Coherent MIMO Radar The Phased Array and Orthogonal Waveforms

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Coherent MIMO Radar: The Phased Array and

Orthogonal Waveforms
Michael S. Davis Aaron D. Lanterman
Gregory A. Showman Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Tech Research Institute Atlanta, Georgia USA
Atlanta, Georgia USA

Coherent multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar is architecture that has been used in radar and other systems for
a natural extension of the phased array antenna that has decades. With this philosophical approach, a remarkable num-
been used by radar systems for decades. This tutorial uni- ber of concepts described in the MIMO radar literature can be
fies concepts from the literature and provides a framework illuminated.
for the analysis of an arbitrary suite of MIMO radar wave- An active radar system emits electromagnetic energy to
forms. A number of gain patterns are introduced, which probe its environment. A MIMO radar transmits independent
quantify the antenna performance of a MIMO radar, and waveforms from a number of spatially separated radiating ele-
the impact of the waveform characteristics (e.g., range sid- ments and observes the returns from a set of spatially diverse
elobes) is discussed. receive elements. The environment is considered as a system
where the inputs are the transmitted waveforms and the outputs
are the echoes observed by the receivers. This is, in general, a
I. INTRODUCTION MIMO system. There has been a long history of exploiting mul-
Since the turn of the century, a great deal of research has in- tiple degrees of freedom on receive [2]; the novelty of MIMO is
vestigated the utility of applying multiple-input multiple-output to exploit similar degrees of freedom on transmit.
(MIMO) techniques to enhance the performance of radar sys- Of course, the idea of using multiple radiating elements on
tems. Although MIMO has been demonstrated to dramatically transmit is not new [3]. Phased array antennas have been an
improve the capacity of communications systems in multipa- enabling technology for many systems in support of a variety
th-rich environments [1], and MIMO technology has been in- of radar missions. Rather than construct a prohibitively large
cluded in multiple communications standards, the adoption of antenna to support long range detection of small targets, many
MIMO in operational radar systems has been limited. As will be small antennas are employed, each of which transmits an identi-
discussed, this may be attributed to radar systems using wave- cal signal (up to a phase shift). This phase progression is chosen
forms and antennas to interact with their environments in a to steer a high-gain beam in a particular direction. This beam
dramatically different way than communications systems. Still, may be rapidly resteered through electronic scanning, which
some specific radar applications have been identified where a enables multiple target tracking performance that would be im-
MIMO radar may outperform a more traditional system. possible for a mechanically scanned antenna.
This paper seeks to establish a framework for understand- Although a phased array uses multiple elements on transmit,
ing the performance benefits and potential drawbacks of MIMO the transmitted waveforms are perfectly correlated and there-
radar systems. MIMO radar is realized by transmitting indepen- fore provide no additional degrees of freedom. In contrast to the
dent waveforms, but in many ways the waveforms are simply general MIMO radar, phased arrays operate as a single-input
a means to an end. We view MIMO radar as essentially an an- multiple-output (SIMO) system. Phased array radars typically
tenna technology since it is a generalization of the phased array provide receive degrees of freedom by digitizing multiple, spa-
tially-diverse receive channels, hence they are multiple-output.
We refer to the special case of a radar with a single transmit
Authors' addresses: M. Davis and G. Showman, Sensors waveform and a single receive channel as a single-input single-
and Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory, Georgia Tech output (SISO) radar system.
Research Institute, Atlanta, GA. E-mail: (mike.davis@gtri. The idea of transmitting multiple, uncorrelated waveforms A. Lanterman, School of Electrical and Computer
has been explored over the years. For example, in [4], it was
Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Manuscript received September 5, 2013; ready for publication observed that a radar system transmitting two orthogonal wave-
December 23, 2013. forms and using a single receiver provides bearing estimates
DOI. No. 10.1109/MAES.2014.130148. that are equivalent to a traditional radar transmitting a single
Review handled by P. Willett and B. Himed. waveform and using two receivers. (An analogous result in the
0885/8985/14/ $26.00 © 2014 IEEE communications literature [5] demonstrated that the diversity


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Davis, Showman, and Lanterman

order of the same two configurations is equivalent if the trans- ent derivation explicitly deals with the possibility of spatially
mitted waveform is an orthogonal space-time block code.) An colored interference and proposes an alternative formulation
experimental radar that transmitted “orthogonal” waveforms for dealing with correlated transmit signals. We also explicitly
was described in [6]. identify a signal processing architecture and spatial weights that
It was not until the benefits of MIMO for communications can be applied to form beams in desired directions.
were clear that the idea of transmitting uncorrelated waveforms A key result described in the MIMO radar literature is that
in radar received consistent attention. Using the language of the transmit beampattern is characterized by the correlation be-
MIMO communications, researchers have described two broad tween the transmitted signals [13]. This correlation impacts the
classes of MIMO radars: those with widely-separated antennas MIMO radar ambiguity function, which was presented in [14].
that, as in the communications application, seek to exploit spa- Indeed, the correlation properties of the waveforms transmitted
tial diversity to mitigate target fading [7] as opposed to those by a MIMO radar determine the characteristics of the system.
with closely-spaced antennas that permit coherent processing These characteristics are captured by considering the quantities
[8, 9]. presented in this paper.
The class of MIMO radars that use widely-separated anten- Although radar and communications systems are based on
nas is often referred to as “statistical MIMO radar” because similar physical phenomena and are described by similar math-
such systems seek to exploit the random fluctuation of target ematics, there are fundamental differences, particularly the role
reflectivity as a function of aspect angle. This fluctuation causes of the antenna subsystem. A discussion of this is presented in
spatial decorrelation of the target returns, which precludes co- Section II. This is followed by a derivation of a MIMO radar
herent processing. As a result, statistical MIMO is often referred signal processing chain, described in Section III. We highlight
to as noncoherent MIMO, while the term coherent MIMO is the importance of the correlation among the transmitted signals
restricted to systems where the antennas are sufficiently close and develop a formulation for the gain of a MIMO radar an-
(perhaps on the same platform) to limit target decorrelation. tenna. These observations are used in Section IV to compare the
The following discussion is limited to the latter case of coher- traditional phased array with a MIMO radar that is transmitting
ent MIMO radar. The case of noncoherent MIMO with widely- orthogonal waveforms. In Section V, some quasi-orthogonal
separated antennas has been discussed extensively in the radar waveforms are described and their performance is examined.
community in the context of multistatic radar systems [10]. Just This paper presents significant refinements and substantial ex-
as coherent MIMO may be considered a natural extension of tensions to the ideas presented in [15].
the phased array, statistical MIMO generalizes the concept of
bistatic radar [11].
The goal of this paper is to establish a methodology for
evaluating the potential of a suite of waveforms to enable a In both radar and communications systems, electromagnetic en-
MIMO radar to effectively perform its mission. This provides ergy is radiated. This signal interacts with the environment, and
the capability of determining if MIMO techniques are appro- the resulting electromagnetic field is observed by a receiver.
priate for a given radar system. The variety of operational ra- The goal of a communications system is to estimate the param-
dars that exist today is tremendous. MIMO can dramatically eters of the input signal, e.g., the sequence of message symbols
improve the performance of some, but others will benefit from used to generate it in spite of any environmental effects. In ra-
traditional phased array configurations. Further, this framework dar, the goal is to infer some property of the environment based
can inform the design of waveforms, which are critical to the on knowledge of the transmitted waveform.
realization of a MIMO radar system. In either case, an input signal is applied to some system, and
The first task is to characterize the gain of the antenna em- the response of this system to this input is observed. Radar and
ployed by a MIMO radar by determining the MIMO radar be- communications systems are typically modeled as linear. First,
ampattern. A similar approach is taken in [12], though the pres- consider a SISO system. Let x(t) be the complex-baseband rep-


