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San Francisco. RESIDENTIAL LEASE DISCLAIMER ‘Association of NOTICE REALTORS® SAN FRANCISCO ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® STANDARD FORM This Residential Tenancy Agreement and related addenda is a legal document, the use of whi tended to have legal consequences. It contains provisions intended for use with residential rental properties situated in San Francisco, California. It contains legal information, but it is not legal advice (i.e., the application of the law to your specific circumstances). SFAA and SFAR recommend that you consult with a qualified attorney knowledgeable regarding about San Francisco’s Rent Control laws if you want professional assurance that this information and your interpretation of it is appropriate in your particular circumstances. A REAL ESTATE BROKER OR AGENT CAN ADVISE ON REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ONLY. FOR LEGAL ADVICE, CONSULT A QUALIFIED ATTORNEY. Page 1 of | Copyright © 2012 San Francisco Association of REALTORS” Simm (Rev. 03/12) a pane SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCIATION RESIDENTIAL TENANCY AGREEMENT 4. INTRODUCTION: ar ("Owner rents to Rent Collected: $ fort Perio to (Tenant?) and Tenant agrees torent | Other $ os TOTAL California, (the *Premises"). No other portion of the building (the “Building”), where | CHARGES: the Premises is located, is included for lease unless expressly provided for in this, Residential Tenancy Agreement (the “Agreement. The Premises is provided as [] Unfurnished or (] Furnished (see attached Furniture Inventory). ‘The appliances provided at inception of the tenancy are described as: 2, TERM: The term ofthis rental shall begin on ‘and end on ‘and thereafter shall be month- ‘tc-month on the same terms and conditions as stated herein, save any changes lavdully made until terminated, 3. PHYSICAL POSSESSION: |f Owner is unable to delivor possession of the Premises at the commencement of the term, Owner shall not be lable ‘or any damage caused thereby, nor shal this Agreement be void or voidable, but Tenant shal not be liable for any rent until possession is delivered, 4, RENT: The inital monthy base rent forthe Premises shal be USS, ‘Allrantis due and payable in advance on the ‘day of each and every month (the "Due Date") without ose, deductions or credits. Alltent shall be payable fo Owner or such other person as Owner shall designate in wing. Tenant agrees always lo pay ent by personal check, cashier's check, or money order and not use cash unless specifically requested by Owner. Ret shall be paid to Owner at the folowing address: uring normal business hours, or at such other place designated by Owner. In the event of ‘oommates, or another form of mulple oocupancy, Tenant understands and agrees that rent shall be paid witha single payment and that itis up to Ten- ant to collect individual checks independent in order io submit a combined, sinle payment. Noting inthis Paragraph shall be constued as a direction by Owner to make payment in a particular manner instead, itis a promise by Tenant to pay inthe manrier set forth herein. Tenant bears the risk ofoss or delay of any payment made by mail. Quner must receive mailed rent payments on or before the Due Date, Rent for any partial month shall be pro- rated at the rat of 1/30th ofthe monthly rent per day: Owner may apply any payment made by Tenant to any obligation of Tenant to Owner notvith- standing any dates or other direction from Tenant thal accompanies such payment, Any attempt by Tenant io allocate a payment in any other way shall be null and void, including the use or application ofa restrictive endorsement onthe face of any check. Owner will accept rent payments ony from the actual Tenants). No thd party checks wil be accepted, nor shall Owner be liable to Tenantin any way as a result of refusing any third paty check. Should Owner elect to accept atid paty check such aoceptance shal not be construed as a waver of this provision. 5, SECURITY DEPOSIT: Before the commencement ofthe term, Tenant shall pay a secury deposit of US $ (the "Security Depos- it) forthe purposes set forth in Civil Code Section 1950.5. No trust relationship between Owner and Tenant is created because of the Security Deposit and Owner may commingle the Security Deposit with other funds of Ouner. Owner may retain such amounts ofthe Security Deposit a allowed by law including, but not limited to, amounts required to remedy future defaults by Tenant in any obligation under this Agreement to restore, replace, repair or return personal property or appurtenances, exclusive of ordinary wear and tear. Owner shall, within, the time period allotted by law, refund any balance after such deductions, to Tenant, fle Tenant has vacated the Premises. Tenant shall not be deemed io have vacated the Premises for purposes of this Paragraph until a) Tenant retums to Owner all key tothe Premises, and b) Tenant has surrendered the Premises to Owner free and emp ofall per- sons claiming any right to possess the Premises. Any balanoe ofthe Securty Deposit and an accounting of any deductions therefrom will be mailed to Tenant atthe Premises unless Tenant provides, in witing fo Owner, a mailing address to which the balance if any, ofthe Security Deposit andthe ac- counting should be sent. Owner’ check or other draft refunding any balance ofthe Security Deposit may be made in the name of any or alo the origi- nal tenants regardless ofthe party who infact made the deposit and regardless of the ident ofthe persons then occupying the Premises. Tenant may not apply the Secutty Deposit, or any potion thereof, to the last month’ rent. if required by law, Owner shall pay to Tenant simple interest as directed by such law, less deductions, on the amount held as a Security Deposit, provided this tenancy does not terminate before the Security Deposit has been held for one (1) year. Said payment of interest shall be made once a year Commencing wih the date the Security Deposit has been held fr a year. Upon Tenants surrender of the Premises, f the Security Deposits insufcient to remedy Tenant's defauit in rent, to repair damages caused by Tenant, or o clean the Premises, Owner may use ftom the accrued unpaid interest such amounts a8 are necessary for those purposes. Accrued unpaid interest or balance thereof, i any, shall be mailed to Tenant at Tenant's last known address inthe same manner as any refund of the Security Deposit (ner may increase the Security Deposit upto the maximum alowed by law at any time wih notice. The parties agree tha the Security Deposit is not rent and therefore not subject to any local rent contol aw. if Owner applies any portion ofthe Security Deposit to any obigations of Tenant at anytime during the tenancy, Tenant must, upon thirty (30) days mitten notice, reinstate the Secury Deposit tits ful original amount. Gwner may apply the Security Deposit during the term ofthe tenancy fr any pur- ose allowed by law, and in such case, upon thy (30} days written notice to Tenant, Tenant shall restore the Security Deposit othe full amount provided herein (G4-2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Association Residential Tenancy Agreement - Page 1 of 12, [THs DOCUMENT Is THe EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO APARTIMENT ASSOCIATION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. sneana 6. FAILURE TO PAY: Pursuant to Civil Code Section 1785.25, Tenant is hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on Tenant's credit record may be submitted to a credit reporting agency if Tenant fis o full the terms oftheir credit obligations, such as the financial obligations of tis ‘Agreement. 7. LATE PAYMENTS: Tenant and Owner agree that Owner wil sustain costs and damage as a resut of any late payment of rent but that it wil be impracticable or extremely dificult to fix the actual damage. Therefor, the following sum represents a reasonable and fair estimate by Owner and Ten- ant of the actual damage that would be sustained. Tenant agrees lo pay a late charge equal to US $, for any payment of rent not re- ceived by Onmer within calendar days ofthe Due Date. The provision for payment ofa late charge does not constitute a grace period, and ‘Owner may serve a Thrée-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit on the day after the Due Date. Over and Tenant agree that Tenant paying rent late on three (@) separate occasions within any twelve (12) month period shal constitute habitual late payment of rent and may be considered a just cause for evic- tion. Payment ofthe late charge does not cure the late payment for purposes of establishing habitual late payment of ren. The late charge shall be im= sed for failure to pay any portion ofthe rent, including those portions allocated to parking and storage. 