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Date : Tuesday, September 26, 2023

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A. Read the sentences and guess the meanings of the underlined words. 10

The mathematics teacher in our secondary school was very strict. He made rules for the class, and he
expected everyone to follow them. If he told students to write all of their answers in ink, he would mark
any answer written in pencil wrong – even if it was the correct answer!

1. A strict teacher is a teacher who _________

a. works in a secondary school
b. teaches mathematics
c. marks answers wrong even if they are correct
d. wants everyone to follow the rules

Daily newspapers are written for people who are busy and want to read about the news of the day in a
hurry. On weekends, however, people have time to relax, so weekend newspapers – particularly Sunday
newspaper – are intended to read leisurely.

2. What type of person is a Sunday newspaper intended for?

a. A person who is always busy
b. A person who relaxes on the weekend
c. A person who is in hurry
d. A person who wants to know the news of the day
3. When someone reads a newspaper leisurely, he or she reads it _____________
a. in a relaxed way
b. in a hurry
c. very quickly
d. very slowly

A number of different factors can influence test results. For instance, if the weather is extremely hot or
cold, this may cause the test results to be lower, or if the test is given just after lunch or late in the
afternoon when the students are tired, the results may be lower than those of a test given early in the
morning. On the other hand, higher test results can be obtained when students are alert but relaxed, and
in a room which is comfortable and free from distractions.

4. Which of the following factors can cause lower test results?

a. Scheduling the test early in the morning
b. Giving the test in a room without distractions
c. Making sure that students relax before the test
d. Giving the test just after lunch
5. When one thing influences another, it _________
a. causes it to change in some way
b. harms or destroys it
c. makes it better
d. causes it to happen

B. Complete the following sentences with a word from the list on the top. 10
a. game b. microscope c. understand d. produced
e. reread f. leadership g. semifinal h. periodical
i. glasses j. transformed k. helpful l. rewrite

1. A caterpillar is transformed into a butterfly.

2. We use a microscope to help us see small things.
3. He made so many mistakes that he had to reread his composition.
4. He won the semifinal match. He will meet the other finalist tomorrow.
5. A manager should have a good skill of leadership.

C. Complete the following sentences by writing the correct form of the underlined word! 20

1. People can communicate by speaking, writing, making signs, or using pictures. The most common
forms of ____________________________ (noun) are speaking and writing.
2. A tradition is an old way of doing something. Traditions do not change for a long time.
_________________________ (adverb), farmers used animals to do their work, for example; but today
most modern farmers use machines to do their work.
3. Activities are things for people to do, and an __________________ (adjective) person is a person who is
always doing something.
4. Our house is too small, so we are going to extend the house to make it bigger. We are going to
build an ______________________ (noun) on the west end of the house.
5. Newspapers give information about the news of the day. They _______________ (verb) people about
what is happening in the world.

D. Transform into sentences! 30

√4 97 ×16−3 + 12 3 =…
√14 +10,765 4
If the fourth root of ninety-seven is multiplied by sixteen to the power of negative three,
and the product is divided by the sum of the square root of fourteen is added to ten
thousand seven hundred and sixty-five, and the quotient is added to twelve and three over

6 12
3 −185,956,209,637 × ( √ 89 ) ÷ ( 17.86 ) =…
5 9

If seventeen point eight six to the power of two over nine is divided by the fifth root of
eighty-nine to the power of twelve, and the quotient is multiplied by one hundred and
eighty-five billion, nine hundred and fifty-six million, two hundred and nine thounsand,
six hundred and thirty-seven, and the product is subtracted from three and six over
seven, then the difference…

(−3 )8− √3 8 8
3. 3
× √ 38=…
8 −83

If the cube root of eight is subtracted from negative three to the power of eight, and the
difference is divided by the difference of eighty-three is subtracted from eight to the
power of three, and the quotient is multiplied by the eighth root of thirty-eight, then
the product is…
E. Transform into a mathematics formula! 30

1. If the eleven thousand is subtracted from the quotient of the eleventh root of eleven is added to
eleven and one eleventh and the sum is divided by eleven point double one and the difference is …

√11+1111 −11,000=…


2. If the sum of fifteen to the ninth is added to two and six eighth is divided by the difference of the
fourth root of sixteen is subtracted from the square root of sixty-four, then the quotient is …

15 +2
√64− √16

3. If twelve point six five to the power of a twelfth is subtracted from the product of three and five
over seven to the power of negative two is multiplied by the third root of seventy-five, then the
difference is …

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