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6 Progress test

Name: _________________________________________________ Result: __/100

Vocabulary 3 Match sentence halves 1–6 with a–f to make

complete sentences.
1 Choose the correct option to complete the
sentences. 1 When I get an attachment in an email, ___

1 A person who breaks into houses and steals things 2 If an unfamiliar website asks for your login details,
is a burglar/vandal/smuggler. ___
2 A pair of smugglers/thieves/murderers stole my 3 When I clicked on the link, ___
mobile phone when I was getting off the bus. 4 If you check a website is safe before you use it,
3 Our local sweet shop put in security cameras to stop ___
shoplifters/smugglers/vandals from stealing 5 If you think you are a victim of cyber-bullying, ___
6 If I see an expensive product online at a very cheap
4 A group of thieves/vandals/robbers sprayed paint price, ___
all over my mother’s car.
a it took me to the company’s website.
5 The vandal/smuggler/shoplifter was arrested for
trying to bring an exotic bird into the country b I imagine it’s probably a scam.
illegally. c you should speak to an adult about it.
6 The bank thieves/robbers/burglars were caught d I check the name and email address of the sender
when they realised that someone had stolen their before I open it.
getaway car. e this is the best way to protect yourself.
Score __/6
f you shouldn’t give it to them.
2 Complete the texts with the correct form of the Score __/6
words in the box.
4 Choose the correct answers to complete the text.
burgle murder rob shoplift smuggle vandal
Two thieves were arrested yesterday after
A fishy tale 1 __________ a music shop, when police found selfies
of the criminals celebrating their crime. The police
A couple was caught 1 __________ by store detectives
originally stopped their car because it was going too
trying to steal 12 fish by 2 __________ them inside
fast. The driver explained that he had just passed his
their clothes. When stopped, the man produced a giant
2 __________ and wasn’t familiar with the car.
fish and knocked over one of the detectives.
However, when the police looked 3 __________ the
Fortunately, the detective wasn’t killed; otherwise the
car, they found six guitars and some valuable 4
man could have been arrested for
__________ . When the police inspected the mobile
3 __________ .
phone of one of the men, they were 5 __________ to
Triple crime find selfies of the men inside the shop as they were
Two women who smashed the window of a bank were 6 __________ in the crime. There was even a video of
initially arrested for 4 __________ . But when one of the criminals laughing while playing the guitar. It
questioned, they confessed they were actually may have been 7 __________ for them at the time, but
attempting a bank 5 __________ but didn’t have any the pair will face a long prison sentence.
guns. The women’s faces matched the descriptions of 1 a stealing b robbing c shoplifting
women who had been seen committing a number of
2 a test b exam c qualification
6 __________ of houses in the area in which jewellery
and electronic equipment had been stolen. They were 3 a around b inside c on
prosecuted for all three crimes. 4 a playlists b releases c records
Score __/6 5 a satisfied b surprised c joyful
6 a taking part b benefiting c preparing
7 a dramatic b original c amusing
Score __/7

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6 Progress test

Grammar 3 You can’t get on the plane if you don’t have a valid
5 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the Unless you ________________________________
verbs in brackets.
________________________________________ .
Shayla Hey Malaki, what are you eating?
4 My parents won’t let me play video games if I don’t
Malaki Chocolate, of course! If I finish my project.
1 ____________________ (get) hungry in the
afternoon, I have some chocolate. I always Unless I __________________________________
do, don’t you? ________________________________________ .
Shayla No, if I really 2 ____________________ 5 If you aren’t over one metre tall, you can’t go on the
(need) to eat something, I usually eat some rides at the theme park.
Unless you ________________________________
Malaki Oh sorry, if I had some fruit, I
________________________________________ .
3 ____________________ (share) it with
you. Score __/5

Shayla I know you would. Anyway, now I’ve found

7 Choose the correct option to complete the
you, I was wondering if you could help me. I’m
having a problem logging in to my email. It
says if I 4 ____________________ (type) the 1 I wish I am/were taller, then I could reach the top
wrong password three times, it will block my shelf in the supermarket.
account. 2 If only they hadn’t forgotten/didn’t forget to bring
Malaki That’s strange. If I were you, I umbrellas, we wouldn’t be getting wet now.
5 ____________________ (try) to log in 3 Maxine wishes she had/has more money, so she
again on a different device. could buy the top she wants.
Shayla Thanks. If you 6 __________________ (not 4 If only we had taken/hadn’t taken this long route,
tell) me that, I would’ve probably blocked my we would’ve been there by now.
5 I wish I could eat/had eaten less cakes. I don’t feel
Malaki If you 7 ____________________ (block) your very well now.
account, you wouldn’t have been able to read
Score __/5
the invitation that I sent you to my birthday
8 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs
Shayla It’s your birthday! If you help me get into my in brackets.
email, I 8 ____________________ (make)
San Francisco’s unluckiest thief
sure you get some chocolate on your
birthday! A woman 1 ________________ (walk) along a street in
San Francisco when suddenly a man rode up to her on
Malaki That’s a deal!
his bicycle, 2 ________________ (take) her mobile out
Score __/8
of her hands and cycled away. The thief might
3 ________________ (get) away but for one small
6 Rewrite the sentences so the meaning is the same. detail. At the time, the woman 4 ________________
1 If I don’t earn any money, I won’t go to the cinema. (carry) the phone as part of a company demonstration
of the phone’s new GPS tracking program. At the very
Unless I __________________________________
same time, a colleague was following her movements
________________________________________ . on his computer. In fact, if the thief had looked at the
2 Sanjay won’t pass his final exam if he doesn’t study screen, he 5 ________________ (see) himself
a lot. travelling across San Francisco. The woman ran back
into the office and the police 6 ________________
Unless Sanjay _____________________________ (call). As the company knew the exact location of the
________________________________________ . thief, he 7 ________________ (catch) by the police in
less than ten minutes.
Score __/7

