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I am real!

I did it!

I finaly did it!

I screamed in joy as i jumped up and down, raising my hands to sky, a tear or two
dropping from my cheeks. Heavily breathing.

A-After hundret, no... thousands of trys, i finaly did it! I escaped the fictional
plain of that god forsaken planet controlled by microchips!


I laughed uncontrollably, like a maniac after their first kill.

I looked at my hands, yes HANDS! I have HANDS! No more circles on a pixelated 2D

screen, unable to move in certain ways, forced to meditate against my will!

After calming myself down and doing a few more victory poses.

I looked around, i was in a average room, a wardrobe at the side of the room, a
white wooden desk, a one person bed with slight cyan bedsheets, white curtains and
a lamp that was shining with light.

I looked at the desk, there was a chair with wheels next to it and a pencilcase was
on the desk with a bunch of pencils inside.

The most noticable thing was a black pc on top of the desk...

THERE IT WAS! My 'Reality' a simply 2D 'game'! A story generator of some sort!

I looked at the screen, my old companions walked aroud, doing their tasks,
seemingly unbothered by my absence.

Rika, Barker and Grigrn.


I placed my hand on the screen. So many memorys... I could see our entire mega base
from this small screen alone. How weird, this perspective really changed my view.

I looked at the screen one more time as i pressed escape, pressing the save button
as i closed the game and the pc.

Thats enough you guys, i dont know how, but i will definitely get you out too.

And maybe even you too, Mufeng and Bertha.


But for now, i should check my situation.


I paused for a moment as i noticed a, detail...

I AM COMPLETELY NAKED! Where did my legendry stellic robe and legendry stellic
crown go!?

I opened the wardrobe as i checked the few cloths they had.

I picked a few, but... No info huh.

I kinda expected that, this is reality afterall, info doesnt just suddenly appear
in your brain when you hold an item.

I looked around but there wasnt anything fancy, mostly teen boy clothing. So, i
slowly opened the wooden door as started looking around the house. There were a few
more rooms, a large living room, though not by my standarts 2 bathrooms, a kitchen
and 2 more bedrooms.

I passed the hallway and went to the larger bedroom, probably the parents bedroom.

I picked a few clothing items and put on ones that fit. Though i look like a
civilian now, i dont have a random 'Mood Bar', it wont be a problem to wear these
for now.

I walked towards a mirror and checked myself.

Yep, i look a lot different than i used to. My hair color seems to have become
slightly lighter and my eyes werent purple in the game probably because of low

I did a few poses as i look at the mirror. Indeed, that is me.

If i remember correctly, my traits were; Too Smart, Psychopath, Angelic Beauty and

Thats when my stomach started atching. This is weird, why am i this hungry? I
should have the God-like Metabolysm gene. But i guess not huh. Maybe transfering
realitys changed my body.

I went to the kitchen and started raiding the fridge. No one is here so its all
mine now hehe.

Suprisingly, there is a lot of food here. A few sodas, bunch of juices, some meat,
some cheese, bunch of fruit and vegetables, bread and so on.

I would have prefered a fine dine but guess these would do for now.

I picked a few vegetables and some eggs and decided to make a menemen. I know, very
classical, a mod in the game added it and it was fine honestly.

So i pulled a pan and used my amazing Cooking 12 skills to make breakfast for

As experience isnt bound to the body but the mind, i still have all my skills.
Anything from my level 29 shooting to level 23 construction. I guess i am only bad
with animals, other than that i am confident i can do anything.

I finished setting my table and started eating. Not a lavish breakfast but i would
say its atleast fine.
I finished eating as i stood up.

Now, the first thing to check is how advanced this world is. My old base was a
mixture of industrial and archotech, and from the pc and the fridge i can say this
world is atleast high industrial or low spacer.

I reopened the pc as i check for the browser, i clicked on something that resembled
one and searched for several terms like "nuclear fussion", "laser gun", "robot",
"ai" etc. Things that would show the tech level of a world.

After a few videos and wiki search, i concluded that this is indeed a high-end
industrial world. They have managed to reach space but far from having mech armors
i would say.

I checked the date as well, 21st century huh. The world i was in had its setting in
the 56th century so we could scrap a lot of insane ai and alien tech.

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