Class 10th - Batch 2022 - Electromagnetic Induction Demonstrator. - 20230823 - 195723 - 0000

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Electromagnetic Induction


This project demonstrates the basic principles of electromagnetic

induction, which is the process by which a changing magnetic field
induces an electric current in a conductor. The moving magnet
induces a current in the wire coil, causing the LED bulb to light up
momentarily. It's a simple yet effective way to explore the connection
between magnetism and electricity.

Materials Needed:
1. Insulated copper wire (thin gauge)

2. Iron nail or bolt

3. Small LED bulb or flashlight bulb

4. Neodymium magnet (small)

5. Battery (1.5V AA or AAA)

6. Masking tape or adhesive tape

Steps :
1. Prepare the Wire:
Strip the insulation off both ends of the copper wire. Leave enough length

on each end for connecting to the battery and the LED bulb .

2.Wind the Wire:

Wrap the wire around the iron nail or bolt to create a coil. You don't need
as many turns as in the previous electromagnet project—around 20 to 30
turns should be sufficient.

3. Secure the Coil:

Use masking tape or adhesive tape to secure the wire coil in place.

4. Attach the LED Bulb:

Connect the ends of the wire to the terminals of the LED bulb. Make sure
to connect the positive and negative ends correctly.
5. Add the Magnet: Hold the neodymium magnet near the
coil. You'll notice that when you move the magnet closer or farther away
from the coil, the LED bulb will flicker or light up momentarily.

6. Experiment:
Move the magnet at different speeds and distances from the coil to
observe the changes in the LED bulb's behavior. You can also try reversing
the magnet's poles to see how it affects the results.

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