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School of Business

BUS 314 AB2, Recruitment & Selection

Fall 2023
Monday 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm

Important dates See

Faculty Dr. Masud Khawaja

Contact (please use your student UFV email address for
correspondence with the instructor)

Office hours W 11 am – 3 pm (since I am teaching several courses/sections, please email in

advance to confirm the online appointment so that I access the assigned virtual
classroom and avoid time conflict with another student)

Prerequisite(s) 45 university-level credits, including BUS 201

Students will learn about employment law, how to construct accurate job descriptions,
how to identify and attract qualified candidates, and how to develop reliable and valid
description techniques for screening and selection. Students will be introduced to theoretical
perspectives and contemporary research.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

LO 1. Identify the federal and provincial legislation affecting the processes of
outcomes recruitment and selection
LO 2. Describe the process by which an accurate and useful job description is
LO 3. Apply the knowledge of job descriptions to develop job postings and
LO 4. Identify appropriate labour markets for recruitment and be able to develop
recruitment campaigns targeted to those markets
LO 5. Create interview strategies based on sound selection principles
LO 6. Apply common methods of collecting information about job candidates and/or
distinguishing between candidates (e.g. testing, reference checks)
LO 7. Critically evaluate the recruitment and selection practices being used by

Catano, V.M., Hackett, R.D. & Wiesner, W.H. (2022). Recruitment and Selection in
Required Canada (Eighth Edition). Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd. (Required textbook/ ebook)
Technology Requirements:
• Fast, stable network connection: 50-100 mpbs download, 5-10 mbps upload
• Wi-Fi 5Ghz connections are preferred over 2.4 Ghz. Please do not rely on wireless
connections in public places such as coffee shops, malls etc.
• No Dial-up: You should not rely on dial-up connections at all
• USB headset/microphone/speakers and webcam
• Desktop or laptop computer on the current versions of Windows or Mac OS
• Use Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox: with pop-up blockers off, JavaScript & cookies
enabled and cache cleared. Each time you log into a class session, you affirm that you
have a stable internet connection and that your computer’s microphone and webcam
are working properly. You cannot continue with the course unless you meet the
technology requirements.
For a full list please see:

Supplemental Additional readings may be posted on the course website hosted on the learning
resources management system Blackboard or provided to students in class

Methods of %
evaluation Individual Project – Written Reflection Assignment 5%
Individual Project - Presentation 5%
In Class Activities 1 & 2 (7.5% each) 15%
Group Project - Paper 10%
Group Project - Presentation 10%
Class Participation 10%
Exams 1, 2 & 3 (15% each) 45%

Grades are a measure of the performance of a student in individual courses. To succeed

in the course, attend all classes, participate in class discussions, make note of class
lectures and discussions, presentations, review the slides and read the book chapters.
Focus on understanding the course and topic principles in a way that lets you apply
them to real-world situations. Students are however not expected to read the relevant
book chapter before they are covered in class. Group comprised of approximately 4 to
6 members (depending on class size) will be formed by students (and to be approved
by the instructor) who will work collectively on In-Class Activities and Group Project. The
instructor at his discretion may change/add/remove group members at any time during
the course (and so the final membership of a particular group may range from 2 to 7).

Explanation of Course Evaluation Criteria:

Performance evaluation in the course is comprised of the following components:

Individual Project - Written Reflection (5%) and Presentation (5%)

The students are expected to have a basic understanding of what Recruitment and
Selection entails by the third week of class. For this Individual Project students will
share any interesting aspect of their personal experience of their hiring process that

they have encountered while starting a new job and relate it to the knowledge gained in
the course so far. The grading rubric for the project (both written and presentation) has
been provided in the syllabus appendix.

Written Reflection Assignment:

The assignment should be written as a reflection in an informal style, and not like a
typical academic paper for an academic audience. This reflection should take the form
of a blog post. Feel free to integrate texts, images, and quotations as necessary. The
idea is to give voice to your personal recruitment and selection experience(s) that you
found interesting, as well as to start thinking about recruitment and selection more
critically. To help guide your reflection think about these probing questions: What steps
were taken during the process? What went well during the experience? What do you
think could have been improved? How do you relate your experiences to the learning in
the course to date?

The length of the written piece should be a minimum of 500 words, double spaced, and
12-font Times New Roman with one-inch page margins.

