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Voices From The Past

Contact With The Famous Departed


Alan Valiant
Supreme Spiritual Master

For the last thirty-five years I have been receiving scripts written through my hand by
numerous people who lived many years ago in addition to those who passed on more
recently. Because no one can cease to exist, every person who has lived and died is
still existing somewhere in our Creator’s universe, either incarnate or discarnate in the
spiritual world. Thus it is that I have been able, through my ability to communicate
telepathically with spiritual beings in the spiritual world or heaven, to receive
information from many of the most famous historical figures.

Further, by my clairvoyance, I am able to see the different people and to observe their
clothing and whether they are holding something or, in some cases, holding up a
scroll for me to read. In effect, I work with and for the inhabitants of earth and those
in the spiritual world.

I propose to publish for the first time some of the large number of scripts that I have
received during the period that I have been communicating with those in the spiritual
world. At last it will be possible to learn what the various writers think now about
their last incarnations and whether they were right or wrong about their work, for

My original scripts were handwritten and have been transcribed for publication.

The following posthumous scripts are published below.

1. Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding

2. Charles Darwin

3. Winston Churchill

4. Christopher Columbus

5. Plato

6. Marie Stopes

7. Horatio Nelson

8. Abraham Lincoln

9. Bertrand Russell

10. Oliver Lodge

11. Louis Pasteur

12. Bing Crosby

13. Ludwig van Beethoven

14. Florence Nightingale

15. Django Reinhardt

16. Ethelred the Unready

17. King Charles 1

18. Oliver Cromwell

19. Galileo

20. Ann Boleyn

21. Rossini

22. George Formby

23. Arturo Toscanini

24. Jacob Epstein

25. Thomas Edison

Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding.

This is Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding writing through Alan Valiant. Good
evening to you Amanda Valiant and Alan. I was extremely interested in spirit writing
while incarnate and had numerous articles published. Because of my professional
standing, I was not called a crank, fortunately, and my work was accepted by many
people. Since I died, I have realised that I was communicating with people on Planes
4 and 5. My work as Chief of Fighter Command was of great value to Britain and, I
am happy to say, probably saved the country from invasion by the Germans.

My strategy was shown to be correct after the Battle of Britain. Never a warlike man,
I had a great talent in administrative and organisational ability and these were the
greatest assets to me in my work. Winston Churchill is on Plane 3 and he and I have
often discussed our wartime work.

Like me, Winston hated war but once in office he devoted himself tirelessly to its
prosecution, often until he dropped with fatigue. We have both spoken with soldiers,
sailors and airmen who gave their lives in battle and most of them said that they
would do the same thing again if they had to. They regarded their own lives as
subordinate to a higher cause, namely the survival of their race and nation and, in
particular, their own families.
I, Hugh Dowding, am now happy living on Plane 5. My spiritual studies still keep me
occupied. As far as I am aware I do not have to reincarnate because of the service that
I rendered to my country in my last life. Goodbye for now.

Hugh Dowding


Charles Darwin

This is Charles Darwin , author of “The Origin of Species” and many other works on
ecology, biology and animal life writing through Alan Valiant. I hereby admit that,
since I died, I have discovered that my theories concerning the origins of man were

There is no missing link between the primeval life in the sea, where animal life began
on earth and man because man was introduced to earth from the planet Yolland
Allicay and has no antecedent life forms. Further, my theory of natural selection,
although plausible to scientists, was also wrong. I now know that all animal life is
controlled by spiritual beings in heaven who can cause mutations or modify the
chromosome or genetic structure in any animal life at will. I was never, contrary to
the beliefs of some, religious. I was, however, very much spiritually inclined.

I now know also that the enigmas of the homing pigeon, eel, salmon, whale and squid
mating migrations and so on are explained by the fact that spiritual beings in heaven
guide and influence the creatures to perpetuate their species. I, Charles Darwin, freely
admit that I failed to appreciate adequately the true nature of the spiritual existence
while I was incarnate. I beseech all researchers in biology and allied disciplines to
study spiritual subjects concurrently with their major subjects. They will be pleasantly
surprised at what they learn.

Charles Darwin


Winston Churchill

This is Winston Churchill writing through Alan Valiant. First, I wish to say that I was
rather ashamed of my funeral. If I had known that I would still exist, I would simply
have faded away quietly but I gave authority for the most lavish funeral since Queen
Victoria’s. The funeral was carried out in a most exemplary and commendable
manner and I thank all the thousands of people concerned in its organization and wish
to convey my heartfelt gratitude to those who supported me during my last lifetime.

I have had twelve lives so far and am now on Plane 3 with King George VI. We were
great friends during the Second World War and we are now studying together in order
to graduate to the higher spiritual planes. Never interested in spiritual matters, I only
went to church because it was expected of me on formal occasions. The clergy were a
pain in the neck to me. They seemed to have so little to offer anyone. I always
regarded priests as parasites and tried to avoid them as much as possible.

