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Contemporary Short Story – Assignment.

Fateh Ali Alim – 213523017

Note: Short stories are read and liked because of the language used in the stories. Elaborate this

aspect in relation to this short story, The Monkey’s Paw.

W.W. Jacobs the author of “The Monkey’s Paw”, is well known for his British short fiction

stories, which are classic pieces of the late 19th and early 20th century, aiming to focus on the use

of relatable characters and common human behavior, in-order to employ a sense of familiarity

and connection with the audience. In the Monkeys Paw Jacob follows the Toulmin model a

simple and elegant syntactic structure with a mix of thriller and war-story genre which

romanticizes the great stories of wars, focused on the use of simple linguistic structure as the

story surrounded a simplistic relatable atmosphere centralized around the concept of irony and

the unintended consequences of one's actions.

The use of phrases like "Be careful what you wish for" and "unusual moves", employ

connotative meaning to nudge the audience during the chess game scene, as the language is used

to foreshadow the tragic events to come following the Toulmin model. In simpler words carless

decisions, lead to “check mate”. Mr. White's hope to divert his son from the chess game so he
won't notice his foolish move further foreshadows the parents' struggle and longing for their dead

son. In some cases, rather than hiding the future in connotative meaning, literal references work

best, for example, the repeated warnings about the monkey's paw, such as "Be careful what you

wish for," serve as symbols of caution and foreshadowing the tragic outcome.

The characters' dialogue is another crucial aspect of the story's language. It reveals their

personalities, doubts, and emotions. Small gestures like, “, the visitor put his empty glass to his

lips and then set it down again” allow the reader to understand how deeply he was scared, rather

than being a proud war hero, he was scared of something.

The family's conversations about the monkey's paw, its history, and the potential consequences

of using it build tension and curiosity. Language plays a role in character development,

especially in portraying Mr. and Mrs. White's contrasting attitudes toward the monkey's paw as

Mr. White is shown to be skeptical initially, while on the other hand his wife becomes

increasingly desperate and eager to use it, reflecting their differing personalities and desires.

Jacobs employed the use of vivid imagery to describe the characters' reactions and the unfolding

events. For instance, when Mr. White makes his second wish, the description of the knocking at

the door and the sense of dread and waves of terror it sends out, creates a potent image that

heightens the suspense of the story. The use of simple sounds like the knocking on a door can be

widely seen in this era as these sounds would concatenate to frighten people at night, playing a

significant part in building the thriller and suspense of this story. This narrative was further

pushed by simple actions in the story, like the paw moving, which provided its authenticity to the

reader, forcing the audience to be on their toes waiting to see what will be the consequences of

the wish. Each wish and its aftermath are meticulously described in detail, with phrases for

heightening tension, such as "The talisman fell to the floor," making readers even more eager to
know the consequences of each wish. The climax of the story is marked by a dramatic shift in

language, from the intense suspense of the knocking at the door to the heart-wrenching cry of

Mrs. White when she realizes the terrible truth. The language here conveys the horror and

tragedy of the situation.

In summary, the language used in "The Monkey's Paw" is a vital storytelling tool that contributes

to the creation of atmosphere, the development of characters, and the conveyance of the story's

themes. It keeps readers engaged, building anticipation and ultimately delivering a powerful and

memorable narrative.

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