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MAGESE) GA 7.6 N.C 12A 13.0 14.8 18.C 19.8 20.0 21.8 LERER IB SRAGAPIF ¢ That is my aunt. She is young and prety, 2ERERIA SRNWARHE ¢ Kevin is busy in the kitchen, He is making some tea. 3.ERERIC SUIUAEH + The men over there are my brothers. They are both great doctors 4 ERE ARMMAT + Hey! Don't feed the dog with cookies. It's too heavy. 5 ERBS:B ‘BLABAEHF © Which do you like, orange juice or fruit tea? CERERIA |__#RABABA + What time is your school play tonight? I'll go cheer for you. 1 ERB IC ‘UUEAEHG + I'm very thirsty. Can I have some water? RERERIB "83847 + Who are your parents playing tennis with? 9 ERER IA ALEVE = How old is your baby brother? ‘SIBAEA : Tean'tfind my bike, Do you sce it? 'M: I have two tickets to the magic show. Do you want to go with me? But [have lots of homework today. 13, BR OE 14, Ea TRALEE: 15, Ea SUT 16. EER: AURA + c M: Hey, Molly. What are you doing here in the park? W: I jog for one hour before work every morning. M: That's good for you. Do you enjoy jogging ‘on your own? Not really. In fact, 1 always jog with my brother, but he is out of town, see. Can Ijog with you next week? Sure. So see you next Monday at 6, What does the woman mean? é EC pee : Honey, it’s already 5:20. We need to leave in ten minutes, or we'll be late. I'm not ready yet. Isn’t Jerry’s birthday Party at 6:30? We still have lots of time, M: But we have to go to B&D Shop first to buy gift for Jerry, remember? W: Oh, you're right. Let me put on a jacket and then we ean go, : What is the man worrying about? 2 M: Why are there so many people in front of Moon Pictures? W: I think they are here to see Katherine Hopkins. M: The famous American actress? W: Yes, that’s her. Her new movie, Byes Behind the Camera, will be on today. M: No wonder. W: Like her a lot. Let's go and have a look ‘Q: What may Moon Pictures be? W: Hi, Jack, How’s your school going? Is everything OK in the UK? Mom, Dad, and I miss you a lot. You went on a trip to London last week, right? We want to see the photos of those beautiful buildings ‘and castles there. Please send us some, We're also on a vacation in Kenting, Dad is swimming, and Mom is buying a special birthday gift for you. You'll be happy when. you get it. Talk to you soon, Tammy. (Q: What can we know about Jack? 17, ERR EB ‘BULA M: w: M Ww: M: @ 18. ERBR EC ALAA W: M w: @ 19. ERSR IB SURAT ME: w: M: : Yes, there are two, Mama’ I's 6:15. I'm hungry. Let's eat out today. That's a great idea, Are there any Chinese restaurants near your house? Kitchen and Yummy, Mama’s Kitchen is in back of the bank, and Yummy is next to the supermarket Which one is your favorite? Mama’s Kitchen, of course, Let’s go there for dinner, ‘Where are the man and the woman going? Excuse me, sir. My soup is cold, and the lettuce in my salad isnot fresh, Oh, really? I'm really sorry. I come to your restaurant every weekend because the food here is very delicious. But T'm not very happy with the food today. Let me get you a new bowl of soup and salad. And your dinner today will be on us. W's free What isthe man? Lynn, what gift should we buy for Tim? How about an MP3 player? Come on, who will need that? Everyone listens to music on the Net That's right, How about buying him a cellphone case? He just got a cellphone from his dad last month. Sounds great! With a case, his cellphone won't get dirty easily. : Let's choose a blue case for him. That’s my favorite color. But that’s not his favorite. Everything in his room is green. ‘What gift will the man and the woman buy for Tim? Tom, where are you now? We're waiting for you at the train station. : I just got off the bus, and I'm walking to Star Train Station, But we're at Happy Train Station, not Star ‘Train Station, : Did I get off at the wrong stop? What should I do now? Why don't you take a taxi? And you get here in twenty minutes, : OK, I will meet you at 11: — Wilts ee Sey, er toy or something? W:No. It's a doghouse. I bought her a pink ‘cage, but she doesn’t like to stay in it. M: I'm just thinking about getting a cage for my pet dog. Can I buy it from you? 'W: You can just take it. Come pick it up at my place at7 p.m. today. @ What do we know about the man and the woman? 