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Tutorial: Coherent MIMO Radar: The Phased Array and Orthogonal Waveforms

resentation of the input signal that is transmitted on a carrier channel matrix is not well conditioned [17]. In a sense, by using
frequency ωc. If the system is linear, the output of the system multiple channels on transmit, a MIMO communications sys-
y(t) may be written in terms of the input signal and the system tem can exploit available spatial diversity. In many cases, two
impulse response h(t) as communications antennas placed on the order of a wavelength
apart can observe completely independent channel realizations.
Now, consider the case of a coherent MIMO radar and a single
target. By definition, the antenna elements are spaced so closely
that they observe the same target reflectivity and the only dif-
where v(t) represents receiver noise.
ference will be a phase shift that is related to the target angle.
In communications, the system impulse response h(t) de-
Statistical MIMO radar, in which the elements are separated
scribes the channel between the transmitter and receiver, which
widely enough to provide independent realizations of target fad-
may involve a direct path contribution and/or multipath. For a
ing, is based on the same observation as MIMO communications.
monostatic radar system, where the transmitter and receiver are
However, the connection between coherent MIMO radar tech-
colocated, the relevant impulse response describes the scatter-
niques and MIMO communications is more elusive. Transmit
ers in the environment and may be called the range profile.
precoding approaches to MIMO communications may seem re-
For both communications and monostatic radar cases, the im-
lated to coherent MIMO radar, but they are more closely related
pulse response at a particular lag t, may be formed from returns
to the traditional phased array approach. Just as the transmit pre-
from a number of scatterers. The returns from these scatterers all
coder of a MIMO communications system uses its knowledge of
arrive after the same delay, but they may correspond to differ-
the multipath environment to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio
ent angles-of-arrival q. In this case, we may write the impulse
(SNR) at the receiver, the phased array forms a beam to maxi-
response in terms of the angle/delay reflectivity profile a(t, q) as
mize SNR for a particular target location [18]. We will instead
see that the approach of a coherent MIMO radar will be to op-
(2) timize other properties of the radar antenna at the cost of SNR.
While it would seem natural that MIMO radar and MIMO
communications would possess a great deal of similarity, the
In many radar applications, the goal is to estimate this angle/
parallels in the context of coherent MIMO radar are limited. A
delay (or, equivalently, angle/range profile). However, in com-
coherent MIMO radar is not seeking to exploit spatial diversity
munications, the only relevant parameter is the aggregate chan-
to ensure that at least one of the “links” is available. Instead,
nel response h(t). The fundamental difference between the com-
just like the phased array, the goal is to use coherent process-
munications problem and the radar problem is the role of the
ing to provide a more capable antenna for the radar system.
channel impulse response: in communications it is a nuisance
The following analysis of MIMO radar signal processing will
factor that must be estimated to establish a link, but in radar,
demonstrate how this is accomplished and provide a method to
estimating the “channel response” and, further, the underlying
assess its performance.
reflectivity profile a(t,q) is essential.
We now turn to the MIMO case, where a set of input sig-
nals, is used and a set of output signals, are
observed where M is the number of transmitted signals, and N
is the number of received signals. We extend the model in (1)
to the MIMO case:
The advantage of a MIMO radar transmitting orthogonal wave-
forms over a traditional phased array is often explained by con-
sidering the virtual array [19]. If an array of M elements is used
on transmit and an array of N elements is used on receive, the
where H(t) is the N × M MIMO channel matrix that describes corresponding virtual array of the system consists of M  N vir-
the impulse response of the M  N channels of the MIMO system. tual elements if the M waveforms are perfectly orthogonal.
If the multipath environment described by the channel First, consider a single transmit element and a single receive
matrix H(t) is suitably rich and sufficient information about element. This may be considered as a pseudobistatic pair, which
the channel is available, then tremendous gains in the capac- allows us to invoke the monostatic-bistatic equivalence theo-
ity of the communications channel are provided by MIMO. rem: the signal observed by the bistatic pair is well approxi-
These M  N channels may be exploited by sending redundant mated by the signal observed in the monostatic case where the
information over independent channels via space-time cod- transmit and receive elements are located directly between the
ing. Alternatively, if channel state information is available to bistatic elements [20]. As the bistatic angle increases, variation
the transmitter, diversity may be exploited through precoding, in radar cross section (RCS) between the bistatic pair and the
which is analogous to beamforming on transmit [16]. monostatic equivalent will become apparent, but this effect is
In either approach to MIMO communications, it is assumed negligible in the coherent MIMO case.
that some level of diversity is provided by having access to the If orthogonal waveforms are transmitted, then each of the
M  N channels. Indeed, capacity gains are limited if the MIMO M  N virtual phase centers may be processed independently. In


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Davis, Showman, and Lanterman

Figure 1.
Virtual arrays corresponding to same physical array using either phased array configuration or transmitting orthogonal waveforms.