8, RETURNED CHECKS: Tenant and Owner agree that Over will sustain costs and damage as a result of a check which is not honored by the bank on which its draw, for any reason, but that i wil be impracticable or extremely dificult fo fx the actual damage. Therefore, the folowing sum represents a reasonable and fair estimate by Owner and Tenant ofthe actual damage that would be sustained. Tenant agrees to pay to Owner the addi- tional sum of US $_ ‘8a reimbursement ofthe expenses incured by Owner. A dishonored check shall constitute late payment of rent and shall be subject othe provisions of Peragraph 7 above regarting late payment, inctudng but no limited to habitual late payment of rent. Such charges shall be immediately due and payable upon notice to Tenant. Failure fo immediately pay the charges shall constitute a defauit under the terms of this Agreement. ‘Owner reserves te right to demand payment of rent by cetfed funds, cashiers check or money order forall future payments inthe event of any such returned check or any other monetary default by Tenant, and rent tendered in any other form may be refused by Owner. Nothing inthis Paragraph shall mit other remedies avaiable to Owner as a payee ofa dishonored check. Owner and Tenant agree that three (3) retumed checks in any twelve (12) month period shall constitute a frequent return of checks due to insufficient funds and may be considered just cause for eviction, 9, PARTIES TO AGREEMENT: This Agreement is between Owner and each named Tenant who isa signatory to this Agreement, individually and severally. Named signatory Tenants ar jinly and severally responsible forthe performance of their obfigations under this Agreement, including the payment of rent unt such time as the tenancy ints entirety is terminated and the Premises relinquished to Owner, regardless of whether any named ‘Tenant occupies the Premises. 410. INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY: Each person who signs ths Agreement, whether or not said person is or remains in possession of the Premises, shall be jointly and severally responsible forthe full performance of each and every obligation ofthis Agreement, including, but not limited to, the payment of all rent due and the payment of costs to remedy damages to the Premises, regardless of whether such damages were caused by Tenant, Tenant's guests, ‘or Tenant’ invitee. This joint and several iailty applies for as long as any one ofthe Tenants remains in possession. ‘41. OCCUPANCY: Tenants) named in Paregraph 1 ofthis Agreement and no others isthe ony “orginal occupant’ who took possession ofthe Prem- {ses pursuant to tis Agreement “Original occupant” can only be the person, oF persons, who took occupancy ofthe Premises at the inception of the tenancy. Al other persons who are not “original accupants" stall be considered ‘subtenants.” Tenant may have guests on the Premises for no more than fifteen (15) consecutive days or tity (30) day ina calendar year, and no more than two (2) quests per bedroom at any one time. Persons staying more than fiteen (15) consecutive days or more than thiy (30) days in any calendar year shall not be considered original occupants of the Premises. “Tenant must obtain he prior written approval of Owner fan invitee or guest of Tenant wil be presenta the Premises for more than fifteen (15) consecu- tive days or tty (30) days in a calendar year. Violation ofthe provisions of this section shall be deemed a substantial and material breach of this ‘Agreement and is agreed tobe a just caus for eviction. 12. INSPECTION OF PREMISES: ‘Tenant has been provided a Move-In/Move-Out Itemized Statement Fumishings, equipment, plumbing, heating ‘and electrical systems including smoke detectors, where applicable, are operative and are deemed satisfactory by Tenant unless Ovner is notified in ‘writing by Tenant to the contrary. The failure by Tenant fo return to Owner an acknowledged copy of the Mave-In/Move-Out Itemized Statement within 48 hours afer Tenant moves in shal be an acknowledgement by Tenant thatthe Premises are habitable and in good condition, 413. USE: The Premises shall be used as a permanent, fulltime dwelling for residential purposes only and for no ofher reason. No retail, commercial, or professional use ofthe Premises shall be made, unless such use conforms to applicable zoning laws and the prior written consent of Owner is obtained in advance of such proposed use. AS a condition for granting such permission, Owner may require that Tenant obtain liabity insurance for the benefit of Ouner. Tenants may not store any personal property outside of ther assigned dweling unit unless othenvise alowed by the terms herein. Owner has the right o remove any unlawfully stored items of personal property without notice. 414, NUISANCE: Tenant shall not commit, nor permit tobe committed, any waste or nuisance upon, in, or about the Premises, nor shall Tenant create ‘or permit a substantal interference with the comfort, safety, or enjoyment of Owner andlor other occupants of the Building or their quests or invitees, 418, FINES AND PENALTIES: Tenants responsible fr any fines or other costs occasioned by violations of the law by Tenant or Tenant's quests on the Premises or property while Tenant is in possession If any such fines or costs are levied against Owner/Agent, Tenant agrees to pay such fines or costs tributed to Tenant's tenancy or the conduct of Tenant, Tenant's quests or others atthe Premises, upon receipt of an invoice from OwnerfAgent. The ‘obligation to pay fines and costs assessed against Owner/Agent may bein adlion o any assessed directly against Tenant. ‘©4-2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Association Residential Tenancy Agreement - Page 2 of 12 — ~ anneal 46, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING IA] No Assignment or Subletting: Except as Owner is required to permit by law, Tenant may not assign this Agreement or sublet the Premis- 8 or any portion of the Premises. This obligation of Tenant is intonded as a strict and absolute prohibition against subletting and assignment ‘and may not be waived by either party. If for any reason this prohibition is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable, then Paragraph 16 (B) shall apply. Tenant Initial Here: (B) Consent to Assignment or Subleting Required: Tenant agrees and covenants not to assign this Agreement or sublet the Premises or any potion ‘ofthe Promises without first obtaining the prior written consent of Owner. This obligation may not be waived by elher party Only where Tenant requests consent to sublet or assign under Section 14(B) or whenever the law requires Owner to reasonably give consent to are- ‘quest to sublet or assign (e.g. where the lease or rental agreement specifies the number of tenants to reside in a Premises, or where the new occu pant isthe spouse or domestic partner, child, parent, grandchild, orandparent, siblings, or the spouse or domestic partner—as defined in San Francis- Co Administrative Code Sections 62.1 through 62.8—-of such relatives, the folowing provisions shall apply: ‘a. Any request to sublet must come in wring from Tenant before Subtenant takes occupancy of the Premises. The request must be given by cer- tiled mail or hand delivered to Owner at the place forgiving notices as set fort inthis Agreement b, _ Any request for subletting or assignment must be on the basis OFa one-for-one replacement ofthe departing Tenants). Tenant may only re- ‘quest replacement of a departing Tenant or Tenants wih an equal, or fewer, number of new tenants, ¢. Proposed Subtenant or Assignee, if requested by Owner, must complete Owner's standard application, or, n the event Owner fais to provide ‘an application or has no standard application form, proposed Subtenant or Assignee must, upon request, provide suficent information to allow Owner to conduct atypical background check, including credit information, income information, references, and background information, 4. Tenant must provide Owner five (5) business days to process proposed Subtenant’s or Assignee's application. . Proposed new Subtenant or Assignee must meet the regular reasonable application slandards of Owner. {Tenant must not, without good cause, request Owners Consent toa new Sublenant or new Assignee more than one (1) ime per existing Ten- ant residing inthe Premises during the previous twelve (12) months. Tenant Initial Here: 47. SMOKING: Smoking isnot permitted inthe Premises or in any other area ofthe Building, Tenant shal inform his or her guest ofthis smoking pro- hibion. Tenant shall promptly noify Owner in writing of any incident where tobacco smoke is migrating into the Premises from sources outside of the Premises. Tenant acknowledges that Ouner’s adoption ofthis policy does nt make Owner the guarantor of Tenant's heath or of the smoke-free condi- tion ofthe areas ised above. However, Owner shal take reasonable steps to enforce this provision. Owner shell not be requited fo take steps in re- sponse to smoking unless Owner has actual knowledge or has been provided written notice. Owner and Tenant agroe thatthe other Tenants ofthe Building are the third party beneficiaries ofthis provision. A Tenant may sue another Tenant ta enforce tis provision but does not have the right fo evict another Tenant Any lawsuit between Tenanls regarding tis provision