Building Identification Jakarta EA &GBA RFP 2023

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Selection and Prioritization of Government Buildings to Undergo Energy

Audit (EA) and Green Building Assessment (GBA) in Daerah Khusus
Ibukota Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) Using an Inclusive Process

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, Inc.

120 Park Avenue, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10017
United States of America

11 July 2023
1. C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Inc. (“C40”)
C40 is a network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities, who are
working to deliver the urgent action needed right now to confront the climate
crisis, and create a future where everyone, everywhere can thrive. Mayors of C40
cities are committed to using a science-based and people-focused approach to
help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C and build healthy, equitable and
resilient communities. Through a Global Green New Deal, mayors are working
alongside a broad coalition of representatives from labour, business, the youth
climate movement and civil society to go further and faster than ever before.

C40’s team of 200+ staff is headquartered in London, with offices in New York,
Joburg, Singapore, Delhi, Rio de Janeiro, Copenhagen, Beijing and Paris, and
individual staff based across 25+ different locations, with the Office of the Chair
based in London.

The strategic direction of the organisation is determined by an elected Steering

Committee of C40 mayors which is chaired by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.
Three term Mayor of New York City Michael R. Bloomberg serves as President of
the C40 Board of Directors, which is responsible for operational oversight. A
nine-person management team, led by Executive Director, Mark Watts, leads the
day-to-day management of C40. C40’s three core strategic funders are Bloomberg
Philanthropies, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) and Realdania.

To learn more about the work of C40 and our cities, please visit our Website, or
follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

2. Summary, Purpose and Background of the Project

2.1 Overview of Jakarta

As the most urbanized and populous city in Indonesia, and the fourth largest
megacity in the world, the Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) has
committed itself to ramping up its climate action initiatives in meeting its goal of
reducing carbon emissions by 30% in 2030, working towards net zero emissions
by 2050. In 2021, with technical assistance from C40, DKI Jakarta launched the
Jakarta Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2021-2050: Towards Climate Resilience and
Carbon Neutrality (English version; Governor’s decree No. 90 2021). It encapsulates
the city’s plan for ambitious climate actions that were crafted through scientific
and evidence-based analyses and covers mitigation, adaptation, and equitable
benefits to its citizens.

In the CAP, DKI Jakarta identified six action tracks under adaptation and
mitigation to chart its way towards being a carbon neutral, resilient, and inclusive
city. One of the action tracks under mitigation is Buildings & Industries. Within
this track, the three actions are: (1) Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings, (2)
Energy Efficiency in Industry, and (3) Green Buildings Policy Revisions.

Emissions from stationary energy on grid electricity consumption are the largest
contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in DKI Jakarta. The electricity is retrieved
from power plants situated in the province and supplemented by the
Java-Madura-Bali (JAMALI) interconnected system. Besides transportation, 57% of
these energy-related emissions are attributed to residential, commercial and
institutional buildings, manufacturing industries and construction, non-specified
sectors. In 2012, the city passed a Green Building Policy which is now being
assessed for its potential to realise energy efficiency targets, incorporate policy
details catering for incentive provisions, and harmonising with the Minister of
Public Works and Public Housing Regulations on Green Building.

2.2 About the Programme

The Climate Action Implementation (CAI) Programme in Southeast Asia is part

of a broader Urban Climate Action Programme (UCAP) funded by the UK
Government from 2022-2025 to C40 that aims to work with cities in Africa, Latin
America, and Southeast Asia to implement two high impact, priority climate
actions in each city and to integrate climate action into city plans, processes and
structures. In Southeast Asia, the programme cities are DKI Jakarta, Quezon City,
and Kuala Lumpur.

The CAI Programme is providing technical assistance and capacity building to the
three cities in the region to enable action implementation in one key sector:
energy & buildings. The actions being implemented in the region centre on
developing building codes and roadmap for passive and active systems towards
net zero carbon buildings, establishing building energy performance monitoring
systems, and developing municipal building decarbonisation action plans.

This programme focuses on the particular policies and projects that can deliver
the most significant emissions and risk reduction impact and wider benefits in
support of a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The
programme also aims to engage other cities to share knowledge and lessons
learned on climate action implementation.