22, ERB EA BUMAFH + W: Andy, look! 1 just got a food package from ‘my grandma. There are two pumpkins, two fish, three kilos of beef, and my favorite fruit, guavas. Wait, there is also a small bag of coffee beans. The note here says it's a birthday gift for me. She is so sweet! I'm going to phone her and tell her “I ove her” now. Can you help me put these things into the refrigerator? Thank you, honey. : Which is NOT in the package? 3A 10.4 17.8 3 ORICYNIIE AC} 1.8 12.0 138 14.¢ 18.8 19.A 20.A 21.c BAGAEHT : Mr. Lin usually goes to work by car, not by bike. 2ERERIC TARA : Cindy wants to become a dentist when she 100s up. £ 3 ERER IA ‘SRALMFAT ¢ Jeff was cooking when Nancy called him. 4ERER IB HEA: The weather is great. Let’s go on a picnic. 5. EKER :C SALE: Where ae your brothers? 6 EKER IA ‘UIBAPH = Excuse me. How can I get to the MRT station? TERE TRALMEA > The puppy looks like a rabbit, right? SB EREKIC SRAGAEHT : How much time does it take you to finish the math homework? -ERER:B | R#GAEHF + Can you speak English well? What did you see before you heard someone shouting behind the truck? Gh) Ue BERL AS na 13. ERB B RAL Ken, come in here, please. ‘What's wrong, Miss Wu? Look at your homework. There are ‘many mistakes. Please fix them before 0 home today. But my mom wants me to go home pm. Il call her to let her know what All right. Why is Miss Wu angry at Ken? 14, RRR EC ‘ABABA + W: Hello, Dennis. Did you call me this moming? Yeah, what were you doing this morning? You didn’t answer my call. was swimming at that time. No wonder. In fact, I was calling to invite you to watch the latest movie with me because I got two free tickets. Really? When is You are too late. The movie is about to start in 5 minutes. : Where might the man be now? zz 15, EAR: SAAGAEHT + W: Did you hear about the terrible news? What news? The news about the two girls? : Yes. Twas so scared when I saw it on A bad guy with a sharp knife ran around i the night market and tried to hurt and kill people, The two little girls died becau they didn’t run fast enough. It should not happen agai ‘What happened tothe two girls? 16, ERB: 2484844 + W: How many points did you get last : About ten thousand, How about Ten thousand? So you won every ‘only got six thousand yesterday. i: Yeah, I guess I was just very night. Come on, you must know ‘me tonight, please. : Allright, Come to my : Hey, look! A car just hit the scooter and ran away. The young woman on the scooter is lying on the ground, Let’s help her. Hey, are you OK? Can you hear me? Oh no, she can’t answer me. : Let’s move her to the side of the road. : No, we shouldn't move her because that ‘may hurt her. Let’ call the police first. : What are the man and the woman going to do next? ‘What's that sound? It sounds like a cat I's coming from Mr. Lin’s house, but they don’t have a cat, Hold on. I know. It’s their new baby crying W: New baby? I didn’t know that M: They had the baby just a week ago, and they took her home yesterday. W: That's good news. We should visit them and bring gifts for the baby some time. Q: Where is that sound from? UELAEHT = W: Jamie, your lunchbox looks delicious, and it smells great, oo. Who made it for you? M: [made it on my own, W: Cool. I didn’t know you are good at cooking. Do you prepare your lunch every tay? M: No, I usually make it three times a week. ‘On Mondays and Thursdays, I have to Practice tennis after work, so I don't have time to cook. @: How often does the man play tennis after work? : How come you look so worried? Well, Katty is sick. Do you remember her? My 5-year-old black cat. OF course Ido. I’m so sorry about that. She was fine last time when I visited you, even played with her. What happened to her? ——W; Well, I guess I fed her too many times a _ day. She is too heavy now, so she got knee problems. 21, AER TC f SUIWMAF + Ws Hero Junior high Se school, Students ther classrooms all day to have many tests, either, classes, For example, class. In the class, the te enjoy their school life a fo always learn in a happy way. }: Which is true about the Junior High School? ‘A new hotel Ciao opened around t of Thomas Street and First Str Saturday. People can also enjoy Italian food in its restaurant. free. Also, if they order two plates spaghetti at one time, they just need for one Q: Which might be Ciao’s poster? 