shall not create a presumption thatthe Over has breached tis Agreement. A breach of is provision by the Tenant shal be deemed a material breach ofthe Agreement and may be ust cause for eviction Notwithstanding any lw tothe contrary, the growing, culation, sale, or use in any form, of marjuana, for any purpose, isnot permite in or about the Promises, at any timo, by Tenant, Tenants guess, or Tenants invitees. Te failure to abide by the covenant shall constitute a material breach ofthe ‘Agreement and isa just cause for eviction 418, PETS: No pets or animals are allowed in or about the Premises, even temporary or wih a visting guest, except as alowed bylaw or by the ex- press witten consent of Owner, which may be unreasonably vithheld. Any such consent is conditioned upon Tenant completing, signing, and returning to Owner the Pet Agreement, which shal become part ofthe Agreement 19, WATERBEDS: Waterbeds andor liqui-ilod furitur are prohibited in accordance wih Civil Code Section 19405. I'he Premises are located ina structure for which the orginal Cerificate of Occupancy was issued ater January 1, 1973, then such furiture may be permited only upon written con- sent of Owner, and upon the oompleton of @ Waterbed Agreement, which shall become pat of his Agreement 20, ROOFIFIRE ESCAPES: Use ofthe roof andlor the fre escapes by Tenant, Tenant's quests, or Tenant’ ints is limited to emergency egress only, No other use is permitted, including but not imited to, the placement of personal property. No storage of any kind willbe permited on fre escapes or in ther common areas. Owner reserves the right to remove any unauthorized personal property at any time without noice. 21, STORAGE: No storage outside of the Premises is auhorized, permited, or provided under this Agreement. (If neither box in Paragraph 21 is checked, this provision applies.) Siorage is allowed pursuant to the attached Storage Agreement 22, PARKING: C1 This Agreement does not provide for parking of any motor vehicle or motoreycle anywhere in or about the Premises, the Building, andlor the driveways). (ifneither box in Paragraph 22 is checked, this provision applies.) O This Agreement does provide for parking. Tenant’ right to park is governed by the attached Agreement to Rent Parking Space. (@4-2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Association Residential Tenancy Agreement - Page 3 of 12 [hs DOCUMENT 1s THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCIATION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION 1S EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. Benen 23, UTILITIES: Tenant shall pay directly forall ules, services and charges provided to the Premises except for those listed as follows: For ules required to be paid recy by Tenant, Tenant mast pace al utes in his orher name promply. Tenant agrees to comply wil any energy or water conservation or uliy- sharing programs implemented by Owner, Tenant understands thatthe rent paid by all Tenants is partially determined by the cost of utiles. Nothing contained heren prevents Owner from passing through to Tenant uty costs as provided by law. Tenant shal be provided access tothe Bling and the Premises fr the instalation of utlity and communication ines and services as required by law and upon prior writen consent by Owner. To the ex- tent hat any utes, services and charges provided tothe Premises are nt pad by Tenant asset forth above, Tenant agrees to only use such utes, ‘services and charges provided tothe Premises which are reasonably necessary forthe ordinary comfort and safety of Tenant to reside in the Premises Excessive use of such ules, services and charges provided to the Premises shall consitule @ material breach ofthis Agreement. Tenant may not charge any device, including vehicts, in Building common areas or in designated parkng/storage spaces without Owners express written consent. 24, INTERRUPTION OF SERVICES: Owner shall not be abe to Tenant oro any ter person for damages, nor shall Owner be in defauit under this ‘Agreement, for any interruption or reduction of utites or services caused by someone other than Owner, or by Owner due to circumstances beyond (Owner's reasonable contro. 25, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: Tenant shall, at Tenant's expense, at all imes maintain the Premises, furnishings and appliances, if any, in a clean and good condition and shall surender the same upon termination of tenancy in the same condition as received (excepting normal wear and tear) Tenant understands that Tenant is responsible forthe cost of repair ofall damages in or about the Premises whether caused by Tenant, Tenant's quests, or Tenant's invitees. Tenant may not make any alterations to cable or telephone wring (such aimay odaur when changing telecommunications providers or adding phone lines) without prior wien consent of Owner or Ownef’s agent. The consent request regarding proposed alterations to inside wiring shall indude the name, address, and telephone numberof any new flecommunictions provider. Tenant shall ald Owner harmless and indemnity Owner as to any ‘mechanic's len recordation or proceeding caused by Tenant. Tenant agrees to pay al costs resulting from the alteration and agrees to pay Owner any cosis incurred as a result of storing the inside wiring fo he condition a the time of maven, except for reasonable wear nd ter. Except in an emergency, maintenance and repair requests must be made in wring and delivered to Owner or Owner's agent. Such notice shall ‘also be deemed permission fo enter the Premises to perform such maintenance or repairs in accordance with Gil Code Section 1954. Tenant may not place any unreasonable restctins upon such aocess or entry. The Premises shall be presumed tobe in a safe and habitable coniton unless and uni Tenant provides written notice to the contrary and said notices received by Owner. In the event that the Premises is provided with arcood floors or other non-carpeted foo suraces, Tenant hereby agrees to keep at least 80% of such areas covered with floor rugs or carpet. Iti also hereby understood that Tenant shal nt change or replace any window coverings visible from ‘utside the Premises or the Bulling without the prior writen consent of Owner. In the event thatthe Promises contains landscaping under the exclusive control of Tenant, Tenant shall be required to properly maintain the land- -sceping at al imes during the tenancy. The failure fo maintain landscaping shall constitute a breach ofa material lease covenant. Tenant acknowledges that the Premises and the Buldng from time to fme may require tenovations or repairs to keep them in good condition and repair and that such work may result in temporary lass of use of portions ofthe Bulding or the Premises and may inconvenience Tenant. Tenant agrees that any such loss shall not constitute reduction in housing services, severance of housing services, or olherwise warrant a reduction in rent 26. ALTERATIONS: Tenant shall not remodel, renovate, paint, refinish floors, or otherwise alter the Premises, common areas, or any other parts of the Building. Tenant shall not apply adhesive paper to any cabines, walls, or doors; nor shall Tenant hang any pants, planters or ightng fixtures from ceiings or walls; nor shall Tenant tack, nail or glue any coverings to floors or walls without prior writen consent of Owner. Tenant shall not install or op- erate any washing machines, clothes dryers, portable dishwashers, deep-treeze units (or other such appliances), pianos, or outside antennae on the Premises without prior written consent of Owmer. No plants, planters or plant boxes may be placed realy on floors, carpe, window ledges or on fre ‘escapes. Upon termination of tenancy, Owner shall have the option, at Owner's sole discretion, 1 require Tenant to restore the Premises to the original condition as received excepting normal wear and tear. 27. SATELLITE DISHES: Any Satelite Dish installations shall be subject to all ofthe folowing rules and condtions: a) Satelite Dish must be installed within the Premises or inside balcony railings or windows; b) Satelite Dish may not exceed one (1) meter in diameter; c) installation must comply with reasonable safety standards, d) instalation must nat damage Premises, Premises walls or olher appurtenances; e) Tenant remains strictly Kable fr any injury or damage to persons or property caused by the Satelite Dish, and Tenant agrees to maintain suicint lilt coverage against any such injury or damage. Proof of such insurance must be provided to Owner, with Owner listed as an “Additonal Insured,” prio to approval of installaon and upon each renewal of coverage 28. LOCKS: Tenant shall not change any lock, alarm, or place addtional locking devioes upon any door or window ofthe Premises without the rior ‘wttten consent of Owner. In the event of such installation, Tenant shall provide Owner with Keys to such lock or device within 48 hours of Owner's re- quest. Any expense incurred by Owner as a result of Tenants action, such as changing of locks, shall be reimbursed by Tenant upon demand. Once