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Reviewer in Risk Management

What is Food Safety?

Food is any material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to
sustain growth, repair vital processes, and furnish energy – it is the basic need of all living beings.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)

the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
World Health Organization (WHO) - defines food safety as “the assurance that food will not cause harm to the
consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use”
This definition embodies three (3) essential notions:
• The notion of harm - It separates the safety aspects of food from other quality aspects that make food
unfit for human consumption without necessarily presenting a danger to health.
• The concept of assurance - Food safety and its management should be based on measures in place to
ensure that food is safe.
• Preparation and/or use of a food product should be considered in product design - A food product is
considered safe if it is prepared and/or used according to its intended use.

Public health and food control authorities have the leading role in managing food safety and overseeing the safety
of food supply, from primary production up to the point of consumption.
• Foresee all infrastructures and public health services that are necessary for good food safety
management, such as public health laboratories, water supply, and sanitation;
• Promulgate laws and regulations, which give priority to public health but which also meet other societal
and environmental factors; and
• Provide education to caregivers, consumers, travelers, health professionals, and the public
The Food industry is responsible for ensuring that the food it puts in the marketplace or served in food
establishments is safe, fit for human consumption, and meets the regulatory requirements of the country where it
is marketed. The food industry must have an integrated food safety assurance system to meet these responsibilities.
Consumers at large, domestic and professional food handlers in particular, also have an equally important role in
food safety
• Observation of good hygienic practices in the preparation of food;
• Reading the information on the labels of products and observing the instruction for the preparation and
storage of products;
• Reporting defective (unsafe) products to public health authorities and/or manufacturers; and
• Being discriminatory in selecting products, brands, and establishments to exclude those that may present
a risk for health, do not respect food hygiene, do not meet regulatory requirements, or have unethical
Scientists play an essential role in both the management of food safety and the communication of a crisis.
• Toxicological information, mechanisms of contamination of food items with chemicals, or their
• Ecology of microorganisms and epidemiology of foodborne diseases;
• Validated analytical methods;
• Process and technologies to control hazards; and
• Consumer perception, beliefs, and practices.

Food Safety Act (FSA) of 2013/Republic Act 10611 (RA no. 10611)
is an act to strengthen the food safety regulatory system in the Philippines to protect consumer health, facilitate
market access to local food and food products, and other purposes.

Department of Agriculture (DA)

is tasked with developing and enforcing food safety standards and regulations for food items in the supply chain’s
primary production and post-harvest stages.
• Bureau of Animal Industry – Food derived from animals, including eggs and honey
• National Dairy Authority – Milk production and post-harvest handling
• National Meat Inspection Service – Meats
Department of Health (DOH)
responsible for the safety of processed and pre-packaged food items and conducting monitoring and
epidemiological studies on foodborne diseases
• Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Regulation and Research – It implements a performance-
based food safety control system.
• Bureau of Quarantine – It ensures food safety in domestic and international ports and airports of entry.
• National Epidemiology Center – It conducts and documents epidemiological monitoring studies on
foodborne illnesses for use in policy formulation.

Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)

supervises the enforcement of food safety and sanitary rules and regulations and the inspection and compliance of
business establishments and facilities within its territorial jurisdiction in collaboration with the DA, DOH, and
other government agencies.

Local government units (LGUs)

enforce the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (Presidential Decree No. 856, December 23, 1975), food safety
standards, and food safety regulations in their territorial jurisdiction. They are responsible for sanitation in public
markets, slaughterhouses, micro and small food processing establishments, and public eating places.

Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (1975)

also known as the Presidential Decree No. 856 (PD No. 856), was promulgated on December 23, 1975, by former
President Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. The Code on Sanitation aims to improve the way of the Filipinos by directing
public health services toward protecting and promoting people's health.

refers to the unintended presence of harmful organisms or substances in food. Most foodborne illnesses are the
result of eating contaminated food. Food is contaminated if it contains harmful substances not originally present in
it. Any substance in food that can cause illness, injury, or harm is called a hazard.
• Biological Hazard - is a danger to food safety caused by disease-causing microorganisms such as
bacteria, molds, yeasts, viruses, or fungi.
• Chemical hazard - a danger to food safety caused by chemical substances, especially cleaning
agents, pesticides, and toxic metals.
• Physical hazard - refers to a danger to food safety caused by particles such as glass chips, metal
shavings, bits of wood, or other foreign matter.
• Allergen - a substance that causes an allergic reaction.

