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Presented to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

Ilocos Norte National High School

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the subject
Practical Research 1

S.Y. 2022-2023



CORPS prepared and submitted by Benemerito, Jules Gabriel P., Lacuesta, Althea Jeyn.,
Satulan, Justine Eiron A., Domingo, Kim Alexis. In partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the subject Practical Research 1 (Research in Daily Life 1) is hereby accepted.


Master Teacher II

Assistant School Principal II

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject
Practical Research I of the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand.

School Principal IV

Date Signed


This study is dedicated to students who are unaware of the measurements and to study

the roles of Mandatory ROTC to the student’s dedication and health.

To our family who served their roles as inspirational and a motivational family for they

always gave their love and support for us in conducting this research and we would like to give

back the love they gave by accomplishing this study and having to succeed.

To our teachers who tried to give us advices, their help to enhance our study, for

believing that we have hope on accomplishing this task. Also, it is related to our school as

conducting and accomplishing this would satisfy our subject teacher on giving us good grades

and to improve in our subject which is Practical Research 1.


The researchers would like to give their deepest gratitude and acknowledgement to the

following people/group who gave their unconditional support through moral, aid, and advices

in conducting this study.

To Dr. John Michael B. Lumabao who supported our research study, gave advices

and who patiently waited, analyzed and enhanced our study.

To the researcher’s family who gave their support, motivation and aid to the

researchers in conducting and accomplishing this research.

To the researcher’s Friends and classmates who gave them never ending help,

motivations, advices and their lend of hands in helping their colleague conducting this research


And to the researchers themselves they have sacrificed most of their time conducting

this research and gave their best trying to improve, gather, enhance, and conduct this research

study and accomplishing this lengthy task, gratitude to all of them.

And also, to the almighty God for giving the researchers strength, motivation, wisdom

and encouragement for always reminding that the researchers would finish succeeding the



Title Page


Background of the study 1-2
Statement of the Problem 2
Scope and delimitation of the Study 3
Significance of the Study 3-4
Definition of Terms 4-5


Related Literature and Studies 6-9


Research Design 10
Locale of the Study 10
Sampling Technique 10
Data Instrument 11
Data collection Procedure 11
Data Analysis 11-12
Ethical Considerations 12



Summary 30-31
Conclusion 31-32
Recommendation 33


Letter to the Assistant Principal 36
Letter to the Respondents 37
Questions 38
Raw Data 39-47


With the recent issue regarding of the revival of the Mandatory Reserves’ Officers’

Training Corps or ROTC applicable for Senior High School Students, we conducted this study

to analyze and determine the perspectives of Senior High School Students on the

Implementation of Mandatory ROTC and the possible benefits, disadvantages, impact and

effects it may bring to students. More importantly, the study would also gather various

opinions, responses, and thoughts from the Senior High School students towards the Mandatory


This Study Utilized Case study and availability sampling were employed selecting

around 8 students to participate in our face-to-face interview all of which were available from

their classes. Based on the problems we had analyzed, our findings have gathered three themes

we would study on, Advantages of Mandatory ROTC, Disadvantages of Mandatory ROTC,

Aims and objectives of Mandatory ROTC, all of which would be studied and analyzed for the

better understanding of students on their Perspectives on the Reimplementation of Mandatory

Reserve’ Officers’ Training Corps.

Findings shows that every participant have their adequate opinions on the

reimplementation of the mandatory ROTC, as well as their knowledge on the ROTC program

are different with each other and it is based on how well the respondents know about the ROTC


Notably, the respondents show how interested they are in the ROTC program, whether

it is positive or negative respond. The respondents gave adequate respond on what are their

perceived advantages, disadvantages, and benefits on the ROTC program, both negative and

positive respond, which includes finding discipline, additional stress, development of multiple

skills, rising violations, and Less effectiveness.



This chapter introduces and presents the background of the study, statement of the

problems, significance of the study, scope and delimitations, and the definition of terms on the

Senior High School Students’ Perspectives on the Implementation of Reserve Officers’

Training Corps (ROTC)

Background of the Study

The Re-Implementation of Mandatory Reserve Officers’ Training Corps or in short

ROTC to Senior High School Students as supported by the new DepEd Secretary: Vice

President Sara Duterte, Mandatory ROTC has been a very hot topic especially for those greatly

affected by it such as Senior High School Students since if this program is Implemented it

would cover all Senior High School Students to involuntarily join the said program. The

Program has been plagued with controversial problems and anomalies for cadets/students such

as Hazing, Degrading Mental Health Problems, and even deaths, during its past implementation

before it was abolished in 2002 prior after the death of Mark Chua, a student of the University

of Santo Tomas whose death exposed the many problems within the Cadet Corps. In February

2017, the former president Rodrigo Duterte initiated and approved a proposal to revive the

mandatory nature of ROTC training for senior high school students in both public and private

schools. Duterte certified the proposal as urgent and forwarded it to the congress and senate

(Corrales, N., 2017).

Mandatory ROTC bolstered by Republic Act No. 9163 otherwise known as (National

Service Training Program (NSTP) is where students affected by this program would be taught

with Military Discipline, Ideals, Patriotism, and Military education, many support the proposed

Implementation of Mandatory ROTC as they say it “help” students or the youth to be exact,

this law also requires the governments prime duty to serve and protect its citizens. However,

many also opposes the proposal stating that it is useless to have this type of program since it

just adds to the already burden and stressful K-12 program, that our country does not have

surrounding threats and lastly due to the last implementation of the programs’ anomalies.

Despite all of these, it is still the best interest to analyze what effects, problems, or situations it

may bring once the program is implemented and how it will affect students’ lives etc.

Although most students and citizens have various opinions regarding to the

Implementation of Mandatory ROTC, it is best to know and study the perspective of Students

affected by the program, and that opinions can be used whether to show support or be against

the implementation of Mandatory ROTC and to further analyze and study more the

background, effects, and the curriculum or activities of this program.

Statement of the Problem

This study generally aims student’s opinion and perspectives and to also identify the

impacts it will bring to SHS students if it gets fully approved and implemented by the DepEd.

