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Sport Performance Research in New Zealand (SPRINZ), AUT Millennium Institute, AUT University, Auckland, New
Zealand; 2Department of Sport and Recreation, Faculty of Community Health and Wellness, Toi Ohomai Institute of
Technology, Tauranga, New Zealand; 3Department of Hospitality, Tourism and Sport Industry, Plekhanov Russian University
of Economics, Moscow, Russia; 4World Strongman Federation, Belorussian Information Center, Riga, Latvia; 5Department of
Exercise and Sport Science, Faculty of Health & Science, University College of Learning, Palmerston North, New Zealand;
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3iUOEA+UwZl4CbonHd7XDWi68UIeRd21f+2LVqgm6cvk= on 05/04/2018

Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia; and 7Cluster for Health Improvement,
Faculty of Science, Health, Education and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

ABSTRACT ing were strategies used in the taper; and, poor tapering
Winwood, PW, Dudson, MK, Wilson, D, Mclaren-Harrison, occurred when athletes trained too heavy/hard or had too short
JKH, Redjkins, V, Pritchard, HJ, and Keogh, JWL. Tapering a taper. These data will assist strongman athletes and coaches
practices of strongman athletes. J Strength Cond Res 32(5): in the optimization of tapering variables leading to more peak
1181–1196, 2018—This study provides the first empirical evi- performances. Future research could investigate the priming
dence of how strongman athletes taper for strongman compet- and preactivation strategies strongman athletes use on com-
itions. Strongman athletes (n = 454) (mean 6 SD: 33.2 6 8.0 petition day.
years, 178.1 6 10.6 cm, 108.6 6 27.9 kg, 12.6 6 8.9 years KEY WORDS peaking, training volume, training intensity,
general resistance training, 5.3 6 5.0 years strongman imple- periodization, recovery, performance
ment training) completed a self-reported 4-page internet survey
on tapering practices. Analysis by sex (male and female), age INTRODUCTION

(#30 and .30 years), body mass (#105 and .105 kg), and
trongman is a sport that is similar to weightlifting
competitive standard (local/regional amateur, national amateur
and powerlifting, in which training is primarily
and professional) was conducted. Eighty-seven percent (n = focused on the improvement of maximal strength
396) of strongman athletes reported that they used a taper. and power to improve competition performance
Athletes stated that their typical taper length was 8.6 6 5.0 (31,32,42). Some strongman events such as the axle deadlift
days, with the step taper the most commonly performed taper or log press are similar to those in weightlifting and power-
(52%). Training volume decreased during the taper by 45.5 6 lifting competitions in which the athlete attempts to lift the
12.9%, and all training ceased 3.9 6 1.8 days out from com- heaviest load possible for 1 repetition. Other events such as
petition. Typically, athletes reported that training frequency and the farmer’s walk and yoke walk are timed with the winner
training duration stayed the same or decreased and training being the fastest athlete to complete the required distance
intensity decreased to around 50% in the last week. Athletes under a specified load. Unlike the sports of weightlifting and
generally stated that tapering was performed to achieve recov- powerlifting, substantial between competition differences
ery, rest, and peak performance; the deadlift, yoke walk, and can be observed in the types of events, loading parameters
stone lifts/work took longer to recover from than other lifts; (i.e., 1 repetition maximum [1RM] events vs. maximal repe-
assistance exercises were reduced or removed in the taper; titions with a given load and time frame) and required dis-
massage, foam rolling, nutritional changes, and static stretch- tances for carrying events. These differences in the
competitive demands of strongman compared with weight-
lifting and powerlifting suggest that there may be some dif-
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL ferences in the manner strongman athletes should taper for
citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML
competitions compared with these other sports.
and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s Web site (http:// The taper is the final period of an athlete’s training before
Address correspondence to Dr. Paul W. Winwood, paul.winwood@ a major competition and is of paramount importance to performance and therefore potentially the outcome of the
32(5)/1181–1196 event (22,25,33,36). During the taper, the training load is
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research progressively reduced to allow for physiological and psycho-
Ó 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association logical recovery from accumulated stress, with the aim of

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2018 | 1181

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Strongman Tapering Practices

