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Test questions of subject "Political Science"

1. When was the International Political Science Association established?

2. Who is the Author of paternalistic concept of power?

3. Ideological predecessor of totalitarianism is?

4. The founder of the science of politics is:

5. The Policy of immorality expressed in formula "aim justifies means" is called

6. The founder of the theory of utopian socialism is…

7. The author of the concept of sovereignty, the ideologist of absolutism is…

8. Kazakh thinker of the XIX century, who made the analysis of Chinese system
of colonial administration was…

9. The founder of liberalism ideology is…

10.The author of the theory of division of powers into legislative, executive and
judicial is…

11.When were the first alternative presidential elections in Kazakhstan?

12.The concept of policy originating from a comprehensive politicization of

society, political management of economy, culture, etc.

13.Policy concept that divides the social system into State and civil society

14.The approach to the interpretation of the authorities through a certain

community in the structure of human and animals is…

15.Positive assessment of power, recognition of its legality, the right to control

and agrees to be bound is called…

16.Political technology is…

17.The combination of definite skills and knowledge for providing the subject’s
solution of tasks in the field of power…

18.The basic meaning of the use of political technologies in doing by the tasks and
responsibilities variety of subjects

19.The technology, which is engaged in designing policy (forecasting, planning

and programming) and organization of practical activity of government

20.The main subject of applied political analysis

21.What is the level of person (individual) as the subject of policy?

22.The primary subject of politics is…

23.One of the manifestations of direct democracy is…

24.Monopoly on power of any one party or group - specific feature

What political doctrine says that the person (individual) is a source of power
and the government as a result of agreement, contracts and general consensus
of free people?

26.The highest form of participation of the individual in politics is…

27.The concept describing a combination of interrelated and interacting social

groups is…

28.Who proposed to determine the stratified gradation according to three factors -

wealth, prestige, power?

29.The concept describing methods of changing social differentiation due to the

activity of groups and citizens is…

30.Which criteria is the basis of Marx's theory of classes?

31.The main content of demographic policy is…

32.The concept in demography, postulating unlimited and unchangeable

dedication of people to the reproduction is…

33.The founder of social Darwinism is…

34.The author of the book "Experience about the law of Population"

35.The concept which is opposed to the concept of "population explosion" is…

36.The author of the term "demography" is…

37.The state is the first in an attempt to influence the course of its demographic
evolution with special legislative measures is…

38.The country which first proclaimed a policy of birth control is…

39. Historically founded in the development process stable community of people

living in the same area, with common culture, language, psychological
makeup, characterized by economic community and the state is…

40.Ideology and politics, which promot national exclusiveness and national

superiority is…

41.The system measures implemented by the state, aimed at accounting,

combination and implementation of national interests is…

42.The science of the relationship between ethnic and political reality is…

43.The founder of the theory of social systems is…

44.The founder of the theory of political systems is…

45.The essence of political socialization function performed by the political

system is…

46.Depending on the nature of political regime political systems are divided


47.Who used the term "State" to determine politically organized society for the
first time?

48.The concept explaining the origin of the state due to divine establishment is…

49.The concept explaining the origin of the state due to the development of
production, social and property differentiation, social division of labor is…

50. The form of government in the states where the supreme power is
concentrated state (fully or partially) in the hands of sole head of state is…

51.Which countries is there an absolute monarchy?

52.Where was first as a presidential republic as a form of government introduced?

53.The form of government whiere several sovereign state formations are

combined into a single union state is…

54.The form of government where the territory of State does not included of
federal units and it is divided into administrative-territorial units is…

55.The form of interstate governing where the components of the general

government units, maintaining its sovereignty voluntarily give some authority
to the central government and management to coordinate activities with other
members of the state association is…

56.What about the theory says determinacy state due to the development of civil

57.Type of state where political regime, was and it is approved characterized by a

constitutional exercise of political power

58.What of doctrine of XVII-XIX centuries developed the concept of legal state?

59.Which of the following features refers to legal state?