Following questions below shall be answered:

1. How will it affect student’s time, education, Mental and Physical health?

2. What are the problems and goals of Mandatory ROTC.

3. What do the students think or feel about the implementation of Mandatory ROTC.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research is focused on assessing the views and knowledge of senior high school

students on the effects of ROTC on its academic performance. This research study focuses on

the perception of the students in the reinstatement of mandatory Reserve Officers’ Training

Corps in the Philippines under the urgent order of both President Ferdinand “Bongbong”

Marcos Jr. and Vice President “Inday” Sara Duterte. This study would help open reader’s

awareness of government initiatives and gain knowledge about the Mandatory Reserve officer

Training Corps. Therefore, this study only sought out student insights, opinions, perceptions

about the effects of Mandatory ROTC.

This study would be conducted in Ilocos Norte National High School. The selection of

the respondents is only Senior High School Students in Ilocos Norte National High School and

are open to all strands of SHS.

Significance of the Study

This study would determine the relationship effects of various INNHS SHS students,

particularly on its effects of health (Physical and Mental), Education, behaviors, and to

further investigate, gain information, opinions and knowledge from Senior High School

students that can help our research study.

Sectors below will benefit from the study:

● Students: The Students will benefit from the study as they are our main respondents.

Their Opinions and perspectives towards the implementation of ROTC would greatly

benefit our study on understanding how it will affect them once implemented.

● Parents: Our study on their Children’s Opinions and perspectives will also benefit

them as the information it provides will help them gain knowledge about the proposed

implementation of the ROTC, its impact, and how it will affect their children’s

behavior and their family relationships. The study will also help the parents on what

efforts they can bring that can help their children.

● Teachers: The Teachers will benefit from the study by which the research study will

help them know what impact it may bring to their student’s education, Mental and

Physical health, and behavior. Through the study, the teacher may become

consciously aware of their student’s education and the effects of the Implementation

to help and guide them.

● Administrator: The Research study will help the school administration on their

monitoring of student.

Definition of Terms

The purpose of the Definition of terms in our research paper is to provide clarification

on the terms utilized in our research to have parallel understanding with the readers.

- Anomalies: Actions that show departure from what is right in accordance to a certain

rule or form.

- Cadet: College students who undergo military training, they are people who are

training to be officers.

- Corps: Group of people who work collaboratively for a common cause.

- Hazing: In military training, hazing is common and it serves as a punishment to those

who had committed mistakes. It is an act of violence which includes hitting and

slapping. It also torments cadets psychologically and emotionally.

- Implementation: It is the execution of decisions or laws.

- Officers': People who underwent military training in college.

- Reserve: A person retained for future use, a reservist.

- ROTC: Reserve Officers Training Corps

- SHS: Senior High School Students

- Training: Something that cadets had undergone and is undergoing. This is where

they are taught fighting and survival skills. This is how they learn military training.

- Mandatory: An obligatory requirement ordered by the government, agencies or a

type of organizations to those people/citizens under them.

- Patriotism: One’s devotion and support for the country



This chapter reviews the existing Review of Related Literature that would show

relevance and authenticity of the study and provides explanations, better understandings, and

logical connections between previous and present researchers that will also serve as a guide

and tool for readers and future researchers of this study.

Related Literatures

History and Concept of Mandatory ROTC

The Philippine Constabulary began offering military instruction at the University of the

Philippines in 1912, which marked the beginning of ROTC in the country. Army reserve troops

have traditionally used ROTC as a training ground as a part of the educational system. Cited

in Article VI, Section 35 of the Commonwealth Act No.1 or the National Defense Act,

When the idea of ROTC first emerged, President Manuel L. Quezon selected schools and

organizations to maintain and create Reserve Officers' Training Units this measure was made

in order to help fill out the reserve force requirement of 400,000 men by 1946 and especially

for junior reserve officers (Morton, L., 2013). The Military program’s model was in parallel

with that of the United States of America which started in 1862 where it was instigated as an

elective for college student (Changco & Santiago, 2013). The Mandatory ROTC Senate Bill

No. 2232 straight-forwardly implies on the interest of the students particularly Senior High

School students aged 16 to 17 Years old to undergo comprehensive military training and

disciplinary skills. Understanding the concept of Mandatory ROTC would enrich senior high

school students’ knowledge and opinions towards Mandatory ROTC as well as the people’s

thoughts on what to expect regarding to the proposed aforementioned program. While avoiding

the miserable past of Mandatory ROTC that implies to the case of the aforementioned Cadet

Officer Mark Chua studying on University of Santo Tomas that involves corruption and

murder, our president instills that this will serve as a way to promote “patriotism, love of

country, moral and spiritual values, respect for human rights and adherence to the constitution

(Chen, RRL Mandatory Rotc, 2019). In February 2017, President Rodrigo Duterte approved

the proposal to revive the mandatory nature of ROTC training for senior high school students

in both public and private schools. In the State of the Nation Address of the past President

Rodrigo Duterte, he reiterated his immense support for the approval of the bill, arguing that it

would “strengthen” the defense of the country (Magsambol, B., 2019).

Advantages of Mandatory ROTC

There are various opinions by students and the people towards the possible advantages

and disadvantages of Mandatory ROTC to senior high school students. According to. Atienza

and Magkilat (2018) “Along with the sense of discipline and patriotism that one gets from

active involvement in ROTC is the readiness to fulfill the ultimate responsibility of defending

the Philippines from foreign aggression considering that the defense of the state is the duty of

everyone”. The in need of military readiness and preparations is an obsessed ideal by most

officials and citizens due to the fact that foreign aggression is imminent most especially that

the issue regarding the West Philippine Sea territorial dispute with China, although officials

deny that China is the reason why there is a need for Mandatory ROTC. Disaster Preparedness

is also one of the key advantages of implementing Mandatory ROTC, stated by De Leon (2022)

“Disaster preparedness is also important among Filipinos given that the country is frequently

struck by typhoons, in addition to other natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions and

earthquakes”. Implying that there would be additional manpower that will help in times of

despair and calamity, posing as rescue forces or a great helping force in general if Mandatory

ROTC is implemented.

There are lots of possible advantages the Mandatory ROTC may bring not just to the

students but also for the sake of the Country and some sees it as a revival of the Philippines’

Military Capabilities and Power, it is vital even at a young age to undergo military training and

actively participate in. In advancing our society’s emancipation, national security and the

public’s development the future of the morale and safety of nation lies on the shoulders of its

armed forces.