Now that I am in a position to observe priests at work without their knowledge I know
that they are very misguided people. They fool the public because they allow
themselves to be fooled by the impossible demands of their religions. My last life, I
have just been informed by God, was my last life! That has made me very excited
because I was not looking forward to another struggle on earth. My karma is complete
and now I must strive to reach the higher realms of Heaven where I shall give of my
utmost, utilising my well-known talents in the furtherance of God’s purpose. Many
thought of me as a warmonger. Nothing was further from the truth. I hate war. My
qualities of leadership, though, were so outstanding that I was destined to save Britain
from what would certainly have been a terrible fate if Hitler had succeeded in his
diabolically evil aims.

Now, having arrived in Heaven for the last time, I am very happy in the knowledge
that Amanda and Alan Valiant are bringing enlightenment to the ignorant peoples of
earth. The book that they are producing will lighten the darkness of all who seek
salvation and an understanding of their true existence and purpose on earth. Everyone
on earth suffers more or less. I was no exception, but I deserved what I received.

I have visited Yolland Allicay, the Reward Planet. What a difference! There is no
crime, there are no locks on doors, no police, no armies, no wars, no strikes. The
people are honest, hard-working and happy. The earth could be like that but it never
will be until the bigots and those steeped in the ”mythology” of religion come to their
senses and stop worshipping a God who does not exist, I mean the one that they
imagine exists. The book contains the truth about Jesus Christ, by Himself. This is
wonderful news and should set the record straight for ever.

I, Winston Churchill, have just had the wonderful experience of meeting Jesus Christ.
It was he who fetched me here but he did not announce himself. Not noted for my
shyness or reticence, I have been twice struck speechless this evening, first after
hearing God speak to me and second after meeting Jesus Christ. I have had to have a
couple of drinks to bolster my flagging courage!

I am prepared to speak to people on earth through either Amanda or Alan Valiant if I

can be of help. Meanwhile, I, Winston Churchill, politician, soldier, war
correspondent, Prime Minister of Great Britain, historian, writer, orator and now
spiritual being, wish everyone on earth a bright and enlightened future through the
agency of the book, “A Course In Spiritual Philosophy” by Amanda Valiant.

Winston S. Churchill


Christopher Columbus.
This is Christopher Columbus writing through Alan Valiant, a very high spiritual
medium. In my final incarnation I was a voyager, explorer and adventurer. As a boy I
used to study the globe and wonder why only half of it was covered with land masses.
This intrigued me so greatly that, after having become a very knowledgeable and
skilled seaman, I decided to find out for myself whether there was any land which was
shown blank on the globe.

I was fairly well off and with some financial backing, I set sail in a small ship off to
the west and across the Atlantic. We survived some bad storms but finally arrived in
the West Indies. Subsequent voyages led me to discover, or re-discover, America. The
crews were on the verge of mutiny when we finally landed in S. America but I was
made a hero by them and by my own people upon my return to Italy.

I was brought up a Catholic but never could accept the doctrines of the church even as
a child. Although most knowledge was in the hands of the priests, they resisted all
new information and were a great stumbling block to the acquisition of new learning.
Many of my colleagues of that time who were religious are still on Plane 1 while I am
now on Plane 5.

I am very happy in Heaven. I have a lovely ”wife” who is my soul mate. Her name is
Mirabella and she was my wife in two former lives. She, also, is on Plane 5 of course.
Occasionally, I am called by God to give advice on matters of seamanship and
exploration but most of my time is passed teaching spiritual beings who must
reincarnate about seamanship and survival at sea. I also help incarnate lone sailors by
prompting them when they are in danger.

From now on I intend to extend my knowledge of the spiritual existence by

intensifying my studies. My ambition is to live on Plane Six where the life is even
better than here. I do not complain though because Mirabella and I are very, very
happy. She teaches needlework and dressmaking and helps both discarnate and
incarnate beings. I, Christopher Columbus, am writing this with great pleasure
because it is the first time I have ever directly communicated with an incarnate human
mind since arriving in heaven. I send my very best wishes to sailors everywhere and
wish them Bon Voyage!

Christopher Columbus


This is Plato writing through Alan Valiant. Good evening Amanda and Alan.I am
delighted to be able to speak to you like this. It is a wonderful experience for me to be
able to communicate with a fellow philosopher with complete accuracy. I was quite
highly spiritual and, after I died, I came to Plane 5. I am now on Plane 6 and am the
senior philosopher.

My team consists of Bertrand Russell, Carl Jung, Socrates and Goethe. We work for
the Gardeners of the Earth through God whom I know well and regard as a very dear
friend. My philosophy was, in many respects, highly accurate, but on some major
points I was very wide of the mark. Unfortunately, I was too far ahead of my time for
my work to be accepted in my lifetime, but it has become a text book for scholars of
the ”classics” and is used as an example of deep thinking.