installed, an approved lock may not be removed even when the Premises is vacated. Keys tothe Premises are the exclusive property of Owner. Tenant shall not consign keys to the Premises lo any other person without the prior writen consent of Owner. inthe event that any keys fo the Premises are lost, Tenant shal be iable forthe entire cost of all key and lock replacement, atthe discretion of Owner, as required forthe security ofthe Premises, the Building, and Buiting occupants All keys must be returned to Owner when Tenant vacates. Tenant shall be charged for the cost of new locks and keys if all keys are not relumed, 29. DAMAGES TO PREMISES: Ifthe Promisas are damaged by fre, flood, earthquake, or from any other cause so as to render them uninhabitable ‘and therefore destroyed, the tenancy is terminated, unless restored pursuant to lav. {©4-2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Association Residential Tenancy Agreement - Page 4 of 12 THI DOCUMENT ISTHE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCATION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION 5 EXPRESLY PROMITED. pre) 30, ENTRY AND INSPECTION: Owner shall have the right to enter the Premises pursuant to Calfonia Civil Code Section 1954. Owner shall give ‘Tenant reasonable notice of the intention of Owner/Owner's agent to enter the Premises and shall enter only during normal business hours, unless olh- cerwise agreed by Tenant, For purposes ofthis Paragraph, normal business hours shal be defined as 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, every day ofthe week. Ten ant may nat place any unreasonable restrictions upon such ent. I, however, Owner reasonably believes thal an emergency exists (such as a fire or {lod) which requires immediate entry, such entry may be made without prior notice to Tenant. If Tenant has, after writen notice to cease, continued to deny Ouner access to the Premises, as required by State law, such failure is a substantial breach ofthis Agreement and isa just cause for eviction. Ifthe Premises or the Bulding is required by any government agency, lender or insurer to undergo inspections, repairs or alterations, Tenant ‘agrees to cooperate ful with Owner so tha all such inspections, repairs or alterations are made in as expeditious and ecient a manner as possible. 31 SMOKE DETECTION DEVICE: The Promises are equipped with a functioning smoke detection devices), and Tenant shall be responsible for testing the device weekly and immediately reporting any problems, mainlenance or need for repairs to Owner. I battery operated, Tenant is responsible for changing the detectors battery as necessary. Owner shall have a right to enter the Premises to check and maintain the smoke detection device as pro- vided by law. iis expressly understood that Tenant may not, at any time, disable or remove an installed smoke detection device, and to do so shall be ‘considered a material breach of tis Agreement and wil bea just cause for eviction ‘32. CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTION DEVICE: If the Premises are equipped wit a functioning carbon monoxide detection devices), Tenant shall be responsible for testing the device weekly and immediately reporting any problems, maintenance, or need for repairs to Owner. I battery operated, Ten- anti responsible for changing the detector’ battery as necessary. Owner shall have a right to enter the Premises to check and maintain the carbon ‘monoxide detection device as provided by law. Its exoressly understood that Tenant may not, at any time, disable or remove an installed carbon mon- ‘oxide detection device, and todo so shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement and il be a just cause for eviction 33, LEAD DISCLOSURE: Many homes and apartments bull before 1978 have paint thal contains lead (called lead-based pain!) Lead from pain chips ‘and dust can pose serious health hazards i nt taken care of propery. The law requires that Tenant receive certain information before renting pre-1978 housing. By signing this Agreement, Tenant represents and agrees that Owner has provided Tenant with such information, including, but not limited to: = EPA booklet ented, *Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Horne’ 34, ASBESTOS: The Premises may contain asbestos or have orginal construction materials that contain asbestos. Asbestos is known to exist inthe folowing locations: (Copies of availabe ports, if any, re altached hereto for your reference and information) Damaging or disturbing the surface of asbestos-containing materials (ACMS) may increase the rsk of exposure. Therefore, Tenant and Tenant's ‘quests, contractors, o iniees shall not allow any action which may, in any way, disturb ACMs or any par ofthe Premisos that may contain asbestos or ‘ACK. Tenant shall nofy Owner immediatly if Tenant knows or suspects that an ACM has been disturbed orif Tenant becomes aware of any ACM thats showing signs of deterioration 35, MOLDIMILDEW: Tenant agrees to maintain the Premises in a manner that preven the occurence and infestation of mold or mildew in the Prem- ises, including the use of bathroom exhaust fans andlor opening windows as necessery to avoid moisture build-up, Tenant agrees to uphold this respon- silty in part by complying withthe ist of responsiblies inthe addendum entitled, “Mold Notification By signing this Agreement, Tenant represents and agrees that Owner has provided Tenant with such information, ineuding, but not imted to: = Addendum—'Mold Notfication* 36. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE: Pursuant lo the regulations of Proposition 65, enacted by the voters of Califomia, Owner hereby makes the following required disclosure: "Waming - The Premises contains chemicals known tothe State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.” 37. HOLD HARMLESS: Owner shall not be lable for any damages or injury o Tenant, or any other person oto any property, occurring onthe Prem- ises or any part thereo, or in common areas thereof, unless such damage is the proximate result ofthe intentional or unlawful act of Owner, Owner's gens, of Overs employees. Tenant shall indemnity, defend and hold Owner and Owners agents harmles from all aims of loss or damage to prop- erty and of injury to or death of any person or persons caused by the intentional acts or negligence of Tenant, Tenant's quests, licensees, or invitees occuring in of about the Premises including other areas of the Building, adjacent sidewalks, sireas, etc. Tenant hereby expressly releases Owner andlor Owner's agents from any and all abit fr loss or damage to Tenant's property or effects whether in the Premises, garage, storerooms or any ater locaton in or about the Premises, arising out of any cause whatsoever, including but not ited to rain, plumbing leakage, fre or theft, excep in the case that such damage has been adjudged to be the result ofthe gross negligence of Owner, Owner's employees, heirs, successors, assignees andlor agents 38, ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES: Tenant(s), and al persons holding under them, shall within five (5) days aftr recein from Owner, sign and return to ‘Owner a certificate, statement, or other such document signed by all occupants providing such information as Owner may reasonably request, under penalty of perjury, including, but not ited fo, the amount of base rent currenty pad, the names of each accupant and ther respective inal dates of ‘ocupancy, the date of the last rent increase, the status of each occupent ented fo special benefits based on age, health, disabily, income, or other criteria under any provision ofthe local rent laws or other applicable law, the identity of furniture or fixtures that belong to Tenant, whether the rent in- Cudes any parking space or storage space, and the amount of any security deposit or prepaid rent and whether interest on said deposit has been paid and through which date. In addition, Tenant shall disclose, upon request, any information that Tenant beleves would prevent any purchase ofthe Prem- ises or would prevent Owner ora potential owner from moving into the Premises. Failure to deliver the above described document within the five (6) days shall be a malerial breach ofthis Agreement. (@4-2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Association Residential Tenancy Agreement - Page 5 of 12 [TS DOCUMENT THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCIATION, ANY UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. anne 39, INSURANCEIRENTER’S INSURANCE: Generally, except under special cumstances, OWNER IS NOT legally responsible fr loss to the Ten- ants personal property, possessions or personal ibility, and OWNER'S INSURANCE WILL NOT COVER such losses or damages. In addition, if dam- ‘age to Owners property or an injury is caused by Tenant, Tenant's quest), invitiees or chi (children), Owner's insurance company may have the right to atlempt to recover rom Tenani(s) payments made under Owner’ policy. Tenant is require to maintain renters insurance on a policy form commonly known as HO-4 throughout the duration of