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com/s/G2-Jav_lQm6toyOmYZjN_g/Healthcare Philippines Doctors

Healthcare Philippines Doctors

Target population: Any physician
Geography: Philippines

Blue = coding instructions
Green = reader notes
Red = termination logic


Screening questions

Set misc_translations to:

a) Other – please specify: [text input]

b) None of the above

1. Where do you currently reside?

Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Single-select | Randomize
a) Malaysia [TERMINATE]
b) Philippines
c) Singapore [TERMINATE]
d) Vietnam [TERMINATE]
e) Thailand [TERMINATE]
f) Japan [TERMINATE]
g) None of the above [TERMINATE]

2. What state are you from?

Q_geo | Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Single-select

a) Luzon – Region I
b) Luzon – Region II
c) Luzon – Region III
d) Luzon – Region IV-A
e) Luzon – Region V
f) Luzon – CAR

1 Philippines Doctors

g) Luzon – NCR
h) Luzon – Mimaropa
i) Visayas – Region VI
j) Visayas – Region VII
k) Visayas – Region VIII
l) Mindanao – Region IX
m) Mindanao - Region X
n) Mindanao – Region XI
o) Mindanao – Region XII
p) Mindanao - Region XIII
q) Mindanao – BARMM

3. What is your postal code?

Number | Required | Min: 1000 | Max: 9999

4. What is your gender?

Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Single-select
a) Male
b) Female
c) Other – please specify [text input]

5. How old are you?

Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Single-select
a) Under 18 [TERMINATE]
b) 18-24 [TERMINATE]
c) 25-34
d) 35-44
e) 45-54
f) 55-64
g) 65+

6. What is your primary medical specialty? Select the following option that best describes the
field of medicine you most frequently practice
Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Single-select | Randomize

2 Philippines Doctors

a) Emergency care
b) Primary care (e.g., internal medicine, family practice)
c) General surgery
d) Pediatrics
e) Gynecology / Obstetrics
f) Urology
g) Neurosurgery
h) Traumatology & Orthopedics
i) Ophthalmology
j) Orthopedics & Rehabilitation
k) Gastroenterology
l) Radiology
m) Homeopathy
n) Witch doctor [TERMINATE]
o) Other – please specify: [text input]

7. How long have you been practicing medicine?

Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Single-select
a) < 1 year
b) 1-2 years
c) 3-5 years
d) 6-10 years
e) 11-15 years
f) > 15 years

8. About how many patients do you see each week?

Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Single-select
a) Less than 10 patients [TERMINATE]
b) 11-20
c) 21-50
d) 51-100
e) 101-150

3 Philippines Doctors

f) > 150 patients

Hospital Interaction

9. In what locations do you typically practice? Please select all that apply.
Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Multi-select | Randomize
a) Private Hospital
b) Public Hospital
c) Private practice office
d) Clinic
e) Pharmacy
f) Other – please specify: [text input]

10. How much of your time is spent practicing at each of the following locations? Please
allocate 100% across each location that you selected in the previous section.
Q_spend_by_practice | Allocation | Required | Total: 100

Dynamic choices: Q9 selected choices with write-ins for ‘other’

Set practice_sorted_by_spend to practice sorted with highest spend first


Set primary_practice to Highest allocated practice (randomly selected if tied)

11. Why do you primarily work in a primary_practice?

Text input | Required | Multi-line

[ Unless Q9 selected choices includes any of "Private Hospital", "Public Hospital",


12. You mentioned you typically practice in at least one type of hospital. How many hospitals
do you currently practice in?
Number | Required | Min: 0 | Max: 20
______ hospital(s)

Set qc_number_of_hospitals to Q12 answer > 5

[ Q13 logic: Show if Q9 selected choices includes "Private Hospital" AND Q9 selected
choices includes "Public Hospital" ]

13. Which type of hospital do you prefer working in – public or private?

Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Single-select

4 Philippines Doctors

a) I strongly prefer working in a public hospital

b) I prefer working in a public hospital
c) I have no strong preferences
d) I prefer working in a private hospital
e) I strongly prefer working in a private hospital

