A Comparison of Institutional Theory and Contingency Theory

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International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies

Volume 8, Issue 8, 2021, PP 14-17

ISSN 2694-6296
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22259/2694-6296.0808003

A Comparison of Institutional Theory and Contingency Theory

Chen Xiao*1, Chen Wanxin*2
Management School, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen 518055, China
Management School, Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, Shenzhen 518172, China
*Corresponding Author: Chen Wanxin, Management School, Shenzhen Institute of Information
Technology, Shenzhen 518172, China.

Contingency and institutional theory represents two popular theories in the area of organizational studies.
However, institutional theory questions the practicability and rationality of contingency theory. This paper
compares the two theories from four aspects: the core argument, the change mechanism, the application of
academic research and the methodology of the application of the two theories. Both theories can take into
account internal and external factors when describing organizational change, so they have been widely
recognized in organizational research. Contingency theory is a functional interpretation, which emphasizes
achieving high performance by maintaining the adaptability and consistency of organizational structure and
situational variables, while institutional theory is a cognitive and cultural interpretation.

INTRODUCTION institutional theory that denies the model of the

rational actor and shifts towards a cognitive and
Contingency and institutional theory represents cultural explanation. This contrasts with the old
two popular theories in the area of
institutional theory that emphasizes the
organizational studies and both claim that
relationship between organization and governance
organizational change is a response to both
rather than the interaction between culture and
internal and external factors. Contingency
organization(Selznick 1996). The bounded
theory was widely used from the 1950s to the rationality, which is considered to be the socially
1970s, challenging the classical universalistic constructed mind, helps organizations cope with
organizational theory that there is one best way
uncertainty (Selznick 1996).
to manage the organizations(Donaldson 2001).
It argues that the characteristics of the This paper identifies the differences between
organization are influenced by both external and these theories and then compares their strengths
internal factors, which are the situational and weaknesses to present a better
contingencies (Donaldson 2001). The understanding of these theories. In doing so, this
characteristics of the organization include the paper compares the central arguments,
structure, leadership, decision-making process, mechanisms towards change, applications in
and human resource management (Donaldson academic studies and methodologies applied to
2001), but this paper focuses on the both theories.
organizational structures. The central argument of structural contingency
Institutional theory challenges the functionalism theory focuses on the alignment of the
and rationalism of contingency theory organizational structure and situational
(Donaldson 2001) and provides a rich and contingencies(Donaldson 2001). It stresses the
multifaceted view of organizations(Zucker “fit” state of this alignment and assumes that the
1987). It points out that though the strategic highest organizational effectiveness can be
decisions made by shareholders heavily achieved when the alignment reaches fit state.
influence organizational change, authorities There are three primary contingencies in the
outside the organization also exert great literature, including environment(Burns &
influence on such changes(Selznick 1996; Stalker 1961), organizational size(Child 1975),
Zucker 1987). In an institutional context, and strategy(Donaldson 2001). The change of
organizations are pressured to become each of these contingencies will change certain
increasingly similar and that this is not levels of the organizational structure. In terms of
voluntary (Zucker 1987). There is a shift in environment, organizations are suggested to

International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies V8 ● I8 ● 2021 14

A Comparison of Institutional Theory and Contingency Theory

adopt a mechanical structure, which is routine- theory emphasizes the collective and social
based, when the environment is stable, while the rationality, based on cognitive and cultural
organization adopts organic structure, which explanation. Comparatively, institutional theory
advocates participatory management way, when takes more account of the organization’s long-
the environment is unstable(Burns & Stalker term interest(Meyer & Rowan 1977; Selznick
1961).Regarding organizational size, large 1996).
companies are suggested to take a bureaucratic
structure, while smaller companies should take a Originally, the mechanism governing how the
simple, centralized, unbureaucratic structure organizations adapt themselves to the different
(Child 1975). With regard to strategy, contingencies was understood as a causal or
companies with an undiversified strategy are deterministic relationship between contingency
capable of achieving a higher performance when and structure. For example, the size of the
they take a functional structure, such as a organization determines whether the
department of marketing, human resource organization takes on a bureaucratic structure or
management, accounting, and so on. With a not. However, some scholars challenged this
diversified strategy, organizations are suggested static mechanism and proposed a more dynamic
to adopt a divisional structure, in which the way to understand this, resulting in the SARFIT
department is based on its different services and model(Donaldson 2001). The organization is
products. In contingency theory, organizations initially situated in a fit status, having a structure
are assumed to be performance-oriented and that fits its existing level of contingency
fully capable of attaining high performance. It is variables, in which its structure is positively
also the dominant view of corporations that the related with its performance. When this
shareholders in voluntary association are the contingency changes, the performance becomes
only members that matter (Selznick 1996). unsatisfactory because the organization retains a
However, this dominant view may not be true misfit structure. Therefore, the organization
when scholars regard the corporation as an makes an adaptive change to regain fit
institution. They consider all the relevant status(Donaldson 2001). Based on the dynamic
stakeholders rather than only the shareholders model, Donaldson (2001)proposed a theory of
and the sensitivity of the organization to outside performance-driven change. Integrated with risk
authorities (Selznick 1996). concept and portfolio theory, Donaldson
(2001)argued that the business cycle,
A change of the organizational structure competition, debt, and divisional risk all
happens in the institutional field where those increase organizational change, where the
organizations that create a recognized area of organization finally reaches the quasi-fit status.
institutional life and tend to generate similar This view makes the contingency mechanism a
products and services, which finally results in more realistic guide for managers to implement.
the phenomena of isomorphism (DiMaggio &
The mechanism of institutional theory is
Powell 1983). Institutional theory is "a widely
realized through mimetic, normative, and
accepted theoretical posture that emphasizes
coercive processes that can influence
rational myths, isomorphism, and legitimacy” organizational structure, climate, and
(Scott 2008), in which, legitimacy is the core behavioural focus (DiMaggio & Powell 1983).
and imperative of institutional theory and A mimetic process refers to adopting or
justifies that organizations adopt certain kinds of imitating others’ successful responses to
structures because they want to gain a high uncertainty. Normative pressure stems primarily
degree of resilience rather than effectiveness from professionalism, which owns the authority
(Selznick 1996; Zucker 1987). Maintaining a to explain the uncertainty and provide
“stable” state is the objective of the organization guidelines to shape an organization’s behaviour.
(Zucker 1987). Especially when the goal of The third pressure is coercion, which is
organization is ambiguous and the environment generally central to state legitimation, such as
is uncertain, it is more likely for the government mandate, laws, and regulations
organizations to adopt some rules passively and (DiMaggio & Powell 1983; Zucker 1987). Once
take on a successful structure to avoid the the elements of organizations is
uncertainty and risks (DiMaggio & Powell institutionalized, they will maintain over long
1983). As a result, contingency theory stresses periods of time without further justification or
an individual organization’s rationality toward elaboration, becoming highly resistant to change
the structural change of the organization, which (Zucker 1983).However, since the source of the
is a functional explanation, whereas institutional institutional elements are uniformly generated

