILE
Asignatura : INGLES II - EVA 1
Fecha : SEPT. 2023 BIMESTRE 3
Página |2


Interview one older member of your family and ask her/him what life was like in Chile / (or any other
country) fifty years ago. Based on the interview, elaborate a story using the information recopilated.
Use Past simple - Present Perfect, and time expressions according to the situation.


To develop the requested activity, I had the wonderful opportunity to interview my grandfather who
is 85 years old today and who lived his childhood in the south of Chile in the city of Osorno, between
mountains, lakes and livestock.
In his story he tells me that life was very sacrificed and that at that time there were few opportunities
to study and travel to other cities in the country. They worked very early in the salmon fishing in
rivers and lakes, and others dedicated themselves to taking care of the cattle and in tasks of
agriculture and planting vegetables.
He tells me that he met the first German settlers who arrived in those lands, who walked through its
mountains and rivers looking for a place to settle and that later, they brought new technologies to
work the land, to grow fish in captivity and medicines for the population. They started the first
schools for children and adults and transferred their rich recipes of German sweets, which were later
mixed with the ingredients of our land.
Today, the population of these places has grown and they have become large, modern cities with
many tourist attractions, but its oldest and oldest people still remember those difficult years of
solitude, rain and scarcity, but always with a look of optimism and commitment to the natural
environment that surrounded that area of our country.
My grandfather ends his story praying that current and future young people continue to take care of
the nature that saw him grow, that the science and technology of forestry and aquaculture
companies do not pollute their forests and lakes, because he says that the creator of the universe
chose our country to leave the most beautiful of creation .... our people and our landscapes full of
rivers, lakes and mountains.

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