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Name: Đỗ Thị Anh Tú – ENG2205 IVAA

ID: 1605638
Class: K19C
Assignments for Session 9

The Middle Ages

1. What were the main cultural influences which were in contact with the classical civilization of
Greece and Roman and contributed to shaping Europe’s Middle Ages?

The Middle Ages start approximately the thousand years from 500 to 1500-saw the classical civilization
of Greece and Rome transformed by contact with three very different cultures.

+ The first: The invasion of Germanic tribes culture in the fifth century had effectively conquered the
western half of the Roman empire.

+ The second: Christianity began in Palestine and then quickly spread throughout the empire until
almost all of Western Europe was thoroughly Christianized by the eleventh century (as early as 325 the
emperor Constantine had established Christianity as virtually the official religion of the empire).

+ The third: Islam, which arose in the Arabian peninsula in the seventh century and quickly spread
throughout North Africa and into the Iberian peninsula, where it remained a powerful force until the
fifteenth century.

 This time was an amalgam of these vastly different cultural forces, medieval Europe displayed
an unusually wide range of values, ideas, and social forms.

2. What are the main characteristics of the Middle Ages?

The main characteristic of the Middle age was individualism, consensual government, and a
recognition of religious difference.

The Middle Ages was also known as "an Age of Faith," by which most people shared a uniform
commitment to catholic Christianity. The church at that time was one of the most powerful forces at
that time and even more important than the government.

Another description that most people got familiar with was "The Age of Chivalry." War at that time is
everywhere. Furthermore, the most famous war at that time can be mentioned as the Crusade.
Thanks to the famous military force, Medival literature was very famous and, for the most part,
expresses the value ò the most powerful member of the society, also known as the aristocracy.

1. Summarize the prologue (“The Rise of the Danish Nation”) of Beowulf in 100 words.

Beowulf who is the main character, a hero, son of the great king of the Spear-Danes. When the king
Shield died, Beowulf ruled the Spear-Danes for many years. Beowulf has been a part of many
outstanding actions with three monsters has conquered. When Beowulf died, his son Haldane became
king. Haldane has a son named Hrothgar, who later created the magnificent Heorot.

2. What are the people and who is their ruler mentioned in the prologue (“The Rise of the Danish
Nation”) of Beowulf? What ritual does his warrior band do for his death? Who is his son? Who is the
successor of this ruler’s son?

The people mentioned in the prologue are Pear-Danes, and their ruler is king Shield Sheafon.
However, before the king died, he had born a mighty son name Beowulf. After the king's death, his
body was put on a ship and launched alone out over the waves. Later on, Beowulf has a son name
Halfdane became the heir. Halfdane’s heir is Hrothgar.

3. What is Heorot? What is the name of the ogre who attacks Heorot?

Heorot is a hall-building, and it was built for Haldane's people to feast, listen to the singing of the
bards, and give gifts of gold to his followers. Heorot was attacked by a demon named Grendel.

Marie de France’s “Lanval”

1. Whom does Lanval meet up with when he goes to visit the meadow?

Lanval meet up with two beautiful damsels when he goes to visit the meadow

2. What does the maiden offer to Lanval in their meeting and what does she ask him not to do?

She offers Lanval love and fortune ( she gave him a boon, love that no king or emperor could compare)
and asks him not to share the secret about their relationship with anyone else.

3. What does the queen want from Lanval and how does him respond to it? What happens when
Lanval returns to the lodge in the meadow after conflicting with the queen? Why does it happen
that way?

The queen wants Lanval to love her as much as she loves him, but Lanval refuses her because of his
loyalty to the king.
Lanval thought about revealing the relationship between him and his lover to prove that he has no
interest in the queen. After he left, the king returned, and the queen cried with him for mercy. The
king sent his people to capture Lanval.

The queen lies about the relationship between her and Lanval and says that Lanval requested her
love, but she refused. After being rejected, Lanval insulted her and bragged about his lover.


Supposedly you are going to write an essay (of about 2,000-2,500 words) whose title is

“Political conflicts in Marie de France’s ‘Lanval’”.

Write out an outline of arguments you will develop for your essay.

- Political conflict appeared with how removed Lanval is from his society at the very beginning.
Besides, “Lanval” also concentrate on courtly, or chivalric, love.

+ Lanval is not accepted by the king and others knights because he was a man from another land
=> a man removed from the world create the difference

+ The poem also explores how King Arthur uses a democratic legal process when Lanval must face

+ Noble status: struggle with the expectations their noble status brings with it (Lanval not have
real social status while other knights have ).

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