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U. 8. OEPl OF A^^eiSyiTUI^E

Marketing Research Report No. 891

m:i 2 1971


Agricultural Research Service

United States Department of Agriculture
This is the last of a series of six reports submitted by P. H. Tracy under
a research contract with the Transportation and Facilities Research Divi-
sion, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. These
reports were prepared for Department publication by T. F. Webb, investi-
gations leader, Handling and Facilities Research Branch, Transportation
and Facilities Research Division.

Summary 1
Background of the study 1
Assumptions regarding plant operation 3
Suggested layout of the plant 4
Components of the facility 4
Arrangement of plant components 10
The plant site 11
Provision for plant expansion 12
How the plant operates 14
Receiving and processing milk 14
Making cheddar cheese 18
Preparing cultures 23
Handling whey 24
Cleaning equipment 26
Loading out 29
Labor requirements 30
Plant workers needed 30
Work schedules 30
Costs and possible benefits of labor-saving devices 36
Appendix: Refrigeration, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning 37
Refrigeration system 37
Heating system 40
Ventilating and air conditioning 41

Trade names are used in this publication solely to provide specific information. Mention
of a trade name does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture or an endorsement by the Department over products not

Washington, D.C. Issued April 1971

Fur sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C. 20402 Price 70 cents

By P. H. Tracy

Automated and highly mechanized operating tion of the equipment, (depreciation, mainten-
methods and an improved layout can reduce ance, insurance, taxes, and interest)
the net
costs for dairy plants manufacturing cheddar savings due to automation would be $84,100
cheese. annually.

Labor costs in a plant handling 800,000 The cleaning operation has the greatest
pounds of milk weekly would be about $136,500 reduction in cost in the automated plant; how-
less on an annual basis in an automated plant ever, all operations can be performed more eco-
with an improved layout than in a nonauto- nomically in the automated than in the nonauto-
mated plant with a typical layout. Production mated plant.
for the automated plant is estimated to be 88 Layouts were developed for a plant handling
pounds of cheddar cheese per man-hour and for 800,000 pounds of milk weekly. The layouts
a nonautomated plant, 45 pounds. Costs of the show arrangement of equipment and work and
additional equipment required to make these storage areas for the most efficient flow of prod-
savings possible are estimated at $262,000. If ucts, containers, and supplies throughout the
20 percent of this extra cost ($52,400) is al- plant. Provision is made for future expansion to
lowed annually for costs of ownership and opera- double the original production.


The cheddar cheese industry had its begin- quantity from year to year, but the general
ning in the farm homes of the early American trend in production has been upward. The total
pioneer families. The first commercial plant production in 1964 was 1.2 billion pounds com-
was built in Rome, N.Y., in 1851. Wisconsin, pared with 0.9 billion pounds in 1954. In 1930,
however, soon became the leading State in pro- 5 percent of the total milk production was used
duction of cheddar cheese and by the mid-1960's in making cheese. Thirty years later, this per-
produced over 40 percent of the Nation's output. centage had increased to 10.9. During this time,
American cheese production, being to some the American people had definitely increased
extent an outlet for surplus milk, varies in their use of this food. In 1930 the per capita con-
sumption of American cheese was 3.2 pounds,
and by 1960, this figure had increased to 5.4
Dr. p. H. Tracy, formerly professor of dairy
technology, Department of Food Science, University of pounds. The growing popularity of cheese is due
Illinois, conducted the study and prepared the report to its relatively low cost, as well as the improved
under a research contract with the U.S. Department quality, packaging techniques, and marketing
of Agriculture. methods.
The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of
Wesley Wise of the Lake to Lake Cheese Co., Kiel, Wis.,
A definite part of the evolution of the cheese
industry has been the growth in size of plants.
and T. H. Winkleman of Mojonnier Bros., Chicago, 111.,
in making this study. This increase in size was made possible by im-

