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Main Purpose: Structure for Shared Governance Asa structure for shared governance, the SGC shall be an avenue where the democratic process of consultation with the school’s Internal and external stakeholders in the decision-making will be observed. Function 1: The SGC serves as a collective and consultative body for school plans, programs, activities, and strategic directions. FUNCTIONALITY INDICATOR 1 THE SGC HAS MEMBERS WHO ARE INFORMED OF AND GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXERCISE THEIR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE COUNCIL. C functional SGC has member utho. é puticipate in the decision-making proceoo. Primary Sub-Indicator a. The SGC has called meetings iw order to create a venue for its decision-making process. Additional MOVs . Notices of meetings (2 to 4 Regular Meetings) CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ‘School Governing Council Parents-Teachers’ Association October 13, 2021 MARIBETH F. TIMOGAN CCES Teachers’ Association President Maam: Greetings of love and peace! Carmen Central Elementary School's SGC and PTA would like to request for @ brief meeting on October 14, 2021 at 2:00 in the afternoon to discuss the upcoming SBM Regional Validation -Physical Visit, retirement of the school guard Mr. Miguel Soroysoroy and other concerns regarding the financial needs of the school especially in this pandemic time. Your presence will be of great help to our school. God Bless! Sincerely, wel INTERO SGC President PTX Presitient received: offen CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL School Governing Council Parents-Teachers' Association October 13, 2021 NORMA MAGHUYOP PTA Treasurer Maam: Greetings of love and peace! Carmen Central Elementary School's SGC and PTA would like to request for a brief meeting on October 14, 2021 at 2:00 in the afternoon to discuss the upcoming SBM Regional Validation -Physical Visit, retirement of the school guard Mr. Miguel Soroysoroy and other concems regarding the financial needs of the school especially in this pandemic time. Your presence will be of great help to our school. God Bless! Sincerely, maRlioU MONTERO SGC President received: CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, School Governing Council Parents-Teachers’ Association October 13, 2021 Maam: Greetings of love and peace! Carmen Central Elementary School's SGC and PTA would like to request for a brief meeting on October 14, 2021 at 2:00 in the afternoon to discuss the upcoming SBM Regional Validation -Physical Visit, retirement of the school guard Mr. Miguel Soroysoroy and other concerns regarding the financial needs of the school especially inthis pandemic time. Your presence will be of great help to our school God Bless! Sincerely, CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL School Gaverning Council Pareris- Teachers’ Association October 13, 2021 MARIVIC A. CINCHEZ School Principal Maam: Greetings of love and peace! Carmen Central Elementary School's SGC and PTA would like to request for 2 brief meeting on October 14, 2021 at 2:00 in the afternoon to discuss the upcoming SBM Regional Validation -Physical Visit, retirement of the school guard Mr. Miguel Soraysoroy and other concems regarding the financial needs of the school especially in this pandemic time. ‘Your presence will be of great help to our school God Bless! Sincerely, 6 why toed, MARILOU MONTERO SGC President moeidie ad received: bh CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL School Governing Council Parents-Teachers’ Association October 13, 2021 HON. CORAZON T. ALPUERTO SB Education Committee Chair Maam: Greetings of love and peace! Carmen Central Elementary School's SGC and PTA would like to request for a brief meeting on October 14, 2021 at 2:00 in the afternoon to discuss the upcoming SBM Regional Validation -Physical Visit, retirement of the school guard Mr. Miguel Soroysoroy and other concerns regarding the financial needs of