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QUINTANILLA, Brent Jermaine M.

RAMOS, Josh Jacob R.
PASIA, Carlos Miguel F.

Q #4. How do you respond to Tiny Feet's public appeal:

In what ways neglected/abused children could be saved?

As we navigate through life, does your indifference to the harsh realities of the world hold
you back? When someone adopts such a mindset, they suddenly become part of the problem.
This is the core message conveyed in Mistral's: Tiny Feet. It highlights the issue of child
trafficking for sexual exploitation, with many, if not all, of these children ending up trapped in
prostitution. The affordability of acquiring and trading children, compared to adults, lures
traffickers into perpetuating these heinous activities for the promise of higher profits. Shockingly,
according to UNICEF, 1-2 million children under 18 years old are sexually exploited in
prostitution annually, with nearly one million in Asia alone (Stairway Foundation Inc., 2019).
Given the global scale of child prostitution and abuse, a multifaceted approach is imperative to
combat these issues, encompassing advocacy, assistance, and legal reforms.

Rescuing a neglected and abused child should never be in question. As young

individuals, we are able to actively contribute in addressing this global problem by engaging in
volunteer mentorship programs which could aid these vulnerable children. Volunteers are the
ones who often offer emotional support and guidance in settings such as child advocacy
centers, crisis hotlines, and shelters. Additionally, through youth-led fundraising campaigns, we
are able provide financial backing to organizations dedicated to combating child abuse. These
funds can be allocated for victim rehabilitation, educational initiatives, and legal representation.
We can also organize community drives or donation efforts to collect essential items for the
children such as clothing, toys, and school supplies to aid in their education. In addition to
hands-on volunteering, other young individuals can also become advocates for policy change by
campaigning for stricter child safety laws and increased penalties for violators. This can be done
through peaceful protests, letter-writing campaigns to lawmakers, and leveraging social media
to raise awareness about the importance of child safety.

The message conveyed by Tiny Feet serves as a rallying cry which urges us, the people,
to create a world where children can revel in their innocence, play without fear, and thrive in a
safe environment. It is only through our collective efforts, compassion, and unwavering
commitment that we can guarantee every child's right to a secure and nurturing childhood.
Children are not only the future but should also be the treasures of their parents. This poignant
poem is intended to inspire both the readers and society as a whole, speaking to us to take
action and underscore the significance of child well-being. The Children, with their pure hearts
and simple joys, deserve a safe and nurturing environment in which they can flourish for a
brighter tommorow.

Stairway Foundation Inc. (2019, May 15). Child prostitution -.

Cybercrime module 12 key issues: Online child sexual exploitation and abuse. United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (n.d.).

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