Disadvantages of Mandatory ROTC

Although Mandatory ROTC has advantages, there are also disadvantages of Mandatory

ROTC. Many students and citizens alike oppose the idea of Implementing Mandatory ROTC

to students as some say “adds burden” to the already struggling and stressed senior high school

students and deemed it unnecessary for the youth. Right now, the Kabataan party-list is

steadfast in its desire to abolish ROTC. Regarding to the House Resolution No. 2475, the

party-list backs a statement of solidarity from numerous youth and student leaders and

organization against senior high school ROTC requirements. They stated that ROTC should be

discontinued in order to end military barbarian traditions inside universities and colleges and

that using campuses for military training is against international humanitarian law and treaties.

Besides the controversial anomalous proposed implementation of ROTC, Problems concerning

“Logistical” challenges in the current K-12 system seem to be a problem in maintaining the

stability of the system, as stated by Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto. With this, the

revival of ROTC in the SHS level is deemed to be more problematic in conjunction with the

raw and flawed system of the K-12 Program (Romero, 2019) implying that K-12 is already bad

enough why add more? Quoted also by Romero, 2019 “While ROTC may impart survival skills

beneficial for students, we must not forget the horrors that this program has brought to past

generations” The purpose of the mandatory ROTC to instill nationalist ideals in the minds of

our youth had proven inconsistent, as history has demonstrated. Furthermore, instead of

encouraging discipline, it turned into a tool for compulsion. There would also be a disadvantage

or cons to the society, The passing of mandatory ROTC will just promote violence, abuse,

bribery, and will put the youth in danger and making ROTC mandatory would put injustice for

the victims of the said program (Godalle, n.d.).

Aims and Objectives of ROTC

There are a lot of objectives instituted in the concept of Mandatory ROTC. In order to

generate competent Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservists, the ROTC is tasked with

instructing and molding college students in the fundamentals of military services specially, the

ROTC aims to prep up college students for possible military defense of the country and as a

rescue force during in times of need and emergency events, it also trains officers and enlisted

personnel as a reservist of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. By fostering meaningful

"leader-follower" relationships, the ROTC seeks to improve youth feeling of purpose. Younger

generations will learn the fundamentals of patriotism via ROTC. It will foster a strong sense of

patriotism in their thoughts and emotions, according to Argosino, F. (2022) Mandatory ROTC

is a military concept for the youth tasked to provide Military training, motivate, organize and

mobilize them for a national defense preparedness, more importantly, it will train and shape

them to become responsible and polite Filipino citizens.



This section elaborates the description of the research design selection and description

of respondents, research instrument, and data collection procedures. It also discusses the ethical

considerations that are applied to the study.

Research design

A case study was utilized in this study in order to learn deeper and have more specific

details on perceptions of SHS Students on the re-implementation of mandatory ROTC, we

would have to inquire how well senior high school students know what ROTC is, how ROTC

works and what are their thoughts, opinions, and knowledge towards the aforementioned

program, we would also have to inquire their perceived benefits, advantages, and disadvantages

on the reimplementation of ROTC.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted in Ilocos Norte National High School. The participants were

senior high school students on all strands and there were no criteria for the selection of the


Sampling Technique

There was a total of 9 participants but only 8 of them provided their answers.

Availability sampling were employed in this study, wherein we asked for consent to senior

high school students that are in their vacant period if they want to participate in our study. No

criteria needed for students to be able to participate in the study, and only senior high school

of any strands are our participants.

Research instrument

To get the appropriate data needed in the study, each researcher will have to find

available participant that are willing to participate in the study. Upon having available

participant, in depth interview will then be conducted, each researcher then will elaborate the

ethics that will be implied in the study and ask each participant if they are willing to be audio

recorded. In the interview, a total of six (6) orderly arranged and organized question that are

prepared to be answered by the participants. The first part of the question is about the

knowledge of participant about the ROTC program. The second part of the question is about

their perceived advantages and disadvantages on the reimplementation of the mandatory

ROTC. The last part of the question is about if the participants think if the ROTC program is


Data collection procedure

First step before conducting interviews was to make a request letter to be able to

conduct our interview. Upon approval, the researchers were given time to find a participant to

participate in our interviews. Both researchers and the respondents used their vacant time

during the interview session to avoid distraction and waste of time from their class. Each of the

researchers conducted a 5–10-minute interview and the data gathered were kept private and

treated with confidentiality. During the interview session all of the participants agreed to be

voice recorded to gather information and data more accurately and transcribed the data from

those recordings.

Data Analysis

Data collected from the interviews of all 8 participants were processed and analyzed for further

discussion. Transcribing was conducted to each voice recordings to make the transcription of

data. Thematic analysis was used in order to understand the responds of the eight participant

which are then put in a tabular form and the data gathered are analyzed carefully wherein

organized by their similarity and difference and then was summarized by codes to come up

with a theme that are significant in making our data analysis.

Ethical Considerations

Ethics were implemented during our study mainly: Informed Consent, confidentiality to the

respondent’s names, information and data they provided, and the Researchers role of reliable

and responsibilities to provide a relevant data of the study. Informed Consent was vital to

establishing a trust, confidence and much more respected manner towards the respondents.

Interviewee explained the nature of the study, and how long the interview would take.

Interviewers also made sure not to conduct a use of force especially threats. The Interviewers

made sure that the participants were willing to participate in the interview and were available

to the agreed time on which the interview will be conducted. The Confidentiality of the

information provided by the respondents was also taken seriously. Information of the

respondents such as their names, were kept private and not used without the permission of the

participants themselves.



This section presents the data obtained and the interpretation of the findings. First, the

data were organized into narratives for each of the respondents- Respondent 1, Respondent 2,

Respondent 3, Respondent 4, Respondent 5, Respondent 6, Respondent 7, and Respondent 8.

The following are excerpts from the individual narratives of the eight participants showing

their responses and their perspective to the proposed reimplementation of ROTC and their

knowledge and what they know about ROTC.

In the succeeding parts, the words or phrases in bold font are the themes generated from

the eight narratives. These themes, in turn, help in providing answers to the research questions

raised in this study.

Familiarity and knowledge of students on the proposed implementation of mandatory


The respondents provided adequate responses in the interviews about how familiar are

the to the proposed mandatory ROTC. They expressed that they were all aware to the proposed

reimplementation of mandatory ROTC.

The students’ responses regarding their familiarity and knowledge to the proposed

mandatory ROTC were coded and categorized. Themes that emerged surrounding the

familiarity and knowledge to the proposed reimplementation of mandatory ROTC include

announcement from the news, and abolished military training.

Announcement from the news. During the interview sessions conducted, students

shared their knowledge and familiarity on the proposed reimplementation of mandatory ROTC.

