Assessment Task 2 MACRO

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1. Briefly describe how you understood the Tourism Multiplier Effect during Week 17’s session.

The Tourism Multiplier Effect is a way to know or to recognize the effects of the tourism
industry in the local area, residents, employees, and even in the other local businesses. This can
give us information to know if the tourism industry in a local area is increasing or decreasing in
terms of the income. For the tourism sector to understand their capabilities of their income, in
which this can help them to manage their establishment. There are three kinds of Tourism
Multiplier Effect and these are direct impact, indirect impact, and induce impact. Direct impact is
the effect of the tourism industry in the employees of the establishment and the indirect impact is
indirectly affected the local businesses that are in connection within the establishment. The last
one is the induced impact; this is where the local area or the local province can be affect through
the establishment.

2. Discuss what you learned about the task performance given to you.

In our task performance, there are things that I have learned and the first one is the tourism
multiplier effect. Tourism multiplier effect is way to know the increasing and decreasing income
of an establishment and to know how will be affected the employees, local area, and other local
businesses. I’ve also learned the three kinds of the tourism multiplier effect and these are; direct
impact, indirect impact, induced impact. These three is considering being able to affect the
employees, the residents within the establishment area, the local area, and also the other local
businesses through the tourism industry in the local province. In addition, I have always learned
on how to prevent the Covid-19. Through our task performance, it reflects in us to know the
impact of the Covid-19 in our country, mostly in other people that lost their jobs or living. There
is a massive impact of Covid-19 in us, therefore, in order to prevent it we should take care of
ourselves, and we should follow the rules and regulation of our local area.

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