the school especially in this pandemic time. Your presence will be of great help to our school. God Bless! Sincerely, MAI fe MONTERO SGC President PTX President received: CORAWY . MV We ‘wo Naot CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL School Governing Council Parents-Teachers’ Association October 13, 2021 HON. GILDA A. SAMACO. SGC Secretary Maam: Greetings of love and peace! Carmen Central Elementary School’s SGC and PTA would like to request for a brief meeting on October 14, 2021 at 2:00 in the afternoon to discuss the upcoming SBM Regional Validation -Physical Visit, retirement of the school guard Mr. Miguel Soroysoroy and other concerns regarding the financial needs of the school especially in this pandemic time. Your presence will be of great help to our school. God Bless! Sincerely, (et ton MARI MONTERO PTX President received: An CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Schoo! Governing Council Paronts-Teachers’ Association Octobor 13, NORMA MAGHUYOP. PTA Treasurer Maam: Groatings of love and peace! Carmen Central Elementary School's SGC and PTA would like to request for a brief meating on October 14, 2021 at 2:00 in the afternoon to discuss the upcoming SBM Raglonal Validation -Physical Visit, retirement of the school guard Mr. Miguel Soroysoroy and other concerns regarding the financial needs of the school especially in this pandemic time. Your presence will be of great help to our school. God Bless! Sincerely, received: CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL School Governing Council Parents-Teachers' Association October 13, 2021 HON. CORAZON T. ALPUERTO ‘SB Education Committee Chair Maam: Greetings of love and peace! Carmen Central Elementary School's SGC and PTA would like to request for a brief meeting on October 14, 2021 at 2:00 in the aftemoon to discuss the upcoming SBM Regional Validation -Physical Visit, retirement of the school guard Mr. Miguel Soroysoroy and other concerns regarding the financial needs of the school especially in this pandemic time. Your presence will be of great help to our school. God Bless! Sincerely, MARILOU MONTERO ‘SG¢ President ANGE! fho's\ DALOGDOG PTX Presitient received: Way. PE) tw ae SGC/PTA JOINT MEETING ATTENDANCE October 14, 2021 L NAME POSITION SIGNATURE MARIVIC A. CINCHEZ School Principal 2 _MARILOU A. MONTERO _ ___ SGC President (late ed ANGELITO S. DALOGDOG | PTA President CORAZON T. ALPUERTO. Education Committee Chair GILDA S. SAMACO SGC Secretary _ | MARIBETH F. TIMOGAN | CCES Teachers’ Association President, 1 _NORMA MAGHUYOP MELANIE JOAN A. PACON PTA treasurer PTA Secretary Republic of the Philippines Region XI Caraga Division of Agusan del Norte Carmen | District (CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SY. 2021 =2022 SGC -PTA JOINT MEETING Date: October 14, 2021, Time: 2:00 pm Venue: Principat’s Office Agenda: 1, PTA/SGC initiated schoo! contributions (Security Guard Salary, Grass Cutting & PTA Membership) 2. Retirement of Miguel Soroysoroy (guard) 3. SBM Regional Validation. Physical Visit 4, Reporting of the status of the PTA collection by Norma Maghuyop- SGC Auditor/PTA Treasurer Attendance: Please see attached attendance sheet. Proceedings: 1) PTA President Pastor Angelito S. Oalogdog starts the meeting with a prayer. 2) The principal informs the stakeholders the updates of the Physical Visit for the SBM Regional Validation which will possibly happen on the last week of October or first week of November, 3) Hon, Corazon T. Alpuerto-Education Comrnittee chair states that she already informed the Garbage collector incharge of the municipality to do the necessary action. 4) Miss. Marivic A. Cinchez opens the problem about the oval which appears to be dominated by ‘all grasses compared to mongo plants. 5) Hon. SB Gilda A. Samaco— SGC Secretary suggests that the oval needs to be restored to its original state. Solve the problem through grass cutting. 