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Question 25 and 26 refer to the following text.

Inong, I can meet you on Saturday afternoon at 4 pm

if that suits you. I can also tell you how to install the

programme that you need in your laptop computer.

So, please bring your laptop and the charger cable. I’m

waiting for you confirmation.


1. Why does Inna to meet Inong?

A. She has a matter to discuss with Inong immediately.
B. She needs to install a new computer programme.
C. Inong wants to use Inna’s computer.
D. Inong wants to learn how to set a computer programme.
2. Inong should . . . after reading the message.
A. Go to Inna’s house.
B. Contact Inna for confirmation.
C. Install the programme right away.
D. Send his laptop computer to Inna.

Question 27 to 29 refer to the following text.

Hi, Lisa

Let’s celebrate my fifteenth birthday next Saturday

afternoon. The party will begin at 4 pm. Please come to my

house and approach to the backyard.

Dresscode : pink or green! Love to meet you there.

Call or text Sani (08099897766) for confirmation.

3. From the text we know that . . . .
A. The guests should wear pink and green clothes.
B. Dio invites his friends to celebrate a birthday party.
C. Lisa will surely come to Dio’s house this afternoon.
D. The party will be over after 4 this afternoon.
4. What should Lisa do after receiving the card?
A. Send a message to Sani and tell her that she will come.
B. Call Sani and ask her to go to the party together.
C. Go directly to Dio’s house next Saturday afternoon.
D. Help Dio arrange his birthday party.
5. The underline word in the sentence “The party will begin at $ pm”. Can be replaced with . . . .
A. End
B. Hold
C. Complete
D. Start

Question 30 to 31 refer to the following text.

Dear Mrs Fitriani.

I’m sorry I have to miss your class today. I represent the National Student Literacy Olympiad for junior
high school level in Madiun. The competition will occur in three days from 3 rd until 5th February 2020, so I
might probably miss your class again on Wednesday. I’II make sure that I will catch up on your lesson
and do my homework immediately. Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards, Erlin Saraswati (VIII-F)

6. What is the writer’s intention to write the message?

A. Relating her experience going to Mediun.
B. Apologising for being late to submit her texts.
C. Informing that she enters the National Olympiad.
D. Asking for permission to leave Mrs Fitriana;s class.
7. “ . . . I will catch up on your lesson . . . “
Why does the writer use the underlined word?
A. It happens in the past.
B. It happens right now.
C. It happens in the future.
D. It not going to happen.
Question 32 to 33 refer the following text.

KOLAK PISANG (caramelized banana with palm sugar)

For 5 portions


 Banana 5 pcs
 Plam sugar 50 gram
 Salt 3 gram
 Water 200 ml
 Corn flour 30 gram
 Coconut milk boiled 30 ml


1. Peel bananas and slice into 2 cm pieces.

2. Place water in a small sauce pan, add palm sugar, salt and banana, bring to boil and simmer for
10 minutes.
3. Thicken the boiled mixture with corn flour mixed with five tablespoon water.
4. Server with coconut milk in a dessert bowl.

8. We need to add palm sugar . . . the food to make it sweet.

A. Into
B. Over
C. About
D. For
9. When should the reader pour the water?
A. After slicing the bananas.
B. Before peeling the bananas.
C. After serving kolak.
D. While slicing the bananas.

Question 34 and 35 refer to the following text.

I have a favorite teacher. Her name is Ms Hyuri. She teaches Arts since two years ago. She is
humorous, caring, and patient person. She always be polite to other teachers. I’ve never heard she talk
in right tone when teaching her students. Almost all of my classmates are her fans.

Before the class begins, she always give us a riddle. The one answered it right will get a give from
her. She said that is important to develop our creative thinking before the class. If no one cannot guess
the answer, she’ll the answer when the class finish and give us a homework to do. That is no difficult to
do and I should be submitted before the semester test.

