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Religion and Values (Year 8)

#05 Project – The Migration
Number of marks: 50
Due: Week 8 RV Class

Name: Marks:

You are to investigate the migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Medina and display your work on
a poster.

Include the following information:

1. Why is migration significant in Islam?

2. Why did the Muslims need to migrate and how did the migration begin?
3. Information about the things that happened the day Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) left Mecca.
4. How long it took him to travel from Mecca to Medina.
5. Who accompanied him?
6. The miracles, blessings he came across as well as any problems he faced.
7. Any important events which took place during the journey.
8. The celebration and reunion which happened when they arrived to Medina.

Other requirements:
- Ensure you use a Poster that is A2 in size.
- Include a map showing the route the Prophet (pbuh) took during the migration. (This could
be the central piece of your poster and you may have the rest of the information surrounding
this map).
- You may type up the information or it may be handwritten (on the condition that it is neat
and tidy).
- Include images of locations where the Prophet stopped over during his journey
- You MUST reference all of the information you have gathered using the MLA or APA style
of referencing on the back of the poster.

Assessment Criteria: 20% of the maximum available score is deducted if a task is completed late
(unexcused) within one week after the actual date. After one week the mark of zero will be permanent.

Please make sure you read through the rubric on the following page very carefully in order to
understand how to achieve a high mark for your project.
Religion and Values (Year 8) - #05 Project – The Migration

Student Name: ________________________ Class: ____ Mark: ____ / 50 ______%

CATEGORY 10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-0

Information All/majority of points Majority of points have Most points have been Some points have been The points haven’t been
have been covered in a been covered in a good covered in some detail covered in some covered in detail/Only a
great amount of detail, amount of detail. Or only a few points detail/Only a few few points have been
all relate to the topic, all All/most of the have been covered in points have been touched upon.
has been reworded, information clearly depth. About half the covered. Parts of The information has little
excellent evidence of relates to the topic, information relates to information relate to OR nothing to do with
research. mostly been reworded the topic, some the main topic. Straight the main topic.
and shows good amount rewording, reasonable from the
of research. amount of research. internet/textbook
Design Multiple impressive Many design elements Good use of some A few design elements Very little/no elements of
design elements used used which enhances the design elements which used which enhances design used, the poster is
which greatly enhances presentation and adds enhances the the presentation and too simple, lacks design
the presentation and great value to the poster. presentation and adds adds some value to the and effort.
adds great amount of good value to parts of poster.
value to the poster. the poster.
Graphics There is an excellent There are many graphics/ There are some There are few There are only images
variety of images that enhance the graphics/images that graphics/images that graphics/images that
graphics/images that presentation and add enhance parts of the add very little value. have little to do with the
greatly enhance the value. presentation and add topic.
presentation and add some value.
value. No graphics/images.
Conventions Exceptional use of Great use of formal Great use of formal Little use of formal No use of formal
formal language as well language, with only a few language, consistent language many language, excessive
as no errors in grammar, errors in grammar, errors in grammar, consistent errors in errors in grammar,
punctuation, spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, spelling, grammar, punctuation, punctuation, spelling,
sentence structure, use sentence structure. sentence structure, use spelling, sentence sentence structure, use
of slang. of slang. structure, use of slang. of slang.
Presentation Great use of formatting Average use of Very poor formatting for
___ ___ throughout the poster. formatting for the the majority/all of the
poster. poster. Very messy

References All references are References included with

___ ___ ___ accurately documented incorrect style OR
using the MLA or APA no references are listed.

Total Mark (out of 50): ______ / ______ %


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