Modern thinkers tend to regard my works as primitive because I lived so long ago but
I assure you, my thinking would not be out of place in the world today. My marriage
was a turbulent one but my poor wife had to put up with me always having my head
in the clouds, and I don’t blame her. Now, I have found my karma soul mate, her
name is Martha and we live in perfect harmony. My life in Athens was one of luxury.
Always rich, I had servants galore and unlimited time to devote to my studies and my

Greece was relatively untroubled in my day and I was free to do as I wished. I acted
as advisor to the "senate" on such matters as the "psychology" of potential enemies
and on involved mathematical problems. Because of my great contribution to man’s
knowledge, I completed my karma in my last life after eleven previous ones in two of
which I was female and had children. Women were not educated much in those days
so I was finally born male to give me a good chance of being well-educated. Thank
you for this wonderful opportunity.



Marie Stopes

I am Marie Stopes writing through Alan Valiant. Good evening Amanda and Alan. In
my last incarnation I created a furore by having the audacity to bring sex out into the
open from the carpet under which it had been swept by the prudish, stupid Victorians.
The greatest opposition to my work came, of course, from the churches, particularly
the Catholic church. I was abused from all sides but, having seen the appalling
ignorance and resultant suffering of the poor in North London where I had my clinic, I
simply had to carry on my campaign to educate women, in particular about birth
control and sex in general. Millions of women have since had cause to thank me.

Nowadays, sex is publicised and talked about as is the weather but I deplore the fact
that, in some cases, the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction. The
pornographers have jumped on the bandwagon and perverted the legitimate aims of
sexual enlightenment to their own debased ends. I did not anticipate that governments
would be so lax in allowing pornography to flourish almost uncensored in magazines,
clubs and theatres, not to mention the ”blue” films that are sold to the public for
presentation on their home movie projectors.

I, Marie Stopes, implore young women, married or otherwise, to learn how to use the
rhythm method of contraception and, no matter what your religion, use contraceptives
whenever there is the slightest danger of an unwanted conception. I still feel very
concerned about the desirability of enlightening the young on sex matters but the
instruction must be given by people who understand the true spiritual advantages of a
mutually successful and happy relationship between people of opposite sexes.

Marie Stopes


Horatio Nelson.

Good evening Amanda and Alan Valiant. This is Horatio Nelson writing to you
through Alan. My "death" in 1805 on board H.M.S. Victory was the culmination of a
lifetime devoted to the British interests abroad. Involved in numerous sea battles,
most of them as supreme commander, I earned the gratitude and respect of millions.
Although I lost an eye and an arm, I still pursued my duties with vigour. It was my
karma to die as I did. I did NOT say ”Kiss me, Hardy!”. I actually said "Kismet,
Hardy"! That means "Fate". Hardy did kiss me though, and everyone misinterpreted
my words.

The finest seamen in the world fought in my fleets and I was proud to be their leader.
Never cruel to my men, I allowed the junior officers to discipline them but I would
never allow my crews to be brutally treated. Harsh discipline was customary and the
men expected it. The usual punishment for a fairly serious offence was the "brig" and
chains. Never a warlike man but a peace lover, I had to make use of my skills to
protect my country’s interests. I was always several jumps ahead of my enemies,
hence my spectacular successes in naval warfare. I detest war, it is cruel, stupid and
totally unnecessary.

On arriving in Heaven, I found myself on Plane 2. Greeted by my relatives, I was then

met by Plane 6 beings who told me that I had done well but may have to be
reincarnated if I did not study hard to reach the highest planes where my talents would
be put to good use. Being used to hard study, I knuckled down and reached Plane 6
after about 25 earth years. My soul mate, now called Rite (pronounced Ree-teh),was
my wife from the W. Indies. She is with me now and we are very much in love and
very, very happy together.

More well-known is my "affair" with Lady Hamilton. In those days, remarriage was
very seldom allowed by the stupid idiots in the churches so I said "nuts" to them, or
words to that effect, and lived with Lady Hamilton in a state of complete happiness.
Of course, I was rarely "at home"! I, Horatio Nelson, former Lord of Great Britain,
sailor, leader of men, strategist and commander, wish to state here and now that my
biggest barriers in my last life were put there by stupid, ignorant, mentally aberrated
clergymen. I had no time for religion, though I feared God. Now I know that all
religions of earth are all false and based on tainted and distorted information.

Theology, as preached, is pure theory and bears little relationship to the truth about
God. As a Plane Six High Spiritual Being, I advise the Gardeners of The Earth,
through God, whom I know well, on naval matters. Francis Drake is my most
esteemed and wonderful friend and we work together helping earth people interested
in naval matters but we have no interest in war. On arrival in Heaven, I was amazed to
find that I was still alive but, after taking stock of my new surroundings, I checked
myself and found that I still had a body and wonder of wonders, I had two eyes and
two arms again! This was a wonderful moment. The spiritual body can suffer no
harm from physical sources and so is always intact.

