Command Lines

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1 - D:\Veritas\Netbackup\bin\admincmmd\ nbemmcmd.exe -addhost -machinename -machinetype media -masterserver -
netbackupversion 8.0 -operatingsystem windows

2 - D:\Veritas\Netbackup\bin\bpdown – v –f (Down netbackup the Services)

3 - D:\Veritas\Netbackup\bin\bpup – v –f (UP netbackup the Services)

4- ops administrator for security administration ;

UN: psopsadmin
PWD: PSopsadmin@123#
5 – webconsole password for psops is;
6- cache clear command at Master server and app server if required
\vertias\netbackup\bin … bpclntcmd.exe –clear_host_cache

7- SAP HANA backup through script from Master Server,

Following changes are made in the script on line 86, 96 and 106 and save the file
as .sh and chmod 777 –R
if [ $SAP_FULL -eq 1 ] TO if [ "$SAP_FULL" == "1" ]
8 – Soft link
ln -s /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/hdbbackint_script /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbbackint

9- create node_names.txt in /usr/openv/netbackup/ext/db_ext/sap by command;

touch node_names.txt then write in it by vi node_names.txt
Write host name of client like in our case
8- To use VMware 10G port we need to add VMkernel and made 10G and 1G both
management NIC, so all the backup traffic regarding VMware architecture should go
from 10G port of the Server. This change made through VM-vsphere Client .

9- SAPMAXDB, do the following;

Su – sqdcdb
Dbmcli –d CDB –u superdba,FFBLdms00
- Creation of medium
o medium_put BACKcdb /sapdb/CDB/data/wrk/CDB/CDB(mediumname) PIPE DATA 0 8
o CMD_LINE="$CMD_LINE dbmcli -u superdba,FFBLdms00 -d CDB
dbm_configset -raw BSI_ENV /sapdb/CDB/data/wrk/CDB/bsi-cdb.env;"
o if [ "$SAP_FULL" == "1" ]; then
o CMD_LINE="$CMD_LINE dbmcli -u superdba,FFBLdms00 -d CDB -
uUTL superdba,FFBLdms00 backup_start BACKcdb"
o elif [ "$SAP_CINC" == "1" ]; then
o CMD_LINE="$CMD_LINE dbmcli -u superdba,FFBLdms00 -d CDB -
uUTL superdba,FFBLdms00 backup_start BACKPage"
o fi
o #
o # The username on the "su" command needs to be replaced with the
o # user name.
o #
o echo "Execute $CMD_LINE"
o su - sqdcdb -c "$CMD_LINE"

10- Appliance administrator web Console;

UN: admin
PWD: NBUapp@admin123
11 – Integrate VMware Server to the Master Server, please run following command on
master server to add the vm client
C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>tpconfig.exe -add -virtual_machine VServer -
vm_user_id root -vm_type 2 -password **********

– Always use exact VMWARE SERVER name for integration , because it is case sensitive.

12 – Installation of Boot server for BMR Windows;

First we have to install Net backup Client to that specific machine which will work as
boot server for BMR Restoration then Go to 
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bmrsetupboot.exe –register
After that go to Boot Server Assistant and follow the instructions to setup SRT and it
would take around 2 hours to complete download and installation of Boot server
First select “Create a new Shared Resource Tree”
After download and install it ask for net backup client directory and executable file once
you given it again to the boot server assistant and click Shared Resource Tree
Administration Wizard

Then select “Create a bootable CD/DVD from a Shared Resource Tree”

Once ISO image is created, burn in on /
DVD or USB Bootable for further process

13 – BMR Task
Task update operation is not retried after a failure, the client restore task state will be
left as Finalizing and not automatically reset. The state must be manually repaired. To
do so, run the following command on the Master Server or from the restored client:
Bmrc.exe -op complete -resource restoretask -client <clientName> -status 0
14- Expiry of Backup Image from Tape
Use following commad
D:\Veritas\Netbackup\bin\admincmd\bpexpdate.exe -m media_id -d date | 0 | infinity
Specifies the expiration date and time. date can be any one of the following:
 mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
 0 - the backup or media expires immediately
 infinity - the backup never expires
For immediate expiry bpexpdate.exe -m media_id –d 0
15- Change Expiry data of Backup ID through Master Server

e.g. to recalculate the expiration date of a backup image based on a new retention level:

bpexpdate -recalculate -ret <retention level> -backupid <backup_id>

or to set a specific expiration date of a backup image:

bpexpdate -d <mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss> -backupid <backup_id>

Ret Level Period Days

--------- ----------- ----------
0 1 week 7
1 2 weeks 14
2 3 weeks 21
3 1 month 31
4 2 months 62
5 3 months 93
6 6 months 186
7 9 months 279
8 1 year 365
9 infinity

SAP PRDBI database backup was failing after new installation of Netbackup software
with following error;
can't change to working directory /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/backint errno =2
Change the permission of following folder to 777 “Read & Write Access”

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