1.B 2c BC oA 15.A 16. 22.0, LERER: SUA 2LERER SOARES 3 ERER: TRAUB 4 ERER: BRAT: 5. ERER: BATHE 6 ERER: AUR = TEER: TREAT BERSR: SALA: 9. ERER: RAAT: 10, ERER: MET 1 ERER SAMRAT: 12, ERER: UM ART YS WS GC Gh ne 10.C 11.8 12A 13.B 14.0 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.8 21.8 B ‘The two boys are having a fight in the park What happened? :¢ The two ladies with sunglasses look like superstars A My cat learned to shake hands with me when she was four months old A Sandy is seared of the story which the old man is telling her. c ‘Are those beautiful pictures painted by Jim? A ‘Tina oes to the gymvat least five times a week: B What were you doing when the old man knocked on the door? i How many bags of tomatoes do you need 10 make the spaghetti? A How much time did it take you to do the homework? ce Jenny is the youngest in her family. She has two older brothers. B How old is the baby? She is so cute. A Haye you ever sat in an expensive car like this cone before? ED UMA mn € 13, ERB Rt B UA Wow! You have son }: Those robots are all Look, the yellow one that my father gave me on my birthday is my favorite, It looks like a bee, right? : Yes, it does. Well, [like the pink robot. It is so beautiful. ‘That one is from my mom. She likes pink very much, (@: What are the boy and the git! talking about? Ma EER A “WUE : M: In the USA, people use forks and knives fo have meals. When I studied in Japan, 1 found people there always use chopsticks to eat. But sometimes they use forks and knives to eat something like steak as well. How about people in your country? Do you use chopsticks? No, we don't, We usually use forks and spoons, but I leamed how to use chopsticks. ‘when Iwas in Japan, What is true? Ww: a 1S ERS A RALAEAT 2 Ws M: WwW: {Ineed to go home right now. =| ‘Why? You haven’t finished your dinner yet. But I have to throw the garbage away. I have been really busy these days, and it has been two weeks since I took out the garbage last time. ‘Two weeks? There must be lots of garbage in your house now. What time does the garbage truck come today? It comes at 7:30. L only have 15 minutes Jef ea : What time is it now? 3 2 e The Little Orange's Dream yesterday. did you get it? 1 went to several kstores yesterday, but the clerks said it sold out everywhere in the city 1 borrowed it from my friend, Jimmy. He ‘bought it abroad last week. so much that I have all of her books except this one, W: Pl ask him for you later Q: What is Mrs. Jason’s job? ERBR IA | BUBAEIF | W: Today is my son’s first day of school. I am so worried about him, M: How come? W: He was crying all the way from home to school even though I kept telling him how fun school would be. M: Don’t worry about it. My son was erying 80 badly on his first day of school as wel. And after he got some friends to play with hhim, he even wants to go to school on ‘weekends. Q: Who loves to go to schoo! now? 19. ERE EOC AHURA + W: Hank, did you see the strange sign on the side of the road? ‘M: No, I/didn’t. What sign? W: I's a yellow sign, and there is a picture of ‘a kangaroo on it. Also, it says “Next 2 km” {n the bottom of the sign. ‘M: Well, I think that sign tells us that we need to slow down because kangaroos might show up on the road. W: Oh, Isee. I'll drive slower. Q: Where might the man and the woman be? ae + W: I watched a fun video last night. ’s about the most interesting jobs in the ‘world. Among those jobs, I really want to ‘4 chocolate taster who tastes different 21, ERE R B ‘WUMAFHT ¢ W: Vince is an English teacher in Taiwan, He comes from Canada, He came here ten ‘years ago, In the beginning, he didn’t think. he would stay in Taiwan for so long. But after he came here, he fell in love with everything here. He likes the delicious food, the weather, the beautiful cites, and the way people live their lives. He even ‘got martied to a Taiwanese woman and had a lovely baby two years ago. For Vinee, Taiwan has become his home. @: How many years has Vince stayed in Taiwan? 