Horatio Nelson

Abraham Lincoln

Good evening Amanda and Alan Valiant. This is Abraham Lincoln writing through
Alan. As President of the United States of America during the awful civil war period I
had a most unpleasant task to perform namely that of ridding my country of slavery
and gross financial corruption. This was perpetrated mainly by the land owners in the
southern states. The only way left after several attempts at introducing legislation was
to go to war with the South. After two million men had died in battle, slavery was
doomed. But at what a price!

My speech at Gettysburg laid down the principles of the American Constitution which
is still adhered to today, although somewhat loosely. One aspect of my speech
troubles me greatly now. I stipulated that every American citizen should retain the
right to bear arms in his own defence. This has become an anachronism today. With
something like two guns to every citizen in the U.S.A. today, it is a private arsenal
second to none in the world. Many of the weapons are used to kill other citizens and
assassinate presidents.

I, Abraham Lincoln, implore the present-day government of the United States of

America to bring every effort to bear upon the bribing munitions and weapon
manufacturers who oppose the banning of weapons at every stage. No ordinary citizen
should need to carry arms today. In my time it was different. Ban all weapons from
the citizenry, I say!

Never really religious, I had to pretend to be in order to retain my high office. I was
assassinated by a maniac who has since paid for that terrible crime in a way I must not
commit to paper. Suffice it to say that he is still atoning by being reincarnated time
after time after time.

After my death, I arrived in Heaven on Plane 2. I studied hard for many years and
worked my way up to Plane 6 where I now sit with a committee of great politicians.
We advise the Gardeners of the Earth, through God, on political possibilities and
events on earth. Sometimes, I am asked to listen in to government meetings in
different countries, which I do and then report to God whom I have met on several
occasions. My dear soul mate, Winifred, lives with me on Plane 6 and we are
extremely happy.

Abraham Lincoln
Bertrand Russell

This is Bertrand Russell, one-time philosopher and mathematician. I was born in

England in about 1872. I went to university where I was always regarded as an
intellectual. Always interested in LIFE, I studied behaviour and other people’s works
in an attempt to rationalise the purpose of existence and to justify the existence of
God, the Creator in whom I then believed, although I was never religious and had a
very low opinion of clergymen. They always seemed to have nothing to say worth

But, I might as well not have bothered. I fell so short of the mark that my subject
could be better described as experimental or theoretical philosophy. Although I
believed strongly in the existence of spiritual forces, I had had no experience of them
and I lacked the most important ingredient in any philosophy, spirituality. My great
friend, Carl Jung, was a true philosopher. He understood spiritual matters. I did not.
So, I, Bertrand Russell, really held a position of high esteem on earth on false
pretences. I know the truth now and am very happy working as an instructor on Plane
5. After my "death" I was still ALIVE. Hey! Ho! Surprise, surprise.

I had arrived on Plane 2. After much hard study I am pleased to have worked my way
up to Plane 5. My ambition is to spread my influence as a spiritual instructor as wide
as possible so that I can be a greater asset in Heaven than I ever was on earth. My
only real claim to fame is that I won the Nobel Prize and contributed to the work of
UNESCO. I, "Sir" Bertrand Russell, am pleased to admit graciously that I can teach
Amanda and Alan Valiant nothing about spiritual matters or philosophy. In fact, I am
learning from them!

Bertrand Russell


Oliver Lodge

This is Oliver Lodge writing through Alan Valiant. Good evening Amanda and Alan.
I was a scientist in England during my last life and did a great deal of development
work on wireless sets, beginning with spark telegraphy and later developing valve
transmitters and receivers. Also, I became interested in spiritual matters after seeing
Daniel Home producing phenomenal effects such as tables and chairs moving
violently, apparently of their own volition. Also, he could levitate very easily. So
convinced was I by his demonstrations that I began a long and systematic series of
investigations into spiritualism and the occult.

My book My Philosophy was partly based on my knowledge of spiritual matters and

partly on my own observations. Actually, my philosophy was not very accurate and
was largely guesswork. I was knighted for my work on wireless and allied subjects
and my contribution to science. Since I died, I have worked my way up from Plane 2
to Plane 6 where I now work with other, more eminent, philosophers. I also work with
scientists and help people, who are due for reincarnation, to understand the
technology that it is hoped they will be using while incarnate.

You see, spiritual beings do not arrive as babies on earth knowing nothing. They
know quite a lot before they are born, if they are to do useful work. Not all
reincarnated beings have been pre-conditioned for their lives to come but those who
are destined to perform great duties invariably are. Heaven is a better place than earth,
the punishment planet. I had fourteen lives but I do not want to be reincarnated and
should not have to. There is so much of interest here. Everyone on this plane is happy
and friendly and there is love everywhere. Only the most intellectual beings who are
also extremely able reach this plane but their ability must have been proved to be for
mankind’s benefit.

Oliver Lodge


Louis Pasteur

This is Louis Pasteur writing through Mr. Alan Valiant. I was a biologist and a
chemist in my last incarnation and became famous as a microbe hunter. I discovered
the antidotes to several diseases peculiar to animals such as foot and mouth disease
and fowl pest. My dear wife, Marie, helped me greatly in my work but what she did
was never publicised. We both live in great happiness on Plane 6 having graduated
from Plane 3. We act as advisors to the Gardeners of the Earth through God on
matters pertaining to diseases and biological chemistry.

