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Tle | SPECIFICATION FOR ‘41K EXPULSION FUSE cur-our Kenya Power {rep out type) ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 Circulation List 0.2Amendment Record FOREWORD ‘Scop REFERENCES ‘TERMS AND DEFINITIONS REQUREMENTS TESTS AND INSPECTION MARKING AND PACKING DOCUMENTATION ANNEX A: SCHEDULE OF GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS FOR OFFERED CONDUCTORS. (tobe filed ana signed by the Manufacturer and submitted together with relevant copies of he Manufacturers catalogues, brochures, drawings, Technical data & calculations, sales records fr pas five years, four customer reference letters, deals of manufacturing capac, the manufacturer's ‘experience, copies of complete type test reports and aocrediaton certificate 0 'SOMEC 17026 fer the thir party testing laboralry for tender evaluation, alin English Language) List OF CONTRACTORS Te: SPECIFICATION FOR ‘1S KVEXPULSION FUSE ‘CUT-OUT Kenya Power (0rop out type) 0.4 Circulation List ‘GORY NO. ‘COPY HOLDER EMEC STSPTTOT Dae afi Page Z 78 T ‘Manager, Standards Deparime | Baer cony na on KPLC server cei 726 Oo aie sp” 02 Amendment Record ‘Approved by) yyy. (Name & (Name & bo) = Signature) | Signature) __| [seo [201¢a5 | Rpacsiee Na" MchaeiAnads | Eng. § Kit t | | eine 13 ] | crane reapage -T_ | 2 cae 58 Ragacsi | — | “manure” ith | ‘sper | | 3. Foreword Replaced RSE ae == by Mager Sandor THe: speciricaion ror Sw Ne AT KV EXPULSION FUSE “RaveTon Wo. IT-OUT UT-OUT_-Sateaffaue-| 20160685 ——— Kenya Power Out Ya FOREWORD This speciation has bean prepared by the Standards Deparment ofthe Kenye Power & Lighting Company Lté(KPLC) and ity down requirement for 11KV Expusion Fure Cutout (rep out pe). The specication intended for use by KPLC in purchating he furs vu. “The suppl shal eubmitieformaton which confirms the manulacture’s sastetory service ‘experince wih roducts which fall wii the scope of this spacticaton, ‘scope ‘Tis spacfeaon is for sngle phase expulslon fuse cut-out (hop out type) tobe used ‘outdoors on 11KV, Sola ae system for preecton ans ication of substation appara and _sectonalting purposes. The expulsion fuse cutout shalincorporato te fuse mount (use base) andis fusecarer. “The speccaton also covers inspection and test ofthe fuse cutouts 25 wall 3s schedule of Guarantee Technical Parcutrs to beled, signed by the manufacturer an submited for tender evustion ‘The specteaton stipulates the minimum requrements fr fuse tous acceptable for use in the company (KPLC) and it shal be the responsi ofthe Manufacturer io ensure _adequseyof the design, good workmanship and good engineering practice in the ‘manufacture ofthe use cutout for KP. ‘The specfeaon doesnot purport io incl a the necessary provisions ofa contract REFERENCES “The flowing standards contaln provisions which, through reference In hs fx constitute provisions this speciation. Unless cerwise sited, th ate ton (relaing ‘Smendmerts) app 150 1461: Hot lip galvanized coatings on febrcated lon and sea articles — ‘Spocticatons ad Test Matha. TEC 60282 High wotage fuses -Part2:Expusion and similar fuses TEC 60507 Arial pouton tests on high-voltage insulators to be used ona. systems Is ‘pple or the determination othe power quency TEC.60837 Rado nteerence test on hgh-ologensuators Tesed by. Head of Seton Standards Deveopmest | Autborand by, anspor Sadar THe: SPECIFICATION FOR ‘AT RV EXPULSION FUSE CUT-OUT Kenya Power (Orop out type) Paget IEC61284: Overhead ines Requirements and tess for ings, (EC.60383: Inala for overhead tines wth a nominal voage above 1000 V Part CCoramic or las neulatorunts for a bystme ~ Deilons, tet mathods ‘5 soceptance ceria TEC6110%: Composte neulatars fora. overhead