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VED 105 (Activity 1)

Rowena B. Pedrajas
Communication is the cornerstone of human relationships, playing a pivotal
role in both intra and interpersonal connections. Intra-personal communication,
the way we communicate with ourselves, impacts our self-esteem, self-awareness,
and overall mental well-being. Self-talk and introspection are crucial tools for
personal growth and emotional regulation. When we engage in positive self-
dialogue and reflect on our thoughts and emotions, we gain a deeper understanding
of ourselves, helping us make informed decisions and manage stress effectively.

On the other hand, interpersonal communication is the lifeblood of our

social interactions. Effective communication skills are essential in building and
maintaining healthy relationships with others. It involves not only expressing one's
thoughts and feelings but also active listening and empathetic understanding. When
we communicate openly and honestly with friends, family, or colleagues, we foster
trust and mutual respect. This, in turn, paves the way for more meaningful and
fulfilling connections, as well as the resolution of conflicts through constructive

Communication is undeniably vital in both intra and interpersonal

relationships. It is the bridge that connects us to our inner selves and to the world
around us. By honing our communication skills and cultivating self-awareness, we
can improve our self-esteem and mental well-being. Effective interpersonal
communication enables us to build strong and lasting bonds with others, enriching
our lives with deeper connections and mutual understanding. After all, we are in a
world where relationships are a cornerstone of happiness and success.

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