It is gratifying to learn through Amanda Valiant that my name is a household word in

the form of "pasteurization" which is a process that I discovered for sterilizing milk.
My wife and I are soul mates and have completed our karmas. Our biggest obstacles
to success in our work were some pompous and ignorant scientists of our time who
opposed us at every turn because they "knew better". They were stupid, spiritually
blind men, clinging to the shadowy forms of their reputations by dogmatically
insisting that they alone knew the answers. After all, were they not older than we?

Louis Pasteur

15th August 1977

Bing Crosby

This is Bing Crosby writing through Alan Valiant. I "died" last week and, lo and
behold, I am still alive. After a short rest I was shown my record. I was not at all
pleased with some lives. I had been particularly wicked in the 2nd century AD. I
subsequently paid very heavy penalties for my crimes, however. My last life was
wonderful. I was, fortunately, given a chance to finish on a good note. My life was
full of interest. Blessed with a fine voice, I made the most of it. I am on Plane 3 and
on arrival here I was told about Amanda and Alan Valiant, the highest spiritual brings
incarnate on earth today.

So, I decided that I would stick my long neck out and brazenly ask for an interview.
Having been in the limelight all my life I can’t keep out of it! Imagine my delight
when I was granted an interview because Amanda has a soft spot for me. Alan knew I
had arrived before I was announced and he then promptly told me I am on Plane 3 and
that I have had seventeen lives! Such psychic awareness is uncanny even to me here.

I have not been told whether I shall reincarnate yet again. I hope not! I intend to study
hard and reach higher planes as soon as possible. I wish to continue my interest in
show business and, perhaps later after I have become used to my new life, I may be
allowed help people who may want to reincarnate and become showmen or
performers. I have no regrets.

I hope that showbusiness will improve its image and rid itself of the highly
undesirable people who are profligate and those who take drugs and get the business a
bad name. If I can do anything to help it from here, I will. Woweeeeee! I feel great!
Man! It’s good to be dead!!! I really mean it. If Bob Hope could only see me now,
the old reprobate! I hope I shall be the first to greet him when he kicks the proverbial
bucket. The "Road" films that Bob and I did with "Dottie" Lamour were great fun to
make. Many hilarious incidents occurred during the filming which unfortunately
couldn’t be shown because they were too risqué.

I worked very hard, played very hard, drank very hard and really made the most of
every moment of my life and of all my God-given talents. So green am I here that,
like a silly clot I am wearing the same clothes that I had on when I died playing golf.
My! That last hole was a big one! Oh! Well, I must not take up any more of your
valuable time. I am delighted to have been so greatly honoured as to be received in
person by Madam Amanda Valiant. Thank you, thank you. I am going to enjoy
myself up here, I can see that. I shall now go to find your book and read it. Goodbye
to you both, my dear friends for now.

With love, Bing Crosby.


Ludwig van Beethoven.

This is Ludwig van Beethoven writing through Alan Valiant. I have completed my
atonement on earth and am now on Plane Six. I am busy helping musicians on earth
and people in Heaven prior to reincarnation. I work with several other well-known
musicians of my century. My soul mate, my wife in 3 earlier incarnations is with me
now and we are very happy and very much in love. My musical ability is still my
strongest point and my main interest. Death changes little. We still exist. We still
learn. We still know what we have already learned while incarnate. My deafness was
a punishment for a particularly pernicious crime I had committed in a previous life.

Ludwig van Beethoven


Florence Nightingale.

Good evening Amanda and Alan. This is Florence Nightingale writing to you. I am
delighted to be able to speak to you in this way. I am now, happily, on Plane 6 where I
am busy healing and helping people on earth with medical problems. I sometimes
work through spiritual mediums. It is a wonderful thing to know that my life on earth,
my last, was not wasted and that I was responsible for laying the foundation of the
nursing profession. I am certain that God called me to do that work.

Florence Nightingale


Django Reinhardt.

This is Django Reinhardt writing through Alan Valiant. Good evening to you. As you
can see I am not very literate but I was a good jazz musician while on earth. I love to
play guitar and still play on Plane 4 where I live. I also teach. Madam Amanda, I am
sorry but I am not very good at this kind of thing.

I only learned to sign my name in my last life and could not read or write so I had to
express myself in music which seemed to flow from me like water from a tap! It is a
great pleasure to be invited here this evening and meet a fan of mine and a fellow
guitarist. Thank you very much.

Django Reinhardt.


Ethelred the Unready.

Reigned from 979 to 1016.