optimizing competition performance (24,26). However, the important data that other lifters can extrapolate to plan their
taper is a complex procedure because training load can be powerlifting taper.
reduced through the manipulation of numerous variables, Currently, no such data exist in the scientific literature for
such as training intensity, volume, duration, and frequency the sport of strongman. Winwood et al. (42) found that 80%
(24,29,40). Complete cessation of training for a period can of strongman athletes incorporated some form of periodiza-
lead to detraining, which is a partial or complete loss of tion into their training, which suggests that most strongman
training-induced anatomical, physiological, and performance competitors design their training to emphasize particular
adaptations (23), and conversely, inadequate rest can lead to adaptations with the goal of increasing physical perfor-
fatigue, performance decrements, and burn out (11). There- mance. Given that the taper is the final phase of an athlete’s
fore, achieving the appropriate balance between training training before a major competition, it is important to ascer-
stress and recovery during the taper is important in maxi- tain how strongman athletes taper for strongman competi-
mizing performance (19). Bosquet et al. (5) suggested that tions. Because strongman athletes may be at greater risk for
a taper duration of 8–14 days seems to represent the border- injury during competition than training (15,41), a successful
line between the positive influences of fatigue disappearance taper that allows strongman athletes to recover from their
and the negative influence of detraining on performance in recent training stressors may also reduce their risk of in-
endurance athletes. However, determining the most suitable competition injury. The purposes of this study were to (a)
duration of taper can be challenging as the optimum taper investigate the tapering practices and types of tapering used
duration may be influenced by the demands of the sport and by strongman athletes and (b) collect athletes typical weekly
the athletes’ previous training intensity and volume (18). training characteristics. The researchers believed that it was
Three different types of taper have been described in the important to present data on strongman athletes’ typical
literature, including the step taper, the linear taper, and an training characteristics to give insight into strongman ath-
exponential taper with a fast or slow decay (24). The step letes’ pretaper approaches to place the tapering data in
taper involves a complete and immediate decrease in train- context.
ing load, which is maintained for the duration of the taper,
whereas the linear taper involves a gradual decrease in train- METHODS
ing load in a progressive linear fashion. The exponential Experimental Approach to the Problem
taper is a progressive taper and can occur with a fast or slow A comprehensive strongman tapering practices survey was
time constant decay, with the training load remaining higher administered online and aimed at identifying how strong-
during the slow decay taper. The literature on the optimal man athletes taper for strongman competitions. The
taper format for strength sports has been limited and recom- research hypothesis was that most strongman athletes
mendations have relied on the general work of Banister et al. responding to the online survey would perform some form
(2) and Bosquet et al. (5) obtained from studies involving of taper in their strength and conditioning programs. The
endurance athletes. These 2 endurance studies reported Tapering Practices of Strongman Athletes survey created for
greater performance improvements after a progressive taper this study was based on 9 interview questions used with
than a step taper and that a fast decay (with lower training powerlifters (12,28). A test-retest reliability study performed
volume) was more beneficial to cycling and running perfor- with 64 strongman athletes on this survey provided stable
mance than a slow decay of the training load (2,5). For detail and reliable answers for most of the demographic, training,
on the physiological changes associated with the taper, read- and tapering practice questions (43).
ers are referred to the review article by Mujika et al. (26).
Recently, researchers (12,28) have investigated the taper- Subjects
ing practices of Croatian (n = 10) and New Zealand (n = 11) Six hundred ninety participants accessed the online survey,
open-class powerlifters (respectively), which are to the au- which included those who observed the survey, partially
thors’ knowledge, the first studies to offer some insight into completed the survey, and the 454 who completed the
tapering for maximal strength sports. The studies found that survey. Participant inclusion criteria were male and female
the average taper length was generally 2.5 weeks in which strongman athletes who were between 18 and 65 years old
athletes dropped their training volume by 51–59%. Training and had competed in at least 1 strongman competition. The
intensity was highest between 1 and 2 weeks out from com- criterion for a completed survey was that the participants
petition, and the last training session was performed 3–4 completed the first 3 sections of the questionnaire on
days out from competition. Only the study of Grgic and personal details, training practices, and tapering.
Mikulic (12) investigated taper types, and they found that Strongmen athletes were recruited through professional
60% of the Croatian powerlifters performed the exponential networks and multimedia methods similar to previously
taper with a fast decay and 40% used the step taper. described procedures (41,42). The networking site “Face-
Although these studies have their limitations with small par- book” and strongman competition results posted on the
ticipant numbers, they are the first studies to document the Internet were the primary method used to identify eligible
tapering practices of powerlifting athletes, which provide strongman athletes. Identified strongman athletes were sent
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

a letter through “Facebook Messenger.” The letter contained questions on the length of taper and taper type, if they always
an invitation to participate in the research and the link to the tapered, strategies used and how training altered during the
online survey. Presidents of the “World Strongman Federation” taper (i.e., volume, frequency, intensity and duration, type of
and “Strongman Corporation” e-mailed the survey link to their training performed, and when last performed before competi-
club members. Strongman clubs in New Zealand, Australia, tion) and when training ceased in the taper. Tapering was
Europe, the United States, and the United Kingdom were also defined as “a reduction in training volume over a period of time
contacted and asked to e-mail the survey link to their club prior to a strongman event or strongman events.” Classifications
of tapering (i.e., step taper, linear taper, and exponential taper
members. The survey was available in English and Russian lan-
with a slow or fast decay) were defined according to the taper
guage options. An information sheet outlining the objectives and
types described and applied previously (24). Closed questions
purpose of the study was situated on the first page of the online
were used for sections 1 and 2, with open and closed questions
survey. Participants were asked to indicate their consent by par-
used for section 3.
ticipating in the survey, and so participants provided informed
and signed consent. Software used allowed participants to exit
Statistical Analyses
the survey at any time and complete at a later date, allowing
Mean and SDs were calculated for the participant character-
participants to provide their data at the time most suitable to
istics, training practices, and taper training characteristics.
them. To minimize the effect of recall bias, strongman athletes
Frequencies of responses were collated for questions related
who were not currently tapering or actively involved in compe-
to the tapering practices of strongman athletes. Categorical
tition were asked to refer to their training diaries when answering
and ordinal data were reported as both absolute numbers
the survey. was used to launch the electronic
and percentage of responses. Scores for ranked questions
survey on the Internet. The methods and procedures used in this
were determined by weighted calculation in SurveyGizmo;
study were approved by the Institutional Review Board Com-
items that were ranked first scored higher than the following
mittee of Toiohomai Institute of Technology (R17/05).
ranks, so that the total score was the sum of all weighted
Procedures ranks. Weighted calculations were based on the number of
Research Instrument. Strongman athletes completed a self- options represented.
reported 4-page, 38-item, retrospective Tapering Practices of Answers to open-ended questions on tapering practices
Strongman Athletes survey (see Appendix 1, Supplemental were content-analyzed by investigators who were experi-
Digital Content 1, created enced with qualitative methods of sports science research
for this study based on 9 interview questions used with power- and content analysis. During data analysis, investigators
lifters (12,28). The original strongman tapering practices survey generated raw data and higher-order themes through
was pilot tested with research associates from various universi- independent, inductive content analysis and compared
ties and 3 strongman athletes to ensure its ease of use with this independently generated themes until consensus was
population. As a result of the pilot testing, the survey was mod- reached at each level of analysis. At the point of develop-
ified by adding additional questions, as well as improving the ment of higher-order themes, deductive analysis was used to
wording of a small number of questions before it was made confirm that all raw data themes were represented. In some
available for the main study. cases, the participants provided greater depth of information
The strongman tapering practices survey consisted of 4 main that represented more than one concept and hence re-
areas of inquiry; (a) demographics and background information; sponses contributed to more than one higher-order theme.
(b) training practices; (c) tapering; and (d) tapering practices. Demographics and training practices were calculated for
Background information included questions on age, sex, height, all participants, as well as the various subgroups of sex, age
body mass, resistance training experience, strongman training (#30 and .30 years), body mass (lightweight ,105 kg and
experience, competitive level, and coaching. The training heavyweight $105 kg), and competitive standard (local/
practices section included questions pertaining to the number regional amateur, national amateur, professional). Masters’
of training sessions per week, types of training, and duration. classes such as those seen in powerlifting are not generally
Types of training were categorized as cardiovascular training seen in the sport of strongman; therefore, the age groups
(aerobic and anaerobic), traditional training, and strongman were chosen post hoc to allow for a similar sample size for
implement training. Strongman implement training was defined group comparisons. A body mass of 105 kg was used to
as: “exercises using any nontraditional training implements” (e. separate the athletes as the 2 most common bodyweight
g., atlas stones, farmer’s bars, etc.). Traditional exercises were classes in strongman competition are #105 and 105 kg
standard exercises performed in the gym by regular weight (open competition category).
trainers and strength athletes (e.g., deadlift, squat, rows, etc.). A 2-tailed unequal variance t-test was used to determine
Participants were asked to detail their common/typical values whether any statistical differences (p # 0.01) existed in the
for each question. For the tapering section, athletes were asked demographics and training data of the strongman athletes
to indicate whether they used a taper and their reasons why as a function of sex, age, and body mass. A 1-way analysis
they used a taper or not. The tapering practices section included of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni post hoc tests was