proved methods of producing and gathering milling, and continuous strips as long as 30
milk from farms and mechanization and auto- inches can be pulledfrom the mass.
mation of manufacturing. Traditionally, much If this turning procedure, which results in
hand labor has been required in making cheese, the flowing and flattening characteristic of the
since for many years cheesemaking has involved cheese, is omitted some savings in labor result,
methods based more on art than on science. but the cheese has excessive mechanical holes
Through research, many of the procedures have and whey pockets. Such cheese is more likely
been improved and reduced to standardized ma- to be curdy like open-textured Colby cheese.
chine practices. Some tedious and extensive Mechanization of this part of cheddar cheese-
hand labor is still required in changing milk making, therefore, has not been used in this
into Cheddar cheese, but mechanized and auto- study, since it is not yet in general use in the
mated methods are being developed at a rapid industry. Several research workers in the
pace. United States and Australia at the time of this
Modern cheddar cheesemaking involves care- study have almost succeeded in duplicating with
ful bacteriological care of cultures; methods for mechanical methods the true cheddar type,
controlling bacteriophage, a virus infection of which is desirable for long-held cheese of the
starter cultures; automatic control of pasteuri- sharp-cured variety.
zation and cooling methods; use of large refrig- The purpose of this study is to supply the
erated storage vats to hold over raw milk sup- dairy industry with information and guide-
plies to even out daily plant operation; large lines that will be helpful in (a) increasing the
cheesemaking vats with mechanical agitators; productivity of labor in dairy plants, (b) im-
mechanical methods for milling and salting the proving quality by establishing more uniform
curd and for handling hoops; use of pallets and and better controlled methods of operation, (c)
lift trucks; CIP (cleaned-in-place) cleaning of improving working conditions by minimizing
equipment; automatic control of steam produc- the number of jobs requiring difficult and tedi-
tion and refrigeration; and careful and detailed ous labor, and (d) i-educing the amount of plant
scheduling of workers in the cheese plant. loss and shrinkage through more positive con-

The heart of the process cheddaring re- — trol of operating procedures. Such information
mains a hand operation. Mechanized methods, should be helpful in the remodeling of old plants
however, are being developed. Cheddaring as well as in building new ones.
involves piling the curd down each side of the New equipment that has been proved com-
vat and cutting it into pieces about 5 by 4 by 26 mercially feasible for mechanizing the proc-
inches, which are turned by hand to permit esses involved in the manufacture of cheddar
drainage of whey and to start surface sealing. cheese is described in the report, and the appli-
After three or four turns, these long strips are cation of electronic control devices for auto-
cut into two crosswise chunks; and the front matic operation is explained.
chunks are turned by hand and laid directly on A flow diagram and a layout of the site show-
top of the rear chunks. These pieces are then ing the desirable position of a cheddar cheese
turned every 5 minutes and piled three or four plant on an assumed location are provided for
high, the top pieces being transferred to the a plant handling 800,000 pounds of milk weekly.
bottom with each turn. As the result of bacte- The equipment needed to operate the plant is
rial and rennet action, the curd begins to knit shown on the plant layout. The labor needed for
together and to become plasticized. This con- performing the various operations involved is
tinues until the curd is milled and salted. The listed, and the labor cost for such an operation
knitting and plasticizing transform the curd is compared with the estimated labor cost of a

from a mass of separate 14-inch chunks to a nonautomated and less mechanized operation of
homogeneous mass that flows and flattens, be- the same size.
comes somewhat rubbery, and has a final tex- Somewhat detailed explanations are given of
ture very much like that of breast of chicken. It the methods involved in operating a cheddar
has a definite grain at this final stage before cheese factory, including disposition of the whey.


To illustrate principles of plant layout and tanks, any amount of milk that cannot be put
methods of operation for an automated cheddar into the vats on schedule can be held to the next
cheese plant, it was necessary to make certain day.
assumptions. They were as follows:
1. The plant will handle 800,000 pounds of

milk testing 3.6-percent fat and 8.8-percent milk Table Utilization of milk in a cheddar
solids-not-fat weekly. A 25-percent variation, cheese plant handling 800,000 pounds weekly,
plus or minus, in seasonal production will be al- with 25 percent allowance for seasonal in-
lowed. crease in production
2. The milk will be purchased from local pro-
ducers, and deliveries will be made daily in tank
Quantity of milk cheese
trucks. Day Received Stored Processed made ^

3. The plant will operate 6 days per week. Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds
Workers will put in 40 hours per week. Monday . 142,857 105,715 180,000 (9 vats) 17,366
Tuesday 142,857 68,572 180,000 (9 vats) 17,366
4. The cheese will be made from pasteurized Wednesday 142,857 51,429 160,000 (8 vats) 15,437
milk. Proper methods be provided for the
will Thursday 142,857 34,286 160,000 (8 vats) 15,437
Friday 142,857 17,143 160,000 (8 vats) 15,437
control and prevention of bacteriophage growth Saturday 142,857 None 160,000 (8 vats) 15,437
in the cultures and cheese vats. Sunday 142,858 142,858 None None
5. The cheese will be made into the following 1 Cheese yield based on formula: 2.68 X pounds of fat
styles and sizes: in given quantity of milk z= pounds of cheese produced.