ines witha nominal volage greater ‘han 1000V Deletions, test methods and sccoplance tera ANSI C 37.42: Speciation for distribution cut ous and use Inks ANSI C 37.41: Standard design ots for hgh voltage fuses, dstibuton enclosed single pole _r silhas, ose disconnecting swiches and accossorios TERMS AND DEFINMTIONS Forthe purpose ofthis specication, the terms an detnions even i the relerencestandods shal apy. REQUIREMENTS ‘Service and System Conditions ‘The fuse cutout shal be sulabe for continuous operation outoors in wopical areas at: 8) Ate: upto 2200 above sea level: 1b) Temperature: average of +30°C with a minimum of-1°C and max +40°C; 6) Humidity upto 95%; 4) Palaion: Design poluion level to be taken a¢ “Heavy” (Podsion level fo inane ane ‘Vary Him? (Pollien Inval N}Sor natal applications In accedance wih IEC 6081S, 1) leokeraunic level: 180 thunderstorm days pe year 4.1.2. The fse cutout shal be sutabe frac system wih system highest voltage of KV and frequency of 0422s per Table 1 below. ‘Table 1: System Characteristics Characteristics Haina! Vatage System highest VoTgS System Frequency Kenya Power (rep out yp8) Tm SPECIFICATION FOR ‘4RV EXPULSION FUSE ‘CUT-OUT Characterites Rang TNumiber of phases [3 To ter 0 42. DESIG! Mebied of earhing | Non efecivey eared | ‘System fauts evel | 125kA ms N AND CONSTRUCTION 424. General 424 ‘The expulsion fuse cutout shal be designed and manufactured We IEC 60282-2 and the ‘requirements othe specfcaton The expulsion fuse cutout shat be supplied a a complete unt icorporaing the fuse ‘mount (use base) with ts secre. [Al current caring pats shal be of electro high conductivity copper with the ortacis of hard drawn copper and siver pats ‘The fuse ctou shel winstand the spect impulse ans power Yequency vllages in ‘sl pptcable mounting positon eluding angle mount, 422. Operation 4223 Isha not be possbiata clos the fuee carer whout the top ex fied. The [ivpeak_ | 95 |“ To ear ana between pos peak 85 3) Wet on (7) minute power equency wihsiand voiage ms) ()_ Acoseiecating dtance of te fuse base ‘Rie | 38 i) Toee “Tivins | 92 Fed shor reultwiistand coven of fuse base and carier Wa | 16 (ss) [Ro Poor volage TUE iv fam fm {30 Tle: SPECIFICATION FOR 41 RVEXPULSION FUSE cuT.our ‘Kenya Power (0rop out type) 3a. Parieulare Unis [Ratings | Mounting angie degrees | 70-20 ‘3 | eierpting rag. () Symmetries rierpieg rating (rinenum) ms {Asymmetrealnieruping rang (minimum) ms kA | 86 (WR ain T 4 70 | Na. of operations before serie, Teoria replacement of moving pars | THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Terued by Wed ot Secon Sanders Desapment | Rational by, Nang Sandare Te / SPECIFICATION FOR ATRVEXPULSION FUSE = ‘cUT.OUT Kenya Power (2rop cut type) Type “RT ap & fas fel iy [ SPECIFICATION FOR Se" TRV EXPULSION FUSE "Revision No- . ‘CUT-OUT | pemortesor ‘Kenya Power {Drop out type) —— 434. Features “The dropout fuse cutol shall have the following major parts 28 per Fig. 1 4, Ingulator and mounting insert. 28) The nsultr shall be made of heavy duty and brown glazed silicon rubber or porelsin insulator es per couse 42 10. by Moumning inset shallbe made of te insulator wth a galvanized stel inset suppor, Fuse Tube “The fuse ube shall canis of 2 wicanzed fiber ining lube, and a ferlast-epoxy ‘outer tube, 1 provide the superior strength necessary forthe higher interuping rating Ling eye and Hinge support 28) Lifting eye shal be sutabe fora standard hook operating Ink ck 'b) The hinge support shal employ arge pivet forthe fuseholerrumion and shall be ‘made of sainless ste! casing chosen for strength and corrsion resistance Mounting Bracket “This shall be 2 NEMA Duty Type-8 mounting bracket, Isha be made of high srenath structural