Test-1 (2)

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1. What is the new name of the company ABC

Paper? Also mention the head office location and
name of CEO of the company in India?

2. Name five different businesses of Tata Group?

3. Write the core business of SNG & Partners?

Also name the managing director of the company in

4. Give brief differences between inside sales and

outside sales?

5. Find the total business (in crores) of State Bank

of India for FY2018?

1. What is a Cloud computing? Also mention some

benefits associated with the technology?

2. Explain the following in IT terms: Business

Continuity Plan, Anti-Spam, BYOD, DR site and
Data centre?

3. What is server virtualization? Also mention some

benefits associated with the technology?

4. Explain in brief about five upcoming IT

technology trends?

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