Figure 2.
Virtual arrays corresponding to MIMO Nyquist array.

the phased array case, where the waveforms are perfectly cor- spectively. If the array elements are uniformly spaced, then the
related from element to element, only data corresponding to a beampattern is the familiar Dirichlet kernel of Fourier analysis,
single transmit phase center can be processed, providing only N which is also called the “aliased” or “periodic” sinc function:
virtual phase centers. This is illustrated in Figure 1.
The MIMO virtual array is an extension of the concept of
the coarray for coherent imaging described in [21], which con- (6)
siders an imaging system that scans a transmit and receive beam
simultaneously to estimate a reflectivity profile over a number
of transmit-receive events. The MIMO virtual array, however, The virtual array is obtained by convolving the transmit and
corresponds to a single transmit pulse or dwell. receive aperture functions:
A well-known result of antenna theory is that the aperture il-
lumination function g(x) and the antenna beampattern are Fou-
rier duals of one another. For example, if {xT/m} is the set of
locations of the elements in the transmit array, then the aperture
illumination function for the (unweighted) transmit array is The virtual array consists of elements located at {xT/m + xR/n: m
= 1, …, M; n = 1, …, N}. The virtual array is the convolution
of the aperture illumination functions, so the two-way beampat-
tern of a MIMO radar with orthogonal waveforms is the Fourier
transform of its virtual array. The length of the virtual array dic-
We can similarly construct the aperture illumination function tates the angular resolution, and any taper applied by repeated
for the receive array: elements can improve sidelobe performance.
We now consider the MIMO virtual array for a couple of
physical arrays and show how they lead to an improved beam-
pattern or can improve angular resolution. First, consider the
case shown in Figure 1, where a critically sampled, uniform
where {xR/n} is the set of element locations for the receive array. linear array (ULA) is assumed. While the orthogonal waveform
The Fourier transform of the aperture illumination functions case has a slightly longer virtual array, which predicts slightly
(4) and (5) are the array transmit and receive beampatterns, re- improved angular resolution, the dominant effect is to provide


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Tutorial: Coherent MIMO Radar: The Phased Array and Orthogonal Waveforms

Figure 3.
MIMO radar signal model. In this illustration, M = N = 3.

an effective antenna taper. This is evident from the nondistinct generality, assume that the return is observed with zero delay;
phase centers, which admit a triangular coarray. equivalently, we consider the output of the radar signal proces-
Alternatively, consider the configuration where the transmit sor in the center of the range bin containing a target. We revisit
and receive elements are spaced so that the virtual phase centers this assumption in Section V and investigate its impact. For
form a ULA of M  N distinct phase centers. This configuration clarity, we also assume that the signal is narrowband relative to
has been called a Nyquist array [22] because it is critically sam- the size of the array. Consequently, the data observed by each
pled in the spatial sense. This will be M times longer than the array element will be identical up to a phase shift.
virtual array generated by a phased array of N receive elements, Let xm(t) be the waveform emitted by element m of the trans-
suggesting an M-fold improvement in angular resolution. This mit array. The signal observed by element n of the receive array
array configuration and its corresponding MIMO virtual array from a target at an angle q0 with a (complex-valued) backscatter
are presented in Figure 2. coefficient a may be written as
However, these improvements provided by transmitting or-
thogonal waveforms come at a cost. The phased array forms a
high-gain beam on transmit that improves SNR by a factor of M.
This is not the case when orthogonal waveforms are transmitted.
The costs and benefits of transmitting orthogonal wave- where vn(t) is the observation noise, am(q0) and bn(q0) are the
forms or perfectly correlated waveforms can be best under- phase shifts on transmit and receive, respectively, which cor-
stood by considering an approach to spatial beamforming. respond to the target angle q0. If, for example, the array used
This will also allow us to consider cases in between these two on transmit is a ULA with interelement spacing d, the transmit
extremes. A signal model and beamforming approach will be phase shifts corresponding to an angle q would be
developed. This is followed by an extension of standard an-
tenna metrics to the MIMO case, which will elucidate the rela-
tion between SNR, resolution, and beampattern for a specified
set of waveforms.
for m = 1, …, M, where c is the speed of waveform propagation.
Of course, steering vectors may be specified for arbitrary array
B. MIMO RADAR SIGNAL MODEL configurations:
Consider a MIMO radar that transmits M (generally) indepen-
dent waveforms. Each signal may be emitted by a separate ra-
diating element such as a reflector antenna or a horn antenna.
Alternatively, an array divided into a number of subarrays (pos-
sibly overlapped) could be used where each subarray acts as where Rm is the range to the target from element m.
an independent radiating element. The only requirement is that
These phase shifts may be arranged into the transmit and receive
each signal be emitted from a distinct phase center. The signals
steering vectors a(q) and b(q). Note that and are
will reflect off of scatterers in the environment, and the echoes
considered to be column vectors. While (8) is the data observed
will be observed by N receive elements. The elements used on
by a single receiver, we may use this steering-vector notation to
receive may or may not be the same as those used on transmit.
compactly write the data observed by the MIMO radar, again
The operation of a MIMO radar is illustrated in Figure 3.
corresponding to a single target at angle q0, as
We first construct a model for the data observed by a MIMO
radar that is due to a single point scatterer. This can be extended
to more complex scenarios because of linearity. Without loss of (11)


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Davis, Showman, and Lanterman

where is a column vector in which each element

is the signal observed by one of the N receivers and
contains the signals transmitted by each of the M transmitters.
The noise observed by each receiver is represented by .
The signal model in (11) suggests the definition of the
MIMO channel matrix, given by


This allows us to interpret the data observed by a MIMO radar

as a linear combination of the transmitted signals. This linear
combination is described by the MIMO channel matrix H(q),
which depends explicitly on the angle q.
A MIMO radar may apply matched filters to resolve targets
in range. This is motivated by the assumption that the wave- Figure 4.
forms are perfectly orthogonal. In this case, each matched filter Notional MIMO radar signal processor.
will select exactly one signal and reject the rest. Filters for each
of the M transmitted signals are applied to each of the N receive and is the vectorized noise matrix.
signals. A block diagram of this operation is shown in Figure The MIMO steering vector in (16) may also be written in
4. In practice, receive beams may be formed first rather than terms of the transmit and receive steering vectors:
applying the matched filters separately to each receive channel,
but this is mathematically equivalent to the diagram.
The result of matched filter processing, when applied to a
target at angle q0 at the target range, is the N × M matrix given
by The elements of the noise vector e will generally be correlated
as a result of the matched filtering process. Correlation will be
introduced if the transmitted signals are not orthogonal. If the
(13) original noise vector v(t) in (11) is temporally white and wide-
sense stationary but has spatial covariance matrix Rv, then the
interference covariance matrix of the data in (15) will be
where is the filtered noise, and Rx is the M ×
M MIMO signal correlation matrix, which describes the correla-
tion among the transmitted waveforms. This matrix is given by (18)

