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Treatment 1



Write a descriptive text based on the video

link provided!
Tulis teks deskriptif berdasarkan tautan video yang disediakan!

Link video:

Before you start writing descriptive text, keep this stuff in mind! / Sebelum
Anda mulai menulis teks deskriptif, ingatlah hal-hal ini:

 Generic structure of descriptive text (Identification and description) /

Struktur umum teks deskriptif (Identifikasi dan deskripsi)
 Grammar (using the present tense) / Grammar (menggunakan present
 Use adjectives (to describe an object) / Gunakan kata sifat (untuk
mendeskripsikan suatu objek)
 Remember to check your spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
/Ingatlah untuk memeriksa ejaan, tanda baca, dan kapitalisasi Anda.
 Write at least 100 words! / Tulis setidaknya 100 kata!
 Please submit your descriptive text at the following link / Silahkan
kumpulkan tulisan teks deskripsimu di link berikut: dengan format nama file
(Treatment 1_nama penulis teks(No. presensi)_nama pengoreksi(No.
Write your descriptive text here! Don't forget to write a title! / Tulis teks
deskriptif Anda di sini! Jangan lupa tulis judulnya!


Identification :

Komodo Island is a very interesting place to visit. This island has

unspoiled natural beauty.


Komodo Island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara Islands, east of

Sumbawa Island, which is separated by the Sape Strait. Komodo Island is

known as the original habitat for Komodo dragons. In addition to Komodo
dragons, this island also has a variety of exotic flora, Sepang wood which is
used by local residents as medicine and clothing dye, this nitak tree or
sterculia oblongata is believed to be useful as medicine and its seeds are
tasty and delicious like peas. There are very beautiful elongated mountains,
which are overgrown with dense trees and rocks surrounded by white sandy
beaches are the main attraction for this island. This island is famous as the
original habitat of the very rare komodo dragon which is protected by the
government. Visitors can enjoy the natural beauty while circling this
amazing island by using the boat provided there. The best photo spots can
be found there too. Komodo Island is located in Nusa Tenggara Timur,
 The following are some questions that will help you to assess your friend's writing. / Berikut
ini adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang akan membantu kalian menilai tulisan temanmu.
 Then, read your friend's description text! / Kemudian, baca terlebih dahulu teks deskripsi
 Give a score according to the scoring guidelines! / Beri skor sesuai pedoman penilaian!
 Please submit your assessment results at the following link / Silahkan kumpulkan hasil
penilaianmu di link berikut:
 Don't forget to send the results of your assessment to the author via WA! / Jangan lupa
kirimkan hasil penilaianmu kepada penulis melalui WA!
No. Questions Score
1 Is there an identification in this paragraph? Does the identification contain the
opinions expressed by the author of the object and an overview of the object to be
described? Give your opinion regarding the identification written by your friend! /
Apakah ada bagian identifikasi dalam paragraf ini? Apakah bagian identifikasi
berisi pendapat yang dikemukakan oleh penulis tentang objek dan gambaran umum
tentang objek yang akan dideskripsikan? Berikan pendapat Anda tentang
identifikasi yang ditulis oleh teman Anda!

2 Is there a description in the paragraph? Does it already contain descriptions that

support the author's statement in the identification section? Give your opinion
regarding description written by your friend! / Apakah ada bagian deskripsi dalam
paragraf? Apakah bagian deskripsi sudah berisi gambaran-gambaran yang
mendukung pernyataan penulis di bagian identifikasi? Berikan pendapat Anda
tentang deskripsi yang ditulis oleh teman Anda!

3 Is the text written using a simple present tense that is good and correct? If there is
written wrong grammar, please comment and correct it so that your friend's writing
becomes even better! / Apakah teks yang ditulis menggunakan simple present
tense yang baik dan benar? Jika ada grammar yang salah tulis, mohon dikomentari
dan dikoreksi agar tulisan temanmu menjadi lebih baik lagi!

4 Find the adjectives in your friend's writing and mark them with blue colour! Is the
adjective appropriate to describe the object? / Temukan kata sifat dalam tulisan
teman Anda dan tandai dengan warna biru! Apakah kata sifat itu sudah tepat untuk
mendiskripsikan objek?

5 Does your friend's writing use proper spelling, punctuation, and capitalization? If
there is incorrect writing, please comment and correct it! / Apakah tulisan teman
Anda menggunakan ejaan, tanda baca, dan penggunaan huruf besar yang benar?
Jika ada tulisan yang salah, mohon dikomentari dan dikoreksi!
Total score / Jumlah skor

Scoring Guidelines
Classification Score Criteria
Excellent to good / Sangat 20-18 If the students writing almost correctly / Jika
bagus sampai bagus siswa menulis hampir dengan benar
Good to adequate / Bagus 17-13 If the students writing with less error / Jika
sampai cukup siswa menulis dengan sedikit kesalahan
Fair to poor / Cukup sampai 12-6 If the students writing with enough errors /
buruk Jika siswa menulis dengan cukup banyak
Very poor / Sangat buruk 5-1 If the students writing almost wrongly / Jika
siswa menulis hampir salah semua

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