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Develop a program to generate captcha

Branch: CM 5-I Year 2023-2024

This micro-project work submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the

award of diploma in Computer Technology for subject
Client-Side Scripting Languages (22519)

Under The Guidance of

Prof.S.K. Kharkate
(Lecturer & Head of Computer Technology Dept.)


Sr no. Roll no. Name of Student Enrollment no.

1. 21CM26 Ishika Dhakate 2101210126

CSSMicro-Project 1


Submitted In Year 2023 -24

This is to certify that the following student of this institute have carried out this
micro-project work on “ Develop a program to generate captcha. ” Under the
guidance of Prof.S.K.Kharkate Lecture and Head of Computer Technology
Department during the session 2023-2024. This work has been done in the partial
fulfillment of the award for in Computer Technology from Maharashtra State Board
of Technical Education Mumbai.

Submitted by:

Sr no. Rollno. Name of Student Enrollment no.

1. 21CM26 Ishika Dhakate 2101210126

Project Guide & Principal &

Head of Department: Head of Institute

Prof.S.K.Kharkate Dr.S.R.Kukadapwar

CSSMicro-Project 2
Part – A Micro-Project Proposal

Title: Develop a program to generate captcha.

1.0 Brief Introduction of Micro-Project

In this micro project I am creating a captcha generator app using javascript,CSS and HTML.In
micro project involves a web based application. CAPTCHA is an acronym for completely
automated public turing test to tell computers and human Apart. CAPTCHA may be describe as
a cyber security tool often used on websites.

2.0 Aim

This micro project will help to take the user who is trying to access the
platform is a human. CAPTCHA helps protect you from spam and password
decryption by asking you to complete as impletest that proves you are human and not a
computer trying to break into a password protected account.

3.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

CO1- Create event based web forms using java script.

CO2- Develop Javascript to dynamically assign specific attributes value to
the given form control.

4.0 Proposed Methodology

 Firstly I will study about the given topic.

 And then after I will discuss about micro project with our project
 guide. After I have collected the resources required for our micro project.
 After collection I have started working on our micro project.
 After completion of work I make a report on our micro project
 And then I will submit it to our project guide.

CSSMicro-Project 3
 Algorithm

Step 1: Choose a pool of characters (usually letters and numbers)

that will be used in the captcha. Randomly select a sequence of
characters to be displayed.

Step 2: Apply distortion techniques to the text to make it harder for

automated scripts to recognize. Common distortions include
warping, stretching, and skewing the characters.

Step 3: Add noise or patterns to the background to further obscure

the text. This can be done using random lines, dots, or shapes.

Step 4: Randomize the colors of the text and b ackground to make it

visually complex.

Step 5: Use different fonts for each character to make them look

Step 6: Randomize the order of characters, their sizes, and

Step 7: Apply random rotations to characters to make them appear
at different angles.

Step 8: Combine all the elements (text, background, noise, etc.) into
a single image.

Step 9: Display the captcha image to the user and store the original
text along with a time limit for solving.

5.0 Resources Used Name of resource/material Specifications

1 PC Intel 6GB Ram.
2 Software MS-Word, Chrome Browser, Notepad
3 Other Accessories Paper, Pen, Reference Books

CSSMicro-Project 4
6.0 Literature review

The term CAPTCHA was first used by computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University in
2000. While the acronym makes sense (automated test to tell computers and humans apart),
the Turing Test portion may be unfamiliar. A historically common type of CAPTCHA (displayed
as Version 1.0) was first invented in 1997 by two groups working in parallel. This form of
CAPTCHA requires entering a sequence of letters or numbers in a distorted image.

CAPTCHAs are tools you can use to differentiate between real users and automated users, such
as bots. CAPTCHAs provide challenges that are difficult for computers to perform but relatively
easy for humans.
CAPTCHA helps protect you from spam and password decryption by asking you to complete as
impletest that proves you are human and not a computer trying to break into a password
protected account. Within the generateCaptcha() function, initialize a time variable using the
time() function and seed the random number generator using the srand() function. Declare a
character array containing all the characters to be included in the CAPTCHA and assign it to a
char pointer variable. It offers protection from scrapers who want to copy the email addresses
of users. Spammers would crawl the Internet for email addresses that are posted in clear text.
By utilising CAPTCHA you can protect against these scrapers.

7.0 Action Plans

Sr. no. Detail of Activity Start Date Finish Date Name of Student
1 Search for topic
2 Discuss with guide
3 Information search and
resource collected
Ishika Dhakate
4 Implement part-A
5 Work over project
6 Implement part-B
7 Submission of final report

CSSMicro-Project 5

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