Each student should also be prepared to do a 1-minute and 30 seconds power point
presentation on that experience on 16 Oct. Essentially you will be graded on facets
related to the relevant content of the presentation i.e. the recruitment and selection
experience description which should relate to the understanding that you have gained
about the subject in the first few weeks of the course. You will also be evaluated on
presentation skills (such as structure and clarity of the presentation, eye contact and
audibility, effective use of presentation aids, etc.). You should refer to other sources to
substantiate your position, such as peer-reviewed journal articles, HR practitioner
publications or major newspapers e.g., New York Times, Wall Street Journal etc.).

Those unable to present on 16 Oct due to extenuating circumstances may present on

23 Oct with the instructor’s prior permission. No make-up will be given and you may get
a zero if you fail to present on either 16 Oct or 23 Oct.

The students must email the professor their (1) Written Reflection Assignment in
word.doc and (2) Power Point presentation saved in pdf format (total 2 slides only) 4
days prior to the presentation. The presentation should highlight the main aspects of
the reflection paper. Any substantive material not included in the written reflection
assignment may not be graded if mentioned in the presentation. If you fail to submit
both assignments by 2:30 pm on 03 Oct you may be penalized for marks because of
late submission or not allowed to submit/ present and consequently receive a zero.
Please note that Powerpoint transitions, animations etc. do not work on Blackboard.
Further details about Individual Project may be given in the first few weeks of the

Activities (15%)

Two activities will be assigned. They will have equal weightage of 7.5% each towards
the final course grade (making a total of 15%).

This is a group activity. The graded activities may consist of chapter questions, mini
case analyses, exercises etc. Each activity will entail a written output that will be
evaluated and is to be emailed at the end of the activity, unless otherwise specified by
the instructor. Credit for participation will be given only to those students who attend the
class and participate in the activity. No make-up will be given for a missed In-class
activity and you will get a zero if you are absent. If a group does not submit the
requisite product at the end of the applicable class, all group members will be given a
zero for that activity. Further descriptions of these activities may be given in class
during the course. The dates for these activities have been identified in the Class

Group Project – Paper (10%) and Presentation (10%)

In most business environments, individuals are required to work in groups, and it is
therefore important to demonstrate the ability to work with and manage people in
teams. Groups may be assembled during several sessions in class. Students will
choose their own group members (refer to page #2). Each group will choose a group
leader who will be the point-person for communication with the instructor regarding
group assignments/projects. The groups should discuss and formulate a written
agreement for within group work. All group members should be involved in the
planning, preparation and execution phases. The group members and group leader are
to self-manage their group work, so that all team members put in the required effort and
avoid social loafing. Please do not email the instructor about issues related to group
management. The group members are to self-manage and resolve any issues by
themselves. Generally all group members involved in writing the paper and
participating during the presentation will receive the same grade for each portion of the
project respectively, however, if a majority of the group members choose to submit a
negative peer review of another group member (peer review form attached) then the
instructor may deduct 20% of the student’s marks allocated to the group in this project.
As part of the group project, you will write a paper and give a formal presentation in
class about a specific issue of interest related to recruitment and selection in the
workplace in a particular industry/company. Your project topic should be focused. Your
topic should mention the following two:
1) Company name/industry e.g., healthcare, pharmaceuticals, automobile
manufacturing, restaurant etc.
2) Issue e.g., Lack of opportunities for women in higher managerial positions,
Affirmative Action, Diversity hiring etc.
The following are sample complete topics to assist you in developing four project topics
for submission to the instructor:
1) The need for affirmative action in hiring police officers in Canada
2) The ethics of screening applicant’s social media accounts for hiring executives
in the banking industry
Each group leader will need to email the instructor (and cc other group members) four
topics on or before 10 Oct; this is to avoid duplication of projects. The topic domains
chosen should ideally relate to the personal experiences of one or more group
members. The instructor will assign any one of the four submitted topics or a different
topic to a group at his discretion. The instructor will subsequently inform the groups
about their assigned topic and paper submission and presentation dates.

You will write a paper that will essentially be a critical analysis of the existing literature
and the future as it relates to the topic that your group has chosen for the project. For
the paper you will examine and synthesize relevant scholarly texts to explore your topic
in depth. You will draw on your sources in the paper to support your claims. The grade
for your paper will be based generally on (a) the quality and clarity of your writing, (b)
the accuracy of the citations and references, (c) use of proper format (i.e., APA style),
and (d) the completeness of each section. (A detailed rubric is attached with the

Word count of the paper (excluding title page and references) is 2750 (+/- 250 words).
Students are required to use headings to organize their report.

