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Nama : Dina Ariyana Siagian

NIM : 2100023186

Matkul : Pengembangan Obat Tradisional

Tugas 1

1. Paracetamol
Efek samping : Reaksi hipersensitivitas kutan (Steven Johnson Syndrome) (Yulisna & Asti, 2018),

2. Amoxicilin
3. Azhitromycin
4. Simvastatin
5. Piroksikam
6. Ibuprofen
7. Aspirin
8. Ketoprofen
9. Tramadol
10. Meloxicam
11. Gabapentin
12. Teofilin
13. Nifedipin
14. Kloramfenikol
15. Ranitidin
16. Betametason
17. Omeprazol
18. Meloxicam
19. Prednison
20. Cimetidin
21. Metampiron
22. Cefadroxil
23. Captopril
24. Tetrasiklin

Yulisna, Y., & Arti, N. S. (2018). Paracetamol Menyebabkan Steven Johnson Syndrome pada Wanita
Berusia 24 Tahun. Jurnal Kedokteran Universitas Lampung, 2(1), 59-62.
Tugas 2

Tugas 3

- Lavender

Hawrył, A., Hawrył, M., & Waksmundzka-Hajnos, M. (2019). Liquid chromatography fingerprint
analysis and antioxidant activity of selected lavender species with chemometric calculations. PloS one,
14(7), e0218974. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0218974

- Daun Mint
- Lemon
- Tea Tree
- Rosemary
- Cengkeh
- Nilam
- Jahe
- Pala
- Kayu Manis

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