gaivanized steo, Upper backup ,Top contact and Load bresk hook 2) Upper back up shal be made of gahanized ste! witha high mechanical song, 'b) The top contact shall be attached othe galvanized slee backup members. Isha combine the superior current canying characterises of sive plated copper and a high mechanical stengt galvanized steal o provide an excelent contacting area ‘wt the fuse halder whan nthe closing condton ©) Load break hook salle gaNenied see. standard ype tobe opened underload wih the use of losd-buster, serving to guide the fuse hader during ose operators. 1. Upper and lower terminals ‘Thee shallbe made of sate bronze and shat be parallel groove ype terminals ‘sutabl or aluminium or copper conductor size ranges 22-160 mn 432, Corossion Protection 4321. Thohinge and atch mechanisms f the un shallbe constructed of eoroson resistant moll and shall include no ferous pars other than stanoss see. Tesued by. Had of Section Stundards Deveopment | Auorised by, Manager Sends 44, THE: SPECIFICATION FOR 41 RV EXPULSION FUSE (ropourtyee) page izarie [A curroncarrying pats hall be oa high elevical conduety, corosion osicant ‘eta ‘A nuts, bts and washers other han those associated wth the mounting beck shall be stainless sel, The Dos and washers shall be grade 316 and to avold bind. the rus shale grade 308 an a sulsbl ubicant shal be apped othe rveads oa taniess seal bots before ighining The ubicent shal nat contain graphs. ‘All suppot brackets and otter frrus pats ther than soins ste! shall be het ip alvenizd, wih an average minimum zine coating thickness of ym in scordancs| ‘wih 801484 jement System The supplier sal submit quality assurance plan (QAP) that willbe used to ensure tat the design, meiera, worimanshe, tsi, servos capably, maintenance and documentsion. ‘wilful the recuiements sated in the contract document, standards, epaciioatons and ‘eguisons, The QAP shallbe based on and include relevant pars fo ful the requirements of 180 9002008. “The Manufacturer's Declaration of Confermiy to reference standards and copes of qiatly ‘management cartficatons including copy of vad and relevant ISO 8001: 2008 cereale shal be eure wi the tender for evatuaton. “The bidder shalndeate the deliver me of he fuse ctout manuacturer’s monthly & ‘annul producion capacty and expesence nthe production ofthe ype and size of ise ‘ut being oered, A dete It & contact scaresses (ecusing e-mail ofthe ‘manfactuce'sprovious eustomers outside te country of manufacture forthe use cout ‘0 inthe fas ve years together wh eference ltrs rom fur ofthe customers stall be ‘smiled wie ender for evahaton, 5. TESTS AND INSPECTION 84 ‘ype tess, sampling tests ad rutin tess shal be done in accordance wit the requisments of ISO 1463, 126 60282-2, IEC 60497, IEC 60507, ANSI C 3742, ANSI 37.41 athe Specification It shallbe the responsibilty ofthe supper to perform orto have perforata ‘he tess spect Copies of Type Test Certcates & Type Test Reports isued by a third pat testing laboratory thats accreted to ISONEC 17025 shal be submited with the toner forthe purpose et, THLE: SPECIFICATION FOR TRV EXPULSION FUSE . ‘CUT-OUT Kenya Power (Drop out typey | Pope tat 1@ {echnical evaluation. A copy ofthe accrediation cerifese to ISONEG 17025 fr the testing laboratory shal aso be submited (an Engsh language). Copies of pe eet oport o be submited with the tender (by bidder) for evaluation shall be 28 tate: 2) Dialectic tests o IEC 002822 clause 11 (0, Power frequency withstand (imu dy and wet) (@ Lining impulse wistend (1 2850s) tests Table 2, no. 4 ofthis specication, Irteruying capt es to IEC 60262-2 - cause 13 Radio teterence test IEC 60497 Temperate rie east IEC 602022 - cloute 12. Potten parformancs tes 9 per EC 60507 (Sat spray corosion performance tess fr 1000 hous. (@ Soi ayer potion test Expenfabie cape shal be subject io slatc rele preseura tet fo ANSI 97.42- clause 227, Load tren taste to ANSI 37.41, couse 7. The ete shallbe made wn the manufacturers reconenended portable tad break device ‘The fuse cout shal be subject to acceptance test atthe manutacture’s works before spate, Acceptance tests shal be viessed by io Engineers apponied by The Kenya Power and ighing Company Lined (KPLC), ‘osteo be winessod by KPLC Engineers atthe factor before shipment shall bein _2ccordance wih ISO 146%, IEC 60282-2, IEC 60837, IEC 60607, ANSI C 37.42, ANSIC 37.41 ‘2nd this specicaon and sal incute: 8) Manus Operatontsis ) Dielectic esis, ©) Thermal Gee tst, 8) Bot Tague tests, ©) Insists, 1). Power tequency reference or low current ess 9) Gavarzaton ess. ‘On receipt the fuse tous, KPLC wilingpect them and may perform or have performed ‘any of he elevant tess in order overfycomplance wih the specteaton. The suppl shall replace wineut charge to KPLC fuse cutouls which upon examination, testo se fal © meet ‘ny orale the requlement in he spectiation. < Date T6TETT | Dae aTETE Te Doe Ne SPECIFICATION FOR ATRVEXPULSIONFUSE | Ravisen No ‘CUT-OUT Date oflasve (Drop outtype) | 6, MARKING, LABELLING AND PACKING ea Marking “The following lnfomatin salle marked indelibly anc legibly on each fuse cutout n English language 8) Manufacturer's name oc vademar: b) Manufacturer’ type desionaton; ) The year of manvtacure; 8) Rates curent {©} Rates volage and insulatonwithstng 1) The leer, KPLC™ NOTE: The marking shallbe onthe hase bases wel a onthe fuse cari. 62. Packing ach dropout fuse cutout shal be packed insvdually ina stong norreumable veoden {Zalel card boar bax in such manner to prevent damage to components during \ansperiaon and handing up o instalation ste Packing shat be desigres to prevent ent of dust, ingress of moisture and otner feign ‘materals. The mounting bracket may be packed sepsrataly 2s per the manulatuers {4screion. Each container shal hav the folowing infomation stance on itin Eras language. 8) Manufactures name, ) Country of rn ©) KPLG tem number 4) KPLC purchase order number. 2) Weight kos, 1) Handing insteton 19) Volage and curent rating 1) The wor, “The Property of Kenya Power and Lighting Company’. [NOTE: Dropout fuse culouts shal not be packed any organs materia t 7 DOCUMENTATION “The bidder shal submits onder completo with technical documents requied by Annex A (Guarantged Technical Paricular) fr tndor evaluation. The documents to be suited (all in Engle language) for tender evaluation shal include te folowog: 28) Guaranteed Technical Parculars uly fled and signed bythe manufacturer, “arorzed by amaze Sadar 7m SPECIFICATION FOR ‘TRV EXPULSION FUSE ‘CUT-OUT {Orop out type) ) Coples of he Manufciure's catalogues, brochures, drawings and techaical data: €) Sales rect for prevous fv years and reference les fam atleast fur of the custoners: {) etal of manufacturing capscty and the manuacture’s experince ©) Copies of required type tes cericates and type test reports by atid pat esting Isborioyaceredted to ISONEC 17028; 1, Copy ef aczrestaon cereale ISOEC 17025 ore ti pty testing borate: 9) Manutucture’'s warany and guaranee; 1) Manuictrr ator of author2ston, copy of he manufacturers ISO 0001:2008 certcate ‘and oer echrical documents requted inthe tender. “The success bier (supple) hal submit the following dacumentsdetals (rom the ‘manufactyer as per tenée to The Kenya Power & Lighting Company for approval before manuactve: 2). Gusrarteed Technical Particulars fly fled an signed by the manufacturer, ') Design drawings & constuction detail ofthe fuse cuoutHeliding 3-0 views; ©) Qualty