2.3 Selected Priority Actions for Jakarta

Priority Action 1: Take action on the enhancement, implementation, evaluation,
and strategic direction of DKI Jakarta’s Green Building Policy

This refers to the crafting of policies, harmonizing with national regulation on

green building, and promoting actions that will improve energy efficiency in
government-owned, residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities
in DKI Jakarta. This includes the aligning of relevant provincial plans and
processes such as improving the performance requirements of the provincial
Green Building Code as well as the associated incentivisation of green, resource
efficient (energy & water) measures, and setting up inclusive, participatory
roadmap for the future revisions of the Jakarta’s green building policy.

Priority Action 2: Policies and actions to institutionalize energy efficiency in
provincial government and provincial-owned enterprise (BUMD) buildings.

This refers to taking action on supporting the solarization of DKI Jakarta through
energy efficiency retrofitting in provincial government and provincial-owned
enterprise (BUMD) buildings pilot projects by developing a data management
system. It is anticipated that the private sector (private building owners and
developers) will be better enabled to take up Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy actions through the leadership of DKI Jakarta.

2.4 Key Activities and Deliverables

The UKAID CAI Programme in Southeast Asia is looking for a consultant to

conduct a Selection and Prioritization of Government Buildings to Undergo
Energy Audit (EA) and Green Building Assessment (GBA) in Daerah Khusus
Ibukota Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) Using an Inclusive Process. The aim of this
activity is to identify 2 DKI Jakarta public buildings (1 small building and 1
medium/large building) with the highest potential for energy savings and green
building retrofits. The methodological process does not only look into the energy
and building dimensions but also considers social, climate vulnerability, and
financial aspects.

C40 intends for a short-term consultative process with several rounds of

information sessions and proposed building lists, which will support Priority
Action 2. The whole methodological analysis for the selection of public buildings
will undergo 3 phases (Figure 1)
● Phase 1 - Enabling Criteria 1
● Phase 2 - Enabling Criteria 2
● Phase 3 - Multi-criteria Tool

Figure 1

1st Enabling Criteria - DKI Jakarta. The first phase of this mapping process is
shown and described in Figure 2 below. The filters for this phase are based in
close consultation with DKI Jakarta and C40 Cities. The filters pre-selected are as
A. Age of building - More than 10 years old but below 20 years old
B. City and/or district - Prioritise less developed and vulnerable (areas prone
to floods, high pollution due to severe traffic jam, factories emissions, fossil
fuel power plant etc.) areas of DKI Jakarta. Include all DKI Jakarta areas
except Kepulauan Seribu, Thousand Island.
C. Building typology
a. For small - To be determined upon contract award
b. For medium/large - To be determined upon contract award

Expected Consultant Output/s:

1. Using the above pre-selected filters and attributes, the consultant should
be able to list all public buildings and their addresses using a spreadsheet
(see further below for the example in Table 1)
2. Simple map with selected, pinned public buildings according to enabling
criteria 1
3. To manage expectation and consideration for the timeline, the estimated
number of buildings mapped at the end of phase 1 is below 100, preferably
between 50 to 60 (or even lower)

Estimated Number of Days to Spend: 5 days

Figure 2

2nd Enabling Criteria. After getting an initial list of mapped public buildings
according to Phase 1, the next filtering attribute is to get the commitment (i.e.
commitment to implement the technical recommendations arising from the
energy audit and green building assessment; and this includes the financial
commitment) of the selected buildings through its building administrators,
facility managers, etc. Therefore, the consultant should organize an activity which
combines an (1) information session and (2) call for interests and participation. The
information session aims to inform the building administrators and facility
managers on the benefits of participating in the selection process and
committing to implement recommendations from energy audits and green
building assessments after being selected, audited, and assessed. DKI Jakarta
aims to fully support the implementation of technical recommendations arising
from the reports through allocating financing/budget to the buildings.

Expected Consultant Output/s:

1. Develop an information session by informing building owners,
administrators, and facility managers the benefits if their buildings become
energy audited or green building-assessed. The consultant can propose the
best methodology to do this. Organizing any engagement activity will be
shouldered by C40 but will be limited to the venue and meal costs. Other
activities such as inviting participants or securing meetings should be done
by the consultant. This can be done through any or combination of any of
the following.
a. Webinar-dialogues
b. Plenary meetings
c. One-on-one meetings
d. Other engagement methods