Majority of the participants responded that they heard it from an announcement and through

the news, so they vary answers from how they are interested in the topic “proposed

implementation of mandatory ROTC”.

“The proposed implementation of mandatory ROTC is

tasked to develop and train us. In order to produce

capable armed forces of the Philippines reservists. I am

very familiar to it since it was all over the news these

past few months and after the election.”

-Respondent 1

“Anyone who probably reads the news or been in their

phone 24/7, we are well aware that the vice president

wanted or still wanted ROTC to be implemented within

SHS students, so yes, I’m quite familiar with it.”

-Respondent 2

“Yes, because I watched in from the news.”

-Respondent 5

“I am not familiar but I heard about ROTC before”

-Respondent 6

“Yes, I have watched it on the announcement of the vice

president “Inday” Sara Duterte”

-Respondent 7

Abolished Military Training. During the interview, the question “What do you know

about ROTC or its past history?” was asked. Majority of participants responded that all they

know is it is a military training that aims to promote some various traits and skills for

preparedness. And several participants responded that all they know is it is abolished and

discontinued due to some particular problems and issues due to the harsh management of it.

“ROTC is also known as the Reserve officers training

corps; all was started as early as 1912 in the form of

military drill. It aims to promote civil service, discipline

and order through rough military training. A military

education and training for us to mobilize for national

defense preparedness.”

-Respondent 1

“ROTC was abolished and I think it’s bound to fail

again when they implement it or mandated.”

-Respondent 2

“All I know about the past history of ROTC is that there

are some who died due to the difficulty of the training

and there’s a so called hazing, and due to that they

discontinued ROTC.”

-Respondent 4

“Well, all I know is it’s about military training.”

-Respondent 6

“It is a training for students that are willing to study

and serve to our country.”

-Respondent 7

So called millennials- do not visit news sites, read print newspapers, watch television

news, or seek out news in great numbers. This generation, instead, spends more time on social

networks, often on mobile devices. This generation tends not to consume news in discrete

sessions or by going directly to news providers. Instead, news and information are woven into

an often continuous but mindful way that millennials connect to the world generally, which

mixes news with social connection, problem solving, social action, and entertainment. Rather

than having narrowing effect on what millennials know about, however, data suggest this form

of discovery may widen awareness. Millennials are more likely to report following politics,

crime, technology, and their local community, and social issues than reporting following

popular culture and celebrities, or style and fashion (How millennials get news: inside the

habits of America’s first digital generation, 2015).

Students’ perceived benefits on the mandatory program

The participants gave various responses on how they think will ROTC benefit

themselves, both in positive and negative way. Majority of the participants think that ROTC

can benefit them in some various way; physical, mental, and social while some disagree.

The participants’ responses that they provided were coded and the themes that arose to

the relation of students’ perceived benefit on the mandatory program are finding discipline,

and additional stress to the burned outs.

Finding Discipline. Majority of the participants stated that the program will benefit

them, they shared various reasons and explanations on how it will benefit them. Majority

responded that ROTC can benefit them by building and development of their leadership,

discipline protection, military experience. Some participants stated that it will benefit them in

their career path, emergency preparedness, and an opportunity to pursue.

“I think yes, the program will benefit me… for instance,

scholarship training for leadership, personnel

management. Plus, an opportunity for a challenging,

important and well-paid hard job. And for college

financial benefits”

-Respondent 1

“Yes, because nowadays all the young people are

losing their discipline of their self. So, this is very

important to build the discipline of every young


-Respondent 3

“Yes, especially for us women, we take it as an

advantage because they tend to know that we can’t fight

for ourselves… like we’re weak, benefits us by training

us to protect ourselves or to know self defense.”

-Respondent 4

“Yes, because it will benefit us about military


-Respondent 5

‘Yes, because I think we can secure a better future.”

-Respondent 6

“Yes, this program will benefit us as a student because

this helps students when it comes to emergencies.”

-Respondent 7

“Not only will you personally benefit from receiving

education when it comes to income, career,

advancement, skill, development, and opportunities but

your society and community received benefits of

educations as well.”

-Respondent 8

Additional Stress to the burned outs. The participants stated that ROTC will not

benefit them due to some reasons and briefly explained why it is not beneficial to them.

Personally, to them, it will add more burden in their time and studies and it will rather harm

than good, due to the reason of having too much things to focus and extracurricular activities.

Adding mandatory ROTC to them will tire them out and degradation to their self rather than


Personally, at these times, I think it will add more

burden or it will harm rather than good, for me cause

as a student who does not only focuses on her studies

but also through extracurriculars. Adding ROTC will

tire me out and be a less effective student, daughter, and

friend because I’ll be too tired out, everything will be

failing in my agenda. So personally, it will not benefit


-Respondent 2

“The ROTC program is an important component of the students’ formative years.

ROTC will mold them to become good citizens who will uphold the Constitution and defend

the nation’s sovereignty from foreign aggression” (Valenzuela, 2019)

However, those opposing the revival of the ROTC cannot be blamed as isolated cases

of abuse and violence in the past have created the impression that the program is not good for

the youth. (Valenzuela, 2019)

Students’ perceived advantages and disadvantages on ROTC

The participants gave various responses in the interview regarding on their perceived

advantages and disadvantages on mandatory ROTC. The respondents expressed their thought

and knowledge about their perceived advantages and disadvantages on the ROTC program.

Participants’ responses regarding their perceived advantages and disadvantages on

ROTC were coded and categorized. Themes that emerged surrounding their perceived

advantages and disadvantages on ROTC included development of multiple skills, and rising

violations and less effectiveness.

Development of multiple skills. In the conducted face to face interview, the

participants gave various responses about the advantages of ROTC. The participants responded

that ROTC provides great responsibilities for developing skills and traits such as leadership,

teamwork, self defense, and preparedness to calamity or disaster. The participants also stated

that ROTC also provides education and opportunity to others for the development of country.

Several participants also stated that ROTC promotes equality, service to other people, unity,

and discipline to students.

“The advantages of the mandatory ROTC program… it

provides great responsibilities for developing our

leadership skills as for teamwork and networking.

Promote equality among citizens and to develop pure

sacrifices the military made for their country.”

-Respondent 1

“The advantages of the mandatory ROTC are when

there is an emergency, you can apply what you leaned

on the ROTC.”