6) Miss Marivic A. Cincher gratefully announces that the DPWH Butaan City Maintenance Department s set to extend help to the school by sending some workers to do the grass cutting 7) The persons in attendance agree to give free snacks and lunch to the workers charged to PTA Fund and finance the gasoline needed for grass cutting purposes. £8) SB Samaco then suggests that previous contributions will be continued since with or without pandemic the schoo! still needs financial assistance particularly in grass cutting, guard salary ‘and other school projects. The said contributions are Grass Cutting-P5/month, Guard P5/month ‘and ®50/school year for PTA membership fee. This suggestion is being moved by SGC President Hon. Marilou Montero and seconded by PTA President Pastor Angelito S. Dalogdog. 9) Mrs. Maribeth Timogan- Teachers’ Association President suggests that by Monday October 18,2021, since itis scheduled asthe distribution/retrieval of modules, teachers will text their parents to pay PTA membership fee for .Y. 2021-2022. The target is 3 parents per classroom so that the estimated cost for grass cutting which is 5,000 will be attained. The suggestion is agreed unanimously. 10) Mrs. Norma Maghuyop-PTA Treasurer acknowledges her responsibility by saying that she will be at the school stage on October 18 to received payments from the parents. 11) Pastor Angelito S. Dalogdog adds suggestion that all labor fee in implementing any school projects will be charged to PTA Fund. 412) The principal this time mentions the retirement of the present Security Guard Miguel Soroysoroy this coming December 2021. She asks the stakeholders of the possible plans for the replacement. 13) $B Samaco suggests to request from Mayor Jovitte C. Calo 1 member of the Municipal Task Force to back-up 1 security guard of the school. itis then agreed that the PTA President will, send request letter to the Mayor and ask schedule for a face to face request. 14) The said face to face request will be attended by the principal Miss Marivic A. Cincher, SGC President Hon. Marilou Montero, PTA President Pastor Angelito S. Dalogdog, SSSIRGLS ASB y Education Committee Chair Hon. Corazon T. Alpuerto, SGC Seeretary Hon. Gada A Samaco, PTA Treasurer Mrs. Norma Maghuyop and Teachers’ Association President Mrs. Maribeth F.Timogan. 15) Mrs. Norma Maghuyop, PTA Treasurer reported the cash on hand amounting to P3.156.00 of the PTA Fund after the Hand-washing facility is constructed. 16) The meeting ends at 4:30 pm with snacks sponsored by the principal. DOCUMENTATION SGC/PTA Joint Meeting y y g y y y y y y y y Z y Y (CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL ‘August 30, 2024 Greetings of love and peace! With due respect, School Governing Councl would lice to iwi you for 2 stakeholders’ meeting ‘on September 1, 2021 2t 830 amin Carmen Central Blementary School. important matters in support to DepEd School Programs and Prmiects wil be dsnussed considering the crisis brought about by Covid-19, Hoping for your favorable response. Thank you and God Bless. Respectfully yours, imal Address: ad carmencest@deped 9015 FB Poge hips pwr tacebook com groupe! A004 TSABCG297S Coot Nawtbar Sas 9598 CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL \ ‘SCHOOL 10: 131417 e UPTIZI DID ODI LOLI DI DIOL CLL ILL LLL LL LLL LL LILLE arcmin aaaaaaaaaaaaaal a 4 Sp CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL August 30,2021 _NRWA B> AGU? _ “Soc muamg OTA TREAT Greetings offove ad peace! ‘With due respect, School Governing Council would like to invite you for a stakeholders’ meeting ‘on September 1, 2021 at 8:30 am in Carmen Central Elementary School. Important matters in support to DepEd School Programs and Projects will be discussed considering the crisis brought about by Covid-19. Hoping for your favorable response. N ‘Thank you and God Bless. Z FB page: iossnvrat patra et arse Contact Number 343-5574 . CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL Greetings of love and peace! With due respect, School Governing Council would like to invite you fora stakeholders’ meeting, Con September 1, 2021 at 8:30 am in Carmen Central Elementary School. Important matters in support to DepEd School Programs and Projects will be discussed considering the crisis brought about by Covid-19. Hoping for your favorable response. ‘Thank you and God Bless. Respectfully yours, (a beaten 1U A. MONTERO. CCES SGC President CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL fy ee Rarean tn carmences@deped 9%, ST Feral Aceon lncebook com groupe! 