Week 2 - OB Day 3

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Organisational Behaviour (OB)

Week 2 Tutorial - Personality, Individual difference, Motivation

theories and their Applications
Classroom etiquette

preview/review Keep your mobile Ask only relevant
relevant materials phone switched off questions during
on Moodle or in a silent mode teaching time
before/after class

Do not interrupt the Always take a

lecturer or session laptop with you for
when you arrive Dress Appropriately
all lectures and
late tutorials
Module learning outcomes
1.Demonstrate an understanding of organisational behaviour, drawing on
relevant theories, concepts and business-related examples.

2.Show the ability to apply concepts and frameworks from organisational

behaviour to different types of businesses.

3.Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how organisational

theories, concepts and evidence can explain the way that people
behave and interact at work at individual, group and organisational

4.Demonstrate appropriate academic writing skills, referencing and good

academic practice.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the session, you should be able to:

▪ Understand the individual’s contribution to organisational behaviour and


▪ Recognise the importance of personality, perception, attitudes and learning

✓ Identify individual contribution and assess alternative approaches to personality

and its measurement.

✓ Explain the process of perception and any distortions that may arise.

✓ Recognise the importance of personality, perception, attitudes and learning

▪ Understand work groups and teams, and their importance.

Assignment brief
▪ 4000 word counts essay

▪ Discuss the theories, concepts and frameworks of

organisational behaviour and why they are important to
organisational life.
▪ Description of the task – What you are being asked to do.
▪ Introduction (200 words) - A suggested format would be to create an introduction which
defines organisation, organisational behaviour and outline the aim of the essay which
describes what you will cover in the rest of the essay.

▪ The first section (300 x 2 paragraphs = 600 words) - should examine changing management
practices from the early 20th century.
▪ The second section (300 x 2 paragraphs = 600 words) - should discuss current theories,
concepts and evidence in organisational behaviour.
▪ The third section (300 x 2 paragraphs = 600 words) of the essay should describe
personality, individual differences and the relevance of different motivation theories and
their application.

▪ The fourth section (300 x 2 paragraphs = 600 words) should examine the influences of
organisational culture and structure.

▪ The fifth section (300 x 2 paragraphs = 600 words) should analyse the concept of managing
groups and teams; workforce diversity and globalisation.

▪ The sixth section (300 x 2 paragraphs = 600 words) should discuss concept of learning

▪ Conclusion (200 words) - Summarise your findings reiterating the key points and
Class Activity 1 - In Pairs
▪ Define four factors that affect the behaviour of an individual
within an organisation

▪ Define the term personality, highlighting its main characteristics

▪ Construct a simple grid comparing the elements of three

contrasting personality theories

▪ Explain the trait approach to classifying personality features and

comment on the effectiveness of one method of personality
assessment using the trait approach.
Class Activity 2 - Individual
Perception Exercise
- Try saying the colour of the word, not the word itself

“This demonstrates the way our brain can be fooled. We make

assumptions about our world that go way beyond the pure
sensations our brain receives”
Figure 6.11, p 218, Mullins, Management and Organisational Behaviour, 9th edition © Laurie J. Mullins 2011
Class Activity 3 -Group Exercise

▪ Complete in groups of Approx. 4, be prepared to present your work

to the class.

1.Using a diagram, explain the process of perception.

2.Explain three barriers to perception, providing examples.

Class Activity 4 – Attitudes
Complete in pairs
▪ Why is the attitude of a supervisor toward a subordinate important?

▪ Outline three influences on the formation of attitudes

▪ When and why would you use an attitude survey and how confident would
you be in the findings?

▪ Describe two situations where management may wish to change attitudes

▪ Suggest three ways of changing attitudes

▪ What is cognitive dissonance? – give an example

Class Activity 5 – Groups and
Complete in group
▪ Defined group and differentiated between types of groups.

▪ Identified the five stages of group development.

▪ Listed and defined the five properties of groups.

▪ Demonstrated how norms and status exert influence on an individual’s behavior.

▪ Contrasted the strengths and weaknesses of group decision making.

▪ Evaluated evidence for cultural differences in group status and social loafing as well as
the effects of diversity in groups.
▪ Contrasted groups and teams and analyzed the growing popularity of using teams in

▪ Compared and contrasted four types of teams.

▪ Identified the characteristics of effective teams.

▪ Showed how organisations could create team players.

▪ Decided when to use individuals instead of teams.

▪ Showed how the understanding of teams differed in a global context.

Formative task
▪ Complete essay introduction
together with referencing

▪ Begin research on assignments

▪ Submit within 24 hours.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

50-minutes task
▪ Use the last 50 minutes to:

▪ Writing the first and second section of your essay.

▪ Ensure you include at least six references with intext citations.

Any question
• Bratton, J. and Bratton, J. (2017) Introduction to Work and Organizational Behaviour.
3rd ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan

• Knights, D. and Willmott, H. (eds) (2017) Introducing Organizational Behaviour and

Management. 3rd ed. Andover: Cengage Learning.

• Mullins, L . (2019) Organisational Behaviour in the Workplace. 12th ed. Harlow:

Important information
Email: @globalbanking.ac.uk

Admin: cccumanchester@globalbanking.ac.uk

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