Set kpc_list to:

a) Hospital brand / reputation

b) Stable / large patient base & volumes
c) Convenient hospital location (e.g., close to where I live)
d) Quality equipment / facilities that support my specialty
e) Hospital size / capacity (e.g., number of beds for patients)
f) Quality and number of support staff (e.g., nurses, admin)
g) Attractive remuneration / contract model
h) Strong training programs for specialists / doctors
i) Supportive hospital management (e.g., listens to doctors / medical staff, invests in
new facilities)
j) Career progression
k) Academic progression (e.g., funding for research / projects)
l) Lifestyle (e.g., flexible working hours)

14. When considering where to practice (both location and specific chain / group), what is
most important to you? Please rank the following selection criteria from most to least
important (1= most important).
Rank | Required | Randomize
Dynamic choices: kpc_list

15. Do you have any intention of working overseas / outside of the Philippines in the next 5
Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Single-select
a) Yes, very likely to work overseas
b) Yes, likely to work overseas
c) Neither likely nor unlikely to work overseas
d) No, unlikely to work overseas

5 Philippines Doctors

e) No, very unlikely to work overseas

16. Approximately how much do you earn, on average per month, as a doctor? Please only
include earnings within hospitals in the Philippines. If you work internationally or are
unsure, skip this question.
Number | Required | Min: 0 | Max: 5000
PHP ______ per month
Allow skipping with checkbox labeled: “Skip”

Set qc_avg_earnings to Q16 answer > 100

Hospital / Brand Awareness / Satisfaction

Set comp_set to:

a) The Medical City Ortigas [TAG: priority]

b) The Medical City Clinics [TAG: priority]
c) St Luke’s – Quezon City [TAG: priority]
d) St Luke’s – Bonifacio Global City [TAG: priority]
e) Makati Medical Center [TAG: priority]
f) Cardinal Santos Medical Center [TAG: priority]
g) Asian Hospital and Medical Center [TAG: priority]
h) Mount Grace Hospitals [TAG: priority]
i) Manila Doctors Hospital
j) Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center
k) University of Santo Tomas Hospital
l) Far Eastern University Hospital
m) Metropolitan Medical Center
n) Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
o) Hospital of Manila University [TAG: FAKE]

17. When thinking of hospital group chains / clinics in the Philippines, which are the first two
that come to mind? Please input at least one to continue.
Combination | Required

1 Text input

6 Philippines Doctors

18. Which of the following hospital / health clinic groups / chains have you heard of before?
Please select all that apply.
Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Multi-select | Randomize
Dynamic choices: comp_set + Other + "None of the above"

Set aware_brands to Omitting "None of the above" if selected

[ TERMINATE IF aware_brands is empty (None of the above has been selected) OR

'Other' was the only selected brand, TERMINATE ]

19. Please describe your interaction with each of the following hospital chains / clinic groups in
the Philippines.
Matrix | Required | Group by: Row | Single-select | Randomize rows
I know this chain, but I know this chain I have practiced I currently
I have never and considered at this chain practice at this
considered practicing at at before, but it is chain and consider
practicing at any of least one of its not my primary it one of my
its locations locations hospital primary hospitals


Set qc_current_fake to Q19 choices by row for Hospital_of_Manila_University is any of "I

currently practice at this chain and consider it one of my primary hospitals"

Set Hospitals_Primary to Omitting any fake vendors

Set Hospitals_NotPrimary to Omitting any fake vendors

Set Hospitals_Considered to Omitting any fake vendors

Set Hospitals_Aware_NeverWorkedAt to Omitting any fake vendors

Set Hospitals_WorkedAt to Omitting any fake vendors

[ TERMINATE IF Hospitals_WorkedAt is empty, TERMINATE ]

20. On a scale of 0-10, how likely is it that you would recommend each of the following
hospitals to a friend, peer, or colleague? 0= not at all likely, 10= extremely likely
Matrix | Required | Group by: Row | Single-select | Randomize rows
0= not at all likely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10= extremely likely

7 Philippines Doctors


Set priority_recommend to Saving only "priority"-tagged brands

Set priority_not_recommend to Saving only "priority"-tagged brands

[Repeat the following question for each: priority_recommend]