-Respondent 3

“For the advantages, it’s good because we can learn

self-defense and leadership development and we can

build our sense of unity because ROTC promotes

teamwork for people for the better of our country.”

-Respondent 4

“It will provide world-class leadership development as

well as valuable team building and networking


-Respondent 5

“I think the advantages are, it will be a great

opportunity for the ones who can’t pay for college


-Respondent 6

“Offer us knowledge to military life, give us knowledge

about being a leader.”

-Respondent 7

“The ROTC program provides world-class leadership

development as well as valuable team building and

networking opportunities which include airborne, air

assault, medical training, and other technical skills.”

-Respondent 8

“The physical trainings and exercises on top of lectures will serve as a profound

medium to inculcate discipline to the young minds, in the same way, ROTC is expected to

provide a deeper understanding about patriotism and sacrifices necessary to defend our beloved

country” (Reyes, 2019)

Rising violations and less effectiveness. Majority of our participants stated that there

are a lot of various things that the government should consider before implementing ROTC.

Some of our participants responded that ROTC will violate their free will; their right to exercise

free will. Some responds that the Philippines will have more less effective military forces, and

addition to it is there are various ways to develop our skills in our home and school rather than

having a mandatory ROTC. Several participants stated that they will have bigger

responsibilities that students will have to manage. Several participants also responded that

ROTC interferes with other various things like education, responsibilities in home, and others.

“The disadvantages are that it violates our free will. It

violates people’s right to exercise free will. It interferes

with other forms of education, we are still in the peak

of our learning abilities, and it could put our lives at


-Respondent 1

“In personal aspect, if we enforce this program to

Senior High School, we are going to have less effective

military forces. If so, isn’t that the main point of ROTC?

To have good military forces in case of wars and such.

But more likely us other people would say its beneficial

to students but if that’s the case then why is it that

ROTC plays a big role in that when they can have

different alternatives by being disciplined inside their

homes or in their school because discipline isn’t only

seen or develop through ROTC. If that’s their argument

then that’s quite flawed.”

-Respondent 2

“For me disadvantages of it is that college requires

bigger responsibilities to take and if the program will

be mandatory then we will have no choice to go to your

assigned schedule and at the same time there are a lot

of activities to think of and we will have less time to


-Respondent 4

“While the disadvantages this is it is more

responsibilities in college degree.”

-Respondent 7

“You must take the classes required for your ROTC

program in addition to all the classes required for your


-Respondent 8

In the past, there were students who fall victims to hazing, likewise some school

officials turned ROTC as an alleyway for corruption to accommodate those who want to cut

corners in taking the course” (Reyes, 2019)

Students’ opinion of the mandatory program

The participants gave various responses in the interviews regarding if it is necessary for

students to have such program, both in positive or negative way. Most participants agree that

it is necessary for students to have program while some participants disagree. And the

participants also gave their truthful opinion based on their intuition about if ROTC will a

burden to their time, studies, and health. Most participants disagree, that ROTC will be a great

addition to their career, while some agree that having such program will add a burden to their

time, studies, and health.

The participants’ responses were coded and categorized, different themes emerged

surrounding the student’s opinions if the program is necessary for students with both positive

and negative theme and students’ opinion if the program will add burden to their time, studies,

and health, the themes are Youth for the future, already burned-out student, better time

management, and time drain.

Youth for the future. In the conducted face to face interview, most respondents

shared their opinions regarding the proposed implementation of Mandatory ROTC stating

that the program would help and benefit them, student’s patriotism, discipline, survival and

experiences, heavily implying that the aforementioned program would bring more benefits

and opportunities for the students as well as their wellbeing if the program is implemented.

The following quotations below would support the respondents claims:

“For me yes, I think it is necessary for students to have

such program, because it offers us a chance to instill

the principles of patriotism, nationalism, and character

building, which is obviously lacked for us students


- Participant 1

“Yes, because this program is very important to young

generations to build their leadership and to be more

disciplined about ourselves”

- Participant 3

“For me, the ROTC program is necessary for students

to have, because this program will teach or train

students to become not just responsible leader but also

as a responsible citizen, ROTC will train students to

become independent in terms of survival because self

defense and military training will be taught, under

ROTC, it will prepare students for disasters,

catastrophes, and war”

-Participant 4

“Yes, because they will experience such trainings and

learn something about news and more things”

-Participant 5

“Yes, it will be an opportunity for others”

-Participant 6

“It’s important to encourage students to earn from their

mistakes and view them as an opportunity to improve a

lot of the time setbacks and “failure” can be the

catalyst for future success as lessons are learned”

-Participant 8

Already burned-out students. While most participants responded positively some

participants had a different opinion and understanding of the aforementioned program implying

that the program isn’t necessary and it would already bring more burden to the already stressed-

out students. This theme was highlighted because according to their responds there are a lot to

consider before having it implemented.

“Under the mental aspect, a lot of students are

suffering from mental health and there are certain

students that can get triggered with violence and gun.

If so even if they give considerations to these student as

well as those who have health problems, the main point

is to be swayed away and its quite pointless. It’s a good

program what flawed it is that when you mandate it to

over SHS students.”

-Respondent 2

“I think ROTC is not really necessary for student

because not everyone is interested in this kind of field”

-Respondent 7

Army ROTC is one of the nation’s top leadership programs, with a wide span of

benefits. According to the Division of Military Education, through Army ROTC you can train

to become a leader and a manager. ROTC is not just about handling a gun but learning about

self-discipline. To build a better personality, and to overcome weaknesses. ROTC can be a way

to help the youth away from harmful vices. With the help of ROTC young people are better

equipped to remember and demonstrate the values of patriotism and nationalism that were

established during the struggle for our country’s independence in Army ROTC you will learn

to become a leader- not just a person who gives commands, but a person who leads by example.

Furthermore, people can also gain experience you can’t find anywhere else. The specific skills

you receive in ROTC will involve aspects like leadership development, military abilities, and

adventure training. (Gapuz, n.d)

“In my opinion, I don’t think so. Yes, there will always be a threat that will justify the

military to urge the population to join the reserves, but not in the Philippines. To answer the

question straight, ROTC has its place in the Philippines, but it should not be made mandatory

for the time being. If we have a imminent threat that is constantly breathing down our necks

on a daily basis, then ROTC should be mandatory, but as it is, leave it optional” (James, 2022)

Better time management. A participant stated that they have better time management

on to managing their time when it comes to ROTC and their studies. A participant responded

that ROTC promotes a lot of things like building mental awareness and physical fitness, then

it can’t be a disturbance to their studies and to addition that there will be given time schedule.