4004 5406602075 | S, eh CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL ‘August 30,2021 dots coemen 7: AxPmeth @ thonbar | tebe: Commit, Chat Greetings of love and peace! With due respect, School Governing Council would like to invite you for a stakeholders’ meeting con September 1, 2021 at 8:30 am in Carmen Central Elementary School. Important matters i support to DepEd School Programs and Projects will be discussed considering the crisis brought about by Covid-19. Hoping for your favorable response. ‘Thank you and God Bless. LLLLLILILLILLLLILLL LLL LLL ELL Respectfully yours, LOU A. MONTERO parang VILLZLLLLLLLILLLLLLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LEE! Epa areas nn fo ar ‘ Page: Np mcrae eoaseneean07s 5 CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL ATTENDANCE STAKEHOLDERS MEETING SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 NAME POSITION [_ SIGNATURE | 1) Now & Preuenyop ctrl Ry — MARL A Heres 65¢ Pesta | | {Aw Samrn | ene gedf | Hef | [I few | Con 7. Ape | $6% Tare | aa | Mariv'e A- Cached Sebel Prineinl AK | | Melanie bow A Boum | FR Serta | | CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL \' an vacshock nlgroapal atD47S4O680297S ‘Murtoer 308 9574 26. 1 Painting of Schoo! 1 2. Cutting of hazardous coconut trees atthe back of Multi-Purpose Hall 3. Microrized School i 9.4. Reporting ofthe status ofthe PTAcliection by Mora Maghio=- SGC Audtor/PTA Treasurer ‘Attendance: Plea se atathed attendance sheet. Proceedings: 1) The meeting starts with prayer by the SCC President Hon. Marilou Montara. 2) The SGC Presdent asks the principal about the implementation ofthe Brigade Eskwels 2021. 3) Miss Marvic Cincher talks about the panting of school ID as part of BE project which wil be atthe top ofthe highest building found within the school premises and happened tobe atthe ‘newly repaiced Mult-Purpose Hal. 4) SB Samaco SGC Secretary suggests to send eter to the ofice ofthe Miyor requesting the Head Engineer of the building to do the painting ofthe schoo! ID. She aso takes the respon- “Silty of handing over the letter personally to Mayor JovtteC Calo. 5} Next agendum of the meetings the cutting of hazardous tres. SB Samaco, calls Mrs Aife 8. Bahano —head of Municipal DRR to help resolve this matter. Mrs. Tiga then confirms to Send a request eter to the ofie of the Mayor sothat tis willbe taken into consteration ‘the soonest possible. 6) The principal presents the budge for mirorized 1D exchling the wall where each mirorized {etter willbe attached. Discussion about the source of fund folows. MOOE, sositation ‘roe the barangay office, \GU and Alumni fund ae the sources tht are considered inthe discussion. 7) Mrs. Norma Maghuyop reports her collection amounting to P12,000.00. She further informs thatthe amount collected from the PTAs already enough to shoulder the expenses of the handwashing fay project but nat enough to shoulder the labor expences. SC President Hon. Montero assures not to worry because she wil ask Barangay office asitance to resoive the problem. Prepared by: (MELANIE TOAN A. PACON PTA Secretary CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL ID: #31417 8 Pogo: Mips:trsxcsboak comgeapal aeB47S40650297S Fe rage facebook comigroupa Goniaet Nomber 343-354 CLLL ALLIS. Pas DOCUMENTATION Stakeholders’ Meeting CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL May 25, 2021 ANGELITO 5, DALOGDGG PTA President Greetings of love and peace! School Governing Councit desires to help our school achieve quality education and attain the holistic development of