60.In political lexicon, the term "totalitarianism" was introduced to describe its
movement by…

61.National Socialism as a kind of totalitarianism appeared in…

62.Fascism as a kind of totalitarianism appeared in…

63.What ideology was widely used in the XX century in order to legitimat


64.Authoritarian regime, as a rule, is based on…

65.Definition a democracy is a “governinig” of the people, by the people elected

and for the people" belongs to…

66.Birthplace of Democracy is…

67.What is the official source of power stands in democracy?

68.Ancient Greek philosopher, interpreted democracy as the power of the demos,
mobs, incapable of managing weighted by rational decisions that take into
account the common wealth…

69.When was the party formed as a national political structure?

70.Round of voters voting for any political party on parliamentary, presidential

and municipal elections is called…

71.The main function of political party is…

72.One-party systems are the characteristics of…

73.When was the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Public Associations"

74.The political process – is…

75.The central problem of the political process is…

76.Moving of political thought, which laid the basics of modern understanding of

human rights, priority rights of individual over the state is…

77.When did the General Assembly of UN adopt the Universal Declaration of

Human Rights?

78.The author of the theory of "political class" is…

79.Who first introduced the term "elite" in the scientific use?

80. The theory of Leadership, examines the history as a result’s art of the heroic

81.In perfect state of Plato the rulers (leaders) can only be…

82.Medieval philosophers substantiated the right of the monarch to rule due to


83.The Scientist in his interpretation said that political leader is an emperor, who
unites and represents all society and uses all means to maintain its domination
and to maintain public order…

84.The author of the concept of leadership, Who says about the necessary to
create high biological type of man-leader and superman is…

85.One of the founders of the theory of socialization is…

86.Political institution which is designed to regulate, control activity and behavior

of citizens is…

87. What kind of type of implementation of the decisions is a direct appeal to

public opinion, using the reliance on mass moods?

88.Type of implementation of the decisions for neglect interests and rights of

people for global future goals

89.The country which first actively developed the theory of political socialization

90.The term "socialization" was first introduced into scientific use by…

91.The method of political socialization based on absolutized loyalty to any

authority is…

92.In his works this thinker first used the term "political culture"…

93.Who first introduced the category of political culture in modern political


94.The field of political consciousness, which consists of doctrine, ideals,

programs and slogans?

95.The field of political consciousness, which includes political aspirations,

desires, will, feelings, moods, opinions and prejudices

96. The basis of the Marxist typology of international relations is

97. The concept of providing and justifying intervention of the West in the affairs
of sovereign states, not only in the event of their expansionist policy, but also
in violation of norms and principles of human rights, the use of armed force
against the civilian population in the country is called…

98.The recognition and reflection of indigenous needs of nation a state in the

activities of its leaders is called…

99.The author of the concept of "national interest" is …

100. The protection condition of vitally important interests of the individual,
society and the state from internal and external threats, the ability is of state to
preserve its sovereignty and territorial integrity and act as a subject of
international law is a…

101. Political concept that reflects of the complex relationship and

communication of state foreign policy with its spatial location is…

102. When was the Republic of Kazakhstan joined the UN?

103. Political forecasting is

104. The main goal of practical prediction is an…

105. What generated global problems?

106. What was the main reason for creating the concept of sustainable

107. What a concept considers the noosphere as a result of purposeful and

coordinated development of man and biosphere (coevolution)?

108. Type of globalization with characterized high intensity of global

networks, which do not comply with such level of intensity, speed and
strength, remaining at a low level is called…

109. Who was modern researcher and the author of "The Clash of
Civilizations and the Reformation of World Order"?

110. The main condition for sustainable progress of the Republic of

Kazakhstan is a…

111. Fundamental to sustained and sustainable development in the Republic

of Kazakhstan is a…

112. The main tool for achieving the common wealth and realization of
national interests of the people of Kazakhstan is…

113. When was the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, which has no

analogues in CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) founded?