A participant stated that ROTC will make them understand the path they choose and also ROTC

can be both inspiring and valuable to them.

“No, because I think there is a time for the ROTC and a time to study.”

-Respondent 3

“No, because you can be able to learn a lot of things like you can build mental awareness

and physical fitness… because of the training, our body will be exercised and it can’t be a

disturbance of your time because there are schedules that they will give.”

-Respondent 4

“No, because if you have time management for it, it doesn’t even burden me at all because

it’s for my own good.”

-Respondent 5

Time drain. Several participants stated that ROTC is hard to manage due to the fact

that their studies is burning them out and ROTC will just add burden to their studies. Several

participants stated that how matter they would like it to be implemented, ROTC would more

likely it would affect their performance at school, and they will divert their attentions to others,

and they should consider that some of students are still young and enjoying their youth.

If implemented, then in my part I would be severely

honest, no matter how much I would like to there’s still

disadvantages for implementing the ROTC… half of it

would likely affect my performance at school, divert my

attentions for so many things if ever, but they should

consider that some of us is still young and enjoying our


-Respondent 1

Yes, and I’m not sitting here for myself but often I’m

sitting here for every student that doesn’t want to go for

ROTC because probably, senior high school students

are burned out right now.

-Respondent 2

“Maybe, I think it will be hard to manage my time if it

is implemented.”

-Respondent 6

“Yes, because this is time consuming”

-Respondent 7

“Ang mandatory ROTC na ito ay magdadagdag lang ng mga gastos sa mga estyudante

at magulang. Mula sa gastos para sa inaasahang uniporme, gears, pagkain, pamasahe, at ultimo

nga iyon dagdag tuition fee at school fees” (Queqquegan, 2022)



This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of

the study based on the interpretation of data gathered.


The study aims to know the perspective of Senior High School Students on the re-

implementation of mandatory ROTC. Prior to the development of the proposed framework,

students’ perspective on the reimplementation of ROTC, student’s opinion about the re-

implementation of the ROTC, student’s perceived benefits, advantages, disadvantages on the

ROTC program, student’s knowledge on ROTC were determined.

A total of eight (8) senior high school students from different strands of SHS; HUMSS,

STEM, ABM in Ilocos Norte National Highschool, Laoag City were involved in the study as

their responds are important to know the perspective of Senior High School Student on the

reimplementation of mandatory ROTC.

The needed data on the perspective of Senior High School Students’ perspective on the

reimplementation of ROTC, student’s opinion about the reimplementation of the ROTC,

student’s perceived benefits, advantages, disadvantages on the ROTC program, student’s

knowledge on ROTC were gathered using in depth interview, as all the eight participants were

given questions that are relevant to our study, and were told if it is okay for them to be audio

recorded and the interview were strictly performed with confidentiality.

An in-depth face-to-face interview which consists of a total of six (6) question that are

asked are used. The questions are organized to be able for our research question to be answered

and are relevant to the study. The first part of the question is about the knowledge of participant

about the ROTC program. The second part of the question is about their perceived advantages

and disadvantages on the reimplementation of the mandatory ROTC. The last part of the

question is about if the participants think if the ROTC program is reimplemented.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:

Of the eight (8) respondents, five (5) of the respondents stated that their familiarity on

the ROTC program is based on how interested they are in the news that are over the internet.

Quite familiar, not quite familiar, familiar are the coded responds of the participants.

On the perceived benefits of ROTC program, of the eight (8) respondents, seven (7) of

the respondents stated that it is beneficial through the discipline that ROTC will build and

develop through training and one (1) stated that it is not beneficial due to the fact that it will

add more responsibility and burden to their self.

On the perceived advantages of ROTC program, seven (7) of the eight (8) respondents

stated that the advantages it will give development on different various skills through the

training and one (1) stated that there are no advantages of ROTC program.

On the perceived disadvantages, of the eight (8) participants, five (5) gave their truthful

respond that ROTC will result of rise of violations and less effective cadets. Three (3) stated

that there are no disadvantages that they perceive.

On the students’ opinion on the reimplementation of ROTC, six (6) out of eight (8)

respondents stated that ROTC is necessary for students for the future, and two (2) out of eight

(8) respondents stated that it is not necessary for students to have ROTC because students are

already burned out by their studies and responsibilities. Three (3) out of eight (8) respondents

stated that ROTC will not be a burden to themselves because of time management. And four

(4) out of eight (8) respondents stated that ROTC will drain their time and themselves if it is


Based on the relevant findings we have gathered from our respondents; most students are

familiar with the Mandatory ROTC as most of them learned it or have watched news or articles

related to the Mandatory ROTC but only a few know the past histories of the aforementioned

program. Most students also thinks that the program would bring benefits to students alike,

such as boosting of patriotism, skills and disciplines due to the fact the educational sector is

struggling to help bolster A student’s development, According to Kreji, A.C.M. (2019), Each

leading government official in our administration here in the Philippines always faces

immensely massive challenges which are related to pedagogy. The growing population of the

youths in the Philippines as time goes by needs improved proper education system to be

beneficial to the society and to have correct mindset since they could be the future leaders of

our country that will also encounter insurmountable workloads. Although most respondents

think that ROTC is the best way to instill the youth, however most of them also stated that

implementing the program would be a burden for them especially that there already won’t be

a time left for them as they are already struggling amounts of workloads from school, family,

studies and more. The study concludes that majority of the students are in support of the

Mandatory ROTC’s program and goals nevertheless time is a major setback as stated by most

respondents that it would drain almost all of their time causing burden and stress especially

sacrificing both their mental and physical health.


In the light of the findings and conclusions, the following recommendation are offered:

● There are a lot of things that the government should consider that among all the student

there are various factors that every student is focused on; studies, health, time,

responsibilities, that reimplementing mandatory ROTC will be a big factor to students.

● There are a lot of issues and disadvantages of reimplementing mandatory ROTC; that

the government should focus on solving before reimplementing it and not rushing it to

be reimplemented.

● The lack of information and articles regarding the ROTC program is a big factor on

students due to the fact that a lot articles are fake news and it will cause a lot of problem

into what students will believe. And to us researchers, the lack of information is a big

factor to our study, the lack of citations regarding to the ROTC program is a big problem

to our side due to the fact that most of the related literature are outdated and most of

them are articles from World War II due to this, it is best to research thoroughly articles

or RRL from the Internet for a relevant finding.