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2018 | 1183

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Strongman Tapering Practices

TABLE 1. Demographics and training characteristics (mean 6 SD) for strongman athletes (n = 454).
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Sex Age Body mass class Competitive standard


All National
strongman Local/regional amateur
athletes Male Female #30 y .30 y #105 kg .105 kg amateur (n = Professional
(n = 454) (n = 353) (n = 101) (n = 208) (n = 242) (n = 224) (n = 226) (n = 157) 212) (n = 85)

Age (y) 33.2 6 33.5 6 32.1 6 7.1 26.4 6 2.9 39.0 6 6.3* 31.9 6 7.5 34.2 6 8.2*0.003 31.3 6 7.5† 33.7 6 35.3 6 8.3
8.0 8.3 8.1
Height 178.1 6 181.5 6 165.9 6 7.0* 177.9 6 9.9 178.3 6 11.1 171.9 6 8.9 184.1 6 8.4* 177.3 6 10.3 177.8 6 180.4 6 10.9
(cm) 10.6 8.8 10.7
Body 108.6 6 117.1 6 79.1 6 17.1* 106.2 6 28.3 110.8 6 27.4 86.1 6 14.1 130.9 6 18.8* 103.7 6 25.6† 107.2 6 121.0 6 28.7
mass 27.9 24.4 27.9§

Resistance 12.6 6 14.0 6 7.6 6 6.4* 7.5 6 4.3 16.9 6 9.4* 10.3 6 7.8 14.7 6 9.3* 10.4 6 8.5† 12.5 6 16.8 6 9.3
training 8.9 9.0 8.5
Strongman 5.3 6 6.0 6 2.8 6 2.8* 3.1 6 3.1 7.1 6 5.6* 4.0 6 4.1 6.4 6 5.2* 3.3 6 3.6†z 5.2 6 8.8 6 6.2
experience 5.0 5.3 4.6§
Years 4.6 6 5.2 6 2.6 6 2.6* 2.6 6 2.0 6.4 6 5.2* 3.6 6 3.5 5.6 6 4.7* 2.5 6 2.4†z 4.7 6 8.3 6 5.6
competing 4.4 4.7 4.0§
Resistance 4.0 6 4.0 6 4.0 6 1.2 3.9 6 1.1 4.0 6 1.5 3.9 6 1.2 4.0 6 1.4 4.0 6 1.1 4.0 6 4.0 6 1.7
training 1.3 1.4 1.3
Cardio 2.2 6 2.1 6 2.4 6 1.6 2.1 6 1.5 2.2 6 1.6 2.3 6 1.6 2.0 6 1.4 2.1 6 1.5 2.3 6 2.0 6 1.3
training 1.6 1.5 1.7
Training 111 6 112 6 106 6 32 117 6 36 106 6 104 6 35 117 6 37* 104 6 5† 110 6 127 6 39
length 37 38 36*0.002 35§

*Significantly different from the other level of variable p # 0.001 unless specified.
†Local/regional amateur significantly (p # 0.001) different from professional.
zLocal/regional amateur significantly (p # 0.001) different from national amateur.
§National amateur significantly (p # 0.001) different from professional.

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Figure 1. Summary of the typical weekly performance of strongman and traditional resistance training exercises.

used to determine whether any statistical differences ex- RESULTS

isted among competitive standard (i.e., local/regional Demographics and Training Characteristics
amateur, National amateur, and professional) and between Four hundred fifty-four strongman athletes from 42 coun-
taper type lengths. For data that did not follow normal tries completed the survey. Demographics and training
distribution, the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis non- characteristics of the participants (n = 454) are presented
parametric tests were used (respectively). Differences in Table 1. The strongman athletes were (mean 6 SD)
among the subgroups regarding coaching, tapering, taper 33.2 6 8.0 years, 178.1 6 10.6 cm, 108.6 6 27.9 kg, and
type, and categorized taper length (,7, 7–10, 11–14, and had 12.6 6 8.9 years of general resistance training experi-
.14 days), were analyzed with a Chi-square test. ence. The average strongman implement training experience
Repeated-measures ANOVA with Bonferroni pairwise and years competing in strongman among all lifters was 5.3
6 5.0 and 4.6 6 4.4 years, respectively. Participants reported
comparisons were used to determine whether any statis-
that on average, they trained for 111 6 37 minutes per ses-
tical differences existed among strongman events and
sion and spent 4.0 6 1.3 hours per week resistance training
among traditional exercises in regard to loads used (as
and 2.2 6 1.6 hours per week cardiovascular training. Sub-
a % 1RM) and days when the events/exercises were last group analyses revealed that men had significantly greater
performed during the taper. Significance was accepted at resistance training experience (years) (14.0 6 9.0 vs. 7.6 6
the p # 0.01 level. All statistical analyses were performed 6.4), strongman training experience (years) (6.0 6 5.3 vs.
using SPSS 22.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, 2.8 6 2.8), and more years competing in the sport of strong-
USA) and higher-order themes were generated using Mi- man (5.2 6 4.7 vs. 2.6 6 2.6), than females. Such differences
crosoft Excel (version 9.0; Microsoft, Seattle, WA, USA). were also observed in participants who were older, heavier,

Figure 2. Summary of the typical weekly cardiovascular training performed by the strongman athletes.