21. Why would you recommend BRAND?

Text input | Required | Multi-line

[Repeat the following question for each: priority_not_recommend]

22. Why would you not recommend BRAND?

Text input | Required | Multi-line

[Repeat the following question for each: Hospitals_WorkedAt, filtering on "priority"-

tagged brands]

23. How could BRAND improve and increase your likelihood of recommending?
Text input | Required | Multi-line

Set prioritized_Hospitals_NotPrimary to:

Select up to 2, vendors from Hospitals_NotPrimary, prioritizing: 1) priority-tagged vendors

2) all other vendors based on least-fill

[Repeat the following question for each: prioritized_Hospitals_NotPrimary]

24. What are the main reasons that you do not consider BRAND one of your primary hospitals?
Please select all that apply.
Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Multi-select | Randomize
a) I have stopped practicing medicine
b) I have found a new location to practice at that I prefer
c) The facilities are not clean / modern enough
d) I did not trust the other doctors and medical staff to provide quality care
e) It is competitive to remain employed there
f) The brand is perceived poorly by patients and other medical professionals
g) I was not paid enough to continue working there / had a better paid offer elsewhere
h) Other – please specify: [text input]

8 Philippines Doctors

Set qc_stopped_practicing to FLAG true if "I have stopped practicing medicine" was
selected in ANY loop iteration

Set prio_Hospitals_Aware_NeverWorkedAt to:

Select up to 2, vendors from Hospitals_Aware_NeverWorkedAt, prioritizing: 1) priority-

tagged vendors 2) all other vendors based on least-fill

[Repeat the following question for each: prio_Hospitals_Aware_NeverWorkedAt]

25. What are the main reasons that you have never worked at BRAND? Please select all that
Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Multi-select | Randomize
a) I have stopped practicing medicine
b) I was not provided an offer to work at this hospital
c) I enjoy my current practice locations and feel no need to look elsewhere
d) The facilities are not clean / modern enough
e) I do not trust the doctors and medical staff to provide quality care
f) It is competitive to be employed there
g) The brand is perceived poorly by patients and other medical professionals
h) I would not be paid enough to work there / have a better paid offer elsewhere
i) Other – please specify: [text input]

Set qc_stopped_practicing_2 to FLAG true if "I have stopped practicing medicine" was
selected in ANY loop iteration

26. Do you treat patients in the hospital you work at or refer to other hospitals? Please allocate
100% across each option
Allocation | Required | Randomize | Total: 100
a) Treat in my own hospital
b) Refer to other hospitals

[ Q27 logic: Show if Q26 choices with >0 allocation includes "Refer to other hospitals" ]

27. Why do you refer to other hospitals?

Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Multi-select | Randomize
a) My hospital does not have the requisite facilities or equipment (eg. operating
theater, CT scan machine etc)
b) My hospital does not have the requisite specialty doctors

9 Philippines Doctors

c) My hospital is often full (eg. no empty beds)

d) I receive incentives for referrals that I make
e) Patients opted to be referred to other hospitals for insurance coverage
f) Patients opted to be referred to other hospitals for proximity
g) Patients opted to be referred to other hospitals for pricing considerations
h) Other – please specify: [text input]

[ Q28 logic: Show if Q26 choices with >0 allocation includes "Refer to other hospitals" ]

28. Which hospitals do you refer to? Please select all that apply
Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Multi-select | Randomize
Dynamic choices: comp_set

29. When considering all factors, which hospital group / brand do you think is the best in the
Philippines for patients to get medical treatment at?
Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Single-select | Randomize
Dynamic choices: aware_brands + "Other (please specify)"

30. When considering all factors, which hospital group / brand do you think is the best in the
Philippines for doctors to work at?
Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Single-select | Randomize
Dynamic choices: aware_brands + "Other (please specify)"

31. When considering all factors, which hospital group / brand in the Philippines attracts the
best doctors?
Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Single-select
Dynamic choices: aware_brands + "Other (please specify)"