our learners. In this connection, the council requested your good office to conduct a terminal review on May 26, 2021 at 8:30 am for us to know the needs of our school and eventually extend its support in any ways. ‘The:seid terminal review will give the school’s stakeholders the following information: a. School Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment (SMEA) b. School Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment Plan (SMEPA)’ c. SBM Matters d. School Priority Improvement Areas The council will also present the result of the survey so that stakeholders can give recommendations and suggestions. lly othe (eee CES SGC President 1 \ : Sehet V- Dsltqelos Shela A Cened 49 CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL May 25, 2021 MARIVIC A. CINCHEZ 2 School Principal iii Greetings of love and peace! School Governing Council desires to help our school achieve quality education and attain the holistic development of our leamers. In this connection, the council requested your good office to conduct a terminal review on May 26, 2021 at 8:30 am for us to know the needs of our school and eventually extend its support in any ways. The said terminal review will give the school’s stakeholders the following information: a. School Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment (SMEA) b. School Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment Plan (SMEPA) c. SBM Matters d. School Priority Improvement Areas The council will also present the result of the survey so that stakeholders can give recommendations and suggestions. RILOU A. MONTERO ©, ICES SGC President CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHGOL SCHOCL GCVERNING C. cL y 75,2023 ENDA ANINICS ing Council desires to help cur schoo! achieve quality educetion en: ‘evelopment of cur lsamers. in this connection, the counci! requested your The council will also cresent the result of the survey so thet stekeholde's recommendations and suggestions. CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL S, 2024 AZUNC!ON M. PACON ings of love and pea Governing Council desires to heip our school achieve quality education and attain the development of our leamers. I review on May connection, the council requested your good office to conduct a termin: i at 8:30 am for us to know the needs of our school and eventually extend ‘ts support in y ways. ‘The said terminal review will give tive schooi’s stakeholders the following i 2. School Monitoring, Evaivation and Adjustment (SMEA) School Monitoring, Evaivation and Adjustment Plan (SMEPA) SBM Matters joa! Priority Improvement Areas a2 9 The council will also present the result of the survey so that stakeholders can give ommendations and suggestions. Republic of the Philippines CARAGA Administrative Region Division of Agusan del Norte Carmen District CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S., 2020-2021 SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL Date: May 26, 2021 Time: 09:00 a.m. Venue: School Stage Agenda: 1, Terminal Review & Deliberation of Budget including MOOE 2, Planning for the crafting of SIP 3. Priority Improvement Areas 4. Other matters including showing of survey result by the SGC, SMEPA, SBM Attendance: Please see attached attendance sheet. Proceedings: 1) Terminal review is called to order at 09:00 a.m. by the SGC President Mrs. Marilou Montero. 2) MOQE allocation amounting to P907,000 is presented by the Principal Miss Marivic A. Cinchez (Please see attached FORM 2:BED 2023) 3) Different school programs to address the Priority Improvement Areas are also discussed such as; * School Based Feeding ~ "Be Fit mge Bulli” ‘© Drop-Out Rate ~"Kick-Out-Drop-Out” Reading Program ~ “Game na Game sa Reading” and “Project MARIVIC (Making of Reading, Materials Availability in Reading)” 4) The principal also talks about the Learning Continuity plan in which parents are humbly tasked to facilitate learning due to pandemic but of course with the assistance of the teachers. 