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Moisture, Clouds, Precipitation

1st Sem - Earth Science | STEM-11

Changes of State Involve an Exchange

of Heat:
Heat is Absorbed
Heat is Released
-amount of water vapor in the air
Vapor Pressure: part of total
atmospheric pressure (super humid)
Saturation: air that is filled with vapor to
Capacity is temperature dependent -
warm air Adiabatic Temperature
-when air is allowed to expand, it cools
Mixing Ratio and when it is compressed, it warms.
(adiabatic = no energy exchange with

Expressed in Grams per kilogram

Relative Humidity

Dew point
-temperature to which a parcel of air
need to be cooled to reach saturation
-Water vapor requires a surface to
condensed on
Moisture, Clouds, Precipitation
1st Sem - Earth Science | STEM-11

Dry Adiabatic Rate (unsaturated air) Frontal Lifting

-rising air at 10 degrees pre 1000 meters -cool air as a barrier to warm air
-descending air is compressed at 10 -fronts are part of the storm called
degrees per 1000 meters middle-latitude cyclones

Wet Adiabatic Rate Convergence

-rising air cools and condensed, forming -air is flowing together and converges in
clouds the center of low pressure
-Liberates latent heat -intertropical convergence zone:
-Heat reduces the rate of cooling breeding ground of low-pressure areas
Rate varies from 0.5C to 0.9C per 100 (LPA)
meters due to relative humidity
-if reached dew-point temperature it Localized Convective Lifting
forms clouds -Occurs when unequal surface heating
caused pockets of air to rise because of
their buoyancy

Absolute Instability
Conditional Instability
-depends whether the rising air is
-air must be upward
-wet and dry adiabatic rate

Processes That Lift Air

Condensation and Cloud Formation
Wind - horizontal
Lift -vertical
-water vapor in the air changes to a
liquid: dew, fog, or clouds
Orographic Lifting
Condensation Nuclei: tiny bits of
-elevated terrains (mountain) act as
particulate matter that serves as surface
barriers, forcing the air to ascend
on which water vapor condenses
-result can be rainshadow desert
Moisture, Clouds, Precipitation
1st Sem - Earth Science | STEM-11

Types of Clouds
Cirrus - high, white, thin
Cumulus - rounded individual cloud
Stratus - layers that cover much or all of
the sky

High Clouds
-altostratus and altocumulus
Middle Cloud
Low Clouds
-below 2000 meters
-stratus , stratocumulus, nimbostratus
Clouds of Vertical Development
Cumulus - fair weather
Cumulonimbus - often produce thunder
and lighting

How Precipitation Works:

Bergeron process
-temperature in the clouds is below
-ice crystals collect water vapor
-large snowflakes form
Collision-coalescence process
-warm clouds
-large droplets form (form rapidly)

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