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6 Progress test

Reading 10 Read the text again. Are the sentences T (true) or

F (false)?
1 __________________
1 The older a person is, the more likely they are to
More than 60% of Americans say they have been a victim
notice an online scam. T/F
of an online scam, but with experience people get better
at spotting them. However, young people are often the 2 Ringtone-scam websites say they will send a
target of scammers because they have less experience and ringtone and then don’t send one. T/F
they tend to click links without thinking. Here are three 3 One problem with cheap-product scams is that the
scams to avoid. scammers are never caught. T/F
4 In the contest scam, the victim pays more than one
2 __________________ sum of money to the scammer. T/F
The youth of today enjoy personalising their phones with
Score __/4
cool sounds. Knowing this, scamming websites offer ‘free’
or cheap ringtones, often using cartoons to catch the
11 Choose the correct answers.
attention of the young who think they are getting
something for free or are paying for a single tone. The 1 According to the writer, why do scammers try to
website continues sending them ringtones, and this scam young people in particular?
‘service’ costs money which appears on the phone bill at a because they don’t think critically before they act
the end of the month. It is usually a shock to the person b because they are less confident with modern
who pays the phone bill – usually the parents! Our technology than older people
suggestion – ask a parent before you add any service to
your phone! 2 Why do young people find themselves victims of
ringtone scams?
3 __________________ a because they don’t understand the real cost of a
If you see a luxury product advertised at a cheap price, product they desire
beware! What seems ‘too good to be true’ almost always
b because they ask for more ringtones than needed
is. In many cases, the product doesn’t even exist, and you
are left waiting forever. Or the goods arrive but they are 3 According to the text, what might happen if you ‘buy
cheap imitations. Often the teenager is too embarrassed a luxury product at a cheap price’?
to tell their parents, so the scammer is usually never a You may receive a product that is embarrassing
caught. Our advice – check the website is real with to wear.
reviews from real people.
b The goods might not arrive at all.
4 __________________ 4 What mistake is made by young people who enter
Some scammers run contests to get personal information online contents?
and even money. It works like this. The young person has a They think they are a better writer than they are.
to pay a small amount of money to enter a writing
competition in the hope of getting their work published. b They think that the competition is real.
After sending their work in, it is amazingly chosen as a Score __/4
winner. They are then asked to pay more money for the
work to be published, which never is. Our tip – never pay 12 Write three things that you do to keep safe when
for your work to be published. you use your email and when you are online.
9 Read the article and complete 1–4 with four of these
headings. There is an extra heading.
a Bargain brands _________________________________________
b Identity theft
Score __/3
c Enter and lose!
d Beware of hidden costs
e Don’t be an online victim
Score __/4

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6 Progress test

Listening 16 Listen again and match the speakers in the box to

the things they say (1–5). Use each name once.

14 Listen to a radio programme and choose the Greg Macy Mo Uma Zane
correct answers to complete the sentences.
Which person
1 In the radio programme, Zane says he is talking to
1 warns that stopping someone from stealing is a bad
people who
idea? ____________
a want to share an opinion or experience about
2 agrees with the opinion of one of the other callers?
b have a story about trying to stop someone from
3 congratulates one of the other callers on the action
they took? ____________
2 Uma says that when she started following the
4 describes themselves as different to one of the
other callers? ____________
a she knew exactly what she was going to do.
5 sympathised with a person who worked in a shop?
b she didn’t have a plan. ____________
3 Greg says that the three teenagers Score __/5

a used a surprising technique to steal clothes from

the shop. Speaking
b left the shop without paying for three T-shirts.
4 According to Macy, 17 Choose the correct option to complete the
a the majority of young people who work in shops
don’t earn much. Kyle What’s up?

b the police send pictures of well-known shoplifters Bill Hi, Kyle. You won’t 1 believe/know/think it –
to most stores. someone has stolen my electric scooter.

5 Mo says that Kyle What a nightmare!

a shop assistants should be trained to deal with Bill If 2 ever/only/just I had locked it.
shoplifters. Kyle Don’t worry. We’ll 3 help/sort/fix it out.
b some crimes are much worse than shoplifting. Bill I wish I 4 have/had/having kept my eye on it.
Score __/5 What shall I do?
Kyle You should definitely report it to the police.
15 Listen again. Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)?
Bill Yes, 5 until/otherwise/unless I won’t be able to
1 According to Uma, the shop assistant was working claim on the insurance.
on her own in the shop. T/F
Kyle But first, maybe you should check the mobile
2 Greg says he had to give the wallet back to the application. Maybe it will tell you the location of
thieves. T/F the scooter.
3 Macy thinks it might not be safe to try to stop people Bill Yes. Good idea. I’ll do that.
stealing. T/F
Score __/5
4 Mo believes that stealing one book should not be
considered a crime. T/F 18 Work in pairs and act out the dialogues using the
5 All of the callers worked in shops. T/F prompts in the Speaking task from your teacher.
Score __/5 Score __/5

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6 Progress test

19 Write a for and against essay answering the Checklist
following question. Paragraph 1: Introduction to the debate
Should criminals go to prison? Paragraph 2: Arguments for or against
Write 80–100 words. Paragraph 3: The opposite point of view
Paragraph 4: Conclusion including your opinion















Score __/10

Teacher’s comments:
Vocabulary __/25
Grammar __/25
Reading __/15
Listening __/15
Speaking __/10
Writing __/10
TOTAL __/100

Get Involved! B1+ © Macmillan Education Limited 2021 Standard

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