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Balagtas, John

Gripon, John Adrian

Sicat, Justin Marco

Hernandez, Rey James Kirby

Pagulayan Harvey

300 – story with 5 characters:


In the bustling city of Canonsville tensions were rising among five unlikely friends: Jonard, a street-
smart mechanic; Paul, a fiery chef with a passion for martial arts; Jimuel, a reserved librarian with
hidden strength; Jane, a charismatic journalist with a sharp tongue, and Jamson, a gentle musician with
a surprising talent for self-defense.

One fateful evening, a heated argument erupted in their favorite hangout, The Iron Dragon, a dimly lit
karaoke bar. Jane's cutting sarcasm crossed a line, and Jimuel couldn't hold back his temper any longer.
A brawl ensued, turning the bar into a chaotic battleground.


Amidst shattered tables and flying barstools, Paul, who had been practicing martial arts for years,
showcased his skills by gracefully incapacitating a few unruly patrons. Jonard, using his street smarts,
creatively turned everyday objects into improvised weapons, holding his ground against the brawlers.

Meanwhile, Jamson, the pacifist musician, unleashed an unexpected torrent of aggression, his guitar
case becoming a makeshift battering ram. He protected Jane, who found herself in the midst of the
chaos but used her sharp wit to verbally disarm opponents.

As the fight raged on, a sudden realization struck them all: their bond was stronger than any argument.
They fought side by side, each using their unique strengths and abilities to protect one another and
eventually quell the chaos.

With the last brawler disarmed and subdued, the group stood victorious but exhausted amidst the
wreckage of The Iron Dragon. They shared a moment of laughter amidst the chaos, realizing that
sometimes, even the best of friends could disagree passionately.

From that day forward, their friendship grew stronger, forged not just by shared interests but by their
ability to stand by each other, even in the heat of battle. The fight in The Iron Dragon had tested their
loyalty and brought them closer together, a testament to the enduring strength of their bond.

In the end, the five friends left The Iron Dragon, not as fighters, but as a united front, ready to face
whatever challenges life in Canonsville threw their way, knowing that their friendship could weather any

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