Ethelred the Unready entered wearing a gold crown and a doublet. Good evening
Alan Valiant, Sir, I was known in my time as Ethelred the Unready, King of England.
I must point out, Sir, that I felt misjudged over my name as I was always ready.
I lived in a violent era when internecine strife was common. Under my command
were 1,000 knights in armour. There was much intrigue in the royal household and it
was, at times, difficult for me to retain order. In some ways, I was very fortunate as I
had the pick of the ladies. Ha, ha!

Since that incarnation I was re-born in the 15th century in France, Brittany. I was
involved with the shipping industry as an ordinary worker, more especially with the
administrative side. I married and my wife bore me 6 children, 3 boys and 3 girls. I
returned to heaven at age 63 from a respiratory disease.

My present plane is Plane 6 and I meet many people who were Kings or Queens on
earth in past times. May I congratulate you, Sir, on your unrivalled rise to Plane Six.
You have caused quite a stir amongst my colleagues. Thank you for meeting me. I am
always at your service, Sir.


King Charles 1

Part One

Good evening Mr Alan Valiant.

I am King Charles I, one time monarch of England. Please do not distress yourself sir,
as I am well. I hold no bitterness towards any person. No, I do not have bad feelings
towards Oliver Cromwell who ordered my execution. I am wearing a black mask as I
have never considered that I achieved my karmic ambitions in the past. Since my
execution, I have been attempting to study my spiritual existence but, for some
reason, I cannot fully grasp my own nature. I know, of course, that I am now a
spiritual being but I am having difficulties coming to terms with my karma. The
reason for my visit to you, sir, is that, as you are the most highly spiritual man on
earth at present, I seek your advice as to my future.

Perhaps, in your great wisdom, sir, you could advise me on a future life on the planet
earth in which I could do better than in my last life. I should like to be a doctor. I have
been appraised of the high incidence of cancer on earth today and I have been
studying with doctors here who are developing new methods of alleviating this
terrible disease.

Part Two

Good day Mr Alan Valiant, sir. I am ex-King Charles I , one-time ruler of all England.
It is most kind of you to give your time to interview me. The reason for my visit is to
seek your advice on my future incarnation.

I am told I am on Plane 4 but there are many outstanding aspects of my karma that I
have been shown in the Akashic Records that I feel I must rectify before I can
progress to a higher plane. As a young man, I dallied with ladies and admit to having
taken advantage of my social position, so I wish to show that I can be more respectful
and considerate of women in general.

As I was "omnipotent" as King of England, I showed only disdain for the common
people so I think it would be wise to be born again as a commoner albeit with the
talents necessary to make a success of my life, if possible, by serving others. I have
no wish to become a military man. I am open to suggestions Mr. Alan, sir. However, I
would prefer an English-speaking country. Once I stick my nose into something it
stays there until I achieve my aims!

Thank you again, sir. I take my leave.

Ex-King Charles I


Oliver Cromwell

Part One

Good evening sir, I am Oliver Cromwell of historical fame, or infamy depending on

your viewpoint. Although I have been in heaven since my death in 1658, I feel that I
cannot advance my karma unless I reincarnate. I have not returned to earth before as I
am a slow learner of spiritual matters. I have been studying assiduously in an attempt
to lighten my atonement. My conscience lies heavy upon my brow. In the course of
my re-education here, I have been appraised of my errors in blindly accepting
Christianity and particularly Puritanism of which I was an ardent believer.

Plane 3 is my level at present but I seem to be in a state of stasis. My visit to you sir,
for which I thank you, is to ask you how best I could atone for my military and
political excesses. For example, if I were to return in a non-religious, non-political
and non-military role, would I be able to make any impact upon my karma in a
positive sense?

Part Two

Good evening Mr Alan Valiant Sir. I am Oliver Cromwell. I beg your forgiveness for
my interruption to your evening, Sir. I think I told you at my previous visit that I seem
to reached an impasse in my spiritual progression. I have not returned to earth since
my death as Cromwell but I have been advised by my counsellors that I must
reincarnate before I can make any further progress.

My "talents" lay in organization of an army and procurement of weapons for my

soldiers in addition to the administration of a parliament. I prefer to have nothing to
do with war in any way. We have discussed the medical profession. This would help
me to save lives instead of taking them. It appeals to me. I am not unintelligent, may I
boast, but I am quick to emotion and I feel that if I could learn how to understand the
feelings of my fellow men and women and study hard to learn the noble art of the
doctor of medicine, I could succeed in raising myself a little in a spiritual sense.

I shall begin at the beginning. It will be my pleasure if you can help me by directing
me to teachers of medicine who would be willing to train me. I do not lack persistence
along a chosen path, Sir. I am fully prepared to accept responsibility for my actions. It
was with some surprise that I discovered the futility of practising a religion. I feel that
I shall be so involved with my medical studies that I shall avoid any involvement with
a religion.

I would prefer a university in the United States as I have been advised they are more
forward-looking. Are you suggesting Sir, that I become a doctor of “alternative
medicine”? (“Yes.” Valiant)

I take my leave,

Oliver Cromwell



Good evening Alan, sir.