Note: As this is a short-term consultancy, the consultant should be able to
find the fastest means to conduct phase 2. As an example, webinars can
just be smartly organized and/or kept short, e.g., cluster building
representatives together in 1 session, keep meetings/sessions under 15
minutes, etc.
2. Develop a 1-pager building applicant and participation/commitment form
(using the principles mentioned in the introduction to Phase 2 as well as in
Figure 3). The form should be pre-approved by C40 at the very least.
3. Issue a call for interests or participation (with a deadline, say 3 days or an
actual date) by the end of each session or 1-on-1 meetings using the
developed 1-pager.
4. To manage expectation and consideration for the timeline, the estimated
number of buildings selected at the end of phase 2 is between 10 to 20 (i.e.,
5-10 small buildings and another 5-10 medium/large buildings).
a. One way to filter the buildings is by accepting the first few
responders to the call for interests/participation (e.g., first 5-10 small
buildings + first 5-10 medium/large buildings)
b. The consultant is free to propose a method to filter this commitment
attribute in phase 2.

Estimated Number of Days to Spend: 15 days

Figure 3

Multi-criteria assessment. This assessment as depicted in the table below (Table 1)
follows 5 dimensions (social, financial, environmental, building, and energy) to rate
the selected (committed) buildings from the output of Phase 2. Each of the 5
dimensions come with the: pre-assigned weights; the subdimensions as well as
their corresponding weights; and the indicators and the points allocated. These
will be shared through a simple spreadsheet with the selected consultant.
Additionally, the consultant is expected to use/follow it to assess each of the
buildings. The consultant will need to add more sheets, rows, columns, as well as
the basic formulas to meet the target weights and points.

Expected Consultant Output/s:

1. Immediately inform and partner with C40 if any letter (or equivalent
document) is required (such as from DKI Jakarta or any specific
department of DKI Jakarta) prior to conducting data gathering or
interviewing activities in the chosen government buildings. It is expected
that the consultant will do the legwork (and do further follow-ups) in
distributing the letters to the buildings. Do note that since this is a
short-term consultancy, the consultant should (by all means necessary) be
able to do quick scheduling with and surveying of the buildings.
2. Filled in spreadsheet (using Google Sheets) following the instructions in
the previous paragraph. The consultant should assess the buildings based
on the indicators and their expertise and best judgments.
3. The consultant should show in the spreadsheet the 2 prioritized buildings: 1
small building and 1 medium/large building

Estimated Number of Days to Spend: 15 days

Dimension Weight Subdimension Weight Indicator Weight Description Options
60 years old and above
Age 25% Average age of people using the building
Between 25 to 59 years old
24 years old and below (youth and children)

Demographic 50% Gender on which the users of the building belong Female majority
Gender 25%
or identify themselves
LGBTQIA+ community are welcome users
1 Social 30% Male majority
Presence of building users and visitors with physical
People with physical disabilities can use more disability
Disability 25%
energy to power up necessary equipment
Absence of building users and visitors with physical
Low income / Considered in poverty / Within poverty
Socioeconomic status on which the majority of threshold
Socioeconomic 25%
building users belong Lower middle income
Middle income
Upper middle income
High income
High: Public buildings for permit applications, health
services, markets, with high foot traffic
Public Buildings providing basic or specialized public
50% Public Services 100%
Appreciation services Medium: Moderately visited such as museums, libraries,
Low: Buildings which are not infrequently visited and not
fully utilized
2 Financial 5% Bills 100% Energy expenses 100% Expenses for electricity consumption

Limited use of air conditioning; indoor air perception is
equal or greater than the ambient air
Exposure of the building to extreme heat,
Extreme Heat 50%
Exposure to measured through indoor temperature Moderate use of air conditioning: indoor air perception is
hazards slightly lower or nearly equal than the ambient air
Presence of air conditioning units in rooms and common

Exposure of the building to flooding based on Severely flooded

Flood Exposure 50%
historical events
3 Environmental Occasionally flooded
Air quality 50% Air Pollution 100% Historical Air Quality Index (AQI) Unhealthy
Structural Remodeling made to the structure of the building No
Improvements / 50% in recent years / Buildings given attention or not
Structural 50% Equity in the past Yes
4 Building 30%
Potential for retrofit and renovation instead of Substantial retrofit requirement
Retrofit Potential 50%
those requiring demolition and reconstruction
Moderate retrofit requirement
Will require demolition and reconstruction
# of Users More than 1000
Average number of people who stay during the
Occupancy 50% (Occupants and 100%
day in the building 300 - 1000
0 - 300