(14) If the noise vector v(t) consists of only thermal receiver noise
and no external noise sources are present, then the receiver
noise should be spatially white and Rv = IN, where IN is the N ×
The integral of the matrix is understood to be computed ele-
N identity matrix.
ment-wise. Each element of this matrix is recognized as the in-
The signal model in (15) describes the data observed by a
ner product of two of the transmitted signals. Each element of
MIMO radar given a target at an angle q0. Each element of the
the matrix in (14) is the zero-lag term of the cross-correlation
length-M N vector is the voltage signal observed if the target
function of two of the transmitted signals. The diagonal ele-
is in the center of the range bin of interest. This data vector
ments correspond to the autocorrelation functions of the wave-
is characterized by the MIMO steering vector in (17) and the
MIMO interference covariance matrix in (18). Note the funda-
The N × M data matrix Z(q0) given in (13) may be vector-
mental importance of the MIMO signal correlation matrix Rx,
ized by stacking its columns. By exploiting properties of the
which figures prominently in the observed data. We will see
Kronecker product operator  this may be written as
that this matrix characterizes the performance of a MIMO radar.

From the definition of the MIMO signal correlation matrix Rx in
where the MIMO steering vector s(q), which corresponds to an
(14), we see that this M × M matrix describes the zero-lag term
angle q, is given by
of the cross- and autocorrelations of the M transmitted wave-
forms {xm(t)}. So, for any set of waveforms, we can compute
(16) the corresponding correlation matrix.


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Tutorial: Coherent MIMO Radar: The Phased Array and Orthogonal Waveforms

As previously mentioned, a phased array is a special case As we see from the signal model given in (13), the rank
of MIMO radar. In this case, each element transmits an identi- of the signal correlation matrix determines how observable the
cal signal up to a phase shift from element to element. Let x0(t) channel matrix H(q) is. Of course, in the degenerate case when
be the (scalar-valued) radar waveform that is common to each no energy is transmitted (Rx = 0), no portion of the channel ma-
element. To steer a beam in a direction , the appropriate phase trix is observed. The other extreme is the full rank case, where a
progression is applied if the transmitted signals are full-rank observation is available. The phased array case, where
the signal correlation matrix is rank-1, provides an observation
of a single subspace of the channel matrix.
A third case will also be of interest, namely the phased array
that uses a spoiled beam on transmit [23]. Instead of forming
where a* denotes the complex-conjugate (without transpose) of a narrow, high-gain beam, a phased array may trade some of
a vector, a. The corresponding signal correlation matrix is its transmit beamforming in return for illuminating a larger set
of angles. This may be accomplished by applying a nonlinear
phase progression or an amplitude taper across the aperture. An
alternate method is to transmit out of a single subarray. The
term “spoiled” indicates that the phased array intentionally de-
where we assume that the steering vector a* was normalized so grades coherence on transmit and accepts a loss in peak gain to
that and that the waveform x0(t) was normalized to form a wider beam.
have total energy of


The goal of a spatial beamformer is to enhance signals from
targets at some angle of interest q while rejecting signals from
Note that the vector [a*]H in (20) is simply the transpose of the other angles. A brief derivation of these weights was presented
steering vector a and could also be written as aT. in [24], and a similar approach was used in [12].
In the phased array case, the waveforms transmitted by each The data observed by a MIMO radar that is due to a target
element are perfectly correlated. Now, consider the case where at an angle q0 was derived above and presented in (15). A linear
a set of orthogonal waveforms is used. Suppose that beamformer will take a linear combination of the elements of
the data vector z. This linear combination is described by the
spatial weight vector w, which provides the (complex-valued)
(22) weight to be applied to each of the M  N elements of the data
vector z. If these weights are applied to data with a single target
at a given angle q0, the output is
The MIMO signal correlation matrix corresponding to a set of
mutually orthogonal waveforms, each with equal energy, is a
scaled identity matrix: (25)

(23) Observe that the average power of the output noise when the
weights w are applied is

Note that the signal correlation matrices Rx/PA and Rx/^ have
been normalized so that the trace (the sum of the diagonal ele- (26)
ments) of the correlation matrix is unity in both cases:
where Re is the spatial covariance matrix of the interference
(24) after matched filtering, which was given in (18). Similarly, the
signal power in the beamformer output is

This is equivalent to requiring that the total transmitted energy

be unity. Such a requirement allows suites of signals with dif- (27)
ferent correlation matrices to be compared fairly.
These two cases, the phased array on one hand and the
radar using orthogonal waveforms on the other, are the two where
extremes of the continuum on which a MIMO radar may oper- Suppose that we want to design a linear beamformer that
ate. This is apparent from examining their MIMO signal cor- preserves signals from targets at a particular angle q. The goal
relation matrices: the phased array correlation matrix Rx/PA is is to choose the weight vector w(q) that preserves signals cor-
rank-1 while the orthogonal waveform correlation matrix Rx/^ responding to the steering vector s(q) while minimizing the
is full rank (rank-M). contribution of noise. We seek the spatial weights that mini-


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Davis, Showman, and Lanterman

mize the noise power, given in (26), yet preserve signals from
the desired direction q. This leads to the constrained optimiza- (32)
tion problem