Suggested minimum section lengths are:

- Introduction, 200 words minimum
- Literature Review (Description of cited studies) - 1750 words minimum
- Analysis – 600 words minimum
- Conclusion – 200 words minimum

The format of your paper should conform to the specifications listed below:
- Use 1-inch margins on all sides
- Text must be continuously double-spaced (i.e., no extra spaces between
- Left-line justification only (i.e., align left)
- Indent the first line of each paragraph by 0.5 inches
- Font size and type will be, respectively, 12-point Times New Roman
- Use APA format for citing works in your text and for listing them in your
reference section. See the web site listed next for more information and
- You must cite in your paper and provide references of at least 15 academic
sources published in North America in the last ten years. All cited works must
be published in either in print (e.g., book chapters) or online (e.g., an electronic
research journal). Citing magazine or newspaper articles or general web sites
(e.g., .html, .com, .edu) in your paper will not count towards the minimum
number of academic references required. Internet information sites, such as
Wikipedia, thus should not be cited.
- Please do not “cut-and-paste” tables or figures from electronic documents
(sources) into your paper. This is copyright-protected material. You may use
your words to describe those tables and figures.

Each group should prepare a 20-25 minute presentation for this component of the
evaluation. The presentation should primarily be based on the substance (not the
format) of the written paper of the project. In the presentation you should talk about the
relevance and importance of the topic, critical analysis of the literature, strengths and
weakness/limitations of suggested solutions, and future directions. For enhancing the
quality of information, include discussion of related academic research studies and,
after weighing all the evidence, form your own conclusions. Be sure to consider what
the future might bring for the usefulness or applicability of suggested solutions. You are
required to refer relevant peer-reviewed journal articles in your written paper. Please
cite your sources in the slides and provide a reference list as the last slide of the power
point presentation (use APA style) submitted. Also, verbally mention your main sources
during the presentation. Games such as Kahoot, Trivia, etc. should not be a part of the
group presentation. The presentation will be followed by about a 20-minute Question &
Answer session in which the rest of the class is expected to actively participate. A
specific member of the presenting group may be asked to answer a question during
this session. The responses to the questions should be given immediately. Everybody
in the group is to contribute/speak almost equally during the presentation, as well as
the Q & A session. The grading rubric for the project has been provided in the syllabus
appendix. Essentially group presentation will be evaluated on all facets of the contents
discussed earlier, as well as on aspects of the presentation style and the responses to
questions posed in the Q & A session.

No make-up will be scheduled if you fail to submit the paper &/or miss your Group
presentation and will be awarded a zero. Only for those who have an exceptional
circumstance/ legitimate absence (e.g. illness supported by medical certificate etc.), the
value of Group presentation mark may be added to the value of the combined exams.

The group leader must email the instructor (and cc other group members) the (a)
Project Paper (b) Turnitin report for the Project Paper AND (c) Power Point
presentation saved in pdf format, 72 hours (3 days) prior to the presentation, otherwise
the group may not be allowed to submit/ present or marks may be deducted. Any
substantive material mentioned in the presentation may not be graded if not included in
the written paper. Any additional material to be used (e.g. case, video etc.) should also
be submitted. To ensure that no plagiarism has taken place, a turn-it-in report for the
written project paper must also be submitted, otherwise the group project may not be
graded. (All UFV students are able to create a Turnitin account, regardless of course
enrolment. The link is:
tools/check-your-work-for-plagiarism-turnitin/ You can access turn-it-in by following the
instructions given on the webpage, including, “How do I use the ASC Turnitin account
as a UFV student? - I am not yet enrolled in the ASC course in myClass Blackboard”. If
you have problems creating Turn-it-in account, please contact the Academic Success
Center at the G bldg. UFV campus). Please note that Powerpoint transitions,
animations etc. do not work on Blackboard, therefore please submit slides in pdf
format. Further details about the Group Project may be given later in the course.

Individual Class Participation (10%)

Attendance and active participation in class is required. During virtual class sessions on
Blackboard Collaborate, students are required to use their microphones and webcams,
otherwise they may not be allowed to continue. Participation will be evaluated
throughout the course. During the semester attendance will be automatically logged by
Blackboard and also taken during F2F sessions. A certain amount of the content
presented in class may not be in the text. Furthermore, since every class member is
critical to our collective learning process, missing class will have negative
repercussions on your own learning and that of your classmates. In addition, if you do
miss a class, it is your responsibility to contact another class member to get any
material missed. Students are expected to attend all classes and to remain in class
once arrived and to participate actively in the learning process. Active learning means
paying attention in class and taking responsibility for your own learning, as well as
helping others to learn more about course material. Active learning in this course can
include, but is not limited to, contributing to class discussion, presentations and/or
making thoughtful comments. Participation marks will be decreased for not responding
when your name is called, leaving early (without permission) and/or acting