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2018 | 1185

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Strongman Tapering Practices

TABLE 2. Strongman athletes coaching and taper characteristics.*
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Sex Age Body mass class Competitive standard

All strongman Male Female #30 y .30 y #105 kg .105 kg Local/regional amateur Professional
athletes (n = 454) (n = 353) (n = 101) (n = 208) (n = 242) (n = 224) (n = 226) amateur (n = 157) (n = 212) (n = 85)

Self- 239 (53%) 217 (62%) 22 (22%) 96 (46%) 141 (59%) 90 (40%) 146 (65%) 75 (48%) 107 (51%) 57 (67%)
Have 171 (38%) 101 (29%) 75 (74%) 91 (44%) 83 (34%) 111 (50%) 64 (28%) 69 (44%) 88 (42%) 19 (22%)
a coach
Other 39 (9%) 34 (10%) 4 (4%) 21 (10%) 17 (7%) 23 (10%) 15 (7%) 13 (8%) 16 (8%) 9 (11%)
68.62†, 2z, p , 0.001§║ 6.95†, 2z, p = 0.031§ 27.59†, 2z, p , 0.001§║ 12.31†, 4z, p = 0.015§
Yes 396 (87%) 300 (85%) 95 (94%) 184 (88%) 208 (86%) 200 (90%) 193 (85%) 139 (89%) 185 (87%) 71 (84%)

No 58 (13%) 52 (15%) 6 (6%) 23 (11%) 34 (14%) 23 (10%) 33 (15%) 17 (11%) 27 (13%) 14 (16%)

Sex Age Body mass class Competitive standard

All strongman Male Female #30 y .30 y #105 kg (n .105 kg Local/regional amateur Professional
athletes (n = 250) (n = 194) (n = 56) (n = 104) (n = 145) = 128) (n = 121) amateur (n = 88) (n = 114) (n = 48)

Taper type¶
Step taper 131 (52%) 105 (54%) 26 (46%) 60 71 75 (59%) 56 (46%) 50 (57%) 61 (54%) 20 (42%)
(58%) (49%)
Linear taper 42 (17%) 30 (15%) 12 (21%) 15 (14%) 27 (19%) 21 (16%) 21 (17%) 18 (20%) 15 (13%) 9 (19%)
Exponential 38 (16%) 31 (16%) 7 (13%) 15 (14%) 22 (15%) 15 (12%) 23 (19%) 9 (10%) 20 (18%) 9 (19%)
Other 39 (16%) 28 (14%) 11 (20%) 14 (14%) 25 (17%) 17 (13%) 21 (17%) 11 (13%) 18 (16%) 10 (21%)
Always taper¶
Yes 198 (80%) 148 (77%) 50 (89%) 87 (84%) 110 (77%) 107 (84%) 90 (76%) 79 (90%) 85 (75%) 34 (74%)
No 49 (20%) 43 (23%) 6 (11%) 16 (16%) 33 (23%) 21 (16%) 28 (24%) 9 (10%) 28 (25%) 12 (26%)
6.27†, 2z, p = 0.044§

*The results are expressed in 2 ways, with the first value being the total number of occurrences and the second number (in parentheses) the percentage of total occurrence.
†Chi-square value.
zDegrees of freedom.
§p value.
║Significantly different (p , 0.001) to other levels of variable.
¶Discrepancies appear for “taper type” and “always taper” participant numbers when data were not reported by strongman athletes.

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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

TABLE 3. Why tapering is used before competition (n = 396).*

Higher-order themes Responses Selected raw data representing responses to this question

†Recovery 172 “To properly recover the muscles and prevent fatigue leading into the competition.”
“To let my body, especially my central nervous system recover.”
Peak performance 75 “To allow for recovery necessary for peak performance on competition day.”
“So I come in to the meet peaked, enabling higher strength levels than normal”
Rest 59 “To give my body time to rest.”
“To rest and heal so I am at my freshest for competition.”
zPsychological 47 “To create the ‘itch/desire’ for competition.”
readiness “Come into the contest mentally and physically ready.”
Injury prevention 27 “To reduce the risk of injury.”
“Prevent any injuries before a competition.”
Training change 26 “The last 2 sessions before I compete are usually light and focus on mobility and
active recovery.”
“As the intensity increases the volume needs to decreases to avoid crashing the
central nervous system”
“Closer to a competition, my training gets more strongman implement specific”
Energy 15 “Save strength and energy for the big show”
“It makes me more energetic.”
Deload 11 “I deload after several weeks of high intensity training in order to be fully recovered
before the competition.”
“A week before competition I do something like a small deload.”
Heal existing injuries 10 “To let my joints and any nagging small injuries heal up.”
Supercompensation 8 “To super-compensate and come into the meet peaked, enabling higher strength
effect levels than normal.”
Miscellaneous 14 “So I don’t burn out leading up in to the competition” “Prepare muscles for stress
during the competition”
“Mostly from habit, it’s what I did as a power lifter which transferred over great for the
last 2 competitions. I didn’t go in sore.”
“So I’m not tired from training.”

*In some cases, the participant provided information that represented more than one concept and their response contributed to
more than one higher-order theme.
†Recovery involves neural recovery, muscular recovery, and general recovery.
zPsychological readiness involves feeling rested and mental preparation.

and of a higher competitive standard. Participants who were Coaching and Taper Characteristics
older, lighter, and those of lower competitive standard had The coaching and taper characteristics of strongman athletes
significantly lower average training lengths (minutes) com- are presented in Table 2. Over half (53%) of the athletes were
pared with their counterparts. self-coached and 38% had a coach. Athletes who selected
Participants were asked to indicate what their usual “other” (n = 39) specified that they received “some coach-
resistance training looked like per week. A summary of their ing” and “mentoring from coaches” and “other athletes.”
responses is presented in Figure 1. Sixty-five percent of Subgroup analyses revealed significant differences in coach-
strongman athletes reported that their resistance training ing between males and females (x2 = 68.62, degrees of free-
week comprised mainly traditional training with 1 or 2 dom [df ] = 2, p , 0.001) and between body mass class (x2 =
strongman implement training sessions. 27.59, df = 2, p , 0.001). Most female strongman athletes
Participants indicated what their usual cardiovascular had a coach (74 vs. 29%) and heavier athletes were more
training looked like per week. A summary of their self-coached (65 vs. 40%). Differences in coaching that ap-
responses is presented in Figure 2. A wide range of types proached significance were also observed between age
of cardiovascular training was reported. Aerobic training groups (p = 0.031) and competitive standard (p = 0.015).
with one anaerobic training session and combined aero- Eighty-seven percent (n = 396) of athletes indicated that
bic and anaerobic training was reported by 40% of par- they use a taper in preparation for strongman competitions
ticipants. Seventeen percent of strongman athletes (Table 2). Of the 250 athletes who completed the tapering
reported that they did not perform any cardiovascular practices section of the survey, 52% (n = 131) indicated that
training. the step taper was the most common type of taper they used.

