Star Wars Species List

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Species Source Descriptions

Bothan EotE CR Galaxy’s information brokers

Droids EotE CR Versatile construct typically designed to fulfil a purpose
Gand EotE CR Mysterious insectoid ‘finds men’
Rodian EotE CR Born hunters with killer instincts
Trandoshan EotE CR Belligerent, lizard-like humanoids from a society of strength
Twi’lek EotE CR Sly, cunning, expert hagglers
Wookie EotE CR Fierce warriors and loyal allies
Duros AoR CR Revered pilots, explorers and storyteller
Gran AoR CR Peaceful, nature-loving herbivores
Ithorian AoR CR Galactic caretakers and nature defenders
Mon AoR CR Artisans, dreamers and devoted allies
Sullustan AoR CR Enthusiastic pilots and navigators
Cerean FaD CR Binary brained contemplatives
Kel Dor FaD CR Kindly, soft-spoken justiciars
Mirialan FaD CR Deeply faithful and respectful near-humans
Nautolan FaD CR Cheerful and active amphibians
Togruta FaD CR Community-driven carnivores
Zabrak FaD CR Confident and martially proud horned humanoids
Drall EofE SoF Scholars and scientist devoted to study
Selonian EofE SoF Honourable and forthright furred bipeds
Corelian EofE SoF Independent reckless go-getters
Chiss EotE EtU Mysterious strategic artists
Toydarian EotE EtU Strong willed swindlers and dealers
Aqualish EotE DC Semi-aquatic contenders for most contentious species
Klatooinian EotE DC Canine descended humanoids renowned for loyalty
Weequay EotE DC Harsh creature from a harsh home world
Falleen EotE FC Shrewd reptilians possessed of unique pheromones
Gotal EotE FC Shaggy-haired humanoids able to detect energy
Quarren EotE FC Paranoid and proud deep-sea dwellers
Arcona EotE FH Community-driven ammonia reliant reptilians
Chevia EotE FH Hard bargaining solidly built leathery species
Dug EotE SM Stubborn, muscular creatures with dexterous hand-like feet
Besalisk EotE SM Four-armed task orientated natural machinists
Mustafarian EotE SM Tall spindly antropods with an eye for detail
Mustafarian EotE SM Bulkier and durable antropods with a tough exoskeleton
Clawdite EotE ND Reptilian changelings inclined towards individualism
Devaronian EotE ND Devilishly striking species of thrill-seekers
Kalleran EotE ND Lesser-known species of semi-amphibians
Sakiyan EotE LoNH Unrivalled predators and killers
Nikto EotE LoNH Hardy and loyal reptilian slaves
Gank EotE LoNH Mysterious and bloodthirsty cybernetic killers
Hutt EotE LoNH Large gastropods and infamous gangsters
Chadra-Fan AoR SoT Overwhelmingly talkative rodents
Dressellian AoR SoT Gruff, tough outdoorsmen
Xexto AoR SoT Wiry, six limbed humanoids
Species Source Descriptions

Caamasi AoR DA Near extinct furry pacifists

Neimoidian AoR DA Conniving schemers and Duros offshoot
Gossam AoR DA Small reptilian profiteers
Bith AoR FO Exhausted pacifists with keen senses
Skakoan AoR FO Methane dependant techno-savants
Chagrins AoR LbE Balanced and serene stoics
Ishi Tib AoR LbE Pensive strategic amphibians
Lannik AoR LbE Diminutive outspoken warriors
Elom AoR FiB Stocky, laid back subterranean species
Elomin AoR FiB Creatures of logic and order
Kyuzo AoR FiB Lanky political bipeds
Shistavanen AoR FiB Fur-covered isolationist hunters
Balosar AoR CaM Street savvy survivors and informants
Kubaz AoR CaM Long snouted insectivore hive dwellers
Melitto AoR CaM Caste-based hive insectiles
Anx AoR SS Looming reptiles known for their courage
Quermian AoR SS Inward focused, twin brained creatures
Mandaloria AoR FLT Most feared and respected combatants in the galaxy
n Human
Sathari FaD CotG Family orientated avian descendants
Aleena FaD NoP Diminutive enthusiastic explorers and travellers
Bardottan FaD NoP Intelligent and deeply spiritual scholars
Gungan FaD NoP Peaceful amphibians with a strong sense of law
Muun FaD EV Tall conservatists and political bankers
Pantoran FaD EV Boreal blue skinned feudal species
Iktotchi FaD KtP Horned precogs from distant space
Lannik FaD KtP Valorous species that are short in stature
Whiphid FaD KtP Large, hairy creatures with resolve to match their size
Arkanian FaD DoH Cold, calculating and certain of their superiority
Cosian FaD DoH Soft-spoken and genial reptilians
Pau’an FaD DoH Towering gaunt and ghoulish nomads
Thisspiasian FaD UP Passion tempered by calm and discipline
Tholothian FaD UP Fused culture unassuming near-humans
Vurk FaD UP Nomadic personally governed reptiles
Dowutin FaD KoF Strongest and toughest creatures in the galaxy
Mikkian FaD KoF Colourful, loyal and honorable tendrils headed creatures
Phydolon FaD KoF Enigmatic, provincial and quaint symbiotic creatures
Drabatan SW DotR Muscle-obsessed amphibious humanoids
Gigorans SW DotR Massive, furry, burly primates
Iakaru SW DotR Rare jungle-based simians
Tognath SW DotR Tall, mysterious cybernetic humanoids
Clone SW RotS Tailored for obedience, trained for loyalty
Kaminoan SW RotS Isolationist biological and genetic artists
Geonosian SW RotS Industrious caste-based hive species
Umbaran SW RotS Mysterious and conniving near-humans
Dathomirian SW CotR Matriarchal society of witches
Karkarodon SW CotR Amphibians composed of near solid muscle and cartilage
Harch SW CotR Exacting and aggressive arachnids
Species Source Descriptions
Species Source Descriptions

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