Participation is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 10 points using the following general


(a) 9-10 points: Displays all or nearly all of the following: Very well prepared – read
materials and relates it to other materials (readings, course material, discussions,
experiences, etc.). Evaluates and analyzes material, and offers new and insightful
approaches. Significantly contributes to discussion – listens to classmates and provides
further analysis to maintain discussion. Very active class involvement. Attends almost
every class, remains in class once arrived. Is always, or nearly always, attentive to
class discussions and the instructor.
6-8 points: Displays most or many of the following: Well prepared and offers analysis in
discussions. Contributes and interacts in class discussions – listens and responds to
other students, asks questions, offers and supports other opinions, even those with
differing views. Consistent involvement. Attends nearly every class, and remains in
class once arrived. Is largely attentive to class discussions and instructor.

(c) 3-5 points: Displays most or many of the following: Is present, but responds minimally
when asked directly. Is adequately prepared for class, but does not analyze or provide
interpretation. Rarely makes thoughtful comments, and does not always listen when
others speak; is sometimes distracted during class (i.e. uses social media, cell phone,
sidebar conversations, etc.). Is often absent, or sometimes drifts outside of class once
arrived/ joined.

1-2 points: Displays most or many of the following: Does not participate in class
discussion. Does not make thoughtful comments. Does not listen when others speak or
interrupts discussion. Is distracted during class (i.e. uses social media, cell phone,
sidebar conversations etc.). Is almost never prepared. Misses all or nearly all classes,
and usually drifts outside of class after having joined the session.

Exams (45%)
There will be three exams weighted 15% each for a total of 45%. The exams may
consist of multiple-choice questions, problems, cases, exercises, short answer or essay
questions. These exams can include questions, which may require you to analyze,
understand and explain situations. The examinations will be held during regular class
time and will consist of chapters discussed prior to the exam date. The students will be
informed in class about the duration of the exams. No make-up will be scheduled for
the examinations. Only for those who have a legitimate absence (such as illness
supported by a valid medical certificate etc.), the value of the missed examination may
be added to the value of another examination. The exams will be a comprehensive
test of the course materials and will cover the chapters on which the students have not
been examined yet.

If you want individual feedback on any of your marked evaluation components, the time
to talk to me is early – please do not wait until the end. This will be done during office
hours. The booked time must be within ten days of the mark having been posted on
blackboard for that evaluation (except the last exam).Please do not request to bump up
your grade, or give you an extra credit opportunity. Further details regarding any
component of course evaluation may be posted on blackboard, emailed to students or
mentioned in class.

Please note that by submitting an assignment/work activity, you are making a

declaration of intellectual integrity, you are declaring that the work submitted is your
own and complies with all regulations stated in the Academic Misconduct section in this
syllabus as well as UFV Policy 70. You are also agreeing to allow your work to be
compared against the work of others, including the use of plagiarism detection
software, to detect plagiarism. If not otherwise specifically stated, generally
assignments/required submissions that do not meet the deadline may otherwise
receive a deduction of 10% a day up to 5 days. After 5 days, students may receive a
0% on the assignment. You must retain a copy of each submitted assignment and all
working files (including, but not limited to, draft versions of your assignments, articles
cited, interview transcripts, surveys) until you have received your final grade for the
whole course. Examinations must be written at the scheduled, time, date, and location.
Only severe extenuating circumstances (such as serious documented illness) will be
accepted as a reason for not writing an exam as scheduled. In this case, the instructor
must be notified by the student at the earliest possible opportunity, and a doctor's
certificate must be provided. The instructor will then decide how to proceed with the
matter. Any travel plans must be made after the course (including exams) have ended.

You are expected to turn off your cell-phone or other hand-held communication devices
Use of
Electronics not being used to access Blackboard Collaborate and when you join the class session.
during class The use of any electronic device for texting, emailing, social media, or any recording or
filming purposes during class is expressly prohibited.
Written assignments must use the current APA style of referencing. See also guidelines
References from the Academic Success Centre.

Assignments/Submissions must be free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical

English errors. Assignments containing such errors will be penalized (i.e. mark deductions up to
standards 20%).

Accommodation Students with documented disabilities requiring academic and/or exam accommodation
should contact the Centre for Accessibility Services in Abbotsford or Chilliwack.

UFV faculty and staff may submit a referral to the Student Support Centre connect you
to the supports and resources that may help your academic persistence and
Student Support resilience. Such assistance may include finding the right UFV resource for you and
Centre working with you one-on-one to help problem solve and create individualized plans for
your specific situation. The referral is treated confidentially and is sent because your
instructor cares about your progress, wellbeing, and success. Your response to a
Student Support Referral is entirely voluntary. Instructors will let you know they are
making a referral. Visit for
more information. If you would like to refer yourself, you can find the referral link on our

Grades will be assigned according to the following scale.

