TAT Scoring

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Scerring /err Ti/T

t·coring Sheet
Connicts r Tr:ii ts - Frustra tiu~i Defence Co pin g
Pl'csscs j ·E111u tiOITT- St r~ i_!!S_
f Cnrd N;.-i Needs 1
:~J -~--t
- -1
LI '1

--- - --- - -----1-- -- -___:I. - - -

- - ---l----------··- - -- - - -
4 -- - ------

--- ---- -- - ---- -

6 - -- ·-
_J_ --· 7 - -
~ -- I

9 ....
-j -

j. A cc e pt h urn iIi at io n/C ritic isn1/ Psycho \l.1gical
inj ury/ pu11ish1ncnt/defea t (Ab.)
?. Acco1np li s h1nent/ A ttain1nent/ O ve rco 1n c
o bs tac le (Ach.)
J ·: Win affecti on/ Assoc iation/ Rec iproca te/
I<.. e 111 a i11 lo ya I ( Af fi .)
4. \ 1 iolent action/ \V ::1r!"are / revenge/at.t ack
(A gg. )
5. lnde pe nd encc/ li berty/ rrc-e lo ac t (Auto .)
6. Ncu lra liit11ion/ O\•r_·:-coinc '.Ve~!kne~>ses.' 1n~int:.11n
self respect (Count ~1ct)
7. De fending to se\C/ .lustify fct il ure or hu1n i\ ialion
(JJ e!'. )
·~. Obliging, rc'.-.>pccli"ul. 1Zcgt1rd for people 's
ree Ii n Q, / pr:]
'- . i SC (' [)c !'er)
9. /\u th or tt \ .' t.:ont rui . ~:'iakc: Jcc isio n/ tr: co111r.

(D0111. )

l u. Dcn1011 slr1.lli l)11 ~u n1~1kc i111p ression (f::d1.)

,/ ·11
A v o id p a in / inJ·ur) 1 ness/ dea th /d a nge rous

s1tu ati on (1-I a n n o vo
12. A v o id hL11111·1· · n1b a rra ss ing s ituation
ta tton / e
( I n favoicl )
n g / s u p p o rt iv e (N ur. )
f r H e !p in g / c a ri
r o rd e rlin e s s / ti d in ess (Ord.)
rd e
14 . P u t th in g s in o
te in g a m e s / m a k e j o k es
rt ic ip a
15 . A c t o f f u n/ p a
(P la y)
e x c lu d e / a b a n d o n (Raj.)
16. R e fu s e to acce
n sa ti on / S e n s u o u s (Santi)
17 . E n jo y S e .
e ro tic re la ti o n s h ip (S ex)
y /
18. L ik e s e x activit
rt e d / p r~ te ~ i2 d / n u rs e d (S e c c .)
,__) ~ . T o be S\.IJ:'p o
c a l/ 1 o n n u la ti n g (U nd .)
2 0 . A n a ly ti .
h fu l th i n k in g ( f an tasy)
2 1 . Wis
T o be va lu ed ( R.e cog .)
kn o \vlc dge (C o g ni za nce) .
'- 23. Curi ous / seek
,""--:' I
~if~~I •••

;,,. .
.- .,,, r....
In support 23. Assault
~ . ,e --_t-:
2. Stress 24. Disability
t. .-;r· 3 , ____ .,.,..,
•• I
. J Discord :?.S. Betrayal
-~- 4. Diseipli nc 26. In feriority
5. A bsence or Par1.:nl 27. Social
6. Illness 28. Prohibition }'
._;· ·~ 1. Death 29. Shelter/ ho1ne
?j ~,, ..
-8. Poverty 30. Separation
9. Misfortt1ne 3 1. Mnladjustrncnt
. ,. 10. A ccid ent 32. Posscssion/Posscssivcncss
. ,~ ,
' ~~- -11
(. \ . . Loss 33. Status
,~,... ;1 - ..,: l.2. ·,. Con1panionship 34. Demand
•I •

~~ -..~~
~J,. 3. . Rejection • 35 . Work
: (., .. . ·,
r ....... ·'14·
r ~ •, , f., ••