● The number of participants should be more than what we have gathered as we suggest

future researchers of this to conduct a mass survey or interview various respondents

regarding to their perspectives on the Implementation of Mandatory ROTC to SHS

Students as there would be more information and data gathered by gathering various



Kreji, A.C. M (2019) RRL Mandatory ROTC from:
Magsambol, B. (2019) RRL Mandatory ROTC from:
Chen, A. (2019) RRL Mandatory ROTC from:
Godalle, T. (n.d) ROTC should not made mandatory from:
Roberto, A. M. (2019) Junk Proposed mandatory ROTC from:
Argosino, F. (2022) What is ROTC today? from:
America’s first digital generation (2015) from:
Reyes, J. (2019) Aurora supports revival of mandatory ROTC from:
Valenzuela, M. (2019) Aurora supports revival of mandatory ROTC from:
Quequegan, B. (2022) from:






Research Question Interview Guide Question Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant Participant 4


1. What do the How are you familiar with The proposed Anyone who Yes Haan unay
students think the proposed implementatio probably reads fami- Haan nak
or feel about implementation of n of mandatory the news or unay pamilyar
the mandatory ROTC? Is it ROTC are been in their ti ROTC but ti
implementatio very familiar to you? tasked to phone 24/7, lang ammok ket
n of develop and We are well etoy ket mesa
Mandatory train us. In aware that the nga
ROTC? order to vice president pinagtraining
produce wanted or still mostly
capable armed wanted ROTC kadigitay adda
forces of the to be ti tertiary or
Philippines implemented college which is
reservists. I am within SHS kasla military
very familiar to students, so training for
it since it was yes, I’m quite national
all over the familiar with it. defense
news these preparedness.
past few
months and
after the

I’m not quite

familiar to
ROTC but all I
know is this is a
training course
mostly for
students who
are in tertiary
and college
which is like
military training
for national

What do you know about ROTC is also ROTC was The Past history ti
implementation or its known as the abolished and I leadership ROTC nga
part history? Reserve think its bound and the ammok ket
officers to fail again discipline. adda ti
training corps, when they natnatay gapo
all was started implement it or ti kinarigat ti
as early as mandated training ken
1912 in the adda tay
form of makunkuna nga
military drill. It hazing, isu nga
aims to haan da intuloy
promote civil ti ROTC.
discipline and

order through
rough military
training. A English
military translation:
education and
All I know
training for us
about the past
to mobilize for
history of ROTC
is that there are
some who died
due to the
difficulty of the
training and
there’s a so
called hazing,
and due to that

Do you think the program I think yes, the Personally, at Yes, Wen, especially
will benefit you? Explain program will these times, I because kanyatay nga
2. What are the benefit me... think it will add nowadays babbai ket adot
assumed for instance, more burden all the agtatake
problems/goal scholarship or it will harm young advantage kase
s of mandatory training for rather than people are ti ammo da
ROTC? leadership, good, for me losing their haan tayo
personnel cause as a discipline ammo
management. student who of their lumaban… like
Plus an does not only self. So, weak tayo, so
opportunity for focuses on her this is very ROTC
a challenging, studies but also important mandatory
important and through to build the benefits us by
well paid hard extracurriculars discipline training us to
job. And for . Adding ROTC of every protect
college will tire me out young ourselves or to
financial and be a less people. know self
benefits. effective defense.
daughter, and
friend because
I’ll be too tired
out, everything
will be failing in Yes, especially
my agenda. So for us women,
personally, it we take it as an
will not benefit advantage
me. because they
tend to know
that we can’t
fight for
ourselves… like
we’re weak,
benefits us by
training us to
ourselves or to
know self

What do you think are The In personal The For me
the advantages of aspect, if we advantages disadvantages
disadvantages/advantage the mandatory enforce this of the na ket ado unay
s of mandatory ROTC? ROTC program to mandatory responsibilities
program.. It Senior High ROTC are ti college and
provides great School when there agmandatory-
responsibilities students, we is an kapilitan nga
for developing are going to emergency, inka kadagitay
leadership have less you can inted da nga
skills as for effective apply what schedule mo
teamwork and military forces. you ken at the same
networking. If so, isn’t that learned on time, adot
Promote the main point the ROTC panpanunutem
equality among of ROTC? To nga activities
citizens and to have good ken bassit lang
develop pure military forces ti time mo
appreciation in case of wars agrest. For the
for the and such. But advantages
sacrifices the more likely us mayat kase
military made other people masursurom
for their would say its agself-defense
country. beneficial to ken leadership
students but if development
that’s the case ken mabuild
then why is it mo ti sense ti
that ROTC plays unity kase ti
a big role in ROTC ket
are that it
that when they agtitinnulong ti
violates our
can have tatao para ti
free will. It
different better country.
alternatives by
people's right
to exercise free
will. It English
inside their
interferes with translation:
homes or in
other forms of
their school For me
education, we
because disadvantage of
are still in the
discipline inside it is that college
peak of our
their homes or requires bigger
in their school responsibilities
abilities, and it
because to take and if
can put our
discipline isn’t the program
lives at risk.
only seen or will be
develop mandatory
through ROTC. then we will
If that’s their have no choice
argument then to go to your
that’s quite assigned
flawed schedule and at
the same time
there are a lot
of activities to
think of and we
will have less
time to rest.
For the
advantages, its
good because
we can learn
and leadership

and we can
build our sense
of unity
because ROTC
teamwork for
people for the
better of our

3. How will it Do you think it’s For me, yes, I Under the Yes, For me, the
affect necessary for students to think it is mental aspect, because ROTC program
students’’ have such program? necessary for a lot of this is necessary for
time, students to students are program is students to
education, have such suffering from very have… because
Mental and program, mental health important this program
Physical health because it and there are to young will teach or
offers us a certain generation train student to
chance to students that s to build become not
instill the can get their only a
principles of triggered with leadership responsible
patriotism, violence and and to be leader but also
nationalism, guns. If so even more as a
and character if they give discipline responsible
building, which considerations about citizen, ROTC
is obviously to these ourselves. will train
lacked for us students as students to
students well as those become
nowadays. who have independent in
health terms of
problems, the survival…
main point is to because self-
be swayed defense or/and
away and its military
quite pointless. training will be
It’s a good taught, under
program what ROTC. ROTC
flawed it is that will prepare
when you students for
mandate it to disasters,
over SHS catastrophes,
students. and war.

