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Three pie charts compare the expenses that a specific school in UK spends over the years


Overall, Teachers’s salaries made up the biggest proportion of total school spending. Meanwhile, the
smallest portion belonged to insurance.

Looking at two years 1981 and 1991, in the first years, Teachers’s salaries accounted for 40%, ranked
the 1st. The number went up 50% after 10 years. Meanwhile, the cost of insurance made up the
smallest segment with 2%. It increased modestly by 3% in 1991.The school had to spend 28% of total
spending on other workers’s salaries in 1981. However, over the course of ten years, the cost was
cut to 22% . In 1981, the expense of resources e.g. books and furniture, equipment had the same
ratio of 15%. In contrast to resources e.g. books having a slight growth in 1991, Furniture and
equipment experienced a dramatic decrease of 10%.

In the last year, Teachers’s salaries still took up the largest percentage even though it dropped by 5%
compared to 10 years ago. The fraction of the insurance grew insignificantly by 5%. The spending of
other workers’s salaries and resources e.g. books declined to 15%, 9% respectively. In comparison,
Furniture and equipment made a significant progress with 23%.

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