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2018 | 1187

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Strongman Tapering Practices

TABLE 4. Why tapering is not used before competition (n = 34).*

Higher-order themes Responses Selected raw data representing responses to this question

Training cessation/ 13 “I just take a week off before the comp.”

reduction “I train heavy with a deload week when needed and then rest 5 d before a comp.”
Habitual practice 10 “My goal is to be ready at all times for a contest.”
“I never have probably because I wasn’t coached and have grown to find it works
for me now.”
Lack of knowledge 5 “I have no idea how to taper for a competition.”
Miscellaneous 10 “I don’t normally try to peak, not like I do in powerlifting.”
“I use competition as training day.”

*In some cases, the participant provided information that represented more than one concept and their response contributed to
more than one higher-order theme.

Some strongman athletes made comments on why they used The average loading intensity used in the final heavy
the step taper. The main themes generated were the only training session preceding a competitive event was 91%.
type of taper used, feels best for rest and recovery, what was Completion of the final heavy session generally was located
advised, and easy to program. at the end of the final peaking phase of training before
Strongman athletes (n = 396) provided reasons or made implementation of the athlete’s respective tapering method
specific comments of why they tapered. A summary of these leading to competition. The rationale for the final heavy
responses is presented in Table 3. The 3 main reasons re- session was commonly associated with building confidence
ported were recovery, peak performance, and rest. Of the 58 through training lifts at intensities close to what will be
strongman athletes who reported that they did not taper for encountered in competition, followed by recovery and prim-
strongman competitions, 34 athletes provided reasons or ing during the tapering phase. The average loading intensity
made specific comments of why they chose not to taper. used in the final training session was 68%. Priming was the
A summary of these responses is presented in Table 4. The main theme that emerged from the final training session
3 main themes emerging from the data were training cessa- followed by movement and mobility work. Recovery and
tion/reduction, habitual practice, and lack of knowledge. psychological readiness were also related themes for the
athlete’s last training session.
Taper Length and Taper Characteristics
Strongman athletes’ (n = 250) taper length and taper training Types of Training Performed During the Taper
characteristics are presented in Table 5. Participants indi- Strongman athletes reported what type of training they do
cated that their normal taper length was 8.6 6 5.0 days during their taper. A summary of these responses is
and that all training ceased 3.9 6 1.8 days before competi- presented in Figure 4. Muscular strength and muscular
tion. Subgroup analyses revealed no significant differences power were the most common types of training performed
for taper length and taper training characteristics for sex, followed by aerobic conditioning. “Other” types of training
age, body mass, and competitive standard. A graphical rep- included practicing events and fine-tuning technique, spe-
resentation of the athletes tapering timeline is presented in cific event conditioning, speed work, and improving flexibil-
Figure 3. ity, mobility, and recovery.
When the taper lengths were categorized, differences that
approached significance were observed between body mass Strongman Events and Traditional Exercises Performed
classes, with lighter athletes tending to have a higher pro- During the Taper
portion of shorter taper lengths compared with heavier Strongman athletes reported what loads were typically used
athletes. Additional analysis revealed that the “step taper” and when the main strongman events and traditional
was significantly shorter than the “exponential taper” (with exercises were last performed during the taper (Table 6).
a fast and slow decay) (7.9 6 3.4 vs. 11.3 6 7.4 days; p = Of the strongman events, the log lift and farmer’s walk were
0.002) (respectively). No differences were observed for the performed significantly (p , 0.001) closer to competition
“linear taper” (9.2 6 6.3 days) and “other” (8.3 6 5.2 days) than the yoke walk and stone lifts/work. Of the traditional
taper. Strongman athletes reported that their final heavy resistance training exercises, the overhead press and bench
training session (.85% 1RM) was 9.1 6 3.3 days out from press were performed significantly (p , 0.001) closer to
competition and the final resistance training session (at any competition than the deadlift. A significant difference (p =
weight) was 4.7 6 2.0 days. 0.008) was also observed between the squat and overhead
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TABLE 5. Strongman athletes’ taper length and taper training characteristics (n = 250).*†

Sex Age Body mass class Competitive standard

Strongman National
athletes Male Female #30 y .30 y #105 kg (n .105 kg (n Local/regional amateur Professional
(n = 250) (n = 194) (n = 56) (n = 104) (n = 145) = 128) = 121) amateur (n = 88) (n = 114) (n = 48)

Average taper length (d) 8.6 6 5.0 8.3 6 4.8 9.5 6 5.5 8.2 6 4.2 9.0 6 5.7 8.6 6 4.9 8.7 6 5.2 8.6 6 5.0 9.0 6 5.4 7.8 6 4.1
Taper length ranges
,7 d 92 (37%) 70 22 41 50 47 45 30 (34%) 43 (39%) 19 (39%)
(36%) (40%) (40%) (35%) (37%) (38%)
7–10 d 90 (36%) 67 (35%) 23 (42%) 35 (34%) 55 (38%) 56 (44%) 34 (29%) 37 (42%) 38 (35%) 15 (31%)
11–14 d 49 (20%) 40 (21%) 9 (16%) 22 (21%) 27 (19%) 20 (16%) 29 (24%) 16 (18%) 21 (19%) 12 (24%)
.14 d 16 (6%) 15 (8%) 1 (2%) 5 (5%) 11 (8%) 4 (3%) 11 (9%) 5 (6%) 8 (7%) 3 (6%)
10.82z, 4§, p = 0.029k
Cease training before 3.9 6 1.8 4.0 6 1.8 3.8 6 1.7 3.7 6 1.6 4.1 6 1.9 4.0 6 1.8 3.9 6 1.8 3.8 6 1.8 3.9 6 1.7 4.3 6 2.0
comp (d)
Weeks out highest training 4.3 6 2.9 4.5 6 3.0 3.9 6 2.5 4.6 6 3.1 4.1 6 2.7 4.3 6 2.9 4.4 6 2.9 4.2 6 2.8 4.2 6 2.9 5.0 6 2.7
volume (wk)
2.5 6 0.9 2.5 6 0.9 2.5 6 0.9 2.4 6 0.9 2.6 6 0.9 2.5 6 0.9 2.5 6 0.9 2.5 6 0.8 2.5 6 1.0 2.6 6 0.9

