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King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for

Boys Grove Lane,

m B21 9ET
Tel: 0121 554 2794

ihal Sharma 9G
ear 9 Full Report
Conduct Information
Number of achievement points 188
Number of behaviour points 0
Attendance (percentage) 99.4%
Number of lates 2

W A Subm Q Y9
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Subject Cla Teacher
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n wor y Ex
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C o m
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Art 9G/Ar Mrs Cutler 5 a a a n
Biology 9xy/Bi1 Ms Hurley 6 a a a 9
Chemistry 9xy/Ch1 Ms Bilkhu 6 a a a a

DT 9G2/Dt Mrs Cutler 5 a b b n

English 9J2/En Mr Duck 4 b a a n
King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for
Boys Grove Lane,
m B21 9ET
Tel: 0121 554 2794

Language /
French 9G/Fr Mr Bhutto 6 b b b 9
Geography 9G/Gg Mr Bird 5 b b b 6
History 9G/Hi Mrs Yates 6 a a a n
Computing 9x/Cs2 Mr Hawkins 5 a a a 7
Maths 9J1/Ma Mr Bansal 6 a a a 9
Music 9G/Mu Mrs Ward 4 b a a n
PE 9G/Pe Mr Campbell 4 b n n n
/ / /
a a a
Physics 9xy/Ph1 Mr Bennett 6 a a a 7
RS 9G/Rs Mrs Donoghue 5 b b b 6
King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for
Boys Grove Lane,
m B21 9ET
Tel: 0121 554 2794

Form Tutor Comments Mr Bennett

Nihal's attendance and punctuality have been excellent.Nihal has made very good progress across the curriculum this year.
He is capable of even more and should especially focus on his English revision next year.Nihal's attitude has been generally
excellent. He shows willingness to get involved in lessons and puts a lot of effort into his work. His behaviour is generally
excellent both in lessons and around the school.Nihal is a friendly person who gets on well with other students in the class.
He is confident and articulate and puts his thoughts across well. I would like
to see Nihal put himself forward for more house activities next year. Overall Nihal has had an excellent year.
King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for
Boys Grove Lane,
m B21 9ET
Tel: 0121 554 2794

Report information

Conduct information

• Merit points are awarded to a student when they have applied themselves with exceptional effort or have made a
positive contribution in school
• Behaviour points are awarded when a student does not adhere to any of the school rules or is not applying
themselves academically (such as not doing homework).
• Attendance is the overall percentage for attendance to school. This will not reflect the attendance to individual
• Number of lates is number of times a student is late for the beginning of school in the morning and the afternoon.
This will not reflect the punctuality to individual lessons.

Academic information

• Working at Grade is the grade that the student is currently achieving. The scale of the GCSE grades goes from U
being a fail, then grade 1 (the lowest grade) up to grade 9 (the highest grade). Grade 4 is nationally considered to be a
pass and grade 5 is a strong pass.
• Predicted Grade is the grade that the student is likely to achieve at the end of the year if they continue with their
current work ethic.
• A&C (Attitude and Commitment to Study) is a value from a-d with a being excellent, b being good, c being only
satisfactory, and d being improvement needed. This indicates the attitude and commitment to learning during lessons
in the subject.
• Submission of Homework indicates the regularity that the student has submitted homework in the subject. The is
graded with a value from a-d with a being excellent, b being good, c being only satisfactory, and d being improvement
• Quality of Homework indicates the quality of the student’s submitted homework in the subject. It is graded with a
value from a-d with a being excellent, b being good, c being only satisfactory, and d being improvement needed.
• Final Exam % this the percentage achieved in the Year 9 End of Year Exams (if applicable).

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