Grade Percent equivalent Grade point value

A+ 90 – 100 4.33
A 85 – 89 4.0
Grading Scale A- 80 – 84 3.67
B+ 77 – 79 3.33
B 73 – 76 3.0
B- 70 – 72 2.67
C+ 67 – 69 2.33
C 63 – 66 2.0
C- 60 – 62 1.67
D 50 – 59 1.0
F < 50 (fail) 0.0
FD 0 0.0

Standard percentage equivalencies are used to determine the final letter grade.
The final percentage will be rounded to the nearest integer, using standard
mathematical practice (i.e. if the first digit after the decimal place is 5 or higher,
rounding is to the next higher integer) before converting to a letter grade. An FD grade
denotes a fail due to academic discipline and is included in the GPA calculation. Rules
for assigning an FD grade are found in the Procedures and Regulations document of
Policy 70: Academic Misconduct. The FD grade is changed to an F on the transcript
after a period of 12 months provided the student successfully completes a workshop on
Academic Integrity through the Academic Success Centre, and commits no further
violations during the 12-month period. Otherwise, the FD remains. Once an FD grade is
converted to an F, it is subject to the same regulations as any other F grade a student

Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, giving and receiving information
during any test or exam, using unauthorized sources of information during any test;
plagiarizing; fabrication, cheating, and, misrepresenting the work of another person as
Academic your own, facilitation of academic misconduct, and under certain conditions, non-
misconduct attendance. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. You must reference your work and
acknowledge sources with in-text citations and a complete list of references. This
includes direct and indirect quotes, diagrams, charts, figures, pictures, and written
The use of UFV based platforms is encouraged for communication. For group projects,
the responsibility for academic integrity, which can result in academic misconduct and its
resulting penalties, rests with each person in the group and sanctions would be borne by
each member.

For more information see UFV Policy 70 on Student Academic Misconduct. Also watch
the videos at,, and

The individual project and exams are supposed to be exclusively individual work.
Evidence that students have collaborated with others on these exams/assignments
constitutes academic misconduct; they will be reported and action will be taken.

Students are required to conduct their behaviour in a mature and responsible manner,
consistent with the University mission, policies, procedures and regulations. Students
Student conduct will be held accountable for their actions whether acting alone or in a group. Students
should familiarize themselves with UFV Policy 204. Any excuse for being absent must
be accompanied with the relevant documentation to be emailed to the instructor within
two days of the absence (such as a scanned copy of the doctor’s note).

Communication with the instructor is either through email or meeting during office
Email hours. Email should be used for short communication only. Please respond within 24
correspondence hours to any email sent by the instructor.

All subject line of emails sent to the professor must include Course number
and Section, Student’s Full Name and Purpose e.g. BUS 314 AB2, John Doe,
Reference Letter.

Research in the Throughout the year you may be asked to participate in educational activities and
demonstrations. All are meant to enhance and enrich your learning. At the end of some
Classroom &
of these activities you may be asked additional questions that would be a part of a
research project. You are welcome to decline any or all participation in these additional
questionnaires should the need arise. If you have any additional reservations please
speak to me.

Syllabus including schedule, topics, exams, assignments and related dates and
deadlines are subject to modification at the option of the instructor. Please check the
course website regularly (at least weekly), make notes about relevant information
mentioned in class and read all emails from the instructor to stay informed of any

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Course Schedule

Date F2F/Online Topics Chapter Assignment/Activity

F2F in Room
11-Sept Syllabus & Intro 1 Ch 1
ABA 360
Online –
Intro 2/ Job Analysis & Competency
18-Sept Blackboard Ch 1 & 4 Group Formation Process
Models/ Ethical Theories
EXAM 1 (F2F)/ Group Formation Completion &
Group Work to choose Project Topic/Individual
F2F in Room
25-Sept Project Written Reflection Paper & Presentation
ABA 360 slide submission due Oct 7/ Group Project Topic
submission due Oct 13)
2-Oct Holiday – No
9-Oct Holiday – No
Online – Individual Project Online Presentation
16-Oct Blackboard (based on Oct 7 submission)/
Collaborate Group Project Topic Allocation
Online –
23-Oct Blackboard Legal Issues & Screening Ch 3 & 7 Group Project Work