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Weeks out highest training

intensity (wk)
Drop in training volume 45.5 6 45.1 6 12.3 46.7 6 45.8 6 12.9 45.1 6 13.1 45.6 6 45.4 6 44.8 6 13.2 45.6 6 46.5 6 12.0
during taper (%) 12.9 14.8 13.3 12.6 13.1
Final training session at any 4.7 6 2.0 4.8 6 2.0 4.7 6 2.0 4.8 6 2.0 4.7 6 2.0 4.8 6 2.0 4.6 6 2.0 4.8 6 2.0 4.8 6 2.0 4.4 6 2.0
weight (d)
Final training session at 9.1 6 3.3 9.2 6 3.3 8.6 6 3.0 9.1 6 3.3 9.1 6 3.3 9.1 6 3.2 9.1 6 3.2 9.3 6 3.3 9.0 6 3.3 8.7 6 3.1
loads .85% 1RM (d)
VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2018 |

*Results are expressed as mean 6 SD or with the first value being the total number of occurrences and the second number, (in parentheses) the percentage of total occurrence.
†Discrepancies appear for taper length range numbers when data were not reported by strongman athlete.
zChi-square value.
§Degrees of freedom.
kp value.


Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Strongman Tapering Practices

Figure 3. Tapering events timeline.

presses with the squat being performed further out from athletes reported that they reduced or dropped the main
competition than overhead presses. No statistical differences exercises and used assistance exercises to help promote
were observed between loads used (% 1RM) among strong- blood flow and aid recovery. Ten percent of athletes
man events and among traditional exercises. incorporated more stretching and mobility exercises in their
Strongman athletes also reported what loads were typi- taper.
cally used for other strongman events and traditional
Changes in Intensity, Frequency, and Duration During
exercises and when they were last performed during the
the Taper
taper. Loads used and days out from taper (respectively)
Strongman athletes (n = 246) reported how their training
were reported for the axle lift/press (75.7 6 16.6% 1RM; 5.5
intensity, frequency, and duration change during the taper. A
6 1.8 days, n = 79), sled/truck pull (76.7 6 18.2% 1RM; 6.7
summary of their responses is presented in Figure 5. Most
6 1.8 days, n = 51), tire flip (81.0 6 13.0% 1RM; 6.1 6 1.5
days, n = 42), traditional assistance exercises (65.9 6 13.6% strongman athletes reported that their training intensity de-
1RM; 4.9 6 1.8 days, n = 46), and Olympic lifts (65.5 6 creases (55%), training frequency stays the same (57%) or
13.2% 1RM; 5.1 6 1.5 days, n = 34). decreases (40%) and training duration decreases (59%) or
Strongman athletes were asked whether any other stays the same (37%).
changes were made in terms of exercises being removed or Strongman athletes elaborated on how their training
added to their training programs. Fifty percent of athletes intensity, frequency, and duration changed during their
indicated that they reduced or removed assistance exercises taper. The athletes who decreased their training intensity
and concentrated mainly on the core lifts. Twelve percent of during the taper stated that volume was reduced and

Figure 4. Types of training performed by strongman athletes (n = 246) during the taper ranked from highest to lowest.

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TABLE 6. Main strongman events and traditional exercises, loads used, and when last performed during the taper.*

Strongman events

Log lift/press Yoke walk Farmer’s walk Stone lifts/work

(n = 198) (n = 192) (n = 183) (n = 165)

When last performed (d) 5.7 6 2.0†z 8.2 6 3.5 6.1 6 1.8†z 7.6 6 2.8
Loads used (% 1RM) 77.0 6 15.9 79.0 6 16.2 77.1 6 16.5 80.4 6 13.7

Traditional exercises

Deadlift (n = 171) Squat (n = 161) Overhead presses (n = 120) Bench press (n = 91)

When last performed (d) 7.8 6 3.2 6.6 6 3.2§0.008 5.3 6 1.9║ 5.7 6 2.1║
Loads used (% 1RM) 77.0 6 15.5 72.6 6 15.4 71.5 6 16.3 74.1 6 15.8

*% 1RM = percentage of 1 repetition maximum.

†Significantly (p , 0.001) different from yoke walk.
zSignificantly (p , 0.001) different from stone lifts/work.
§Significantly different from overhead presses.
║Significantly (p , 0.001) different from deadlift.

intensity dropped to around 50% in the last week. A with reduced training volume and loading intensities. Com-
reduction in volume was also indicated by the athletes plete training cessation was apparent for some athletes dur-
who increased their training intensity during the taper. Of ing the 7–10 days preceding competition, which was
the athletes who did not change intensity during the taper, accompanied by a higher integration of active recovery
the majority of this subgroup reported that they lifted lighter and stretching sessions.
weights. Most athletes stated that training duration decreased (on
Athletes who indicated that their training frequency average by 50%, down to 30–60 minutes of sessions) during
stayed the same, generally implemented higher competition their taper. The decrease was generally due to less volume of
specificity and technical work on competition lifts, in work (i.e., sets and reps) and exercises (i.e., less accessory
addition to volume and intensity changes. A decrease in work), longer rest periods associated with higher training
training frequency (by 40–60%, down to 2–3 sessions per loads, or lesser rest periods associated with lighter training
week) was indicated by some athletes as a result of more loads. Training duration stayed the same for some athletes
recovery days and longer periods between training sessions. because of lower volume accompanied with increased rest
Declines in training frequency were generally associated between sets.

Figure 5. Summary of strongman athletes’ (n = 246) responses of how training intensity, frequency, and duration change during the taper.