22. ERER A ‘3K AFH ¢ W: Ashley and Elsa are twin sisters. They look very special because they share the same body. That is, there is only one body with two heads on it. When they were born, many doctors said they wouldn't live more than five years. But they are twenty years ‘old now. Although some people may think they are strange, they still enjoy every moment with each other and their family. Q: What do the twin sisters look like? ees 16 2A 30 4B 6C 6A 7.8 BA 9C 10B 1.6 12.6 138 14.06 15.B 16A 17.C 18B 19A 20.C 21.8 21.6 ERB IC ‘MURAL + The white watch looks cool, and it’s cheaper. 2ERERIA ‘UMAEH ¢ Daniel has many kinds of hobbies. One of them is flying a kite in the park, 3.ERERIC ‘SRAMARAT © Steve is a lazy boy. He is lying on the couch and watching TY. 4 ERER IB ‘ALATAT © The cathad a big meal before i slept S.ERERIC ‘MOMLARAF + Is this seat taken? 6 BRERA ‘RALAEAF + I'm sorry about what I said to you the other night. TE a ‘SAUILHF + Did you go swimming often? RERERIA ‘RAUIA : Excuse me. Can you show me the way to the nearest market? 9. ERER IC 32H08FH ¢ Can we play something else? The card game is so boring. 10. eae: BAUAEH + Twas very stupid to lend my little brother the ‘music player. 11 ERBR=C SULAEHT £ OK, everyone. Now that we all know how important this history reports, lets do our best. What do you say? because you have done too M: w: M: ze 14, ERB RC ULAR: W: # 15, ERR : a: 25% OF efses 16, EER: AEE Hey, Timothy. Come here a minute, will you? : Sure. What's the matter? Is this coffee machine broken or something? Well, let me check... It doesn’t work, does it? No. I think we need to get a new one. Yeah. Let me put an “out of order” sign on it first ‘What will the man and the woman do next? Well, Mr. Smith, I’m leaving now. I just came to say goodbye to you for the last time. I'm sorry to see you leave, Evelyne, You are a very good worker, May you have a new life with your future husband, ‘Thank you so much, Mr. Smith. And good luck to you, too. ‘Thank you, Evelyne. Why did Evelyne give up her job? It’s so hot today! ‘You're right. Let me check my app. Oh, it is38.5°C. ‘Oh, my! Will it be hot all week? Well, this weather app says so. : Then we'd better stay inside. Good idea. Let’s drink something cold. ‘What is the woman probably looking at? : Tell me, Ricky. Which pair do you like better? told you... I think both pairs are nice. 1 just can’t decide which to buy. The black shoes go well with my dress. But the red pair looks so special and pretty. Come on! Make up your mind. Our movie will startin ten minutes Where are the man and the woman now? Hello, Mr. James. This is Sherry Lin from Wonderful Studio. Please remember you have an interview with Mr. Dawson at 1:30 p.m, tomorrow. Mr. Dawson must leave the office at 2 pm. to go to the airport. So please don’t be late, or you might not see ride « YouBike along the river to from Yuanshan MRT Station? We ‘bathroom breaks. W:['m fine with it. Then how about going M: We can take the MRT or a bus. Either will do. W: OK, Let’s go then, @: How will the man and the woman go to Tamsui? 19. ERER IA RALMLHE + W: Welcome back, Ben. I'm sorry to hear about your father. It’s never easy to lose a parent. M: Yes, it is hard. My mom is taking it prety hard, to. W: I'm sorry for you, too. You and your dad were pretty close. Anyway, I am thinking of you. ‘Thank you, Jennifer. (Q: What happened to the man? 20. ERE RIC {+ M: Hey, Nora, What are you reading? ‘An e-mail from a department store. In fact, ‘went there for an interview last Thursday. And, I got the job. M: That's great! I'm glad for you "W: Thanks, Jack. I can't believe I finally got one after looking for ajob for over a month. _M: But you made it, didn’t you? ~ Q: How does the woman feel now? 21, EER B RAAB: M: 22, EER UM ART: wa Chris. It’s Edward, After talking with my wife, we decided NOT to put a television in our new room. We seldom watch TV. But we need two desks. Please put one in front of the window and the other by the bed. Oh, I almost forgot one thing. We want a king-size bed. Just put it in the comer. Thanks! See you this Saturday ‘morning. ‘Which picture shows Edward's new room? Mom, can I go to the mo friends tonight? No, you may not. You've seen two movies this week Please, Mom. Please let me go. I'll do anything you want me to. Will you clean the house this aftemoon? Hmm... OK, I'll finish it before Igo. ss with my, /: OK. It's adeal. You can go. }: What can we know about the boy? I 1A 8B 15.8 22.C LERSR TRUM 2c oA 16.4 2. ERER BAU EAT