114. When was the idea for creating Eurasian Union?

115. The most important factor affecting the health of the population of
Kazakhstan is…

116. The main factor raising the villages of Kazakhstan is a…

117. The basic meaning for Kazakhstan in school system is…

118. The object of Political Science is a…

119. The subject of Political Science is…

120. The theory Democratic focuses on the complicity of citizens of decision-

making at all levels of the political system is called…

121. The method of Political Science to oriented on the development of the

ideal political system and the ways of its practical realization is…

122. The function of political science, which giving an estimate of the

political institutions, build, behavior and events is…

123. What kind of religion characterized by a theoretical principle of active

intervention in earthly live?

124. The ordered interaction structures of the political system, also set of
methods of exercising power - it is…

125. The idea of a democratic regime as a struggle the most influential

interest groups is the content…

126. Great East thinker, author "A Treatise on the virtuous city" is…

127. What kind of term defined comparative political studies?

128. The main analytical unit in comparative linguistics is…

129. The founder the theory of interest groups is…

130. The country, which exist a majoritarian electoral system is…

131. The country, which exist a proportional electoral system is…

132. The objects of comparison in comparative politics - it is…

133. Definition of the policy, that characterizing it through other social
phenomena is…

134. Definition of the policy, which focuses on the discovery the

fundamental principles is…

135. The term that indicating policy, considered in terms of the appearance
and resolution of conflicts is…

136. In terms of G. O'Donnell, under authoritarian-bureaucratic regime

power is
137. Performed…

138. The approach to the interpretation of power, spreading the concept of

political power for all social formations is…

139. The approach, researching the power from the point of its subjective
perception of the individual

140. The approach to the concept of "power", which is the reduction of

power to the political influence of one group to another is...

141. The definition of "power" as a special type of relationship between rulers

and ruled is…

142. The definition of "power" as the use of certain instruments, in particular,


143. The definition of "power" as the achievement certain objectives related

to myths about power…

144. The type of power, acting toward others as supreme is…

145. What kind of motivation makes the subordination of the reasons most
stable power?

146. What kind of power resources, according Alvin Toffler become essential
in today's world?

147. According to Max Weber Political domination in society is…

148. The positive evaluation of power, recognition of its legality, the right to
control and agrees to be bound is…
149. What kind of type domination is meant by the authority of "eternal
yesterday" - the authority of customs, influenced tradition norms?

150. Information and cybernetic model of political system developed by…

151. Type of political technologies that use certain techniques to achieve

goals …

152. The technology coordination various micro group’s positions within the
political development common political requirements of a particular group is…

153. The generalized treatment technologies trades and bargaining between

the partners is…

154. The basis of the social organization of civil society constitutes…

155. The form of government is…

156. The civil society supports as…

157. The civil society is different from other types of society with…

Political concept that asserts the dominance of the interests of the state and its institutions on
the political will of the citizen

159. The political model, proceeding from the absolute priority of the whole
over the part, the complete subordination of man to the state is…

160. The political science in contrast other sciences, considers the concept of "state" as

161. The concept characterizing fact of social inequality in society and

stratification is…

162. What defining for the concept of "political stratification" in contrast to

"social stratification" is?

163. What kind of criteria invested Pareto to the stratification?

164. How consider stratification G. Mosca and V. Pareto?

165. The highly centralized political parties, staffing and massive identified by…
166. One of the attributes of civil society is…

167. The government and parliament are controlled by different parties at…

168. Which scientific work Max Weber identified three types of classes
169. possessing, purchasing and social?

170. What defining for the stratification approach to classes is ?

171. The theory, which studies the psychological aspects of unfulfilled

expectations is…

172. What expressed institutional level of interaction of social differentiation

and political power in?