I am Galileo, please forgive the late hour, sir. The reason for my visit is to inform you
that I am, in addition to being a member of the Society of Astronomers of Plane 6,
also a member of the Inner Circle of Philosophers of Plane 6 of which you are also a
member. It is therefore my pleasant duty to tell you, sir, that you have been awarded a
Gold Star for philosophical understanding. With very, very few exceptions you have
achieved an unprecedented knowledge and understanding of philosophy and spiritual

In addition, sir, you have helped many suffering people on earth by applying your
skills and your knowledge to relieving them of their mental and emotional problems.
Several human beings have been saved from a potentially disastrous situation as a
result of your wonderful help. Your unstinting selflessness and spiritual generosity
will incur great rewards in spiritual terms.

It is my great privilege to have met you sir, and I shall always be at your service. With
my heartiest congratulations, sir, I leave now. You may call upon me at any time.


Ann Boleyn
Good evening Alan, Sir, I am Anne Boleyn. I feel sure you are aware of my history
that culminated in my death on the orders of my husband Henry VIII. Since my
entirely underserved death by that conspiring man, I have never been reincarnated.
Owing to the way I suffered undeservedly, I have been spared further incarnations to
this day. It is kind of you, sir, to help me as I have been told that you are a very loving
man, dedicated to the welfare of all mankind.

The reason for my visit is to ask you if you think I could benefit by reincarnation. I
am on Plane 3 at present. As you have asked me, I have no interest in royalty. The
intrigue and jealousy and mistrust are more than I can bear.

Please advise me, sir. I should wish to incarnate as a man, please, in a capacity where
I could exercise my many talents which include organization, music, and a fondness
for educating children.

(Would you like to be a music teacher in a children’s school?)

Anne here, Alan, sir, with great respect sir, I’d like to look into that possibility. It
sounds very interesting. Yes, as a male. I do not wish to take up any more of your
valuable time, sir. A gentleman has just told me he will show me where to go next and
I shall follow your advice. I curtsey to you, noble sir, I am Anne Boleyn.



Signor Rossini (Gioachino Antonio) (1792-1868)

Good evening Alan, sir. I am Signor Rossini. As you already know, you were my
stage manager when I presented my music to the public in many Italian cities. We had
to work very closely together as one of your duties was to allocate the sheet music to
the correct musician. Any mistake could have been disastrous. However, I could
always rely upon you and you never disappointed me. You had acquired a musical
education from a private tutor which enabled me to audition you as my earlier stage
manager had become ill. You were always very willing, polite and helpful and you
made a great and necessary contribution to my work.

I wish now, sir, to invite you to a concert where the orchestra will play my music. Of
course, this cannot be until your return to your high plane. I owe you a debt for having
been so influential in supporting me during our time together.

I visit you, sir, because I am fascinated by your ability to improvise on previously

composed themes. I must not keep you any later my dear colleague.

I leave you now.

George Formby

Hello, I'm George Formby. I 'ope I'm not intrudin' Alan, sir. I understand you are a
fine musician and have also played the uke, ha, ha. (Yes, as a boy).Well done, sir, I'd
like to tell you I'm very 'appy 'ere now, please. Forgive my accent. It's bloody good
up 'ere! I never thought I'd be 'appy again. 'Ower, my last life was not a bed o' roses.
I'll not go into details but I think you 'ave sum idea.

I'd like to ask you a favour as one musician to another, Alan sir. Is it alright if I come
to your gigs? I know you are a fine musician and I think you and I 'ave an affinity. (Of
course, most welcome) Oh thank you kindly Alan sir, I'll know when you play. Sorry
to be a nuisance. I'll say ta, ta then.

I'm George Formby.

Arturo Toscanini (1867-1957)

This is Arturo Toscanini writing through Alan Valiant. I was a very successful
orchestral conductor and musician in my final incarnation in which I lived to 90 years
of age. I arrived in Heaven on Plane 3 since when I have studied hard and risen to
Plane 6 where I am extremely happy. I have met my soul mate. Her name is Edna and
she was my wife in two earlier lives. I spend my time instructing musicians in Heaven
and teaching those about to reincarnate.

You see, many musicians repeatedly reincarnate as musicians, usually improving each
time. Among my many eminent friends on Plane 6 are Beethoven, Mozart and Haydn.
The latter speak music into the mind of an English woman called Rosemary Brown
who writes it down. These great composers as still composing through her. We are
trying to show earth people that we still exist and that the spiritual existence is a
reality. Unfortunately, few people accept us. They assume that Rosemary is suffering
from delusions but she most definitely is not.

Look forward to your deaths my friends, better things lie ahead if you are behaving
well. Have no fear of death. It is simple. You have done it many times before, so just
accept that you will continue to exist. You cannot fail to do so! With best wishes for a
successful karma .