Ri valry }6. Punishn, cnt

·, ~' .
' • X, . 15. · Birth 37. Opposition

; -...
\ 16. Mallrcat1ncnt 38 . Econon1ic

Litigation 39. Rcdiculc

40. Obstaclco{, 0 )rt •
18. Relig ion
41. f-aitu·rc
19. l\ 1nrriagc
42. Dispute
20. Re cognition
43. Migration
2 1. Fricnd~hip

22 . Sex
. .
~ ~

Fe ar
27. Ob lig at io n
. 2. A ng er 28. Co ns lrn int
... 3. So rro w 29 . Ap pr eh ens ion
• 4. • Jo y 30 . Am us em e nt
5. Lust 3 I. Co m fo 11
6. Di sgu!>t 32. Co n fid en ce
7. Acc cpta11c1.: 33 . Oc prcs sio n
8. . A nt ic ip a ti o 11 34 . D isa pp oi nt me nt
9. S ur pr ise 35. Des ire .
10 . Se lf pi ty 36 . E lat i on

11. Sh a m e 37 . Em ba .n a.ssmcnt

12 . Envy 3~. Ec sta sy

- 13 . K in dn es s 39 . Gr at ilu dc

J4 . Lo ve 40 . U ric r

4 I. G ui ll
I 5. I la lc
42 . G la dnes s
! 6. Pr id e
43 . N e rv ou s ne ss
17 . P a in
4'1 . Sh yn es s
18 . Pl e as ur e
-1 .5. Sh oc k
19 . P.:11 ic 1H.: 1.:
~,16. Sc1 d11c~~
20 . S tre ss
•I 7 Te rro r
2 1. R.d, I ( j 011:ih j J)
., 8. Unha ppin ess
22 . R cpcn lun cl:
49. Anxi ety
23 . Secu rity
50. E111pat11v
24 . Tu g.\~ ~h ;;rnc ss
5 1. Sy m path y
25 . P r iv m.·y
,2 . D es pa ir
26 . A p p n:t.: ia t iu11
57. Co111pass1on
53. P~rpk:-:
58. Boredom
S4. Pcrlurlll:d
59. I11Ji ficrcncc
5S. Enth1.1sias111
60. Ambitious
56. l\dmiratiu11


l. Rcscrvcu I 5. Attention seeking

2. Easygoing 16. Adaptable
. \_
3. Emotionality 17. Suspicious ,._,,.....~
, V"
4. Realistic 18. NalUrc ';,,";'--
5. Anxious 19. Tranquil
6. Authoritarian 20. 0clicvcs in luck
7. Pessimistic 2 1. Compromising

8. Optimi sti c 1
22 . Concerned

9. Enthusiastic 23. \'cntarcsomc

·, 24 . Imkp.:nJc: t
10. Rcsponsibk
11. Shy 25. Soci:'11

12. Dcpcmknl 26. /\ social

l3old 27 . Ruic cvaJcr

Prn cti cal 28. Super cg\1 slrc11glh


Repression 6. Sublimation
7. Rationalization
2. Suppression
.... S. Deni.ii
.) . Rcr.rcssion
9. IJcnli licnlin11
4. l{l·acti-.111 fo: 111:1lirn1
I U. l'roj..:clion
5. Con\'crsio1:
11. Disp\ncc,ncnl
16. Escape
12. Con)pcn~m•ion
17. S01nnliznlion
13. Fant ..,sy
18. Dissociation
14. isolation \J,) .. Conver.iion
15. l nttojcctions


1. Approach- /\ppr oad,

2. Approach- A voiuanl'.c

3. A voi<la11cc - /\ voiJam.:c

4. · ld Vs Superego
5. lnter pcrsc nal con l1ic l


7. Mc9ta\ activil)'
L Usi ng rcs0urc~s--t0 tka\
~- )Vorship _
9. Acceptance
2. Ahcnmtivc solution
I 0. U:,ing defe nce
3. Seeking. ~u ppl'f\
! l. Pa~il.:ncc
4. Hdp rn.Hn ~:'\p~n Opfr;ni::m
i '2.
C hange of L"t1\·irO:ilt·,,:i\l
6. Physical ;icliYi\y -

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