If implemented, will the If No, and I’m not No, Haan, gamin
mandatory ROTC be a implemented, sitting here for because I you can be able
burden to your time, then in my part myself but think there to learn a lot of
studies, and health? I would be often I’m is a time things like you
severely sitting here for for the can build
honest, no every student ROTC and a mental
matter how that doesn’t time to awareness and
much I would want to go for study. physical
like to there’s ROTC because fitness… gapo
still probably, jay training
disadvantages senior high maexercise tay
for school bagim ken haan
implementing students are nga makaabala
the ROTC… burned out itay time mo
half of it would right now. kase adda met
likely affect my uted da nga
performance schedule, dijay
at school, lang
divert my
attentions for
so many things
it ever, but
they should
consider that No, because
some of us is you can be able
still young and to learn a lot of
enjoying our things like you
youth. can build
awareness and
e of the
training, our

body will be
exercised and it
can’t be a
disturbance of
your time
because there
are schedules
that they will

Participant 5 Participant 6 Participant 7 Participant 8 Participant 9 Codes Themes

Yes, because I I am not Yes, I have ROTC program

watched it familiar but I watched it on assist student
from the heard about the through
news. ROTC before. announcement college to
of the vice military
president program that
“Inday” Sarah trains student
Duterte. to become
officers while
also earning

I haven’t Well, all I It is a training The concept of

experienced know is it’s for students ROTC in the
yet, because about military that are willing United States
we don’t have training. to study and was created by
in our strand. serve to our Alden Patridge
country. and began
with the
morrile act of
1862 which
the land-grant

Yes, because Yes, because I Yes, this Not only will
it will benefit think we can program will you personally
us about secure a benefit us as a benefit from
military better future. student receiving
experience because this education
helps students when it comes
when it comes to income,
to career,
emergencies. advancement,
but your
society and
benefits of
education as

It will provide I think the Offer us Advantages-

world-class advantage knowledge to The ROTC
leadership are, it will be a military life, program
development great give us provides
as well as opportunity knowledge world-class
valuable team for the ones about being a leadership
building and who can’t pay leader. While development
networking for college the as well as
opportunities. tuition. I don’t disadvantage valuable team
think there this is it is building and
are more networking
disadvantages. responsibilities opportunities
in college which include
degree. airborne, air
training, and
other technical

you must take
the classes
requires for
you ROTC
program in
addition to all
the classes
required for
you major.

Yes, because Yes, it will be I think ROTC is It's important .
they will an not really
experience opportunity necessary for to encourage
such as for others. student
trainings and because not students to
etc, and learn everyone is
something or interested in earn from
learn about this kind of
news things. field. their mistakes

and view them

as an

opportunity to

improve a lot

of the time

setbacks and

“failure” can

be the catalyst

for future

success as

lessons are


No, because if Maybe, I think Yes, because For students
you have time it be hard to this is time to see and
management manage my consuming. understand
for it, it time if it is the paths their
doesn’t even implemented. professors
burden me at have been on
all because to get where
it’s for my they are today
own good. can be both
inspiring and

CURRICULUM VITAE (Main researchers)

Personal Data
Name : Jules Gabriel P. Benemerito
Sex : Male
Address : Brgy 55-A Barit Laoag City
Birth Date : April 26,2005
Birth Place : Laoag City
Citizenship : Filipino
Religious Affiliation : Roman Catholic
Fathers’ Name : Julio L. Benemerito Jr.
Occupation : Business Man
Mother’s Name : Husty Christy P. Benemerito
Occupation : Business Manager
Email Address :

Educational Attainment
Senior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School
Humanities and Social Sciences
Brgy. 3, Gov. Roque B. Ablan Avenue, Laoag City
2020 - 2023
Junior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School
Brgy. 3, Gov. Roque B. Ablan Avenue, Laoag City

Elementary : Shamrock Elementary School

Brgy. 7-B Gomez Street, Laoag City
2011 - 2016

Personal Data

Name : Justine Eiron A. Satulan

Sex : Male
Address : Brgy. 12, Lagasca St. Laoag City
Birth Date : October 20,2005
Birth Place : Diffun, Quirino
Citizenship : Filipino
Religious Affiliation : Iglesia ni Cristo
Fathers’ Name : Darius E. Satulan
Occupation : Construction Worker
Mother’s Name : Jennifer A. Satulan
Occupation : Teacher
Email Address :

Educational Attainment
Senior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School
Humanities and Social Sciences
Brgy. 3, Gov. Roque B. Ablan Avenue, Laoag City
2020 - 2023
Junior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School
Brgy. 3, Gov. Roque B. Ablan Avenue, Laoag City

Elementary : Shamrock Elementary School

Brgy. 7-B Gomez Street, Laoag City
2011 - 2016

Personal Data
Name : Kim Alexis Domingo
Sex : Female
Address : Brgy 9, Juan Luna St. L.C
Birth Date : September 23, 2004
Birth Place : Laoag City
Citizenship : Filipino
Religious Affiliation : Roman Catholic
Fathers’ Name : Romeo Domingo Jr.
Occupation : Tricycle Driver
Mother’s Name : Cristina Domingo
Occupation : Housewife
Email Address :

Educational Attainment
Senior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School
Humanities and Social Sciences
Brgy. 3, Gov. Roque B. Ablan Avenue, Laoag City
2020 - 2023
Junior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School
Brgy. 3, Gov. Roque B. Ablan Avenue, Laoag City

Elementary : Shamrock Elementary School

Brgy. 7-B Gomez Street, Laoag City
2011 – 2016

Personal Data
Name : Althea Jeyn Lacuesta
Sex : Female
Address : Pob. 2, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte
Birth Date : December 19, 2004
Birth Place : Bangui District Hospital
Citizenship : Filipino
Religious Affiliation : Roman Catholic
Fathers’ Name : Sherwin T. Lorenzo
Occupation : Business Man , Driver
Mother’s Name : Janelle A. Lacuesta
Occupation : Overseas Filipino Worker
Email Address :

Educational Attainment
Senior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School
Humanities and Social Sciences
Brgy. 3, Gov. Roque B. Ablan Avenue, Laoag City
2020 - 2023
Junior High School : St. Jude High School
Pob. 2, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte

Elementary : Pagudpud Central Elementary School

Pob. 2, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte
2011 - 2016


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