Arturo Toscanini

17th October 1977

Jacob Epstein
Good afternoon Amanda and Alan Valiant. I am Jacob Epstein writing through the
hand of Alan Valiant. In my last incarnation I was born from Plane 3 in Heaven. My
karma dictated that I should become a sculptor and I was given extensive training in
this art before my birth. Born in the United States of America, I grew up in somewhat
difficult circumstances and began my career as a sculptor. It soon became apparent to
me that the academic climate in New York was not conducive to the furtherance of
my art and so I decided to emigrate to England in 1905.

There, I settled down and soon found many friends who were understanding and
kindly disposed towards me. My work was all that I lived for. I worked long and
arduous hours attempting to convert the beautiful images in my mind to stone or
bronze. Although the majority of my work was from "the school of realism", I
occasionally branched out into the slightly bizarre or unorthodox styles. This resulted
in good publicity and I subsequently received more work.

Income, for a sculptor, is sporadic, and it is a very difficult profession in which to

keep a bank balance always in the black, but I fared well, although never became
really rich. I had a strong realization of the existence of the spiritual world while on
earth last and was subconsciously aware that I was being helped by forces unknown. I
know that my work was frequently improved and modified but not by me in every
case. It became obvious to me that some other intelligence was guiding me. I assumed
that it must be God but, since returning to Heaven, I have discovered that Plane 5 and
6 personnel were assisting me.

Never religious to the point of devotion and worship, I did believe in God and had a
tremendous respect for Jesus Christ of whom I sculpted a statue that, I now know, was
extremely accurate in its portrayal of his figure. It is not generally known that Christ
was clean shaven apart from a moustache, except when he wandered away into the
wilderness. After my "death", I returned to Plane 3 where I was not very surprised to
find myself still alive! I was informed by the instructors that, if I were prepared to
study spiritual subjects and work hard helping others in Heaven mainly through my
talents, I should rise spiritually and reach higher planes.

Also, I was told that I could complete my karma in Heaven which meant no more
bodies for me!! Fortunately for me, my professional work did not involve me in either
moral or religious issues, neither did I become mixed up in politics. The newspaper
cartoonists made a lot of money at my expense, however. I should like to end on a
moralistic note. The purpose of human existence on earth is to atone for crimes
committed in present or past lives, of which we all have many. The only way to the
Kingdom of Heaven is not by religious devotion, ironically enough, but by adherence
to the highest moral and ethical standards in one's dealings with other people.

You can only ever receive rewards commensurate with the quality, value and extent
of your own contribution to life on the planet earth, the Punishment Planet. So,
salvation is in your hands, not those of God or Jesus Christ! You have been given free
will by God. Use it! Do not allow your intelligence to be alloyed by the insistence of
other, ill-informed people on your acceptance of their doctrines. Work hard at your
job, give value for the money that you are paid. Never accept anything for nothing,
never take without first giving. Never lie or falsify situations to anyone.
Think first of others for only by such altruism, coupled with devotion to duty and a
significant contribution to society, can you ever be considered for entry into Plane 6
which is generally regarded as the Kingdom of Heaven. God lives on Plane 7 but we
fortunate ones on Plane 6 are frequently called upon to advise Him and assist Him in
many ways. This, we consider a great honour and is, of course, a great pleasure. I
have met God personally but he hardly resembles the general concept of Him held by
religious peoples on earth. Nevertheless, God always has the final word where YOUR
karmas are concerned and so, you always have to answer to God in the end.

Jacob Epstein

14th August 1978

Thomas Edison

Good evening Amanda Valiant. This is Thomas Alva Edison writing to you. My
abilities as an inventor are well known throughout the world but I should like to say
that, in the first place, all of the ideas that I developed were put into my mind by two
High Spiritual Beings on Plane 6. They were asked to stay with me all my life and
feed me ideas telepathically.

One of them was a clever inventor of the 17th century in America. His name was
Peter Carstairs and he invented office devices and general engineering improvements.
Unfortunately, he never received publicity for his great work. The other High
Spiritual Being was a woman who was Peter's soul-mate. They lived in my house and
laboratory without my knowledge, of course. Apparently, I more than justified myself
and produced far more inventions than they expected me to!!

I was chosen, from Plane 3, to reincarnate as an inventor. My mother was very

carefully selected and it was she who finally educated me because my teachers gave
up, thinking I was stupid, whereas in fact, I knew far more than they did!! I worked up
to 20 hours a day and my laboratory workers kept the jobs going 24 hours a day.

Although my invention of the phonograph was a fascinating experience, my favourite

invention is the incandescent lamp. We had only candles, oil lamps and gas lighting in
the streets and, after dark, it was so dismal everywhere, I decided to do something
about it dear Lady! When I switched on the city lights for the first time, it was a
tremendous thrill and one which I can, even now, recall. Born of Dutch immigrants,
Quakers, I was put off religion at an early age, thank God!!

If I had believed the ridiculous ideas that they had asked me to believe I would never
have achieved anything worthwhile. Religions are the curse of the earth! Sweep away
belief and substitute knowledge and you will see the world illuminated by a brilliance
of understanding that will surpass the greatest effects of all the incandescent lamps in
the world today.

Thomas A. Edison

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