15 International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies V8 ● I8 ● 2021

A Comparison of Institutional Theory and Contingency Theory

externally, the creation of a new social order Chen & Alexander 2014) methods have been
seems problematic, which is in an infinite used in research based on the institutional theory
regression to god rather than addressing the perspectives.
organizational problems (Zucker 1987).
Contingency theory challenges the classical
Therefore, the role of the individual as an
organizational theory argument that “maximum
“institutional entrepreneur” has been recognized
organizational performance results from
and such entrepreneurs change the game and
maximum formalization and specialization”
bring in the new games through their
(Donaldson 2001). Furthermore, variables of
entrepreneurship (DiMaggio 1988; Meyer &
contingency have been empirically tested, which
Rowan 1977).As a consequence, both theories
lays a foundation for theoretical advancement
argue that internal needs are the source of
(Donaldson 2001). Despite these strengths,
organizational change. However, the force
contingency theory can’t explain why some
strengthening the change in contingency theory
organizations adopt the discipline structure
is driven by performance, while the force
passively. Additionally, the variables of
strengthening the change in institutional theory
contingency are so diversified and difficult to
is driven by powerful agents outside the
unify into the theory (Donaldson 2001).
Moreover, the empirical estimation of the effect
The research questions that contingency theory of fit on performance is challenged by
can resolve are indicated as the influence of fit unreliability, range restriction, and confounds,
on performance, contingency adaption process, which makes some empirical outcome less
contingency elements in theory-creation and pervasive (Donaldson 2001).
relationship between contingency factors and
For institutional theory, most studies use degree
aspects of the organization they affect
of control by the state, via law, regulation, or
(Donaldson, 2001). On the other hand, the
resource flow as the measure of the degree of
research focus of institutional theory includes
institutionalization. This is global and invariant
the institutional environment, the degree of
across organization, comparative studies is
institutionalization, the cause of
recommended to be conducted to see their
institutionalization, and the consequences of
influences on organizations. Furthermore, it is
institutionalization (Zucker 1983). Furthermore,
difficult to distinguish institutional from
institutional theory has been generally shaped
resource dependent explanations (Zucker 1987).
with various studies in sociology, social
In addition, the old and new institutionalism
psychology, economics, and political science,
encourage an undesirable priority in discussing
largely focusing on the constant structure of
polarities and polemics, which interferes with
social systems at various levels (i.e.
the advancement of understanding and hinders
organization, society, and the world) and the
the quest for a more effective and cooperative
effect of institutional processes in conflict
systems in managing organization (Selznick
(Donaldson 2001).
The methodology used in contingency theory is
quantitative research, which empirically tests
the relationship between different variables of In conclusion, this article sheds light on the
contingency and the organizational structure. differences between contingency theory and
For example, there is a few empirical study institutional theory by comparing their central
validating the relationship that contingency fits arguments, mechanisms, research applications,
positively affect organizational performance and methodologies. Both theories are popular in
(Donaldson 2001). For some exploratory studies organizational studies for their success in
based on contingency theory perspective, case explaining organizational change towards
studies are applied to gain insight about the internal and external elements. Contingency
organization and the environment (McAdam, theory is a functional-based explanation that
Miller & McSorley 2016; McGrandle 2017). tries to maintain the fit alignment between
Institutional theory, however, uses deductive organizational structure and situational variables
methods (DiMaggio & Powell 1983; Meyer & to attain high performance, while institutional
Rowan 1977) to generate hypotheses about the theory is a cognitive and cultural explanation.
relationships among legitimacy forces, degree of The increasingly invariant mix of organizational
institutionalization, and organizational survival. structure, climate, and behavior result from
Both quantitative (Badewi & Shehab 2016; Li, external authorities, which contributes to the
Li & Cai 2014) and interpretive (Marie Doherty, long-term survival of the organization. Mixed

International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies V8 ● I8 ● 2021 16

A Comparison of Institutional Theory and Contingency Theory

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Citation: Chen Xiao & Chen Wanxin, “A Comparison of Institutional Theory and Contingency Theory”,
International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies. 8(8), 2021, pp 14-17. DOI:
Copyright: © 2021 Chen Xiao & Chen Wanxin, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
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17 International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies V8 ● I8 ● 2021

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