the tenancy that includes at € minimum: (1) Personal Liabilty coverage of atleast US $300,000.00 combined single limit per occurrence for Bodily Inury and Property Damage; (2) the Premises listed above must be listed onthe polcy asthe “insured premises” ofthe Tenant insured; (3) Owner is listed as a Certificate Holder and if acceptable tothe insurance company, as an additional insured; and (4) the carer must provide tity (30) days notice of cancelation or non-enewal to ‘Owner, except for non-payment of premium for which ten (10) days’ notice shall be given. Owner strongly recommends that Tenant consult witha quali- fed insurance agent and obtain appropiate coverage for fir, hel, abilty, and other pers Tenant must provide proof of such insurance to Owner wii thy (30) days of the inception of the tenancy. In addition, Tenant must provide to (Owner proof of insurance on an annual basis. The failure to abide by this covenant shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and isa just cause for eviton 40. MEGAN'S LAW: ‘The Caliomia Department of Justice, sherf's departments, police departments serving juristctions of 200,000 or more and many other loca aw enforcement authoriies maintain fr public access a dala base of the locations of persons required to register pursuant io Para gap (1 of subdivision (a of Secon 2804 of the Penal Code. Notice: Pursuant to Secon 290.6 ofthe Penal Code, information about specified registred sox offndors is made avaiable tothe public via. an Intemet website maintained by the Department of Justice at wnw:meganslaw.cagov. Depending on an offende’s criminal history, ths information wil include eter the address at which the offender resides or the community of esdence and ZIP Gode in which he or she resides 41. NO WAIVER: No failure of Owner to enforce any term ofthe Agreement will be deemed a waiver of that term or of any other term of the Agree- ‘ment. The waiver by Owner of any erm of the Agreement wll not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term of the Agreement, nor will any custom or practice which may develop between the parties be construed to walve or to lessen the right of Owner to insist ‘upon performance by Tenant of all the provisions ofthe Agreement, or support claim of detrimental reliance by Tenant. Owner's acceptance of a par- tial payment of rent wil not constitute a waiver of Owner's right to the full amount due, nor will Owner's acceptance of rent paid late ever consitule waiver of Owner's right to evict Tenant forhabitual late payment of rent. This covenant of the Agreement cannot be waived by Owner. 42. APPLICATION: Any Rental Application or related form submitted by Tenant is incorporated herein as though sot forth in ful. Any misrepresenta- tions contained therein shall be considered a material incurable breach of the Agreement and may be ajust cause for eviction 49. HOUSE RULES: Tenant agrees to abide by any and all house rules, whether made known before of afte the date of the Agreement, including, but ‘ot limited to, rules wit respect to nose, odors, disposal of refuse and use of common areas. Tenant has read, understands and agrees to be bound by the existing House Rules altached to and made part ofthe Agreement. 44, CAPTIONS: The captions in the Agreement are to assist the parties in reading the Agreement and are nota part of is terms or provisions 45. INITIALS: The Agreements binding and enforceable even if page ofthe Agreement isnot initialed by ether party or both 46. INVALIDITY: ‘The invality or partial invalidity of any provision of the Agreement shall not render the remainder of the Agreement invalid or unen- forceable. Violation by Tenant of any applicable ordnance or statute shall be deemed suficient cause for termination of tenancy. Notwithstanding any ther provision of the Agreement, each and every expressed term and condition is deemed material by the partes. 47. NON-RENT CONTROLLED JURISDICTIONS: ‘The Agreement may be used for housing that is subject to the provisions of the San Francisco Residential Rent Stabilization and Asbitration Ordinance ("Rent Ordinance"), or exempt from said law. No provision of the Agreement will in any way create rights for Tenant under the Rent Ordinance for any exempt rental premises, nor creale any contractual obligation on the part of Owner to comply withthe Rent Ordinance or any mandate ofthe San Francisco Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbiation Board, 48, CONDOMINIUM/"TIC” REQUIREMENTS COMPLIANCE: ["] [Check hore if the Premises is @ condominium or “TIC’]. Tenant has been advised that the Premises is a [1] condominium unit, or [a unit in a tenancy-in-common ("TIC") bulding subject to writen TIC Agreement. Tenant under- stands and acknowledges that Tenant's occupancy ofthe Premises fs io some extent governed by a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Rules & Regulations of a Homeowners Association HOA if@ condominium unt, or the TIC Agreement fa unit ina TIC building, ll such documents are referred to as “Governing Documents.” Tenant acknowledges that Tenant has been provided with the Governing Documents, of has had the opportunity to examine them, prio 1 entering into the Agreement, and that Tenant and Tenant's quests, invitees, and sublessees (f any) wil at all times comply wih the requirements ofthe Governing Documents, and that Tenant’ failure, or that of Tenants quests, intaes, andor sublessees to do 0 will constitute a material breach ofthe Agreement, Tenant further agrees that should Owner be assessed any fines or penalties by the HOA or TIC as a result of any conduct by Tenant or the parties associated with Tenant, Tenant wil immediately pay to Owner, on Onner’s demand, the full amount of any such penalty or assessment. Owner shall have no obligation to defend against the assessment withthe HOA or TIC. 49, ITEMS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY LEFT BEHIND: Owner and Tenant hereby agree that any items of personal possessions lft in the Premises after Tenant vacates, ors evicted, shall be considered refuse and of no value. Tenant hereby stipulates that any items of personal property left atthe Premises after termination of the tenancy may be immediately discarded by Owner without an auction, and that Owner may immediatly discard Ten ants personal property without storing said property for any length of time. 50. NO RELIEF FROM FORFEITURE: Owner and Tenant stipuate that for purposes of Code of Civil Procedure Section 1179, that as a condition for Granting rele from forfeiture, Tenant shal pay all back rent, Owner's attomey' fees and costs, and any other damages sustained by Owner, as a condi- tion fr relief from forfeiture. Such payments must be made within five (5) days after entry of any order granting reli fom forfeiture (©4-2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Ascociation Residential Tenancy Agreement - Page 6 of 12, "TS DOCUMENT S THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCIATION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION IS EXPRESSLY PROMIBITED. nena 51, TERMINATION: | Tenant intends fo vacate atthe end of the orignal term ofthis Agreement, or for anyother reason afer the cxiginal term of this ‘Agreement, Tenant must give owner at eat tity (30) days prior, writen notice of Tenant’ intention to terminate the tenancy and vacate the Premises ‘ter the expiration ofthe original term of tis Agreement, Ownor may terminate the tenancy in aecordance with applicable law. Upon termination, Ten- ant shall completely vacate the Premises and any parking or strage areas; ive written noice of Tenants forwarding adress; and deliver all keys, ur nishings, if any, and the Premises to Owner inthe same condition as received excepting normal wear and tear. Ren shall be due and payable trough the end ofthe notice period or the date Tenant vacaies, whichever comes later. Tenant may escnd said notice within five (5) calendar days aftr itis served on Owner without incurng ably to any person. Such rescission must be in wring, and delivered to Owner. Thereafter, Tenant fal to vacate the Premises on or before the date set orth in Tenant's notice, Tenant shall be lable for any costs incurred by Onmer or any third pais who relied ‘upon Tenants notice terminating the tenancy, and failure to vacate as agreed s a substantial violation of the terms ofthe tenancy and i a just cause for eviction. Tenant futher agrees lo defend, protec, indemnify and hold Owner harmless ftom any and all damages, ost ens, cost, expenses, lose aims and liabilities, including attomey' fees, arising in any way out of Tenant’ failure to comply withthe provisions of Tenant's notice. Tenants failure to pay any such sums within tweny (20) days aftr demand shall be deemed a material breach of the Agreement. It's agreed by the parties to this ‘Agreement thet delivery of possession shall be deemed fo occur when Tenant delivers the key to the Premises to Owner or Owners agent during nor mal business houts as stated in this Agreement ‘Any attempt by Tenant to terminate the Agreement prior tothe end of the aiginal term shall be deemed to be a breach of the Agreement, and Owner shal be ented to recover all damages occasioned thereby, including leasing commissions, advertising expenses, utities maintained to show the Premises, and all unpaid rent unl the term ofthe lease. 