The SNR gain for a target in the direction q0 when beamforming

in the direction q is seen to be related to the “angle” between
the steering vectors, i.e., the gain for a target at q0 is related to
This optimization problem occurs frequently in beamforming the similarity between its steering vector and the steering vector
applications. This should not be confused with the minimum corresponding to the beamformed direction q.
variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer, which
would replace Re in (28) with Rz.
The optimal weights also maximize the output SNR [25]. It
is well known that the optimal weights w(q), satisfy the Weiner- The array factor describes the pattern of an array antenna if
Hopf equations (see, e.g., [26]): each subarray was omnidirectional. We define the MIMO ar-
ray factor in a direction q0 for an arbitrary set of beamforming
weights w by

for some arbitrary scalar g ≠ 0.
The weights will be unique if (and only if) the matrix, Re, is
invertible. When this is the case, the optimal weights are given This represents the (voltage) gain on a target at angle q0 rela-
by . tive to the noise as is evident from (25). If the optimal weights
However, for the interference covariance matrix Re to be in- to steer the beam in a direction q are employed, the resulting
vertible, Rv and Rx must be invertible. The spatial noise covari- MIMO array factor is
ance matrix Rv will generally be invertible due to the inevitable
presence of thermal noise in the receiver, but we have already
encountered a noninvertible signal correlation matrix, namely (34)
the rank-1 matrix Rx/PA of (20), which is the signal correlation
matrix of the phased array. Of course, this is not a problem in
the degenerate case where there is a single transmit element (M where we employ the notation f(q0; q) to imply that this is the
= 1), but this “phased array” is also using a set of waveforms array factor for a beamformer steered to a particular angle q.
that are mutually orthogonal. Observe that the first quotient in (34) is the transmit array factor
We cannot solve the system of equations in (29) precisely while the second quotient is the standard receive array factor. A
when the vector s(q) does not lie in the column space of the similar expression for the array factor is derived in [12] for the
matrix Re. However, inspecting the structure of the MIMO case of spatially white receiver noise (Rv = IN) using an alternate
steering vector in (17) reveals that valid steering vectors but equivalent formulation of the optimal spatial weights.
satisfy this requirement. So, while we cannot find a unique We are often interested in the gain in SNR for a target at
set of optimal spatial weights, optimal weights do exist. The angle q0, when a beam is steered to a particular angle q. This
minimum-energy weights that achieve the maximum SNR are gain is the magnitude-squared of the array factor and includes
of the same form as those in the case where the interference the subarray gain. If, for a target at angle q0, each transmit sub-
covariance matrix is invertible. This can be derived via the array has identical gain GTX(q0), and each receive subarray has
pseudoinverse. The optimal weights for the direction q are identical gain GRX(q0), the MIMO gain is
proportional to


The output of the optimal linear beamformer for a direction q to
a single target at an angle q0, has an SNR of

Again, the first quotient is recognized as the transmit gain while

the second quotient is the receive gain.
This is a fundamental result. As in the traditional case of
The quadratic forms in (31) are recognized as inner products multiple degrees of freedom on receive (but not transmit), the
with respect to the matrix R*x for transmit and R–1
for receive. response of an adaptive array on receive is characterized by the
This allows it to be expressed as spatial covariance matrix of the interference Rv. In the MIMO


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Tutorial: Coherent MIMO Radar: The Phased Array and Orthogonal Waveforms

case, this extends to the transmit gain through the MIMO sig-
nal correlation matrix Rx. Indeed, this matrix fully characterizes
the behavior of a MIMO radar. This highlights the fact that, The MIMO signal correlation matrix Rx characterizes the per-
although MIMO radar is enabled by flexibility in waveform formance of the radar antenna in terms of its transmit gain for a
generation, it is inherently an antenna-based technology. given set of waveforms {xm(t)}. We have also established that a
phased array and a radar using orthogonal waveforms represent
the two extremes of MIMO radars. The phased array has the
F. ANTENNA PATTERNS rank-1 signal correlation matrix Rx/PA given in (20). The sig-
The performance of an array antenna for use in a radar system nal correlation matrix for orthogonal waveforms Rx/^ given in
is well quantified by considering three gain patterns: the steered (23), is a full-rank matrix. Using our framework, we are able to
response, the beampattern, and the (angular) point spread func- determine the MIMO steering vector, interference covariance,
tion [27]. These describe the ability of the data collected by the and optimal spatial weights for each case. These quantities are
system to be used to digitally form beams in desired directions summarized in Table II.
with desired properties. Recall that the phased array seeks to steer its transmit beam
in some direction . This results in a transmit gain (neglecting
CC The steered response G1 (q) quantifies the ability of the
subarray gain) for a target at angle q0 of
array to digitally steer a beam in a direction q.

CC The beampattern G2 (q0; q) quantifies the ability of an ar-

ray to reject targets from an angle q0 when the array is
steered in a direction q.
As expected, the phased array antenna does not have the capa-
CC The point spread function G3(q;q0) quantifies the angular
bility of digital transmit beam steering. Because the waveforms
response of an array to a target at an angle q0 if the array
are correlated from transmit subarray to subarray, there are no
is steered to an angle q.
transmit degrees of freedom available to the radar.
The distinctions between these patterns are summarized in Compare this with the radar that transmits orthogonal wave-
Table I. Observe that the beampattern and point spread function forms. The transmit gain for a target in some direction q0, when
are equivalent if the subarrays are assumed to be omnidirectional. the transmit beam is (digitally) steered to an angle q, is
These results consider the case where nonomnidirectional
elements are used, which are assumed to be subarrays of the
larger array. The case of a MIMO radar that uses such elements
on transmit has been discussed in the literature, e.g., in [28],
where it is referred to as “Phased-MIMO.” Of course, the idea Note that the transmit beam may be digitally resteered to any
of using subarrays in phased array radars is a mature concept angle q with the same set of received signals.
[29]. This notion of digitally resteering the transmit beam may
We have derived an expression for the antenna gain pro- seem nonsensical at first, but it is accomplished by using the
vided by a MIMO radar that uses a given set of waveforms. transmit degrees of freedom provided by a radar transmit-
This allows us to calculate the three important gain patterns. In ting orthogonal waveforms just as a phased array with receive
the next section, these concepts will be employed to describe degrees of freedom can digitally resteer a receive beam. The
the characteristics of a radar using orthogonal waveforms and receive beam is digitally resteered by digitizing a number of
contrast this with the phased array. spatially-diverse channels that are linearly combined to synthe-


Description of Antenna Patterns. G (q 0; q) is the Gain for a Target at an Angle q 0 when the Beam is Digitally
Steered in a Particular Direction q.