5) Raising of questions followed. ‘© SB Gilda Samaco, the SGC Secretary asks about the nutritional status of the 142 pupils, Identified recipient of feeding. The principal answers that the feeding is still on-going and school target will be from 142 to zero malnourished pupils. ‘* Sb Samaco further asks "Sa 1,126 nga mga pupils naa batay nakit-an nga wala ni school?” Mrs. Maribeth Timogan answers that out of 16 identified out of school, only 6 remains to + beuntracked due to no evidence of requesting Form 137 (School Permanent Record) ‘+ The principal then assures that school age children must be in school and that no one will be left behind. 4) Other important matters regarding the PIA’s and SBM are also being discussed by Mrs. Timogan. 5) Mrs. Marilou Montero, the SGC President continues to facilitate the meeting by asking other stakeholders including 58 Corazon Alpuerto the Education Committee Chairif the different school programs and interventions are to be retained or changed as part of the School Monitoring Adjustment Plan- SEPA. All present in the meeting unanimously answers retain. 6) The terminal review/meeting proceeds as the SGC president presents the result of the survey and she then encourages the stakeholders to give findings based on the result of the survey. 7) Same things happen as the PTA President Angelito S. Dalogdog shows the result of the parent's opinion survey. 8) The terminal review/meeting ends with the agreement that they will be back for the crafting of SIP. Prepared by: a SGC fecretary/SB Member [isles tend! MARILOU M. MONTERO SGC President Noted: MARIVIC A. School Princioal 4 a ULL; / Ld. Aosi2"w a o01wou SS SS ol W jac00n2s iwinawata Teun ‘ain > 7 ee posonidy argeveey spun pays [SaTe [Sat [oars [own [oma wriow [oor [oor {oo exe'00t core fooos foooms coc00's fovoo'ss Joocoo's Jercoo'et foocecet Joo 00s"t : loooreer [oo eoo'oe woos 00005 Joo'a0o'e« co cot aaa “oo es Joooon'es [rors foomwe sae loo o00'vz 00 000% co OSE co 00st wat LLL 8 5 SRE; “TOSNSS AGVININ — 5 IIS SS SS SS: $EE_ Bw Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region Xill Caraga Division of Agusan del Norte Carmen 1 District CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL tl e c TERMINAL REVIEW ATTENDANCE SHEETS No. - NAME POSITION SIGNATURE 7 _|Mucnew A Moprene SOC Prestoery ‘pues Norma 8 maGunyer? Ge kup ye c [Jordy funn Me Facon [596 Prendent | Zrusap |__| Rowend —B. Logné SPE Oduesess fee lesty Whe (ney nm EAlyw Mihaila Teall hes Is. LW bw he SAmaty | SB Mow |see / a Olwia WA. Museo Tee | A Jeliet VV. Detlogele icictond Teceby Apple Foy R. Malam _| Assistant Teacher | tleulerio th Milan Jr. | Aditant ack! sFeenbel ic. bepeg Ascitant Teacher J Ages, cs. Dalegdeg PA Phegé dec * mitiem R- Adunep | Ted | YOCeRHOL P- BKoe denBr COAy 1 Myer) Praha , note Jah Mardele 4. ferme SER. : | oe RIAD LL LOO OO EL, a oss SSSSSSSSSSSSS OSS = Documentation ‘ G euminal Reviae "a | LAPP D DIP PLE LLL LEE ke ra ET | ape [: a | Me i LLLP LL LEP PPE CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL May 31, 2021 FEM. CURATA, &gy. Captain Wom greetings! Souls ke to inform you that there will be o stakeholders’ meeting this coming Weonesday. June 2.2021. at 9 0° clock in the morning in Carmen Central Elementary School Stage. The agenda of the meeting are: 1, SIP/AIP 2. School Based Management Other Matters You presence is highly appreciated. TRank you and God bless. “Yours truty Latency a at SGC President 2 A ML CuRR2A Da. Poe CARMEN CLAIRAL CLEMEMIARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL Moy Jt 2021 GDA A. SAMACO SGU Secretary Wann areetinal J wwould ike To inform you Thal there will be a. slakeholdes’ mewling this coming Wednesday. June 2.2021. af 90" clock in the moming in Cannon Cental omentary School Stage ihe agenda of the meeting are: 1. SIP/AIP 2. School Based Management 3. Other Matlens Your prosence is highly appreciated, Thank you and God bless. RY SCHOOL CARMEN CENIRAL ELEME! SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL May 31. 