52, NOTICES: Any ntice that either party may give, ors required to give, maybe deiveredto Tenant at the Premises and Owner a: or such other address later designated by Owner. 53, ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement consists of the foregoing numbered Paragraphs and attachments identified in this Agreement herein: (Onner to check al that anpy) 1 House Rules Moye-In/Move-Out Condition Report Mold Notification Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazards EPA booklet "Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home" Parking Agreement Pet Agreement Storage Agreement ‘San Francisco Waste Disposal Addendum Bedbug Addendum Other: OORZOOOOkwo! ‘Owner and Tenant acknowledge and agree thatthe crafting of the Agreement was the product of negotiations. The Agreement shall not be construed ‘against either Owner or Tenant on the ground that such person authored or drafted the Agreement. Te foregoing constitutes the entire agreement be- ‘ween the parties and may be modified only in wring signed by al parties except that Owner may change the terms ofthe tenancy and the Agreement pursuant lo Civil Code Section 827. if Owner changes a term of the tenancy pursuant o Section 827, then by remaining in possession ofthe Premises ‘when the change takes effect, Tenants deemed by such affimative ac to have consented tothe change. BY SIGNING BELOW TENANTS) HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE(S) READING AND UNDERSTANDING THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE(S) RECEIVING A COPY HEREOF: Tenant Signature: Date Tenant Signatur: Date: Tenant Signature Date: _ Tenant Signature: Date: ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO BY OWNER: Date: ‘Owmer/Agent Signature: a Telephone number where Owner/Agent can be reached Normal Business Hours of Owner/Agent: (©4-2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Association Residential Tenancy Agreement - Page 7 of 12 [HIS DOCUMENT Ss THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCIATION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION IS EXPRESSLY PROMIBITED, enna HOUSE RULES To protect your comfort, safety, and enjoyment, and that of your neighbors, Owner has adopted the following rules concern- ing your conduct while a Tenant of the Premises. Owner resorves the right to make changes or adopt additional rules. Failure to comply with the rules will constitute a material breach of the Agreement and may constitute a just cause for eviction. Noise and Behavior “Tenant shall not make or permit any noise, or engage in or permit any other conduct that disturbs or offends other Tenants or neighbors. Tenant must comply with the directions of Owner and Owner's determination shall be final. Tenant is responsi- ble for ensuring that disturbing noises are not caused by Tenant's family, guests or invitees. Social gatherings of Tenant and their guests are welcomed and encouraged provided that such gatherings do not become loud, boisterous, or generally ob- jectionable, as judged in Owner's sole discretion, so as not to interfere with the right of quiet enjoyment of other Tenants and neighbors. Hosting a loud, boisterous party in violation of this rule may lead to Tenant's eviction. ‘Consumption of alcoholic beverages by Tenant or Tenant's quests is prohibited in the common areas of the Building. Tenants are expected to cooperate with each other in resolution of any potential disputes, and are encouraged to use the services of a local dispute resolution service if they are having difficulty at dispute resolution on their own. Parking (if provided by agreement) Tenant shall park in Tenant's assigned place ONLY and shall not permit visitors to use parking facilities. Only vehicles may be parked in parking areas. ‘Motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, bicycles, éte., shall not be stored inion patios, fire escapes, hallways, common areas or other non-parking areas. Building Appearans ‘Alterations that will affect the Building's appearance, such as window coverings, shall not be permitted without Owner's prior written approval No signs, advertisements, posters or similar displays, except burglary prevention notices, may be affixed to the EXTERIOR of any door or window or to any exterior wall without Owner's prior written approval. Garbage cans, brooms, mops, cardboard boxes and similar articles are to be kept inside the Premises. Towels, rugs, clothing and other articles are not to be hung from windows, railings, fire escapes or balconies. Re In order to preserve the appearance and cleanliness of the Building, Tenant shall take care to prevent waste from dropping ‘or spilling on carpeting, concrete, walkways and/or other common areas. Tenant is required to cooperate with any recycling programs in effect or implemented by Owner. Items too large to fit in any trash chute or refuse container must be carried to a designated area or disposed of by Tenant at Owner's direction Tenant is liable for any additional costs involve cenger service. Refuse is to be placed inside designated containers or chutes. Doors and lids should be closed properly and not slammed. ‘Tenant is responsible for the general cleanliness and sanitation of the Building. Please keep that in mind at all times, Cardboard boxes and other large refuse must be broken down or folded before being placed in the designated containers. hauling or disposing of any items not collected by any contracted scav- Leckouts “Tenant should take care not to lock himself/herself out of the Premises. If Owner is required to assist any Tenant in gaining entry to the Premises, Owner may charge Tenant S. for each successive lockout and may require Tenant to con- tract with a professional locksmith. Deliveries ‘Owner is:not responsible for the delivery, acceptance or receipt of, damage to or loss of, messages, packages, mail or other material left at entrances to the Building or elsewhere in the Building, Laundry Facilities (if provided) ‘Heavy articles are not allowed in the laundry machines or dryers, Tenant must remove contents from machine promptly when cycle is complete. ‘Owner assumes no responsibilty in the use of laundry equipment or for items lost, stolen or damaged therein. Laundry facilities are for the exclusive use of Tenant for their own clothing only. Owner may, in Owner's sole discretion, raise the fees for usage of the machines without notice, and any such raise shall not constitute an increase in rent. (©4-2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Association Residential Tenancy Agreement - Page 8 of 12 ‘Ts DOCUMENTS THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCIATION. ANY UNAUTAORZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION 1 EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. Unit Care Before washing or cleaning walls, drapery or carpet, Tenant must consult Owner for the appropriate method or for recom- mended vendors to perform such work, Tenant shall be responsible for any damage caused by the employment of any improper method or vendor and/or the cost of redoing the work or restoring damaged articles or property to Owner's satisfaction if the method applied or the vendor em- ployed was unsatisfactory. Tenant may not install air conditioners, ventilators or window screening devices without Owner's prior written approval Tenant shall not paint the Premises or any portion thereof without prior written consent of Owner. In the event such per- mission is given, Tenant shall restore the original paint colors prior to vacating the Premises. Tenant shall be responsible for all costs involved in such repainting, ‘Any accessories such as towel bars, coat hooks or built-in closet shelves, etc., may not be added without the prior written consent of Owner. Once installed, they may not be removed even upon vacating the Premises. Garbage disposals, dish- washers and other appliances, if provided, must be used only for the intended purpose for which they were designed and constructed. Floor Covering ‘Owner requires that all rooms with hardwood or hard_surface flooring to be 80% covered by carpeting. Carpet covering may be necessary to abate and control noise. Failure ‘of Tenant to comply with any request to cover 80% of all rooms with hardwood or hard surface flooring shall constitute a just cause for eviction; Wall Hangings ‘Adhesive picture hangers of any kind are prohibited. Picture hangers employing a small nail or pin are permitted, However, Tenant is responsible for the cost of any repairs or painting required as a result of the hanging of pictures or other objects. ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO BY: Tenant Signature: Date: __ Tenant Signature: Date: Tenant Signature: - Date: (©4-2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Association Residential Tenancy Agreement - Page 9 of 12 is DOCUMENT 1S THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCIATION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED pera) Addendum—Mold Notification It is Owner's goal to maintain the highest quality living environment for Tenant. Therefore, know that the Owner/Owner’s agent (“Agent”) has inspected the Premises prior to lease and knows of no damp or wet building materials and knows of no mold or mildew ‘contamination, Tenant is hereby notified that mold, however, can grow if the Premises and furnishings are not properly maintained or ventilated. If ‘moisture is allowed to accumulate in the Premises, it can cause mildew and mold to grow. Its important that Tenant regularly allow air to circulate in the Premises. It is also important that Tenant keep the interior of the Premises clean and that they promptly notify the ‘Owner/Agent of any leaks, moisture problems, and/or mold growth. Tenant agrees to maintain the Premises in a manner that prevents the occurrence of an infestation of mold or mildew in the Premis- es. Tenant agrees to uphold this responsibility in part by complying with the following list of responsibilities: 1, Tenant agrees to keep the Premises free of dirt and debris that can harbor mold, 2. Tenant agrees to immediately report to Owner/Agent any water intrusion, such as plumbing leaks, drips, or "sweating" pipes. 3. Tenant agrees to notify Owner of overflows from bathroom, kitchen, or Premises laundry facilities, especially in cases where the overflow may have permeated walls or cabinets. 4, Tenant agrees to report to Owner/Agent any significant mold growth on surfaces inside the Premises. Tenant agrees to allow Owner/Agent to enter the Premises to inspectand make necessary repairs 6. Tenant agrees to properly ventilate the bathroom while showering or bathing and to report to Owner/Agent any non-working, fan or window. 7. Tenant agrees to use exhaust fans, if provided, whenever cooking, dishwashing or cleaning. Tenant agrees to use all reasonable care to prevent outdoor water from penetrating into the interior of the Premises. 9. Tenant agrees to clean and dry any visible moisture on windows, walls, and other surfaces, including personal property, as soon as reasonably possible. (Note: Mold can grow on damp surfaces within 24 to 48 hours.) 10. Tenant agrees to notify Owner/ Agent of any problems with any air conditioning or heating systems that are discovered by the Tenant. 111. Tenant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Owner/Agent from any actions, claims, losses, damages, and expenses, includ- ing, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees that Owner/Agent may sustain or incur as a result of the negligence of the Tenant or any {auest or other person living in, occupying, or using the Premises. ‘ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO BY: Tenant Signature: Date: Tenant Signature: Date: Tenant Signature: Date: (©4-2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Association Residential Tenancy Agreement - Page 10 of 12 [THIS DOCUMENT 1s THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OFTHE SAW FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCLATION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION I EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. fame DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON LEAD-BASED PAINT AND LEAD-BASED PAINT HAZARDS Note: For purposes of this Disclosure the terms "Lessor" and "Lessee" are used interchangeably for "Owner" and "Tenant Lead Warning statement Housing built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips and dust can pose health hazards if not taken care of properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Before renting pre-1978 housing, landlords ‘must disclose the presence of known lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards in the dwelling. Tenants must also receive a feder- ally approved pamphlet on lead poisoning prevention. ‘Owner's Disclosure (Owner to initial and check appropriate boxes) (a) Presence of lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards (check one below): 1 known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards are present in the housing and described as: C1 Lessor has no knowledge of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing. {b) Records and reports available to the Lessor (check one below): C1 _ Lessor has provided the Lessee with all available records and reports pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing (list documents below): 11 Lessor has no reports or records pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards inthe housing Tenant's Acknowledgment (Tenant to initial as acknowledgement) (c) Lessee has received copies ofall information, if any, sted above (a) Lessee has received the pamphlet, "Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home.” ‘Agent's Acknowledgment (Agent, f applicable, to initial os Owner Representative) (e) Agent has informed the Owner of the Owner's obliga his/her responsibility to ensure compliance. ns under 42 U.S.C. §4852d and is aware of Certification of Accuracy The following parties have reviewed the information above and certify, to the best of their knowledge, that the information provided by the signatory is true and accurate. ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO BY: Tenant Signature: Date: Tenant Signature: Date: Tenant Signature: Date: (@4-2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Association Residential Tenancy Agreement -Page 11 of 12 Ths DOCUMENT 15 THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCIATION. ANY UNAUTMORZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION IS EXPRESSLY PROWIAITED. pane LEASE ADDENDUM FOR SAN FRANCISCO BUILDINGS AFFECTED BY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCES REGARDING TRASH/WASTE/RECYCLING AND COMPOSTING San Francisco Public Works Code Section 170 requires all property owners and users to remove any cans, containers, or receptacles used for the collection of garbage, refuse, ashes, cinder, sludge, offal, broken glass, crockery, tins, boxes, animal cor vegetable matter, rubbish or other like matter, recycling, or green waste, except on the day the contents of said receptacles are to be collected by the licensed collector thereof or after the haurs of 6:00 PM of the day immediately prior to the day of said collection, to be absent from the sidewalk, street, or any other dedicated public right-of-way. All receptacles ‘must be stored in an enclosed area or other area that blocks views of the receptacles from the public sight unless placed in view for collection, and must be removed from public sight immediately after collection occurs. This means that Owner reserves the right to re-configure, reconstruct, and redesign the common areas to accommodate storage of the receptacles in the building. This change to and possible modification of common areas shall not constitute a decrease in housing services for which a rent reduction may be awarded. Tenant agrees to immediately comply with all noticed changes to House Rules and building policies with regard to the placement, storage, and use of receptacles in accordance with Public Works Code Section 170. Any fines imposed by the Director of Public Works for violation of this section may be passed onto the offending Tenant(s). San Francisco Environment Code requires all persons to separate recyclables, compostable and landfill trash and to participate in recycling and composting programs. This means that Owner must provide separate recyclable, compostable, and trash bins. The recyclable bin is blue, the compostable bin is green, and the trash bin is black. Please note that Tenant ‘must educate himself or herself on what items shall be placed into which bin. Owner shall make literature available to Tenant explaining how to source separate recyclables, compostable(s) and trash. Please note that because these bins must be placed together, Owner may have to re-configure or relocate the receptacle area in the building, Such modification shall not constitute a decrease in housing services for which a rent reduction may be awarded. Tenant agrees to cooperate with (Owner's recycling, composting, and trash disposal programs at al times during the tenancy. This is a material lease covenant, and violation thereof may cause termination of the tenancy and/or a pass-through of any fines levied against Owner. ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO BY: Tenant Signature: Date: Tenant Signature: Date: Tenant Signature: Date: (@4-2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Association jential Tenancy Agreement - Page 12 of 12, TS DOCUMENT ISTHE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCIATION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION tS EXPRESSLYPROMIBITED, ae SFAA AGREEMENT TO RENT PARKING SPACE 1. Tenant agrees that the parking space (“parking space”) is to be used for one fully functional automotive vehicle, license plate num ber. ‘The registered and legal owner(s) of said automotive vehicle is The pparking space is wholly contained in the area of the building described as follows: ‘No other area may be used for parking. Tenant shall keep Owner informed of any changes in the make, model and license plate number of the vehicle parked in the parking space as well as changes in registered owner- ship of the vehicle. Nothing other than an automotive vehicle is to be placed in the parking space. No boats, trailers, campers or similar items shall be placed in the parking space. Nothing shall be stored in the parking space. The agreed upon value of the parking space, should it ever be severed from the tenancy, is US § 2, Tenant agrees that if any object other than a fully functional automotive vehicle is placed in the parking space, Owner shall have the right to remove the object or objects at the expense of the Tenant. Tenant hereby indemnifies and holds Owner harmless from any damages to which Tenant would otherwise be entitled to from Owner for the removal of any and all unauthorized objects from the parking space. 3. Owner shall not be responsible for any damage or injury to Tenant, or to any other person, or to any property, including but not lim- ited to, Tenant's automotive vehicle, nor shall Owner be responsible for any lost or stolen objects from the automotive vehicle of Ten- ant. Tenant agrees to hold Owner harmless from any claims for loss or damages no matter how caused. Tenant agrees to have automo- tive vehicle insurance on his or her automotive vehicle at all times during the term of this Agreement, 4, Tenant agrees that Tenant is renting the designated parking space only and that no bailment is created herein, 5. There shall be no repairing of automotive vehicle or any other equipment in or around the parking space. The washing of automotive vehicle is permitted only in the area designated by Owner, 6. No person other than Tenant shall be permitted to regularly or continuously use or occupy the parking space. 7. Upon the termination of this Agreement, Tenant is to return the parking space to the condition it was in upon the occupancy of the parking space by Tenant. All ol, grease, liquids and other lubricants and coolants shall be completely removed from the surface of the parking space. If the parking space is, at the discretion of Owner, not sufficiently clean upon the vacation of the Tenant, Owner may, at ‘Owner's option, hire professional or other cleaners to return the parking space to its original condition. Owner may deduct from the Tenant's Security Deposit any amounts expended in the cleaning of the parking space after the termination of the Agreement. 8, Tenant will not in any way make alterations to the parking space, including, but not limited to, repainting lines or moving walls, fenc- es or gates. 9. Tenant may not substitute parking spaces or trade spaces with another tenant in the building. Tenant may not sublet or assign the parking space. Owner may tow or otherwise remove and store, and/or dispose of according to law, any vehicle possessed by Tenant parked in a space which has not been assigned to Tenant, or any vehicle in Tenant's space not authorized by Owner to be in such space, all at Tenant's sole expense, (Tenant Initial(s)) 10. Tenant will permit Owner or any agent of Owner free access at al reasonable times to the parking space for the purpose of inspect: ing and/or making repairs, additions or alterations to the parking space or the Building 11. Should the parking space assigned to Tenant involve “tandem parking” with another tenant, Tenant agrees to reasonably cooperate with other tenants and Owner who are sharing and using the tandem parking spaces. ‘THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE READ THIS ENTIRE AGREEMENT, AGREE TO ALLITS PROVISIONS, AND HAVE RECEIVED A COPY HEREOF. Owner: DATE: Tenant: DATE: Tenant: DATE: (©3/20/2012by the San Francisco Apartment Association ‘SFAA Agreement to Rent Parking Space - Page 1 of 1 THIS DOCUMENT 1S THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCIATION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION (SEXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. anna SFAA STORAGE AGREEMENT ADDENDUM Tenants allotted storage described as follows This area, hereinafter referred to as the Storage Space, is the only permitted area for storage. No other part of the Building shall be used by Tenant for storage of personal property or items. The value of this storage space, should it ever be severed from the tenancy, is US $, The following shall govern Tenant's use of the Storage Space: 1 Assumption of All Risk of Loss: Tenant assumes all risks associated with the loss, damage, or destruction of all personal property or items kept in the Storage Space. Tenant agrees to hold Owner and Owner's agents harmless for any loss, damage, or destruction to Tenant's personal property/items stored in the Storage Space, no matter how caused. Tenant is advised to carry renter’s insurance, Owners insurance does not insure Tenant's personal property. Tenant understands that personal property and items stored in the Storage Space may be stolen or damaged. Owner makes no warranty as to the safety of items stored in the Storage Space, and Tenant bears al risks associated with the loss and destruction of items and personal property stored, regardless of the value of the lost or destroyed property. 2. Used for Storage Only: The Storage Space may be used for storage only. It may not be used for living, sleeping, eating, working, construction, or any other activity. No animals or living creatures may be housed in the Storage Space. Breach of this covenant may result in the termination of Tenant's tenancy. 3. __ No Storage of Hazardous or Dangerous Materials: The Storage Space Is for storage of personal property that is not dangerous or hazardous. No toxic chemicals, paints, or solvents may be stored at any time in the Storage Space. This is a material lease covenant, and Tenant hereby consents to the removal, at Tenant's sole expense and without prior notice, of any hazardous/dangerous/toxic ‘materials found in the Storage Space. 4. No Subletting/Assignment: The Storage Space may not be sublet or assigned by Tenant. Tenant may net switch spaces: any other tenant in the building. (Tenant Initial(s)) 5. No Alterations or Enlargement: The Storage Space may not be enlarged, expanded, or modified by Tenant. Owner may remove any of Tenant's personal property left by Tenant in any area outside of Tenant's assigned storage area. if Tenant fails to reclaim such property within eighteen (18) days’ written notice from Owner that Owner is holding the same, Owner may dispose of such personal property without further notice to Tenant, the same being deemed abandoned by Tenant and of no value to Tenant. Tenant may be required to pay a reasonable storage fee to Owner for the period of time that Owner has stored such property. 6 Right to Re-Assign: Owner may, at any time during the tenancy, require Tenant to move all personal property in the Storage ‘Space to another comparable storage space in the Building. Such a request is not a severance of a housing service, and Tenant shall comply promptly. 7 No Bailment Relationship Created: No bailment relationship is created by Tenant's use of the Storage Space. 8. Right to Remove Items in Building without Notice: As consideration for use of the Storage Space, Tenant hereby grants Owner, and Owner's agents, the right to dispose of any item of Tenant's personal property that is left outside of the Storage Space and within a common area of the Building without notice to Tenant. Tenant may not seek compensation from Owner/Owner’s agents for the loss of any property disposed of inthis manner. 8 Locks: Any permitted locking device securing the Storage Space must be approved of by Owner, and Owner must, at al times, hhave the access code or key to gain entrance into the Storage Space. Owner may, without notice or liability to Tenant, break any locking device and replace it with a new locking device in the event that Owner does not have access into the Storage Space. 10. _Non-Exclusive Use: The Storage Space is not within the exclusive domain of Tenant; rather, itis a housing service and part of the Bullding’s common area, 11. Owner makes no representation or warranty as to the legality or fitness for use of the Storage Space. Should the City and Coun- ty of San Francisco ever require Owner to remove personal property or combustibles from the Storage Space, or perform any work re- quiring a permit, or to otherwise comply with municipal codes, Tenant agrees to immediately remove all personal property or other Items from the Storage Space at Tenant's own expense. ‘Owner: DATE: Tenant: DATE: Tenant: DATE: (©3/20/2012 by the San Francisco Apartment Association ‘SFAA Storage Agreement Addendum - Page 1 of 1 [THIS DOCUMENT S THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OFTHE SAN FRANCISCO APARTMENT ASSOCIATION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OR REPRODUCTION IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. anne

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