Online –
30-Oct Blackboard Interviewing Ch 9 Activity 1/ Group Project Work

F2F in Room Applicant Testing &

06-Nov Ch 8 & 5 EXAM 2 (F2F)/ Group Project Work
ABA 360 Job Performance

13-Nov Holiday – No
Online –
Group Project Paper/ Presentations
20-Nov Blackboard Recruitment Strategies Ch 6
& Activity 2
Online –
27-Nov Blackboard Decision Making Ch 10 Group Project Paper/ Presentation(s)
F2F in Room
04-Dec EXAM 3 (F2F)/ Feedback
ABA 360



Individual Project – Submission of (i) Written

03 Oct; by 2:30 pm
Reflection Paper and (ii) Presentation slides

Individual Project - Presentation 16 Oct

In Class Activities 30 Oct, 20 Nov

Group Project Topics (4) Submission 10 Oct

Group Project – Submission of (i) Paper (ii) Paper
17 Nov – 24 Nov; by 2:30 pm
Turnitin Report and (iii) Presentation slides
Group Project - Presentation 20 Nov – 27 Nov

Class Participation All Classes

Exams (F2F) 25 Sept, 06 Nov, 04 Dec

Individual Project Presentation Grading Rubric (Max 100 marks) Student :
Course : Date :
Presentation contains Presentation contains Presentation contains Presentation contains
relevant information as relevant information as per relevant information as minimal content relative
per syllabus and syllabus and incorporates per syllabus and to syllabus instructions
incorporates all considerable pertinent incorporates some and incorporates very
CONTENT OF pertinent material from material from class pertinent material little pertinent material
class discussion and discussion and textbook. from class discussion and from class discussion
textbook. Content Content includes some textbook. Content and textbook. Content
(32) includes considerable additional information includes very little includes no additional
additional information found in further additional information information found in
found in further researching the topic found in further further researching the
researching the topic (24-17) researching the topic topic (8-0)
(32-25) (16-9)

Verbal presentation is Most information is Presenter generally does Presenter follows no

ORGANIZATION organized in a clear, organized in a clear, logical not follow logical logical sequence of
OF VERBAL logical manner. way. Presenter fails to sequence (jumps around information. Presenter
PRESENTATION Presenter provides elaborate sometimes in verbal presentation). does not elaborate
explanations (16- (12-9) Presenter does not (4-0)
13) elaborate (8-5)
Presenter speaks Presenter speaks clearly Presenter’s voice is Presenter speaks too
clearly and loudly and loudly enough to be relatively clear, but not quietly to be heard by
enough for all in heard by most of the loud enough to be heard most in audience.
audience to hear, audience and/or makes by those in the back of Presenter makes
makes no grammatical relatively few grammatical the room. Presenter persistent grammatical
errors (8-7) errors (6-5) makes several errors throughout
grammatical errors (4-3) presentation (2-0)
Presenter maintains Presenter maintains eye Presenter occasionally Presenter makes no eye
EYE CONTACT eye contact with contact with audience most makes eye contact contact with audience
IN VERBAL audience throughout of the time, but returns to with audience and and reads almost the
PRESENTATION the presentation (8-7) reading script sometimes frequently reads script complete script (2-0)
(8) (6-5) (4-3)
PowerPoint slides are PowerPoint slides are PowerPoint slides are PowerPoint slides are
attractive and easy to somewhat attractive and somewhat attractive but unattractive and difficult
interpret; pleasing easy to interpret; pleasing difficult to interpret; not to interpret; poor color
colors with high choice and slide
colors with good contrast; particularly pleasing
contrast; appropriate contrast; inappropriate
VISUAL AID - mostly appropriate font colors with some
font formatting, excellent font formatting, bullets,
POWERPOINT formatting, good use of contrast; mostly
use of bullets, graphics graphics and slide
SLIDE (24) bullets, graphics and slide inappropriate font
and slide effects which effects detract from the
effects which enhance the formatting, bullets, content (6-0)
enhance the presentation of the content graphics and slide effects
presentation of the
(18-13) which do not enhance
content (24-19)
the content (12-7)
MECHANICS – No misspellings or One misspelling and/or Two misspellings More than two
grammatical errors in grammatical error in slides and/or grammatical misspellings and/or
slides (4-3.1) (3-2.1) errors in slides (2-1.1) grammatical errors in
slides (1-0)
Presentation submitted Presentation submitted on Presentation not Presentation not
SUBMISSION, on time; presentation time but presentation is off submitted on time and/or submitted on time & /
TIME USAGE & # meets the time limits (+/- the mark by 30 to 45 sec presentation is off the or presentation is off
OF SLIDES (8) 30 sec), and uses max 2 and uses max 2 slides (6- mark by 45 to 60 sec & the mark by more than
slides (8-7) 5) /or uses no slide or more 60 sec and uses no
than 2 slides (4-3) slide or more than 2
slides (2-0)









