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How to convert generated txt (MTO) file to an excel file

1. Copy the generated MTO .txt file and paste directly into the excel while
ensuring that the copied data are all pasted within an excel column by
clicking on the column header. Clicking the column header will ensure that
the column is highlighted before pasting.
Afterwards, click the ‘text to column’ option in the ‘data tools’ group of the
‘data’ toolbar under the data tab of excel menu bar. This will open up the
text-to-column conversion wizard, choose the fixed width option, click next
and remove any unwanted column by double clicking the demarcation line
and click finish. If need be, adjust the columns to make the texts visible, you
can also convert the sheet to a table by highlighting the entire content and
clicking the insert tab on the menu bar and table option in the table of the
table toolbar

2. We can also import the .txt file into excel by clicking the data tab on excel
menu bar and clicking the ‘from text/csv’ in the ‘get &transform data’ group
of the toolbar. This will display text import wizard. On the import wizard,
ensure that there is just one column by removing one of the two numbers
(separated by comma) under delimiter box. This will ensure that the entire
data is contained in just one excel column to allow text to column operation
to take place as in (1) above.

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