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Curso 2022-23 IPEP Inglés - Segunda tarea 1º Bachillerato.

Name__Teresa Maria Muñoz Martos____________________________________________________

Mark: ______ / 100 PUNTOS

Read the blog and answer the questions. (M

As you already know, I love being a gondolier in Venice! I’m so proud to steer my boat through this
beautiful city. But there is one thing that really bothers me. Even though gondoliers are some of the
best-paid workers in Venice, I can’t afford to live here. Because housing prices are so high, my wife and I
can’t rent a flat that’s a decent size and have to live on a nearby island. And we are not alone. Three
decades ago, more than 120,000 people lived in Venice. Today, the population is under 55,000.
So, why has this happened? First of all, there are the cruise ships. A few years ago, these enormous ships
filled with tourists started arriving in Venice. It’s true that this is good for my business, since many of
them buy a ride on a gondola. But because they go back to eat and sleep on the ship at the end of the
day, they spend much less money in restaurants and shops than other tourists. And even the tourists
that do sleep here don’t necessarily stay in hotels. Many of them prefer to rent flats, so property owners
are able to charge high prices. This has driven up the rental prices for local people like me.
The amount of available housing is also on the decline. This is because the ground floors of many
buildings have been damaged by floods over the years. Our government has invested billions of dollars
into a system of underwater gates to protect us, but the problem is far from being ironed out.
Tourists are not aware of the problems that we face, and we Venetians are very worried about the future
of our city. Some residents have even suggested that we should raise income for the city by building
gates around Venice and making tourists pay a fee to enter.
Personally, I’m really against this idea. I think it would turn the city into a theme park. But there is no
doubt that we’re going to have to do something if we want to ensure that local people will be able to
continue living here in the future. But what?

1 Choose the correct answer. (4 x 2 = 8 points)

1 Marco doesn’t live in Venice because .......... .
b it’s too expensive
2 Tourists from cruise ships .......... .
d prefer to rent flats
3 Housing prices in Venice have gone up because .......... .
d tourists are able to pay high rental rates
4 Marco .......... .
d doesn’t know how to stop the locals from leaving Venice

2 Complete the sentences. (6 x 2 = 12 points)

1 Being a gondolier is something Marco is very proud to be.
2 Marco can't afford to live in Venice even though his job is one of the best paid in Venice.
3 The population of Venice started to decrease towards when the cruise ships started to stop in the port of
4 Restaurants do not benefit much from tourists as they eat on the cruise ship.
5 Over the years, flooding has caused many problems with the lower parts of the houses.
6 The underwater floodgate system is subsidized by the government of Venice.
3 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (5 x 2 = 10 points)
1 reasonable (paragraph I) ......... decent.......................................
2 increased (paragraph II) ........has driven up........................................
3 solved (paragraph III) ...............ironed out.................................
4 deal with (paragraph IV) .................making...............................
5 bring in money (paragraph IV) ......raise income...............

1 Complete the sentences with the words below. Pay attention to the words in bold. (5 x 1 = 5 points )
Neighbourhoods | slums | residents | treks | pavements
1 More than half the city’s ...... residents........................... voted for the new mayor.
2 People will litter less if we put more waste bins on the ........ pavements........................................ .
3 On one of our ..... Neighbourhoods............................ , we discovered a picturesque village built in the 14th
4 With over 3,000 workers involved in building two new ....treks............................. , the city’s unemployment
rate has fallen.
5 It’s OK to visit the city’s ....... slums..................... , but I wouldn’t recommend walking alone in the alleys.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs turn and cut and the words in brackets. (5 x 1 = 5
1 We waited for him, but he didn’t ........turn up................................................. . (up)
2 The salary was too low, so Sarah ...........cut down............................................. the job offer. (down)
3 Unfortunately, every year, the city .......cut down on........................................... the services it offers. (down
4 This is ....................turn into................................. a trendy area and only a few of the old shops remain. (into)
5 Many homeless youth .....cut........................... themselves from family and old
friends. (off)

3 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets and the correct prefix. (10 x 1 = 10 points)
1 The city centre is ........... incrowded..................................... at weekends. (crowded)
2 It’ll be ............. impossible................................... to park, so we’re taking the bus. (possible)
3 I can’t read this. Your handwriting is ................................................ . (legible)
4 You should ........... unread...................................... each question before answering. (read)
5 He eats too much ............ unhealthy.................................... fast food. (healthy)
6 Pets are more likely to be fat than ............. unfed................................... . (fed)
7 It’s ................ irresponsible................................ to park your car on the pavement. (responsible)
8 Please work as a team and ............ disoperate.................................... . (operate)
9 Young children often ................. abehave.............................. when they’re tired. (behave)
10 My city is growing so quickly, it will soon be a ........... megacity..................................... . (city)
4 Complete the sentences using the modals below. (5 x 2 = 10 points)
Can | might | couldn’t | must | shouldn’t
1 I ................ might................................ go out tonight, but I’m not sure.
2 Steven ............. can................................... play the piano when he was young.
3 ....... Couldn’t......................................... you tell me the way to the post office, please?
4 You ............ shouldn’t.................................... stay up late. You’ve got a test tomorrow.
5 You ............... must................................. complete your projects on time or you’ll lose points.

5 Circle the best answer. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1 I needn’t have attended Harvard, but I didn’t.
2 You don’t have to do that. It’s illegal.
3 He can’t have left work already. It’s only three o’clock.
4 Relax. We don’t have to leave the house for an hour.
5 People should stop littering. It’s terrible!

6 Complete the sentences with the correct modal or modal perfect and the verbs in brackets. (5 x 2 =10 points)
might | must | should | can’t | needn’t
1 Catherine .................must join......................................... (join) us later. She’ll let us know.
2 They’re watching TV now, so they .......can’t finish.............................................. (finish) their homework.
3 We’re going in the wrong direction! We ..........should turn................................ (turn) left a while ago.
4 Look at the time! I really ..............might stay............................... (stay) any longer.
5 You ..............needn’t buy............................ (buy) any milk. There's a bottle in the fridge.

Writing: (20 points)

Write an opinion essay about if it is better to live in the city or the country. (100-120 words)

To confront cyberbullying effectively, it is vital to know how to identify what it is and spread this awareness
among the children who may unwarily become participants.
The tendency to raise this issue in the scientific and public spheres has positive dynamics. As there is legal
protection for cyberbullying victims in the USA, it is vital to detect harassment cases.
For this purpose, parents and teachers should cooperate to create trustworthy relationships so the child can ask
for help from adults. That is why a high level of emotional support from parents and peers is necessary to combat
bullying before it has occurred.

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