Prefixes and Suffixes

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Prefixes and Suffixes 1. A prefix is a letter or a group of letters placed before a root word to form a new word e.g. a noun, verb or adjective and it indicates a different meaning. iMlegal, inactive, by it autopilot, improper, irregular, automatic nonsense 2. a-,un-, | not |amoral, unkind, | 13. sub- | below, under | substandard, dis | dishonest submarine 3. en- | putinto,to |enclose,enlarge | 14. circum- | around circumnavigate, become | circumvent 4. anti-, | opposed to, | anti-social, 18. trans- | actoss, into transatlantic, | _contra- | against contradict ___| another transplant 5. de- remove, decrease, decode, | 16. under- | below, not undergrowth, reduce devalue | enough undercooked bad, badly, | malpractice, 17. up- towards the top, | uphill, upgrade wrongly, _| mislead make higher | again, back | repeat, redo, react, |18. pre- | before prehistory ____| recycle _ ee 8. be- to make or | belittle, besiege | 19. post- | after post-mortem [ cause __ _ | 9. mono, | one, single | monorail, unicorn | 20. inter- | between interact | Ha Et — 10. homo- | same homogenous, (21. intra- | inside intravenous _ homonym | _. (1. bi- two. biplane, bicycle __|22. hyper-_| more than, very | hyperactive EXERCISE A Write the prefix *be-”, ‘de-’, ‘dis-’, *en-’, ‘im-’, ‘il-’, *in-’, ‘ir-’, ‘mal-’, ‘mis-’, ‘re-’ or ‘un-’ to form a new word. The first one is done for you. 1. entich 6, allow uM. pulse 2, __ face 7, hold 12, _____ literate 3. ___ responsible 8. _ title 13, ______ mobile 4, ___ fine 9, ______ spell 14, ______ place 5, ____ adjusted 10. _____ logical 15. finished vision 2. usual 22. decent 23. function 24, ______ visible Ti waste fall pair — approve caring advantaged cycle 2. (a) A suffix is a letter or a group of letters placed after a root word to form a new word e.g. a noun, verb or adjective and it indicates a different meaning. Eg. hairless (“hair” is the root word. The suffix “less” means “without”. (‘Hairless’ means‘without any hair’) (b) Suffixes like -er and -est are added to form comparative and superlative adjectives (“slower”, slowest’) and adverbs like “‘sooner” and “soonest”. 2. -al, -ial, -ic, -etic, -ary, the manner ment | having the qualities of | connected with personal, partial, scenic, energetic, planetary 3. 5. -dom, -hood -al vive, ful 4, “Cy, - ance, -ty, -ence, -ity, ‘having the quality of ‘state, condition or quality of act or process of dependence, purity, boredom, childhood |brainy, heroie, attractive, helpful privacy, maintenance, loyally, refusal of 6. -ar, -ant, -er, -or, ist, -ee | a person who beggar, servant, trainer, protector, artist, employee | 7. -ism belief, doctrine communism, Buddhism | 8. -ment, -ion, -ure, the action, state, process, quality | movement, confession, celebration, | | or result of failure, greatness 9. -ship the state of, quality of, the status | friendship, professorship can be, having the quality of "having the quality of, full of ize to make or become excitable, reversible, comfortable lacken, beautify, civilise without hairless, childless 14. -ish, “like like or resembling childish, ladylike 15. -ward, -wards in the direction of backward, upwards 16. -aholic unable to stop doing something | workaholic, shopaholic - 17. ~cide, ~icide the act of killing. something that |suicide, insecticide 18. mall. ax very =aportant booklet, piglet, kitchenette let, -ette EXERCISE B For each of the following, which word cannot take the given suffix. Circle A, B, C or D. The first one is done for you. 1. -ness A shy wide 2. -ic A athlete B organ 3. -ce A pleasant B vigilant 4. -able A. prevent B excite 5. -ion A. exhaust B depart 6. -ive A’ dynamite B repulse 7. -ary A parliament B sediment 8. -less A end B child EXERCISE D Form new words by adding prefixes a inactive/ weak gentle vigil poet defiant radiant charge invent complete navigate direct attract diction benefit pure thought 9. -ward A heaven B house 10. -ise A harmony B popular UL. -cy A obstinate B democrat 12. -dom A humble B free 13. ful A. grace B joy 14, -esque A grotto B burly 15. -ism A Buddhist B civil ind suffixes. The first one is done for you. back cast bisect author private irritate king wise ear picture social hero os mates action 11. solve | proactive 2. normal - 12. port |—3. think 13. custom | 4. weigh 114. mobile - | 5. compose 15. head please | 46, way ~ — . equal _ [a7 present | 8. habit word | 9. danger . confident | | 10. friend 20, circle EXERCISE E Add appropriate prefixes and suffixes. 1. The _______________ (fame) (write) has a large and ___. (appreciate) audience. 2A. (foreign) who imported dinosaur skeletons from Mongolia through (legal) means, was _________ (prisoned) for three months. 3. Students found the career __________ (counsel) session —_________.. (education) and. (excite). 4. Some of us felt _________ (shamed) when we saw an ___________ elder) —— (Japan) couple collecting rubbish on a well-known beach. 5, The {appearance) of Malaysian Airlines _____________—— (fly) MH370 has attracted —______— __ (globe) ________- (attend). 6. She is __--_ {allergy) to pollen so she has a _______. (run) and blocked nose, (water) eyes as well as sneezing. 7. After her _______.- (promote), she worked —___. ———. (hard) with renewed. vigour and __. (determine). 8. Parents should be more .______________ (mind) of their children’s -—— {active} and ___.____. (society) circle. 9. They have their names etched in the “Malaysia Book of Records” for having the ___. (large) ___ (Collect) of tiffin (carry). 10. It does not pay to __.. (friend) people who are _.. (sincere) and . Now that you are here with this vicious —__. (honest). (tribe) group, you must not offend them, - _ (custom) yourself to their ways and just do as the (Rome) do. 12. Life is not about academic ____ (achieve) and ______ (pursue) of material (wealthy) alone. 13. Police carried out _____ (investigate) but could not —____ (certain) if the 400 gunny sacks of rice were smuggled from a_________. (neighbour) country. 14. A hamstring (injure) is _______ (terrible) ___ (pain) and it takes a long time to heal. 15. All___ (Malaysia) must play a ___ (construct) and positive role to preserve goodwill and —________ (harmonious) in this country.

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