25% Consumption and 100% Energy Annual demand for electrical energy in the More than 100 MWh/year
Service Consumption building
5 Energy 50-100 MWh/year

10-50 MWh/year

0-10 MWh/year

Existence of air conditioning equipment in the Yes - mostly

Air Conditioning 50%
Yes - minimal

1. Government Regulation No. 33/2023 on Energy Conservation (replacement
of PP 70/2009). Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) tentang Konservasi Energi No.
33/2023. Article 18 on energy audits with investment standards. Article 34
on commercial buildings with energy use greater than the equivalent of
500 tons of oil must carry out energy conservation through energy
management. Articles 7-11 on definition of energy management, which
includes conducting periodic energy audits.
2. DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation No. 156/2012 on Energy and Water
Savings. Peraturan Gubernur Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta No.
156/2012 Penghematan Energi dan Air.
3. In 2022, EAs were collaboratively carried out between DKI Jakarta’s
Department of Labour, Transmigration and Energy, Dinas Tenaga Kerja,
Transmigrasi and Energi, (DTKTE Jakarta) and the Center for Development
of Human Resources for Electricity, New, Renewable Energy, and Energy
Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Pusat
Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Ketenagalistrikan, Energi Baru,
Terbarukan, dan Konservasi Energi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya
Mineral (PPSDM KEBTKE Kementerian ESDM), for 10 buildings owned by
DKI Jakarta. For 2023, EAs are being carried out in 10 buildings owned by
DKI Jakarta, consisting of office buildings and hospitals within the DKI
Jakarta province. Source: PPSDM KEBTKE website
4. Literature Review of Green Building Application in DKI Jakarta by the
Resource Directoral General Library, 7 December 2022. Bedah Buku
Penerapan Bangunan Gedung Hijau (Green Building) di DKI Jakarta oleh
Perpustakaan Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya, 7 Disember 2022.
5. Example from a government owned enterprise implementing green
building assessment. Demi ESG, BRI Bangun Kantor Konsep Green & Smart
Building by CNBC Indonesia.
6. PUPR Ministerial Regulation No. 21/2021 on Green Building Performance
Assessment. Penilaian Kinerja Bangunan Gedung Hijau No. 21/2021. And its
accompanying Appendix Table 11 Green Building Utilisation Performance
Assessment Checklist for Existing Buildings. Daftar Simak Penilaian Kinerja
Tahap Pemanfaatan BGH untuk Bangunan Gedung yang Sudah Ada.
7. Guidebook for Subroto Award in the Field of Energy Efficiency, Buku
Pedoman Penghargaan Subroto Bidang Efisiensi Energi (PSBE)
8. Humanising Green Office Building Assessment System by Indonesian
Institute of Architects, Memanusiakan Sistem Penilaian Bangunan Gedung
Hijau oleh Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI).
9. Statistik Sektoral DKI Jakarta Volume 2, 2022, ISSN 2809-185X and ISSN
2809-1841 by Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Statistik DKI Jakarta

3. Proposal Guidelines
This Request for Proposal represents the requirements for an open and
competitive process. Proposals will be accepted until the deadline for receiving
offers stated in RfP timeline below.

The proposals should give C40 evaluators all the information they need to assess
your bid. Please indicate:

● Assumptions or Understanding about the project;

● Proposed approach or methodology;
● Any risks identified and mitigation measures;
● Proposed fee;
● Proposed implementation timeline;
● Consultant’s resume, and any examples of similar past projects or track
record, including experience in engaging with local government officials in
Bahasa Indonesia

You must include adequate information about how your costs were calculated to
enable evaluation of cost reasonableness.

Please note: Proposals are to be written in English, or (ideally) in both English and
Bahasa Indonesia, saved in PDF format and not exceed three (3) pages of text.
Reference material may be placed in annexes.

Supplier Diversity

C40 is committed to supplier diversity and inclusive procurement through

promoting equity, diversity and inclusivity in our supplier base. We believe that by
procuring a diverse range of suppliers, we get a wider range of experiences and
thoughts from suppliers and thus are best able to deliver to the whole range of
our diverse cities and the contexts that they operate within.

We strongly encourage suppliers (individuals and corporations) that are diverse in

terms of size, age, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, majority owned
and controlled by a minority group, physical or mental ability, ethnicity and
perspective to put forward a proposal to work with us.

Feel welcome to refer to C40’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement as

supplier diversity and inclusive procurement is one element of applying equity,
diversity and inclusion to help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C and build
healthy, equitable and resilient communities.


