Name Class: A. Read The Sentences Carefully and Choose The Correct Option

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2023 2024 CLASS 7TH GRADE

Name Class
A. Read the sentences carefully and choose the correct option.

a) name’s b) names c) name

1. Hello! My is Thomas.
a) Who b) How c) Where
2. are you from?

3. Hello, Thomas. are you? a) who b) How c) Where

– I’m OK, thanks.

4. She’s engineer in Lisbon. a) the b) an c) a

a) are b) am c) have
5. I twelve years old.
a) sister’s b) sisters c) sister
6. My name is Andrea.

a) at a) on b) in
7. He arrives at school 8.20 .
a) do b) does c) don’t
8. Angela not speak German.
a) at b) on c) in
9. Sunday mornings I get up later.
a) like b) ‘s like c) likes
10. Sophie playing football.
a) your b) their c) its
11. The face of a chimpanzee shows feelings.
a) did b) does c) do
12.Where you go yesterday?
a) is got b) has got c) have got
13.Lisa blond hair and blue eyes.
a) yours b) your c) the your
14.Is this watch ?
a) knifes b) ladys c) babies
15.Which is a correct plural?
a) happyer b) more happier c) happier
16.Which one is correct?
a) the good b) the best c) the better
17.This was summer in my life!
a) Can you to b) Do you can c) Can you
18. help me?
a) ‘m leaving b) leave c) leaves
19.Bye-bye, James, I now.
a) that b) this c) these
20.Mom, is my friend Danny.
a) is b) were c) was
21.He started playing the piano when he five.
a) child b) children c) childs
22.The are playing outside.

23.There were three people in the car: two a) womans b) women c) womens
and one man
2023 2024 CLASS 7TH GRADE

24.I like apples very much I don’t like a) and b) so c) but


25.It’s a beautiful place the people are very a) and b) because c) but

B. Complete:
1. Sunday, , Tuesday, , ,
Friday, .
2. January, February, , , May, , July,
, September, , November, .

C. Unscramble and write

have home breakfast at I usually

1. .

is favourite What subject your

2. ?

T-shirt wearing a Sarah is jeans and red blue

3. .

2023 2024 CLASS 7TH GRADE

A. Match the words and the pictures.

orange juice




toasted cheese sandwich






B. What are their jobs?

_ _ _ _ _ _

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