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2018 | 1191

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Strongman Tapering Practices

responses is presented in Figure

6. Most strongman athletes used
massage, foam rolling, nutri-
tional changes, and static
stretching in their taper. Other
strategies included chiropractic
and osteopath care, physiother-
apy (included cupping and dry
needling), mobility and active
release work, hot and cold ther-
apy, flotation, breathing work,
sleep and meditation, and visual-
ization of events.
When Tapering Did Not Work
and Why?
Strongman athletes (n = 86) pro-
vided reasons or made specific
Figure 6. Other types of strategies used during the taper by strongman athletes (n = 225). comments of when tapering
did not work and why. A sum-
mary of their responses is pre-
Other Taper Strategies Used by Strongman Athletes sented in Table 7. The 3 main reasons reported were injury
Strongman athletes were asked to specify what other types of and illness, training too heavy, or too hard and taking too short
strategies they used during their taper. A summary of their a taper.

TABLE 7. When tapering has not worked and why (n = 86).*

themes Responses Selected raw data representing responses to this question

Injury/illness 16 “Injuries occurring during the final 4 wk have required unplanned deload weeks. Having
a cold or temporary illness can cause tapering to not work.”
Trained too heavy/ 15 “I got too excited and wanted to lift too heavy before a competition.”
Too short a taper 12 “The only time is hasn’t worked is when my body was too beat up before a comp and I
didn’t choose to taper long enough.”
Nutrition/diet 11 “If something goes wrong it usually not recovering and keeping a very close eye on
Lack of rest/ 8 “Didn’t allow enough recovery time.”
Life/work 8 “When I get really busy at work and can’t recover and get proper rest.”
Overtraining/ 7 “Over fatigued. Non-sufficient nutrition, over trained.”
Too long a taper 7 “I tapered off too far out and felt flat coming in to the show.”
Planning 6 “Haven’t followed the tapering program that I had set for myself.”
Too high training 4 “Not deceased volume enough or kept the volume up for too long.”
Trained too light 3 “Once I took my last deadlift workout at too low a percentage. When it came to the big
day everything felt heavy over 75%.”
Miscellaneous 13 “Traveling to shows is hard. Weight cuts can get in the way, at some point you have to
switch your focus from peaking to making weight.”
“My inexperience is what I would say.”
“Usually competition date/event changes.”

*In some cases, the participant provided information that represented more than one concept and their response contributed to
more than one higher-order theme.

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DISCUSSION powerlifters performed the step (40%) and exponential taper

The literature on the optimal taper format for strength sports with a fast decay (60%). These tapers provide greater reduc-
has been limited. This study is the first to document the tions in training load, compared with a linear and slow decay
tapering practices used by strongman athletes. Strongman tapers, which give athletes more time for overcoming the
fatigue accumulated during the last few weeks of intensive
athletes reduced their training volume during the taper by
and extensive training before the taper (29). In this study,
45.5 6 12.9% with most athletes (55%) stating that their
exponential tapers (i.e., fast and slow decay) were grouped
training intensity decreased to around 50% in the last week.
(as previously reported in a reliability analysis (43)) and the
Training frequency and training duration stayed the same or
exponential taper was found to be significantly longer dura-
decreased during the taper, and most athletes (50%) indi-
tion than the step taper (11.3 6 7.4 vs. 7.9 6 3.4 days; p =
cated that they reduced or removed assistance exercises
0.002) (respectively). Taper types and durations may be
and concentrated mainly on the core lifts. Muscular strength
influenced by athletes’ previous training load (18,19,29,34)
and power were the main types of training performed during
and by the severity of fatigue the athletes carried into the
the taper followed by aerobic conditioning. The use of mas-
taper process (5).
sage, foam rolling, nutritional changes, and static stretching
Strongman athletes decreased their training volume by
strategies were also used in their taper. Strongman athletes
45.5 6 12.9%, which is lower than those reported (58.9 6 8.4
stated that their typical taper length was 8.6 6 5.0 days, and
and 50.5 6 11.7%) by New Zealand and Croatian power-
the step taper was the most common type of taper (52%)
lifters (respectively), but within the recommended guidelines
performed. The findings support the initial hypothesis that
(41–61%) stated in the literature (5). However, it has been
most strongman athletes responding to the online survey
suggested that athletes should consider volume reductions
performed some form of taper in their strength and condi-
relative to the duration of the planned taper with larger
tioning programs. decreases in volume for shorter tapers and more gradual
Eighty-seven percent (n = 396) of athletes reported that reductions for tapers of longer duration (34,40). Interestingly,
they used some form of taper in preparation for strongman strongman athletes had a shorter taper and lower reduction
competitions. The primary reasons reported for performing in training volume than reported by powerlifters, with this
the taper were recovery, peak performance, rest, and psy- perhaps reflecting the greater number of competitive events
chological readiness. Previous researchers have stated that that comprise a strongman competition compared with
the aim of the taper is to facilitate regeneration and reduce powerlifting. Most strongman athletes reduced training
fatigue, while maintaining or increasing fitness and techni- intensity (by 50%) and training duration (by 50%, down to
cal/psychological readiness to promote maximal perfor- 30–60 minutes sessions), and maintained training frequency.
mance in competition (5,19,21,24,26). Interestingly, some Researchers have suggested that reductions in training vol-
strongman athletes (n = 13) who reported not using a taper, ume should be achieved by decreasing the duration of
performed a peaking strategy in the form of a deload week or training sessions, rather than decreasing the frequency and
training cessation. intensity of training (5). It seems that for strongman athletes
Strongman athletes indicated that their normal taper to optimize a shorter taper period and lower reduction in
length was 8.6 6 5.0 days, which is lower than what has training volume, manipulation of other training variables are
been reported among powerlifters (18 6 8 and 16.8 6 6.3 used.
days, respectively) (12,28) but within the guidelines (8–14 Strongman athletes’ highest training volume occurred
days) previously suggested for endurance athletes (5). Inter- 4.3 6 2.9 weeks out from competition, which is similar to
estingly, in the study involving 10 Croatian powerlifters, those reported (4.5 6 1.8 and 5.2 6 1.7 weeks, respec-
Grgic and Mikulic (12) found that the HI group (Wilks coef- tively) for powerlifters (12,28). However, strongman ath-
ficient . 350) had a much longer taper (18 6 8 vs. 9 6 1 letes’ reported highest training intensity (2.5 6 0.9 weeks)
days) than the LO group (Wilks coefficient , 350) who was further out from competition (1.1 6 0.4 and 1.9 6 0.8
were coached and comprised mostly of women. It was sur- weeks, respectively) than powerlifters (12,28). Such differ-
mised that the duration of taper may differ by the strength ences may be influenced by the potentially greater phys-
level or sex of the athlete. In contrast, no significant differ- iological demands (4,10,16,20) and injury risks associated
ences in taper duration and taper training characteristics with strongman implement training (15,41). Winwood
were observed in this study between any subgroups (sex, et al. (41) found that strongman athletes were almost
age, body mass, and competitive standard). twice as likely to sustain injury when performing strong-
The step taper was the most common type of taper (52%) man implement training compared with traditional train-
performed by strongman athletes. Strongman athletes stated ing when exposure time was considered. It was also
that the step taper felt best for rest and recovery and was reported that of the 174 strongman athletes, 31% had sus-
easy to program. Previous studies (8,13) have reported that tained at least 1 competition injury (41) which may pro-
a 1-week step taper can improve strength measures in well- vide insight into why most athletes in this study reduced
trained athletes. Grgic and Mikulic (12) found that Croatian their training intensity during the taper.