2021 ANGELTTO S. DALOGDOG GPTA Presideni Warm greetings! | would lke to inform you that there wil be o stokeholdes’ meeting this Wednesday, June 2,2021, at 9 0° clock in the morning in Caren Centra! Bementary Schoo! Stage. The agenda of the meeting are: 1. SIP/AIP 2. Schoo! Based Management 3. Other Matters Your presence is highty appreciated. Thank you and God bless. CARMEN CLIIKAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL Moy 31, 2021 NORMA MAGHUYOP SGC Auditor Warm greetings! a stakeholders’ meeting this coming, § would like to inform you that there will be men Central Elementary Wednesday, June 2.2021, at 9 0 clock in the moming in Cor Schoo! Stage. The agenda of the meeting are: 1. SIP/AIP 2. School Based Management 3. Other Matters Your presence is highly appreciated. Thonk you and God bless. RO” ES- SGC President fort opie CARMERE CENTRAL ELEMEMIAR YT SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL May 3t, 2021 ERLYN M. BERONILLA sachers’ Org. President Warm greetings! 1 would like lo inform you thal there will be a stakeholder’ meeting this coming Wednesday. June 2.2021, at 9 0° clock in the morning in Caren Central Hemertary Schoot Stage The agenda of the meeting are: 1. SIP/AIP 2. School Based Management 3. Other Matters Your presence is highly appreciated. Thank you and God bless. Yours truly, Vogler ‘CES- SGC President Pueeived [rote ‘CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL May 31, 2021 DEXTER FLORES ‘Schoo! Planning Team Member Warm greetings! 1 would lke fo inform you that there will be a stakeholders’ meeting this coming Wednesday, June 2.2021, at 9 0° clock in the moming in Carmen Central Hementary School Stage. The agenda of the meeting are: 1. SIP/AIP 2. School Based Management 3. Other Matters Your presence is highly appreciated. Thank you and God bless. our truly, ALM io ICES- SGC President feacon bas auto’ one OS ~31-79r1 ‘CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL May 31, 2021 JORDJEN AZUNCION M. PACON EGC: Presient Warm greetings! } would like to inform you that there will be a stakeholders’ meeting this coming Wednesday, June 2.2021, at 9 0’ clock in the moming in Carmen Central Elementary School Stage. The agenda of the meeting are: 1. SIP/AIP 2. School Based Management 3. Other Matters Your presence is highly appreciated. Thank you and God bless. Yous ituly. | Lf MARILOU A. MONTERO "1 SGC President Feceive CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL May 31, 2021 FEM. CURAZA Brgy. Captain Warm greetings! i would like to inform you that there will be a stakeholders’ meeting this coming Wednesday, June 2,2021, at 9 0° clock in the moming in Carmen Central Eiementary School Stage. The agenda of the meeting are: 1. SIP/AIP 2. School Based Management 3. Other Matters Your presence is highly appreciated. Thank you and God bless. fours iruly. LOU A. MONTERO Y = SGC President CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL May 31, 2021 LADYLYN Y. ALGARME ‘Schoo! Planning Team Member Warm greetings! 1 would ke fo inform you that there will be a stakeholders’ meeting this coming Wednesday, June 2.2021, at 9 0’ clock in the moming in Carmen Central Elementary School Stage. ‘The agenda of the meeting are: 1. SIP/AIP 2. School Based Management 3. Other Matters Your presence is highly appreciated. Thank you and God bless. Yours truly, OR ., (CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL May 31, 2021 ‘CORAZON T. ALPUERTO- SGC Treasurer Warm greetings! ! would ike fo inform you that there will be a stokehoides’ meeting this coming Wednesday. June 2.2021, at 9 0° clock in the moming in Carmen Central Elementary School Stage. The agenda of the meeting are: 1. SIP/AIP 2. School Based Manogement 3. Offer Mattes: Your presence 6 highly appreciated. Thank you and God bless. (fous truly, Une, MARILOU A. MONTERO GCES- SGC President \ \ \ CARMEN CENIRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL May 31, 2021 HECTOR MAGLINES Alumni Representative Warm greetings! » would like to inform you that there will be a stakeholders’ meeting this coming Wednesday, June 2.2021, at 9 o' clock in the moming in Carmen Central Elementary School Stage. The agenda of the meeting are: 1. SIP/AIP 2. School Based Management 3. Other Matters Your presence is highly appreciated. Thank you and God bless. mast (CES- SGC President yd BT ; pec A Drag 1 Republic of the Philippines 2 CARAGA Administrative Region 3 Division of Agusan del Norte 4 Carmen District 5, CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 6 S.