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Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric

The Linux Foundation launched Hyperledger in 2015 to promote blockchain technology

development and adoption across industries. This was done with the intent of establishing a
single standard, this approach fosters community growth and the gradual implementation of
essential blockchain standards under intellectual property rights.
Hyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-focused, open-source permissioned blockchain framework.
This decentralised ledger system manages intelligent contracts and records and validates
transactions, like other blockchain protocols.
Hyperledger Fabric, a modular blockchain(distributed ledger) framework, provides privacy,
reliability, adaptability, and scalability on a large scale. The system supports many component
plug-ins and handles economic ecosystem complexities.
Hyperledger Fabric, a private, permissioned blockchain platform, enforces access control.
Hyperledger Fabric networks use robust Membership Service Providers (MSPs) instead of a
permissionless system that allows anyone with the network's address to participate. This
technology replaces "proof of work" protocols for network security and transaction
validation.Hyperledger Fabric has many customizable pluggable features. MSPs, consensus
mechanisms, and ledger data formats can be merchandised.
Hyperledger Fabric lets users create channels, which act as distributed ledgers for shared
transactions. This feature is useful in networks where users have competitive relationships and
want to keep transaction details like preferential pricing private. When two people create a
channel, only they can access its ledger.

Shared Ledger
The ledger component of Hyperledger Fabric stores and manages world state and transaction
log. The Hyperledger Fabric network gives every node a replicated ledger.World state gives a
complete picture of the system configuration in the ledger. transaction log meticulously tracks
and record all financial activities and transactions of an individual or organisation. All world
state changes are recorded in the transaction log. As a result, the ledger includes a world state
database as well as a transaction log.
The database of world states in the ledger can be easily modified. By default, the system acts as a
LevelDB implementation for key-value pairs storage. The transaction log does not require any
kind of connection. The only operation that occurs in this context is the recording of both new
and old values within the blockchain network's ledger database.
Smart Contracts
When an external application needs to interact with the blockchain ledger, the Hyperledger
Fabric smart contracts, which are implemented as chaincode, are called. In most cases, chaincode
interacts with the world state database through queries rather than directly accessing the
transaction log.
There are several programming languages that are well-suited for Chaincode implementation. As
of now, we have successfully added support for Go, Node.js, and Java chaincode.
Members of a business-to-business (B2B) network may be extremely cautious about disclosing
information depending on the circumstances. In fabric, privacy is of top priority.Hyperledger
Fabric can communicate with both public and private networks using channels.

Transactions between network nodes must still be recorded sequentially. This necessitates the
creation of a transactional order as well as a mechanism for rejecting invalid transactions that
may have been entered into the ledger inadvertently or maliciously.
There are several well-studied computer science approaches, each with its own set of benefits
and drawbacks. In the case of files, PBFT (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance) facilitates
communication between replicas, ensuring data integrity even when corrupted copies exist.
Competing computers must solve a cryptographic puzzle in order to determine the sequence of
events that occur during Bitcoin mining.
Hyperledger Fabric enables network initiators to select a consensus mechanism that accurately
reflects participant interdependence. Likewise, there is a range of privacy settings and network

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