Quantity Description Definition

Steered Ability to digitally resteer antenna G1 (q ) = {G(q; q) : q ∈ Q}

Beampattern Ability to reject targets from undesired G2 (q0 ; q) = {G(q0; q) : q0 ∈ Q0} for fixed q
Point Spread Ability to resolve closely spaced targets G3 (q ; q0) = {G(q0; q) : q ∈ Q} for fixed q0


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Davis, Showman, and Lanterman

size arbitrary receive beams. Exploiting the orthogonality of correlated waveforms, an improvement in gain in this direction
the transmit waveforms, a MIMO radar uses matched filters to is provided. The spoiled phased array or the radar using orthog-
isolate the contribution of each transmitter to provide a number onal waveforms has a steered response identical to the subarray
of spatially-diverse channels that are linearly combined to syn- pattern because no array gain is realized on transmit.
thesize arbitrary transmit beams. By considering the transmit beampattern, it is apparent that
Two things are evident when we compare the transmit gains the radar using orthogonal waveforms is able to synthesize a
of these two extreme cases of MIMO radar in (36) and (37). beampattern with the same mainlobe width and same sidelobe
First, the phased array provides additional transmit gain for tar- performance as the phased array. We recall from the steered re-
gets with angle . Indeed, if M transmit elements are used, sponse that the overall gain is not as high as the phased array,
the phased array can provide an improvement in SNR by a fac- but from this we see that the beampattern is preserved.
tor of M when compared with the orthogonal waveform case. The point spread function demonstrates that the orthogonal
However, this transmit beamforming gain provided by the waveform case possesses superior angular resolution perfor-
phased array is only applicable to targets in the direction where mance compared with the phased array. In fact, neither the full
the transmit beam was steered, . Because the phased array lacks phased array or the spoiled phased array are able to provide any
transmit degrees of freedom, it is unable to use digital process- resolution on transmit. Note that a similar point spread func-
ing to resteer its transmit beam. We see that the phased array tion is presented in [12], where it is (somewhat misleadingly)
provides improved gain in a particular direction, but a MIMO referred to as a beampattern.
radar provides a digital beamforming capability on transmit by To summarize, by transmitting orthogonal waveforms,
using orthogonal waveforms. a MIMO radar is able to achieve the wide area coverage of a
spoiled phased array while preserving its beampattern. It is
also able to provide improved angular resolution. Note that, in
A. A COMPARISON OF GAIN PATTERNS this case, a ULA was employed and the correlation among the
These concepts are made more concrete by considering the be- waveforms was varied. More novel configurations may be used
ampattern, steered response, and angular point spread function where orthogonal waveforms are able to operate in a sparse,
of the phased array and orthogonal waveforms. An example of irregular configuration.
each of these is presented in Figure 5. The (transmit) subarray
pattern and the patterns of the spoiled phased array are also pre-
sented for reference.
From the steered response, we see that the phased array In many phased array radar systems, a high-gain, directional
is able to provide superior gain for the direction in which the beam dwells in a particular location for some coherent process-
beam was formed (in analog) on transmit. By transmitting M ing interval (CPI). The length of the CPI is chosen to meet some


Comparison of a Phased Array and a Radar using Orthogonal Waveforms

Quantity Phased Array Orthogonal Waveforms

Signal Correlation Rx

MIMO Steering Vector s(q)

Optimal Weights w(q0)

Transmit Gain GTX(q; q0)

Receive Gain GRX(q ; q0)

Peak Transmit Gain M 1

Peak Receive Gain N N
Resteer Transmit Beam? No Yes
Resteer Receive Beam? Yes Yes


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Tutorial: Coherent MIMO Radar: The Phased Array and Orthogonal Waveforms

use a single CPI that was M times as long as that used by each
phased array dwell. In both cases, the search rate and SNR on
any target will be equivalent.
This is consistent with the standard search-radar equation,
which demonstrates that the search rate of a radar is fundamen-
tally limited by its power-aperture product [30]. Indeed, the
SNR constraints on search rate are seen to be unaffected by the
choice of operating an array as a phased array or using orthogo-
nal waveforms.
This demonstrates that the “total” SNR of a coherent MIMO
radar is unaffected by the correlation matrix in many cases. How-
ever, as we saw before, using orthogonal waveforms provides
many benefits. This includes improved angular resolution and an
improved beampattern compared with the spoiled configuration.
Compare this with the case of statistical, i.e., noncoherent
MIMO radar. For a noncoherent MIMO dwell, M radar systems
simultaneously illuminate some area/volume. It is not clear that
the CPI duration could be decreased by a factor of M. Also, for
a volume-surveillance radar, the volumes illuminated by each
radar may not completely overlap, representing an additional
inefficiency. Careful bookkeeping is required when benchmark-
ing the performance of a noncoherent MIMO radar and compar-
ing it with the case where each radar operates independently
and data fusion occurs at a higher level, e.g., track-level fusion.


In many ways, gain patterns fully characterize the perfor-
mance of a MIMO radar. Consider, for example, the case of
a MIMO ground moving target indication (GMTI) radar, as
described in [22]. The first question to address is to assess
the impact on the apparent loss of gain when moving from a
Figure 5. phased array to transmitting orthogonal waveforms. It would
Phased array and orthogonal waveform gain patterns. seem that a MIMO GMTI radar, by transmitting M orthogonal
waveforms, would suffer a factor of M loss in SNR. Of course,
requirement, e.g., a satisfactory probability of detection for a this could be compensated by dwelling M times as long for
given class of targets. By changing the look angles , the each CPI, but this would cause a commensurate decrease in
phased array can steer this beam over the search volume. area coverage rate. However, as we see from the steered re-
Now, consider a radar that transmits M orthogonal wave- sponse, using orthogonal waveforms allows a larger area of
forms. As we saw in the above discussion, for a single dwell, the ground to be illuminated. Instead of using a phased array
a phased array improves SNR by a factor of M over that of a to scan a narrow high-gain beam on the ground from CPI to
radar using orthogonal waveforms, but the latter is able to illu- CPI, the MIMO radar is able to use a lower gain beam with a
minate an area that is M times as large in angular extent. Con- larger footprint and employ a longer CPI. So, if the targets of
sequently, by using a CPI that is M times as long as that used interest and the clutter remain sufficiently coherent over this
by the phased array, the radar using orthogonal waveforms long CPI, the SNR may be recovered.
can obtain equivalent SNR. Also, since it illuminates a larger As pointed out in [22], these longer CPIs provide improved
volume, the search rate is unaffected. This approach requires Doppler resolution. In addition, as we saw in considering the
that the targets remain sufficiently coherent over the extended point spread function, MIMO radar also provides improved an-
CPI, which may require compensation for nonconstant veloc- gular resolution. GMTI systems are able to detect very slow
ity in some applications. moving targets in the presence of strong clutter returns through
To summarize, consider the special case of omnidirectional the application of space-time adaptive processing (STAP) [31].
elements (or elements that are matched to the specified surveil- This is accomplished by exploiting the angle-Doppler coupling
lance volume), and let us ignore complications such as beam of stationary clutter. Clearly, a MIMO GMTI system that could
shape loss and beam overlapping strategies. The phased array transmit orthogonal waveforms could provide enhanced detec-
would steer the beam through a series of M beam positions. On tion performance against slow moving targets when compared
the other hand, the radar using orthogonal waveforms would with a phased array. Flight test data has been collected to dem-