¥. 2020-2021 ; SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL 8. Date: June 2, 2021 9. Time: 09:30 a.m. 10. Venue: School Stage 12. Agenda: 13.1. SIP/AIP 14. 2. Budget Allocation and Source of Funds 15. 3. Planning of Projects 16. 4, Making of School Policy 17.5. SBM Matters 19. Attendance: Please see attached attendance sheet. 20. Proceedings: 21, 1. The meeting is called to order at 9:30 in the morning presided by the SGC President, Mrs. Marilou 22. ‘Montero and formally opens with a prayer lead by Mrs. Florinds Aninion, a retiree at the same 23. time religious group representative. Attendance recognition follows and proceeds with attendance 24, recognition with a reminder to observe basic safety protocols. 25. 2. Mrs. Marilou Montero requests the principal Miss Marivic a. Cinchez to facilitate the discussion 26. regarding the different concerns in the SIP/AIP. 27.3. Uponhearing the different concerns, the SGC members with the Barangay Captain Felisa M. Curaza 28. discuss and agree as to which PIA's (Priority Improvement Area) need to be prioritized considering 28, the crisis of Covid-19. 30. 4, The principal also talks on the budget allocation and the source of funds which comes from the 31 MOOE, PTA and SEF (LGU-Carmen). Supposedly, the distribution of funds will be 50% for the school 32. Projects, 30% for the programs and projects (PAP’s) and 20% for the utilities. However, Barangay 33. Captain Fe. Curaza suggests that it will be much better if there will be an additional allocation of 34, 5% for the contingency/reserved fund for necessary matter purposes. Considering the request, the 35. Distribution of fund becomes 45% for the school projects, 30% for the programs and projects, 20% 36. for utilities and 5% for contingency/reserved fund. 37. _ 5. Furthermore, the school principal presents the plan project of the school including the SBM 38. Principle display shelves, creation of LRMDS room, repainting of the schoo! ID, construction of the 39. mirrorized schoo! name, and the repair of the stage and reading nook. 40. 6. Brgy. Captain Fe Curaza, SB Giilda Samaco and SB Corazon Alpuerto decide to donate the expenses 41 for the repair of the reading nook. 42. 7. The highlight of the meeting is the SGC’s creation and approval of the School Policies. 43. 8. Policy 1 -SB Gilda Samaco proposes that instead of giving free release of Form 137, diploma and 44. other certifications, the school may collect donation fee from the requester. 45. 9. Policy 2~ Mrs. Norma Maghuyop ~ the SGC member proposes the continuation of the PTA 46. Collection in which teachers will be authorized to collect and remit to the PTA treasurer in an 47. scheduled time. 10. Policy 3~ Mrs, Montero proposes that teachers may solicit any form of donations from the parents 48. 49, or to any existing organizations and even to the community as long as it pertains to schoo! 50. Improvements. 51. 11. The policies are approved by the majority which have been moved by Mrs. Florinda Aninion and 52 Seconded by the PTA President Angelito Dalogdog, 53. 12. The meeting adjourns at 11:45 am 54. Prepared by: 55. Approved: (ho “~ teal 56. LDA A. SAMACO 57. sGcfecretary/SB Member MARILOU M. MONTERO 58. { \ . SGC President See CARMEN DISTRICT 1 CARMEN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STAKEHOLDERS’ MEETING ATTENDANCE SHEET Mablum A Montes _| | € [TELISA M- CuRA2« JUNE 2, 2021 POSITION | SIGNATURE | SGC - Presivent PB | fray. 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