Direct contamination – is the contamination of raw food items or the plants or animals from which they come, in
their natural settings or habitats. Chemical and biological contaminants, such as bacteria and fungi, are present in
the air, soil, and water.
Cross-contamination - or the transference of hazardous substances, mainly microorganisms, to food from
another food or surface such as equipment, worktables, or hands.

Foodborne illnesses - refer to diseases, usually either infectious or toxic, caused by agents that enter the body
through the ingestion/consumption of contaminated food

Foodborne Disease Outbreak - typically characterized by prevalent signs and symptoms, including abdominal
cramps, watery diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and fever. In more severe cases, individuals may encounter
compromised immune systems, kidney failure, respiratory failure, stillbirth, meningitis, and even fatalities.
Biological Hazards
Bacteria - are single-celled microorganisms. Some bacteria are beneficial, like those that aid in the digestion of
food or those used in making cheese and yogurt. Bacteria that are dangerous when consumed by humans are
called Pathogens
• Intoxications (food poisoning) occur when a pathogen produces a toxin(s) while growing in food before
it is eaten. Upon consumption of a sufficient quantity of “poisoned food”
• Infections are caused when viable food pathogens survive through the host’s stomach into the intestine.
Some bacteria, all viruses, and parasites cause illness via infection.
• Toxin-mediated infection is caused by eating food that contains harmful microorganisms that will
produce a toxin once inside the human body.
Bacterial Growth - The reproduction of bacteria and the increase in the number of organisms. When bacteria are
moved from one place to another, they require time to adjust to new conditions and grow.
✓ Food - A suitable food supply is an essential
condition needed for bacterial growth. Most bacteria
prefer food high in protein or carbohydrates like
meats, poultry, seafood, dairy products, and cooked
rice, beans, and potatoes.
✓ Acidity - Most food items are acidic and have a
pH of less than 7.0. The pH symbol is used to
designate the acidity or alkalinity of a food.
✓ Temperature - All bacteria do not have the same
temperature requirements for growth. Most disease-
causing bacteria can grow within a temperature range
of 41°F to 135°F (5°C to 57°C), most commonly
referred to as the food Temperature Danger Zone
✓ Time - Under ideal conditions, bacterial cells can double in number every 15 to 30 minutes. For most
bacteria, a single cell can generate over one (1) million cells in just five (5) hours.
✓ Oxygen - Bacteria also differ in their requirements for oxygen. However, controlling oxygen conditions
may not be an effective way to prevent foodborne illness.
✓ Moisture - Like most other life forms, moisture is essential in bacterial growth. Scientists have
determined that it is not the percentage of moisture or “water by volume” in food that most affects
bacterial growth.
Viruses - are much smaller than bacteria, and these require a living host (human, animal) in which to grow and
reproduce. Viruses do not multiply in food.
Parasites - are microscopic creatures that need to live on or inside a living host to survive. They take nourishment
from their host.
Fungi - range from single-celled to multicellular organisms. These include yeasts, molds, mildews, and

Chemical and Physical Hazards

Some kinds of chemical poisoning are caused by using defective or improper equipment or equipment handled
improperly. Other chemical contamination can result from exposure of food items to chemicals used in
commercial food-service establishments.