assurance pan (QAP) tat wl be used to ensure tha the design, mato ‘workrranship, tess, service capably, mainenance and decumestaton wil ul the requirements site in the conract documents, standards, specticatans and epulaton. “The GAP shal be bated on and include elvant pas to full the requrements of ISO 200%:2008; Test Program tobe used ster manufac Markirg tas ond method tobe used in marking each fuse cutout Manufaclue’'s undertaking o ensure sdequacy ofthe desig, adherence to applicable regulators, standards and specfieaton, ensure geod workmanship and good engieering Dracte In the manufactre of the fuse cut for Te Kenya Power and ighing Company Lmtd: Packing details (including pactagng materials and martng and Wenticaton of ‘campenen packages. NOTE: The crawngs tobe submited bythe supple o KPL.C fr approval before manufacture shat ‘bo in stander fea leary inccaion drawing number. parts lst wth material detals & quarts, ‘stondardof maniac, ratings, approval details and dently of tre manufacture (9s per ‘manufacturers authorization submited during tendering). TW ‘SPECIFICATION FOR ‘ATKV EXPULSION FUSE ‘CUT-OUT (Drop out type) ‘OFFERED EXPULSION FUSE CUTOUTS (ote filed and signed by the Manufacturer and eubmited together with eleven copies ofthe Menufacture’s catalogues, brochures, drawings, technical dala, sles records fr past fv years, our cuntomer reference ltrs, detas of manufacturing capacly, tte manufactures experience, copies bof somplete type fet reports end accreditation cericate fo ISQMEC 17025 fore tira party testing Iatoratery fr tender evaluation, alm English Language) TENDER NO. _.BIODER'S NAME & ADDRESS Caw Description ‘Gis ofered "ao Manos & Coury ot dire fi pon Ws GAS Dengotiees "pada Rear Naor "Scope: Soper esr adeno oe Bn, nd WoFMaTSNOOOE tnoneung pecice ang adherence stoner epctetars ond topical etn n ie nontetre fhe elon fre caus fr xe ‘Design standards complied with ‘System conditions — Design and construction 424 Genera 42i1-42i4 422 Operaion jazei 4222 42.3 Neuning Ta Steet ess arm mounting a2aconsce 4241-4242 [425 Terminal eonneaton ~|42:7 Bie Faunalvernin Prooing 4274-4272 THLE: SPECIFICATION FOR ATV EXPULSION FUSE ‘CUT-OUT (Drop out type) Page TTD Highest Votage, KV ied eaiinuoue cia insults ive 3) _ Dry impulse winston (7215045) valiage postive and nogatve poaiy) (peak) ()_ ross te islting distance of he fuse bas, KVbeak (@) Ts earth and beineen poles, iVoeak = B)_Vietone (1) minute power frequency wiitand votage (ms) Ty Asoss isolating cstance ofthe fuse base, kVIms (WT earth and Betwoon pokes, Fated stort creat witstand curent of fuse base and cai, KA 16(3) Se ean es ee Tota erapage distance, Him, em ‘Mounting angle deorees Inieruptng ring ()___ Syme irrupbg rang (imum) ans WA (i) Aymara tempting rating (minuen) ms, XiR Taio Li Insult [Eira eye an hinge support outing bracket Upper baclup, Top coiadt ad Lnsd beak hook ‘Upper and Lower termina ‘Garosion protic 4321-4324 Dimers ‘mm ‘Bm |_ SPECIFICATION FOR ‘ATKV EXPULSION FUSE. | Redon Wao ‘CUT-OUT ea (Prop out type) l Page TBS Description CrP offered 1 705-131 3-13 a0 37 a5 Unt prevous customers ‘Guorerrefeencs ete S51 | Tea standards and responsi of carving oes 54 |Test reports fo be subi by supplier to KPLG for approval below sipment | ‘Replacement of rejeced fuse ovouls I tee Manutacture’s Wame, Signature, Stamp and Date ‘atorne By Namger Standards Dae HETEIT aS i Tie: Doc na | RICH STSPIOTT speciFicaTionror |“w*" |? ATRVEXPULSION FUSE “Ravioa Wo. [a CUT-OUT San Toe aHERET (or out) a ANNEX: LIST OF CONTRACTORS SN [em br Name of Fnee of Feo? designation | supplier manufacture | testing Inspection [Pee pa = = os 3 [Spine — [Peer = pared

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