Individual Project Written Assignment Grading Rubric (Max 100 marks) Student :

Course : Date :

Ratings Comments
Clarity of Includes reflection in Little reflection; facts No reflection or
Exposition (20) exposition; facts are primarily just stated interpretation; no
interpreted not just and not explained substantive facts
stated (20-14) (13-7) (6-0)

Organization (15) All information clearly Most information Information is not

and concisely clearly and concisely clearly or concisely
presented; maintains presented; Mostly presented; lacks
focus/avoids being maintains focus and gets
sidetracked by focus/avoids being sidetracked by
tangents (15-11) sidetracked by tangents (5-0)
tangents (10-6)

Accuracy of Comments made are Some confusion in Writing has little to

Statements supported; no false understanding but not no grounding; many
(20) claims; no detrimental; lack of false comments
misinterpretations understanding but no (6-0)
(20-14) false claims (13-7)

Grammar & Proper grammar, Basic spelling Many spelling

Writing Style (15) syntax, & spelling; accuracy; good use of errors; inconsistent
good sentence and grammar and syntax; grammar or syntax;
paragraph structure; bw 300 and 400 words poor paragraph
400 or more words (10-6) structure; less than
(15-11) 300 words

Content (30) Content guidelines in Most content Few content

the syllabus for guidelines in the guidelines in the
individual reflective syllabus for individual syllabus for
assignment followed reflective assignment individual reflective
accurately followed accurately assignment followed
(30-21) (20-11) accurately (10-0)

Group Project Presentation Grading Rubric (Max 100 marks) Group:
Course : Date:


Well-balanced Most group members Few group members One main speaker;
TEAMWORK / participation by all group participate significantly; participate substantially; presenters’ sections
ORGANIZATION members; each most presenters’ presenters’ sections not uncoordinated,
IN VERBAL presenter’s section builds sections build on well coordinated; presentation has no
PRESENTATION on previous section; previous section; presentation is not creativity and time
(8) presentation is
presentation is creative creative and time is not distribution haphazardly
and time is distributed somewhat creative and
well distributed amongst amongst group members
time is well distributed
equally amongst group group members (4-3) (2-0)
amongst group members
members (8-7)

Presentation contains Presentation contains Presentation contains Presentation contains SCORE

all relevant information considerable relevant some relevant minimal content relative
as per syllabus. information as per syllabus. information as per to syllabus instructions.
CONTENT (20) Incorporates all Incorporates considerable syllabus. Incorporates Incorporates very little
pertinent material from pertinent material from class some pertinent material pertinent material from
class discussion, discussion, textbook and from class discussion, class discussion,
textbook and other other sources. textbook and other textbook and other
sources (20-16) (15-11) sources (10-6) sources (5-0)


Peer reviewed journal Peer reviewed journal Peer reviewed Peer reviewed journal SCORE
articles and other articles and other journal articles and articles and other
SUPPORTING other supporting supporting material used
supporting materials used supporting materials
MATERIAL / material used (examples, illustrations
(examples, illustrations used (examples,
RESEARCH (examples, etc.) minimally support the
etc.) significantly support illustrations etc.)
(20) the presentation. generally support the illustrations etc.) presentation. Bias in
Presenters objectively presentation (15-11) partially support the presentation produces
balance varied viewpoints presentation (10-6) slanted view of topic (5-0)

Presenters speak Presenters speak clearly Presenters’ voice is Presenters speak
clearly and loudly; and loudly enough to be relatively clear, but not too quietly to be
make no heard by most of the loud enough to be heard heard by most in
VERBAL grammatical errors. audience; make
audience; make by those in the back of
PRESENTATION Presenters maintain persistent
relatively few the room; make several
(12) eye contact with grammatical errors.
grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
audience throughout Presenters maintain eye Presenters occasionally eye contact with
the presentation most of the time, but make eye contact with audience and read
(12-10) audience and frequently almost the complete
return to reading script
sometimes (9-7) read script (6-4) script (3-0)


