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The enzymes present in the saliva convert

A. fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
B. starch into simple sugars.
C. proteins into amino acids.
D. complex sugars into simple sugars.

2. Muscular contraction of alimentary canal are

A. Circulation
B. Digestion
C. Peristalsis
D. Churning

3. The liver produces which of these enzymes?

A. Amylase
B. Trypsin
C. Lipase
D. None of these

4. The walls of the large intestine absorb which of these?

A. Cellulose
B. Digested food
C. Oxygen
D. Water

5. In a mug that contains water at 40°C, an iron ball which is 40°C is dropped. Mention the flow
of heat:

A. Flow from the iron ball to water

B. Will not flow from water to iron ball or from iron ball to water

C. Will flow from the water to the iron ball

D. Both the temperatures increase

6. Why stainless steel pans that we use at home is are provided with copper bottoms? The
reason might be:

A. Such type of pans appear to be colorful

B. Copper is a much better conductor of heat than that of stainless steel

C. Copper is much easier to clean after use when compared to that stainless steel

D. Copper bottoms in pans are more durable.

7. The diagram below represents a sample of air.

A. An element

B. A compound

C. A mixture of elements

D. A mixture of compounds

8. The diagram shows the atomic structure of an element X. What is X?

A. Aluminium

B. Beryllium

C. Boron

D. Fluorine

Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.

1. Assertion: Sea breeze blows during daytime.

Reason: The air above the sea is hot and move towards land.
2. Assertion: An atom is the smallest particle in an element that has the properties of the
Reason: Molecules are formed by the combination of two or more atoms.

Give one word for the following.

i. A good conductor of heat

ii. The SI unit of heat-
iii. The instrument used to measure the temperature-
iv. The transfer of heat from hotter part to a colder part of an object due to vibration of a
v. Building blocks of proteins.
vi. It protects the lining of the stomach
vii. Horizontal row in a periodic table
viii. It secretes pancreatic juice.

Short answer Questions

1. Draw a neat labelled diagram of Human digestive system.

2. Draw the electronic configuration of fluorine.
3. What are the steps for nutrition in animals?
4. Put these organs in the correct order to show the stages of the digestive system:
large intestine>>>> mouth>>>> small intestine>>>> stomach>>>> oesophagus

1. Identify the picture and comment

Directions: Read the paragraph and identify the correct words

Changes, Celsius decreases,increases,effects,temperature,low, high, Fahrenheit,thermometre

Heat transfer produces ………… in materials. These changes bring………. One of the major effects of
heat transfer is the change in…………Heating …………..the temperature while cooling…………….it.heat
naturally flows from and objecte that has a ………. Temperature to an object that has a
…………..temperature. …………… is the most common tool for measuring temperature. Many
thermometers use two different temperature scales: ………………..and …………………..

The diagram shows the positions of some elements in the Periodic Table. Complete the following

(a) The elements in the Periodic Table are arranged in order

of ...............................................................................................
(b) The symbol for Sodium is…………………
(c) Which element comes before and after Chlorine.
(d) Which atom has the electronic configuration 2.8.3.
(e) Define valence electrons

Read the passage and answer the following

Stomach is a thick- walled bag. Its shape is like a flattened J shaped and it is the widest part of the
alimentary canal. It receives food from the food pipe at one end and opens into the small intestine at
the other. The inner lining of the stomach secrets mucous, hydrochloric acid and digestive juices.
The mucous protects the lining of the stomach. The acid kills many bacteria that enter along with the
food and makes the medium in the stomach acidic and helps the digestive juices to act. The digestive
juices break down the proteins to simpler substances.

1. The stomach is a …………………… bag

a. Thin walled
b. Thick walled
c. J shaped
d. Round
2. The …………….. protects the lining of the stomach.
a. Fluid
b. Membrane
c. Mucous
d. None of these.
3. Which is the widest part of alimentary canal of the human digestive system that used for
churning of food in the body?
a. Liver
b. Intestine
c. Stomach
d. Foodpipe
4. What is the function of acid in the stomach?

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