Please note this is a contract for professional services and not a grant opportunity.
Organisations unable to accept contracts for professional services should not
submit bids. The work will be completed on the C40 Standard Service Provider

These terms and conditions are non-negotiable. Organisations unable to accept
them as drafted should not submit bids in connection with this opportunity.

If C40 are unable to execute a contract with the winner of this competitive
process, we reserve the right to award the contract to the second highest
Potential Supplier.


If the organisation submitting a proposal needs to subcontract any work to meet

the requirements of the proposal, this must be clearly stated. All costs included in
the proposal must be all-inclusive of any outsourced or contracted work. Any
proposal which calls for outsourcing or contracting work must include a name
and description of the organisations being contracted.

Programme Management

The Head of Implementation (Southeast Asia), the Regional Programme Manager,

the Technical Adviser for Energy & Buildings (Southeast Asia), Inclusive Climate
Action & Engagement Sr. Manager, and City Adviser for Jakarta from C40 will
oversee the project and be active partners. The supplier will foster close and
constructive working relations with the C40 team. All change requests will need
to be approved by the C40 team. As part of the project management, an
inception meeting will be required, along with regular progress meetings.

4. RfP and Project Timeline

RFP Timeline Due Date

Request for proposals sent out. Potential suppliers with 11 July 2023
an interest to submit a proposal are advised to
register their interest by emailing to
receive direct updates for this RFP (if any).

Deadline for receiving offers 12:00 GMT+7, 14 July 2023

Selection decision made 21 July 2023

All potential suppliers will be notified of outcome

Project Timeline: Refer to payment schedule and timeline

5. Proposal Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated against the following criteria:

Evaluation Criteria Weighting

Project delivery approach 30%

Expertise and experience 40%

Value for money 20%

Equity and ethical alignment 10%

6. Project Budget
Costs should be stated as one-time costs. The budget is between USD 8,000 to
USD 10,000. All proposals must include proposed costs to complete the tasks
described in the project scope, including all VAT, taxes, tools, equipment,
transportation, meals, accommodations, etc., as the budget above represents the
total amount available. Proposals should include a budget breakdown of the tasks
and deliverables.

Cost for workshops should exclude the cost for catering and venue hire, these
costs will be covered by C40. All budgets are to be prepared in USD.

All costs incurred in connection with the submission of this RfP are
non-refundable by C40.

Payments are made within 30 days of C40 approving an invoice and subject to
satisfactory delivery of the services as approved by C40. Please note, C40 does not
pay contractors more frequently than once per month.

Payment Schedule

Tasks Deliverables Timeline Payment %

Initialisation Inception meeting; July 2023

Initialisation Report consisting of work plan listing

agreed deliverable, sub-timeline, agreed scope,

PHASE 1. 1st 1. List of public buildings and addresses in Table 1, Week 1

Enabling map of pinned buildings according to enabling Aug 2023
Criteria criteria 1; surveyed 50 to 60 buildings

PHASE 2. 2nd 2. Information sessions Week 2

Enabling 3. Draft 1-pager building applicant and and 3 100%
Criteria participation / commitment form Aug 2023
4. Approved 1-pager building applicant and
participation / commitment form
5. List of public buildings in Table 1, map of pinned
buildings according to enabling criteria 2;
narrowed down to 10 to 15 buildings


Multi-criteria ANALYSIS spreadsheet, highlight 2 prioritized Aug 2023
assessment buildings: 1 small building and 1 medium/large

7. C40 Policies
C40 expects third parties to able to abide by these C40 policies
● Ethical Business Conduct Policy here
● Environmental Policy here
● Equity , Diversity and Inclusion Policy here
● Safeguarding Policy here
● Whistleblowing Policy here

8. Submissions
Each Potential Supplier must submit their proposal to the email address below:

Suriya Binti Abdul Hadi, CAI SEA Contracts Manager at


C40 will not accept any liability or be responsible for any costs incurred by
Potential Suppliers in preparing a response for this RfP.

Neither the issue of the RfP, nor any of the information presented in it, should be
regarded as a commitment or representation on the part of C40 (or any of its
partners) to enter into a contractual arrangement. Nothing in this RfP should be
interpreted as a commitment by C40 to award a contract to a Potential Supplier
as a result of this procurement, nor to accept the lowest price or any tender.


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