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Davis, Showman, and Lanterman

onstrate improved detection performance that is provided by a the response in other range bins, so we introduce a lag term t,
MIMO GMTI [32]. which allows us to capture the response of each matched filter
While the angular point spread function of the array used by to a shifted version of each of the other waveforms. The MIMO
a GMTI system is critical, it is of less importance to a synthetic signal correlation matrix for a lag t is given by
aperture radar (SAR) system, which seeks to form high- resolu-
tion imagery of the ground by synthesizing a synthetic aperture
much larger than its physical aperture through platform motion.
In this case, the physical aperture does not provide the resolu-
tion necessary to resolve targets in the along-track dimension. This can obviously be extended to include mismatches in Dop-
Instead, the role of the antenna is to act as a spatial filter to re- pler frequency [14, 38]. Following a similar development to that
ject returns that would otherwise be Doppler ambiguous for the above, the response of the M matched filters to the signals from
radar’s along-track sampling rate. In this case, the key figure of the N receivers given a target at an angle q0 may be written as
merit is the antenna beampattern.
This is an extension of the Vernier array approach that uses
multiple receive channels to improve area coverage rates in (39)
along-track sampling-limited applications [33]. This view of
MIMO SAR was presented in [34]. An analogous approach ap-
where the filtered noise matrix is
plies to the related technology of synthetic aperture sonar (SAS)
[24]. Other discussions of MIMO SAR are presented in [35],
[36], and [37]. (40)

V. MIMO RADAR WAVEFORMS The N × M matrix Z may be vectorized, which yields

In the previous discussion, we have considered the angular reso-

lution properties of a MIMO radar. This was accomplished by (41)
considering a single range bin where a target was assume to be
present and examining the angular response of the beamformer.
where the MIMO steering vector for a lag t corresponding to a
We now extend this discussion to consider the response in range.
target at an angle q is
To accomplish this, we must extend the definition of the MIMO
signal correlation matrix of (14) to include a dependence on time.
Up to this point, we have only considered the inner products (42)
of the transmitted waveforms with one another. We now extend
this to consider all of the autocorrelations and cross-correlations
and e(t) is the vectorized version of the filtered noise matrix
of the suite of waveforms. This further reinforces the assertion
that coherent MIMO radar is essentially an antenna concept rath-
The array factor corresponding to lag t is found to be
er than a waveform-based technique. Indeed, the waveforms (and
their cross-correlations in particular) are the source of many of
the problems facing the implementation of MIMO radar.

Up to this point, the analysis has tacitly assumed that the range
to the target was known so that the outputs of the matched fil-
ters in (13) may be sampled at the peak of the target response.
Compare this with the array factor in (34). This is interpreted as
In practice, a radar signal processor generates the sampled re-
the (voltage) gain on a target at an angle q0 provided by a beam-
sponse of the matched filter at a rate corresponding to the ex-
former steered to (t,q). The response of the linear beamformer
pected range resolution. Each sample is the (complex) voltage
that is steered to an angle q, and a lag t to a single target at an
associated with a range bin. We now extend the model devel-
angle q0, as
oped above in (15) for z(q0), which corresponds to the peak of
the matched filter response to a target at an angle q0 to include a
lag term t, which is relative to the peak of the response.
Observe that each of the elements of the matrix defined by
(14) is the inner product of a pair of transmitted waveforms. (44)
This describes the response of each waveform to the matched
filter constructed for each of the other waveforms sampled
at the peak of the autocorrelations. We are now interested in


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Tutorial: Coherent MIMO Radar: The Phased Array and Orthogonal Waveforms

For fixed angles q and q0, this may be considered the range
response of the waveforms. This is analogous to the waveform
autocorrelation, which describes the range response of the
waveform to the matched filter that is applied by a SISO radar
Observe that the contribution of the receive array is equiva-
lent regardless of which range bin is considered. However, the
transmit array factor varies as a function of range as well as
For a moment, let us consider the SIMO case where the ma-
trix Rx is simply the scalar-valued autocorrelation function of
the transmitted waveform. This allows us to separate the varia-
tion in range, which is due to the signal autocorrelation func-
tion, from the variation in angle, which is related to the similar-
ity between the steering vectors.
However, in the MIMO case, unless the waveforms are Figure 6.
orthogonal, the range response can vary as a function of both Spectrograms of an up-chirp and a down-chirp.
angle and range in a nonseparable manner. This is alluded to in
[38], where the impact of range straddle loss is also discussed. may indirectly impact the detection performance of a MIMO
Of course, this latter effect is a problem encountered by any MTI radar because the characteristics of the cross-correlation
radar system [39]. energy may impact the cancellation ratio [40].
An interpretation of the result in (43) is that the cross-cor- The range response of a MIMO radar depends on the trans-
relation functions of the transmitted waveforms interfere with mit signal correlation matrix, as seen in (44). Instead of merely
each other in different ways depending on the angle of arrival. contending with the autocorrelation sidelobes of a single wave-
This impacts beamforming and direction finding [38] and the form, a MIMO radar will also need to operate in the presence of
cancellation of clutter for GMTI radar [40]. sidelobes arising from the cross-correlation of the waveforms.