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2018 | 1193

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Strongman Tapering Practices

Strongman athletes’ training cessation was 3.9 6 1.8 days significantly closer to competition than the stone lifts/work
out from competition. These findings are similar to those (7.6 6 2.8 days) and yoke walk (8.2 6 3.5 days). Researchers
reported (3 6 1 and 3.7 6 1.5 days, respectively) by Croatian have reported that stone lift and yoke walk events accounted
(12) and New Zealand (28) powerlifters. Previous research- for the highest number of injuries in strongman athletes
ers have reported that 3–4 days of strength training cessation compared with other strongman events (41). Such injuries
may be optimal for maximal strength expression (38,39). may be a result of the very high lower erector spinae activity
However, no differences in training abstinence of 2, 4, and associated with the stone lift and high spinal compression
7 days on the expression of maximal strength (bench press loads associated with the Yoke walk (20).
and squat) have been reported (1). Similar results were also Of the traditional resistance training exercises, the over-
reported by Pritchard et al. (27) who found that both 3.5 and head presses (5.3 6 1.9 days) and bench press (5.7 6 2.1
5.5 days off training have similar effects on strength perfor- days) were performed significantly closer to competition
mance measures (countermovement jump and isometric than the deadlift (7.8 6 3.2 days). Previous researchers (28)
bench press relative force). These studies demonstrate that have reported that powerlifters’ final deadlift session was
a training cessation of less than a week may be suitable for further out from competition than their final bench press
allowing for the expression of maximal strength. and squat session so athletes could gain additional recovery
Strongman athletes reported that their final heavy training time. In this study, the squat was also performed significantly
session (performed with a loading intensity of 91%) was 9.1 further out from competition (6.6 6 3.2 days) than overhead
6 3.3 days out from competition. Athletes reported that this presses. Traditional exercises such as the deadlift and squat
training session built confidence through training lifts at produce exceedingly large hip extensor torques (6) and com-
competition intensities and was located at the end of the pressive or shear lumbar forces (6,9), which may influence
final peaking phase before implementation of the athlete’s postexercise fatigue. Recently, researchers (3) found no dif-
taper. The peaking process has been described in the litera- ferences in central fatigue between the squat and deadlift
ture (35) as a 2-phase process, comprising of a pretapering exercises, which could indicate that similar recovery times
phase and the final taper period culminating with the in- are needed for these exercises. It is quite likely that strong-
tended competition. The aim of the pretapering phase is to man athletes are aware of the physiological stresses associ-
stimulate a controlled “over-reaching state” and elicit a super- ated with strongman and traditional exercises and program
compensatory adaptive response in the following taper (35). the appropriate recovery periods near competition.
Strongman athletes reported that their final resistance Strongman athletes indicated that massage, foam rolling,
training session (at any weight) was 4.7 6 2.0 days out from nutritional changes, and static stretching were types of
competition. Athletes reported that this training session was strategies used in their taper. The use of foam rolling and
performed with an average loading intensity of 68% and was nutritional changes were also tapering strategies reported by
associated with priming, movement, and mobility work. Re- powerlifters (28). Studies have shown that myofascial release
searchers (7,17) have demonstrated that priming activities through massage and foam rolling acts as a mood enhancer
performed in the hours leading to competition further and reduces fatigue, thereby acting as an ergogenic aid
improve performance on the day of a match. Currently, little (14,37) and the nutritional benefits for sports performance
information exists on the priming and preactivation strate- are well documented (30). Other strategies (chiropractic and
gies that strongman athletes use on competition day. osteopath care, physiotherapy, hot and cold therapy, flota-
Muscular strength, muscular power, and aerobic condi- tion, breathing work, sleep and meditation, and visualization
tioning were the most common types of training performed of events) were also used by strongman athletes during the
by strongman athletes during the taper. These training types taper. The strategies reported by strongman athletes provide
are consistent with strongman training practices previously insight into potential recovery and performance enhancing
reported (42) and of the results of previous studies that re- modalities that may be beneficial for strongman competition
ported the need for very high levels of muscular power (16), performance. Whether all of these precompetition strategies
metabolic conditioning (4), high core and hip abduction are beneficial, performance may still need to be determined,
strength/stability, and overall strength in strongman athletes because the evidence base for some of the strategies may still
(20). be limited.
Strongman athletes in this study indicated what loads Strongman athletes (n = 86) provided some insight into
were typically used and when the main strongman events when tapering did not work. The main reasons reported
and traditional exercises were last performed during the were injury and illness, training too heavy or too hard, and
taper. Although no statistical differences were observed taking too short a taper. Overexertion during the taper was
between loads used (% 1RM) among strongman events a common theme reported among powerlifters (12,28). The
and among traditional exercises, statistical differences were researchers (12,28) suggested that powerlifters use training
observed among strongman events and traditional exercises diaries to monitor their responses to training and tapering.
when last performed during the taper. The log lift (5.7 6 2.0 Such practice allows athletes to accurately reflect upon their
days) and farmer’s walk (6.1 6 1.8 days) were performed training and tapering practices, which may better inform
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