Proper Food Handling

Temperature and Time - The two (2) major sanitation problems when handling and preparing food are cross-
contamination and the TDZ. Food should be kept out of the TDZ whenever possible.
▪ Improper cooling ▪ Contaminated raw food or ingredient
▪ Advance preparation ▪ Unsafe sources
▪ Infected person ▪ Use of leftovers
▪ Inadequate reheating for hot holding ▪ Cross-contamination
▪ Improper hot holding ▪ Inadequate cooking
Minimum internal cooking temperature is the internal temperature for a food product at which microorganisms
are killed.
Safe Food Handling Guidelines
• Start with clean, wholesome, or fresh food items from reputable suppliers. Buy government-inspected
meats, poultry, fish, dairy, and egg products whenever applicable.
• Handle food as little as possible. Use clean tongs, spatulas, or other utensils instead of hands when
• Use clean, sanitized equipment and worktables.
• Clean and sanitize cutting surfaces and equipment after handling raw poultry, meat, fish, or eggs and before
working on another food item.
• Use different chopping boards for different items to avoid cross-contamination. Generally, chopping
boards are color-coded as red for raw meats, yellow for raw poultry, blue for fish and shellfish, green for
vegetables and fruits, white for dairy products, and brown for cooked food. Commercial kitchens may use
a different color-coding scheme depending on their needs.
• Clean as you go. Do not wait until the end of the workday. Keep clean clothes and sanitizing solutions
handy at workstations and use them often.
• Wash raw fruits and vegetables thoroughly.
• When bringing food items out of refrigeration, do not bring out more than what can be processed in an
• Keep food covered unless for immediate use.
• Limit the time that the food spends in the TDZ. Observe the four-hour rule.
• Four-hour rule: Do not let food remain in the TDZ for a cumulative total of more than four (4) hours
between receiving and serving.
• Taste food properly. With a ladle or other serving implement, transfer a small amount of the food to a small
dish. Then, taste the sample using a clean spoon.
• Boil leftover gravies, sauces, soups, and vegetables before serving.
• Do not mix leftovers with freshly prepared food items.
• Chill all ingredients for protein salads and potato salads before combining.
• Cool and chill food quickly and correctly. Chill custards, cream fillings, and other hazardous food items as
soon as possible by pouring these into shallow, sanitized pans, covering, and refrigerating them.
Packaging Prepared Food
Food packaging comes in different materials like paper and paperboard, metals, glass, and plastics.
• Protection – Prevent outside forces like temperature, humidity, contact, and potential hazards from
intervening with the product inside.
• Preservation – Keep products in a controlled environment to remain safe for longer use.
• Convenience – The product should be convenient to carry, transport, and open while safely maintaining
inside items.
• Information – This contains data for tracking, product information, and marketing and brand
• Containment – Conceal product and its parts and prevent them from spillage and loss, starting from the
packing line through transportation phases until it arrives at the customer’s home

Handling Convenience Food Items

Convenience Food - is any food product that has been partially or completely prepared or processed by a
manufacturer. Processed food for restaurants and institutions ranges from partially prepared items that can be used
as components in recipes, such as frozen fish fillets, peeled potatoes to fully prepared items that only need to be
reconstituted or served as is.
Guidelines for Handling Convenience Food
• Handle with the same care as fresh, raw ingredients. Most loss of quality in convenience food comes
from assuming that these are damage-proof and can be treated haphazardly.
• Examine as soon as received. Particularly, check frozen food with a thermometer to ensure it did not
thaw in transit.
• Store properly. Frozen food must be held at -18°C (0°F) or lower. Regularly check the freezer with a
• Know the shelf life of each product. Nothing lasts forever—not even convenience food items. Rotate
stock according to the first in, first out principle*. Do not stock more than necessary.
• Defrost frozen food properly. Ideally, defrost in a tempering box set at -2°C to -1°C (28°F to 30°F) or
in the refrigerator at 5°C (41°F) or lower.
• Know-how and to what extent the product have been prepared. Partially cooked food needs less heating
in the final preparation than raw food.
• Use proper cooking methods. Be flexible when needed. Most modern pieces of equipment are designed
especially for convenience food.
• Treat convenience food as though you, not the manufacturer, did the preparation. Make the most of
the opportunity to use one’s creativity to serve the best quality product.

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