I think that she is genius. Once I had studied in the library my friend after the school to learn about
Science, she was there too. We asked her about how to get the answer of the question in the book and
she answered them all. The answers were correct when we clarify it to the Science Teacher the next
morning. After that, I usually ask her about the materials I do not know well and she helps me to learn it.
When she does not understand the materials, she apologizes and recommends books to read, to reveal
the answers.

She is a beautiful young lady. She has tan skin tone. She has long black hair. She has a mole on her
left temple. She has brown eyebrows. Her eyes are black with long eyelashes. She has a scar on her right
hand. She said that it is the scar from the accident when she was in high school.

10. What is the text written for?

A. To describe about the Ms Hyori’s favorite teachers.
B. To inform about the Ms Hyori’s admiration to the writer.
C. To tell the readers about Ms Hyori’s teaching strategy.
D. To show the readers what kinds of person Ms Hyori is like.
11. Why does the writer think that Ms Hyori ia a caring person?
A. She often gives riddles to her students before the class begins.
B. She helps her students to solve their problems in studying.
C. She talks in a middle to low tone to her students when teaching.
D. She always give homework to her students when no one guess the riddle.

Questions 36 to 37 refer to the following text.

Banana and Date Muffins

- 2 bananas, very ripe
- 175 g or 1 cup dates, chopped
- 2 eggs
- 125 ml or 12 cup vegetable oil
- 175 g or cup of sugar
- 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 175 g or 122 cups self-raising flour icing
(confectioners') sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 180° Celsius, gas 5 and
butter a 12-hole muffin tin.
Mash the bananas in a large bowl and mix in
the eggs and oil.
3. Add the sugar, bicarbonate of soda, vanilla,
dates, and flour, and mix well until it has
formed a smooth batter, then spoon into the
muffin tin.
4. Bake the muffins for 15 to 20 minutes or until
they are risen and golden brown.
5. Serve dusted with icing sugar.
12. What is the dates criteria that reader need to prepare before they make a Banana and Date
A. Fermented dates
B. Minced dates
C. Steam dates
D. Chopped dates
13. “ . . . mix well until it has formed a smooth batter . . . “
The word “it” in the sentence refers to . . . .
A. 12-hole muffin tin
B. Icing sugar
C. Sugar, bicarbonate of soda, vanilla, dates, and flour.
D. 2 bananas

Questions 38 and 39 refer to the following text.

14. Through reading the text, the readers will . . . .

A. Know the product advantages
B. Get information about the product in detail
C. Comprehend the procedure to digest the product
D. Obtain the explanation about the production process
15. The product package claims that there is no . . . .
A. Fibre
B. Trans fat
C. Sugars
D. Cholesterol

16. Tami : My little brother can draw many things now.

Yana : I remember he . . . only lines two years ago.
A. Can draw
B. Should draw
C. Must draw
D. Could draw

Questions 1 to 3 refer the following text.

It seems to me that families used to eat more meals together. Nowadays, there’s often a TV nearby,
or someone’s talking on a cell phone or texting during dinner.

When I was a kid, my family always used to eat dinner together, no matter what. We’d wait for
everyone to get home, and then we’d all sit down together. My parents never let us take food into
another room to watch TV, and if the phone rang, my mom would have us tell the caller to call back later.
During dinnertime conversation, everyone had a chance to talk. Back then, I was a bit quieter than my
siblings, so my dad would often ask me to talk about my day. That was how we learned to share and take
turns, so everyone go to join in.

Speaking of taking turns, all of us kids used to take part in either preparing the meal or cleaning up.
Sometime my mom would let me help her in the kitchen – I’d wash and chop vegetables, or things like
that. We’d always have fresh food, or at least leftovers from the night before . . . no fast food or take out.

1. The text tells us about . . .


2. Why was having dinner together in the writer’s life important?


3. The writer and his/her siblings took turns laying the table and cleaned it . . . they finished eating

4. made by – Telaga Rawa Pening – Joko Sakti’s stick – sprang – water – which was
1 2 3 4 5 6
What is the best arrangement of the words to make a good sentence?

5. Where did you probably find the notice?


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