173. The main instrument that provides a process of the system social
representation is is…

174. The division of power between regional governments and the central government
with the presence of exclusive competence of each characteristic for …

175. The process of continuous renewal of generations as a result of the interaction of

birth rates and mortality

176. The best form of state Thomas Hobbes believed

177. J. Lock considered that the best form of government is…

178. The Enlightened monarchy as the ideal form of government singled out by…

179. The idea of the rule of law in modern times has proved by…

180. The Pronatalist population policy - it is…

181. “Kratologiya” - it is…

182. The only source of political power in a democratic society is…

183. The founder of the theory of demographic policy in Kazakhstan:

184. Which the measures of demographic policy emphasis at the present stage
of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

185. The basis of national relations that determine their condition and
character, based on…

186. The manifestation of representative democracy is…

187. The author of work "The State" is…

188. The dominance of the official ideology one of the signs the political
189. The main principle of national policies

190. The maintenance of cultural and community, religious, social and

political isolation inherent tribal, clan, etc. structures is…

191. The corporate regime are a variety of…

192. The ideology of "global citizenship", which is characterized by

consideration all world as a fatherland human earthling mankind is…

193. The author of work "Leviathan":

194. The policy that government regulation while maintaining market

economy mechanisms…

195. The economist theoretically founded policies of neoliberalism is…

196. The first analogue of the notion of "political system of society" was an
ancient Greek word is…

197. The policies aimed at preserving the mechanisms of free competition in

modern Western countries is…

198. The essence of political communication functions performed by the

political system…

199. The institutional subsystem of the political system…

200. Which of the following types of political systems characterized by their
focus on stability or change?

201. The proceeding from the type of political culture, political systems are
classified as…

202. Depending on the concentration and distribution of power political

system is divided into…

203. The ultra-political ideology is…

204. According to the type of information and the nature of the socio-
economic structure of the political system were…

205. The state as a result of the social division of labor, the emergence of private property
and classified by…

206. The form of the state of Plato, which ruled by ambitious is…

207. The form of the state, that in different political doctrines ruled by the
best is…

208. The Aristotle’s form of the ideal state, where ruled by the majority is…

209. The form of government in which the supreme authorities and the head of state
elected by the population for a certain period, called…

210. The concept explaining origin of the state from agreement between the
ruler and the ruled…

211. The concept explaining origin of the state idea, related born of human
talent is…

212. The concept explaining origin of the state to connection tribes, related
tribes - a great community, until to the state is…

213. The civil society - it is…

214. How was interpreted the concept of "civil society" in antiquity?

215. When was found the concept of "civil society"?

216. According to the which modern times philosopher considered the
society as "nature" and precedes the state?

217. The author of the famous essay "Human Rights", said that the topic of
civil society opposed to the state, has become a central the…

218. The complex of methods and means of political action, rejecting compromises and
alternatives in the political process - it is…

219. Which Greek ruler in the VI BC said that about the rule of law is the same for all

220. The orientation in politics at a very radical ideas and goals, which is released out by
force and unlawful methods and instruments – it is…

221. The political ideology, said that the highest values of justice and social
equality is called…

222. The main idea of the theory of the authoritarianism developed by…

223. The State separated from religion, the state authority is called…

224. The forbidding to characterized authoritarian society is…

225. The people's attitudes under totalitarianism power is…

226. The character of the ideal political behavior under totalitarianism power
is called…

227. According to R.Dalyu "minority rule, that elected by the people on

competitive elections" – it is…

228. The Emirate Political regime is called…

229. The social basis of the development civil society is…

230. The process of formation and functioning of political parties as a

political institution is called…
231. The characteristic definition of human development is…

232. What is the principle dividing into the democratic party, authoritarian
and totalitarian?

233. According to the differences of settings on the principles of membership,

the party divided into…

234. How is called the upper house Parliament of the Republic of


235. What is the basic principles parties are dividing into "right", "left" and

236. The author theory of political parties oligarchization is called…

237. The Far-right political ideology is…

238. The party system is…

239. The political figure, using the methods of neo-liberalism in practice is called…

240. Which is public education, according to the rule structurally formalized?

241. The concept of combination complicated social formations,

characterized by…

242. What type of groups interested to including the administrative authorities

of the church, the army and others?


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