Power Point slides are Power Point slides are Power Point slides are Power Point slides SCORE
attractive and easy to somewhat attractive and somewhat attractive but are unattractive and
interpret; pleasing colors easy to interpret; difficult to interpret; not difficult to interpret;
with high contrast; pleasing colors with particularly pleasing poor color choice and
VISUAL AID - appropriate font good contrast; mostly colors with some slide contrast;
POWERPOINT formatting, excellent use appropriate font contrast; mostly inappropriate font
SLIDE (12) of bullets, graphics and formatting, good use of inappropriate font formatting, bullets,
slide effects which bullets, graphics and formatting, bullets, graphics and slide
enhance the slide effects which graphics and slide effects detract from
presentation of the enhance the effects which do not the content. More
content. No misspellings presentation of the enhance the content. than two misspellings
or grammatical errors in content. One misspelling Two misspellings and/or and/or grammatical
slides (12-10) and/or grammatical error grammatical errors in errors in slides (3-0)
in slides (9-7) slides (6-4)

Presentation was Presentation was Presentation was not Presentation was not SCORE
submitted on time; submitted on time but submitted on time submitted on time and
presentation adheres presentation does not and/or presentation presentation does not
to the time limits (8- adhere to the time limits does not adhere to the adhere to the time limits
7) (fails to meet time time limits (fails to meet (fails to meet time
allocation by +/-5 time allocation by +/-5 allocation by +/-10
minutes) (6-5) to 10 minutes) (4-3) minutes or more) (2-0)


Presenters answer Presenters have some Speakers are thrown Speakers are SCORE
Ability to
questions thoroughly, difficulty answering questions off balance by unable to answer
and concisely; process concisely; minor problems questions; have most questions;
is handled smoothly (20- responding to some questions difficulty responding to lose control of the
16) (e.g. being non-courteous) many questions (10-6) process (5-0)


Group Project Paper Grading Rubric (Max 100 marks) Student :

Course : Date :
Ratings Comments
Main Idea Clearly presents a main There is a main idea Vague sense of a main
(12) idea and supports it supported throughout idea, weakly supported
throughout the paper most of the paper (7-4) throughout the paper
(12-8) (3-0)

Organization Well-planned and Good overall There is limited

(12) well-thought out. Includes organization, includes organization,
title, introduction, the main organizational organizational tools are
transitions and conclusion tools (7-4) used weakly or
(12-8) are missing (3-0)

Content (14) Exceptionally well- Well-presented and Content is not sound;

presented and argued; argued; ideas are ideas are present but not
ideas are detailed, well- detailed, developed particularly developed or
developed, supported with and supported with supported; some
specific evidence & facts, evidence and details, evidence, but usually of a
as well as examples and mostly specific (8-4) generalized nature (3-0)
details (14-9)
Academic Sources are exceptionally Sources are well Sources support some
Sources (12) well-integrated and they integrated and claims made in the paper,
support claims argued in support the paper’s but might not be
the paper very effectively. claims. Mostly integrated well within the
Conforms to conforms to paper’s argument.
specifications regarding specifications regarding Conforms little to
academic sources in academic sources in specifications regarding
syllabus (12-8) syllabus (7-4) academic sources in
syllabus (3-0)

Analysis (14) Presents a thorough and Presents a general Does not adequately
focused explanation of explanation of the explain the literature
the literature reviewed. literature reviewed. reviewed. Weak
Insightful discussion of Generalized discussion discussion of impact of
impact of the researched of impact of researched the researched material
material on topic (14-9) material on topic (8-4) on topic (3-0)

Conclusions Clear recommendations General Vague recommendations

(12) and implications for future recommendations and and implications for
(12-8) implications for future future (3-0)

Citations (12) Cites all data obtained Cites all data obtained Cites all data obtained
from other sources. APA from other sources. APA from other sources.
citation style is used in citation style is mostly Citation style is either
both text and references used in both text and inconsistent or incorrect
(12-8) references (7-4) (3-0)

Grammar & Excellent grammar, A few errors in grammar, Shows a pattern of errors
Mechanics spelling, syntax and spelling, syntax and in spelling, grammar,
(12) punctuation. Completely punctuation, but not syntax and/or
follows formatting many. Mostly follows punctuation. Hardly
guidelines given in formatting guidelines follows formatting
syllabus (12-8) given in syllabus (7-4) guidelines given in
syllabus (3-0)


(Fill out this form and send it to the instructor within 3 days of your group’s presentation
ONLY if in your opinion a group member deserves 20% fewer marks than the rest of the group)

Your name: _____________________________________Course #__________

Name of the student you are reviewing: ___________________________________

1. What is this student’s most valuable contribution to the group project?

2. Explain why in your opinion the group member did not make an adequate contribution to the group
project and deserves 20% fewer marks than the rest of the group?

3. Should the group member be marked down 20% for the

(a) Group Paper – Check - Yes or No
(a) Group Presentation – Check - Yes or No

4. What suggestions do you have for improving the Group Project assignment?


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