Thesis Proposal Form

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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2822
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture Fine Arts and Design


Proponent Marin, Dianna Rose V.
Program BS Architecture
Proposed Title:
PARA: A Proposed Vertical Mixed-use Development with Centralized Intermodal Terminal Sustainably
Alleviating Traffic and The Lives of the People through Parametric and Smart Regenerative Architecture in Sta.
Rosa, Laguna
Background of the Proposed Topic:

Santa Rosa City, Laguna is known for many things. First, it is regarded as the Automotive Capital of the Philippines
because of presence of many automotive companies such as, Toyota Motor Phil., Nissan Motor Phil., Honda Cards
Phil., Ford Motor, Columbian Motor etc. The city is also famous because of the infamous “The Enchanted
Kingdom”, a world-class amusement theme park is located in the city. It has also been dubbed a "Smart City" by
the Department of Science and Southern Luzon's "Investment Capital." Despite all recognitions and achievements,
the city still struggles to find solutions when it comes to the uncontrollable increase of population and the threat
that it leaves to the community.

The Updated Comprehensive Development Plan of Sta. Rosa City, Laguna indicates a concern about the need for
a more centralized and concentrated transport terminal because of the lack of access roads, congested traffic
situations, dangerous amount of carbon emissions, intensified carbon footprint and long queues throughout the
City. Ineffective traffic systems lead to these hellish problems, that commuters have face in a daily basis, resulting
to a lower standard quality of living. This is the result of the increasing population, that inevitably threatens both
the community and ecosystem. It is a dilemma to find ways to lessen the impact on the environment, minimize
waste, reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources and develop more healthy and productive spaces.
The proposal aims to alleviate traffic conditions through integrating centralized architecture approaches by having
one concentrated terminal which can lead to faster and consistent management system in the city.

Moreover, according to ACEEE in 2023," Dense, Mixed-use Developments that combine affordable housing,
workplaces, and amenities can reduce climate pollution from cars and improve residents’ sense of community. This
development does not only promote a pedestrian-based lifestyle to people and offers to reduce carbon emissions
used in cars because of the level of accessibility it offers, it also boosts the and generate income to the city’s
economy. Boosting the tourism and business activities in Sta. Rosa, Laguna will help to generate job opportunities,
provide the lack of facilities whilst giving priority to their well-being and promote a “live-work-play” lifestyle.
Adapting smart regenerative technologies into the development will create positive impacts on the environment
and improve the quality living. In line with this, the proposal also aims to explore and utilize regenerative
architectural approach can revolutionize and create pathways to sustainability. Alongside with these, since Sta.
Rosa is known as a food producing city this project also targets to provide solutions with the constant issue of
providing and securing food for the people, especially in the future.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2822
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture Fine Arts and Design

Statement of the Problem:

The proposal, “PARA: A Proposed Vertical Mixed-use Development with Centralized Intermodal Terminal
Sustainably Alleviating Traffic and The Lives of the People through Parametric and Smart Regenerative Architecture
in Sta. Rosa, Laguna” addresses the following existing problems of Santa Rosa City with regards to its economy,
traffic management and systems, and environmental aspects. It aims to provide answers to the following:
1. What kind of architectural approach is best fit to effectively preserve the environment despite all the
construction effects?
2. How will the development be helpful in terms of traffic management problems of the city?
3. In what ways will the development help boost the economy of Santa Rosa City?
4. What other approach can the development be of service to the people to ensure the wellness and security
of the people?

Project Objectives:
1. To produce a development that utilizes Smart Regenerative Architecture that addresses the issues caused
by the constructions sector itself and help the ecosystem rebuild and regenerate itself.
2. To alleviate traffic conditions by integrating Centralized Architecture approaches with having a one
concentrated terminal which can lead to faster and consistent management system in the city.
3. To generate job opportunities and help contribute to Santa Rosa City’s growth while leaving a positive
impact to the environment.
4. To educate and create awareness about environmental impacts and the essence of having minimal waste
in the development.


The topic abstract has been thoroughly reviewed by the Topic Evaluation Committee.
Signature Remarks


College Dean

Class Adviser

Thesis Adviser

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

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