Two figures of merit are often used to quantify the autocorre- Many radar systems have historically employed linear frequen-
lation properties of a waveform. These are the peak sidelobe cy modulated (LFM) waveforms. These waveforms are easy
ratio (PSLR), which quantifies how low the highest sidelobe is to generate, their sidelobe characteristics may be improved
relative to the peak of the mainlobe, and the integrated sidelobe through aggressive windowing, and they allow radar designers
ratio (ISLR), which is the ratio of the energy within the sid- to relax receiver bandwidth requirements by employing stretch
elobes to the energy in the mainlobe. The PSLR quantifies the processing. LFM waveforms are ubiquitous in radar especially
impact of the worst-case sidelobe, while the ISLR captures the in SAR and GMTI radar systems.
effect of all of the sidelobe energy. These metrics extend natu- A natural extension of LFM to multiple waveforms is to
rally to the MIMO case, where the impact of cross-correlation change the slope from signal to signal. To obtain two approxi-
energy must be accounted for in addition to the sidelobes of the mately orthogonal waveforms, one might consider an up-chirp
autocorrelation. and a down-chirp. Figure 6 shows their time-frequency repre-
In moving target indication (MTI) radars, such as air traffic sentations. The autocorrelation and cross-correlation properties
control or air defense radars, the scenario typically involves a of these two waveforms are shown in Figure 7. At the zero-lag,
relatively small number of targets observed against a benign the cross-correlation is down by almost 30 dB from the peak,
clutter background. In many range/Doppler bins and for many which is well below the first sidelobe. From the range response,
scan angles, the radar will truly observe only noise because no we see that the PSLR is not increased by transmitting the sec-
target is present. This is in stark contrast to the SAR case, where ond LFM. Unfortunately, further away from the mainlobe, the
almost every point on the ground will reflect some energy back cross-correlation prevents the sidelobes from decaying to low
to the radar. levels. Consequently, transmitting the second LFM greatly de-
As a result of such differences, the figures of merit for judg- grades the ISLR performance.
ing waveforms depend on the application. To prevent large tar- While these waveforms may be acceptable for an MTI ap-
gets from obscuring smaller targets, MTI radar designers must plication, they are likely unsuitable for SAR or other radar ap-
choose waveforms to minimize the PSLR. On the other hand, in plications that seek to estimate the reflectivity profile of a con-
imaging applications like SAR, the ISLR is key because no tar- tinuum of scatterers. The ISLR approaches 0 dB, meaning that
get is observed in isolation. A poor PSLR will lead to a decrease the contrast of an image with distributed clutter will have very
in sensitivity for an MTI radar, while a poor ISLR will degrade low contrast. It is likely that MIMO operation will require a de-
the contrast of an image generated by a SAR. Note that ISLR parture from LFM waveforms and the adoption of phase-coded


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Davis, Showman, and Lanterman

[22], ionospheric phenomenology [44], or even synchroniza-

tion challenges [45], a MIMO radar may outperform a tradi-
tional system.
The goal of this work has been to present a framework for
understanding the appropriateness of a suite of MIMO wave-
forms for a particular radar application. The primary contribu-
tion has been a careful analysis of the antenna performance of a
MIMO radar that includes the impact on SNR as well as degra-
dation of range sidelobe performance.
Waveform design and synthesis remains the primary im-
pediment to the realization of a practical MIMO radar. The
improvements in angular resolution or other antenna charac-
teristics may be undermined by degradation in range sidelobe
performance. The radar system engineer must be aware of these
tradeoffs when considering the appropriateness of MIMO radar
for their application.
The challenge of overcoming the impact of waveform
cross-correlation may be aided by novel signal processing ap-
proaches. The matched filter has been ubiquitous in radar since
its early days because it provides the maximum SNR under rea-
sonable conditions [46]. Its use in proposed MIMO radar signal
processors is justified under the assumption that the waveforms
are perfectly orthogonal. To fully exploit the potential of MIMO
radar, more advanced signal processing approaches must be de-
veloped primarily to deal with the impact of cross-correlation
between the transmitted waveforms. While waveform design is
critical to enabling MIMO radar, processing approaches, such
as compressed sensing [47, 48], may prove to be equally im-

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Davis, Showman, and Lanterman

been employed since 2008. He Aaron D. Lanterman (M’91)

received the B. S. degree in is an Associate Professor of
electrical engineering from the Electrical and Computer En-
Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech- gineering at the Georgia Insti-
nology in 2003 and the M. S. tute of Technology, which he
degree from the University of joined in the fall of 2001. In
Michigan in 2007. He was pre- 2004, he was chosen to hold
viously a research engineer at the Demetrius T. Paris Pro-
General Dynamics in Ypsilanti, fessorship, a special chaired
Michigan, which was formerly position for the development
the Environmental Research of young faculty. He finished
Institute of Michgan. The focus a triple major consisting
of his research has been radar of a B.A. in Music, B.S. in
signal processing with a focus on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) Computer Science, and B.S.
and ground-moving target indication (GMTI) radar. in Electrical Engineering at Washington University in St.
Louis in 1993. He stayed on for graduate school, receiving
Gregory A. Showman (S'94— an M.S. (1995) and D.Sc. (1998) in Electrical Engineering.
M'00—SM’07) received the His graduate work focused on target recognition for infrared
B.S. degree in Applied Physics imagery as part of the multi-university U.S. Army Center
from the University of Cali- for Imaging Science. After graduation, he joined the Co-
fornia at Davis in 1985, and ordinated Science Laboratory at the University of Illinois
the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in at Urbana-Champaign as a postdoctoral research associate
Electrical Engineering from the and then as a visiting assistant professor, where he man-
Georgia Institute of Technology aged a project on radar systems exploiting "illuminators of
in 1994 and 2000. He is current- opportunity" such as television and FM radio signals. His
ly a Principal Research Engineer other research interests include target tracking, image re-
at GTRI, where he acts as head construction, music synthesis, and video game hardware.
of the Adaptive Sensor Technol- He received the School of Electrical and Computer Engi-
ogy Branch and toils on the de- neering Richard M. Bass/Eta Kappa Nu Outstanding Junior
velopment of signal processing Teacher Award in 2006, and was named a 2009 Hesburgh
algorithms and architectures for airborne and space-based radar Award Teaching Fellow. He has served as associate editor
systems, with emphasis on multi-dimensional adaptive filtering, for radar for the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Elec-
synthetic aperture imaging, and electronic protection applications. tronic Systems.


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