Set likert_scale to:

a) Very likely to continue working at this hospital

b) Likely
c) Unsure
d) Unlikely
e) Very unlikely to continue working at this hospital

32. What is the likelihood of continuing to work at your primary hospital(s) 1 year from now? 3
years from now? 10 years from now?
Combination | Required | Randomize

10 Philippines Doctors

1 year from now 3 years from now 10 years from now

Hospitals_Primary Dropdown Dropdown Dropdown

likert_scale likert_scale likert_scale

Set hover_defs to:

a) EMERGENCY MEDICINE: Accident and emergency treatment requiring immediate

medical attention etc.
b) CARDIOLOGY: Treatment related to the heart like coronary artery bypass surgery,
angioplasty, insertion of heart stent etc.
c) DERMATOLOGY: Treatment involving skin, nails, hair and related diseases
d) ENDOCRINOLOGY: Treatment focusing on hormonal system
e) ENT (EARS, NOSE, THROAT): Treatment related to ears / nose / throat etc.
f) GASTRENTEROLOGY: Treatment focusing on digestive system disorders
g) GERIATRIC MEDICINE: Treatment focusing on active ageing and management of
illnesses in older adults
h) GENERAL SURGERY: Treatment focusing on abdominal contents including
esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, pancreas, etc.
i) GENERAL MEDICINE: General practitioner (GP) visit
j) HAEMATOLOGY: Blood transfusion, bone marrow transport etc.
k) INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Treatment of diseases that are caused by pathogenic
microorganisms like Malaria, Hepatitis B/C, Dengue Fever, Tuberculosis
l) NEPHROLOGY: Treatment for hypertension, dialysis, renal transplant etc.
m) NEUROLOGY: Treatment for stroke, multiple sclerosis etc.
n) PALLIATIVE MEDICINE: Specialized medical care for people living with serious
o) RESPIRATORY MEDICINE: Treatment for asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary disease
p) RHEUMATOLOGY: Treatment of arthritis etc.
q) REHABILITATION MEDICINE: Treatment and rehabilitation of disorders that
cause functional impairment, may involve rehabilitation after a debilitating illness
like spinal cord injury, limb amputation etc.
r) SPORTS MEDICINE: Treatment related to physical injuries related to sports and

11 Philippines Doctors

s) ONCOLOGY: Cancer treatment etc.

t) PAEDIATRICS: Medical care of infants, children and adolescents up to age 18
u) PLASTIC SURGERY: Reconstructing or repairing parts of the body involving the
transfer of tissue either for injury treatment or cosmetic purposes
v) OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY (OBGYN): Medical care related to women
during pregnancy and children, as well as treatment of diseases in the female
reproductive system
w) OPHTHALMOLOGY: Treatment of conditions related to the human eye
x) ORTHOPAEDIC: Treatment of the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles
y) PSYCHIATRY: Treatment of mental illness etc.
z) UROLOGY: Treatment of the urinary tract system (urinary infectious diseases) and
the male reproductive organs

Set specialities to:


12 Philippines Doctors

aa) Other – please specify: [text input]
bb) I don’t know

Set prioritized_Hospitals_WorkedAt to:

Select up to 3, vendors from Hospitals_WorkedAt, prioritizing: 1) priority-tagged vendors 2)

all other vendors based on least-fill

[Repeat the following 2 questions (through 34) for each: prioritized_Hospitals_WorkedAt]

33. How does BRAND rank on each of the following selection criteria?
Matrix | Required | Group by: Row | Single-select | Randomize rows
Below average Average / on par with other hospitals / clinics Above average


34. What do you think BRAND is well-known for in terms of specialties in the Philippines?
Please select all that apply.
Multiple choice | Required | Vertical | Multi-select | Randomize
Dynamic choices: specialities

Set qc_specialties_idk to FLAG true if "I don't know" was selected in ANY loop iteration

35. If you were looking to join a new hospital in a Tier 1 city (like Manila NCR, Sebu), how
likely would you be to join if that hospital was...
Matrix | Required | Group by: Row | Single-select
Very unlikely Unlikely Unsure / neither likely nor unlikely Likely Very likely


13 Philippines Doctors


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