S EKER RAMA 4 EREE: SRB 5. ERER: RAE 6. ERER SRA 1 ERER: SALE 8. EMER: LAE: 9 ERER AEE 10. ERB R : RAAT 1. ERBR RAEI 12. EMER: TAT 3.C 4.0 5/5) s 0) Almuzmas 10.0 11.B 12A 13A 14.6 17.C 18.C 19A 20.A 21.B A After Gina's father bought her a computer, she used it to play games every day. c We didn't go shopping because of the heavy rain, ce Although it’s not good for Sandy’s eyes, she stil ]ikes to read on her bed. c ‘The man in a cap and a vest is the strongest of the three people. B How often do you go to the library? A Excuse me: May I sit here? © don't think I can pass the math test. B Where are you going to have lunch with Tim? A ‘Who's the little boy jumping around over there? c Have you ever been to Japan? B ‘When did you last wash Mimi? A Could you tell me who you gave the package 0? jood afternoon. What can I do for you? think this old man got lost, so 1 took ‘him here. M: Where did you meet him? 'W: At the bookstore on the corner. I have asked about his name and where he lives, but I don’t think he remembers anything. M: Don't worry. We'll take care of him. ‘Thank you for bringing him here. Q: Where are they? 14, ERBR EC SU ‘Sam, do you see my favorite white sweater? M: Hmm... It’s right here... W: What? What did you do to it? Its color is now gray! M: 'm sorry. I washed it with my black pants last night. W: Make it white again, or buy me a nicer sweater, (Q: What do we know about the sweater? 15, EER: B ‘BULLAE © M: What do you think about Steve Byer’s The Last Class? \W; It’s interesting and touching, but it's not my favorite, [even knew that Jane would leave the school before I finished the story M: Really? What happened in the end was quite surprising to me. W: Well, maybe I have read too many of Steve's books. ‘@: What does Steve Byer do? 16. 2RER EA ‘BUGAEH + W: Look! I finally bought this beautiful 4,000-dollar dress. How? I thought you only had 2,000 dollars. ‘Was it on sale? W: No, John went shopping with me, and he Jent me 2,000 dollars. How are you going to give him the money Pes ia ‘about walking home? Afler eating so taking a walk is good for our health. 4 : M: Who’s the short man over there? W: Where? I don’t see anyone over there. M: He is in the middle of Benson’s farm, and he is in an orange hat. He looks so strange. ‘We should tell Benson about this W: Oh, it’s not a man. It’s a scarecrow. Benson made him yesterday. M: Why does Benson need something like that? W: There are too many birds eating Benson's "vegetables these days, and a scarecrow can - keep the birds away. Q: Whatis a scarecrow? ‘ME: Ljust checked on the Intemet. The movi onat9 a.m, 12:30 p.m., and 7 p.m. fou know I'm not an early bird. __M: How about 12:30? We can have Junch first. __ W: Then I'll be too full to enjoy the popcorn when watching the movi ‘Then let's watch the 7 p.m. one. the movie is about three hours long. 1 -want to be home late. 0 Ido! All right, I'l get up early. 20. EER SAAR: 2 ERBR AMARA A a |W: Baby, what happened? You look }: Mom, when can I have my own room? I tired of sharing a room with Cathy. ' Did she do anything last night? almost every day. She always uses my and even plays with my robots wit asking me first. : Well, o share pens and toys with your: doesn’t sound like a bad like it. Who is Cathy? Dear all, it has been a long time since we hhad our last family meeting. We are here — to talk about the time to use the bathroom. ‘We only have one bathroom, and everyone needs to use it in the morning, Jessie, I know you have to wash your hair in the moming, but maybe you can dry it in your room, so the others can use the bathroom. Danny, don’t play games on your cellphone when you are brushing your teeth, Please follow the rules, so everyone can be on time for work and for school. ‘Q: What do we know about this family? c W: Hey Nancy, I’m sorry that T ean’t join the dancing show with you this Friday. My ‘grandpa was sent to the hospital last ni My parents are in the US, so I have to go back to take care of my grandpa. 1 jus bought the train ticket, and I don't can be back before Friday. Thank ‘much for teaching me how to dance. know how bad I was at dancing, and I learned a lot from you in the past m hhope we ean join the show next show?

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