Eating Disorders Reading

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Eating Disorders

undesirable, and as a result, feel quite insecure

e live in an image conscious culture, which urges and inadequate, especially about their bodies. For
all of us (especially women) to improve our them, controlling their eating behaviours is the
appearance. The messages sent by magazines, TV, logical pathway in their quest for thinness.

and other media
The current article is designed to provide
include "buy certain
you with more information about the nature of
clothes and
eating disorders, their causes, potential treatments,
products; straighten
and strategies for prevention. This information can
and whiten your
be helpful in determining whether you or
teeth; get rid of your
someone you love has an eating disorder. Before
wrinkles; and most commonly, LOSE WEIGHT
we begin, though, we want to stress two important
and you will be happy, admired, and loved." The
recent and recurrent debate concerning the
unhealthy, stick thin models used in the fashion First, if you (or someone you love) have an
industry is a perfect example of how strongly eating disorder, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Between
entrenched our notion of "thinness equals 5 and 10 million Americans have anorexia or
happiness" has become. bulimia and another 25 million suffer with binge
eating disorder. Hopefully, knowing that other
Although many of us would benefit
people have experienced what you are
from eating a bit less and exercising more
going through, and have gotten better with
in order improve our health and fitness,
treatment, will provide you with some
simply watching what you eat is NOT
sense of hope.
an eating disorder. Eating
Disorders are potentially life- Second, don't rely on your
threatening illnesses which "willpower" to get over this
are simultaneously condition. As mentioned
psychological and physical previously, an eating disorder is a
in nature. They are serious, potentially life-threatening
characterized by a range of disease. Between 6% and 20% of
abnormal and harmful eating disordered individuals will
eating behaviours which literally die as a result of their
are accompanied and disease. Seek PROFESSIONAL
motivated by unhealthy help for yourself or someone you
beliefs, perceptions and expectations love as soon as possible if you suspect
concerning eating, weight, and body there is a problem.
shape. As a general characterization,
individuals with eating
disorders tend to have
difficulty accepting and
feeling good about
themselves. They tend
to think of themselves
as "fat" and "ugly"
because of their body
size and shape, even
when this self-judgment is
objectively inaccurate and
false. Identifying and
defining themselves
according to their perceived
"fatness", eating disordered
people tend to conclude
that they are
unacceptable and
control which however harmful may trigger behaviours occur disorders
However less period Each of dysfunctional eating
restriction behaviours
laxatives creates ripe
weight binge-eating rid of conditions
Harmful for a disorder.
progress waxes and wanes

There are three primary eating ______________:

Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge
Eating Disorder. __________ disorder is characterized
by a distinctive pattern of disordered and __________


eating behaviour. Anorexia generally involves the severe
and extreme _____________ of eating in an effort to
lose weight. Because of this restriction, anorexics are
typically underweight (defined as weighing only 85% or Although many of us would benefit from a
________ of the expected weight for their height and diet or doing some exercises we can say:
gender). Bulimia is characterized by the presence of does not mean we have an eating
binges, _________ are episodes of consuming disorder
abnormally large amounts of food in a short _________ B. we should be careful as we could be
of time. Bulimic binges are often followed by on the edge of an eating disorder
compensatory purge ____________ that are an attempt C. that is the beginning of a harmful
to get rid of the consumed calories. Inducing vomiting, behaviour that leads to an eating
taking ___________ and excessive exercising are disorder
examples of purging behaviour characteristic of bulimia,
all performed in an effort to prevent ________ gain.

Binge and purge behaviour may _________ during People with an eating disorder tent to
anorexia as well as in bulimia. __________, extreme see themselves:
eating restriction is always present in anorexics and A.ugly as they are getting fatter and
rarely in bulimics. Binge Eating Disorder is similar to they don’t fit in their clothes
Bulimia because both conditions share B. ‘fat’ and ‘ugly’ as they can’t stop
_____________behaviour. However, individuals with eating
Binge Eating Disorder do not purge or get C. ‘fat’ and ‘ugly’ even when that could
__________what they have consumed, unlike those with
not be the truth

___________ eating behaviour may start as isolated

experiments with food restriction or binge/purge
behaviours that gradually ___________to become both An eating disorder is a disease that
chronic and cyclic in nature. In other words, disordered affects:
eating becomes an ongoing problem, one that often A. only to people who have previous
_________________in intensity over time. Eating mental issues
disordered individuals who successfully manage to
B. to millions of Americans and it is a
restrict and __________what they eat may feel a short-
life-threatening disease
term sense of empowerment and accomplishment. Such
C. to millions around the World who
positive feelings do not tend to last very long,
most of them get over easily
__________. A bad day at school or work, a conflict with
another person, or simply reading a fashion magazine or
watching television _____________renewed feelings of
self-hatred and disgust, and lead to consumption of
"banned" foods. This ___________in willpower leads to Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and
self-perceptions of weakness and unacceptability, which binge eating disorder are:
in turn motivate further food restriction. Endless cycling
A. mental health disorders and therefore
a psychological illness
B. illnesses having many things in
common and they are psychological

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