Percentage Size Average Height

of total of weight of
Style production cheese of cheese hoop As a practical measure, the daily production
Inches Pounds Inches should be scheduled so that only one style is
Twin 30 14 1/2 X 5% 30 91/2
packaged from a vat. A breakdown on this basis
Daisy 25 131/2 X 3% 20 6 1/2
would be:
Cheddar 25 141/2 X 11^^ 75 151/2

10-lb. print 20 7 X 11 X 31/2 10 41/2 3 vats, 30-pound twins per day

(20-lb. hoop) 2 vats, 20-pound daisies per day
2 vats, 75-pound Cheddars per day
6. Provisions will be made for storing the
2 vats, 10-pound prints per day
cheese 30 days before shipment.
The schedule for one week is shown in table 2.
7. Equipment will be provided to condense the
The production of daisies and cheddars will need
whey to 40-percent total solids for shipment to a Saturday to obtain
to be alternated every other
dried whey plant.
the exact percentage specified for these two
8. Mechanical losses will not be considered.
9. The whey cream will be sold in bulk to a
butter-processing plant.
An inventory schedule was developed from
these assumptions. Since receipts will be 800,000 Table 2. Number of vats of each style of

pounds per week, plus or minus 25 percent for cheese made on specified day of week
seasonal variation, and since a 6-day cheesemak- Number of vats
ing week is desired, the plant will handle 180,000 Day Twins Daisies Cheddars Prints Total
pounds of milk for maximum production and Number Number Number Number Number
160,000 pounds for minimum (table 1). Monday 3 2 2 2 9
Tuesday 3 2 2 2 9
The plant can operate with one day's receipts,
Wednesday 3 2 2 1 8
or it can hold over all milk, or it can process Thursday 2 8
2 2 2
part of it. Capacity of the holding tank is pro- Friday 2 2 2 2 8
vided for the maximum daily operation of 180,- Saturday .. . 2 2 3 1 8
000 pounds (nine vats). With cold- wall storage Total 15 12 13 10 50


The suggested layout of the plant is shown in The components are arranged to provide for
figure 1. The layout is arranged for efficient and containers and
short, direct flow of products
flow of products and containers, space utiliza- to minimize travel and handling. Requirements
tion, equipment arrangement, labor utilization, for space for each component are based on the
and possible future expansion. size of the equipment and the working space
Two buildings are recommended. The building needed for efficient operation. Size of storage
for the cheesemaking operations is rectangular. rooms is determined by the number and size of
Its dimensions are 327 feet 6 inches long, and items to be stored, the method of stacking, and
184 feet 8 inches wide, covering an area of the length of the storage period. Allowances
60,479 square feet. Part of this area, which is for aisles are based on the type and amount of
adjacent to the milk-processing room, is not traffic handled. The components of the plant are
under cover. The milk storage tanks are on con- designed and arranged so that expansion will
crete slabs and extend through the wall of the not present a major construction problem.
pasteurizing room. Figure 1 shows the arrangement of each item
Adjacent to this building is a second one con- of equipment in each component. Each item is
taining 5,651 square feet of floorspace. The numbered and is referred to by this number (in
whey-processing facilities, the shop, the boiler parentheses) in the discussion of the various
room, and the refrigeration room are in this components.
second building.
The two buildings are connected by an under- TANKER-RECEIVING SHELTER
ground passageway, or tunnel, through which As amount of raw milk the plant will re-
power, steam, water, whey, and refrigeration ceive from local producers will vary with the
lines pass. This arrangement separates the season, ranging from 85,714 to 142,857 pounds
whey-processing from the cheesemaking opera- per day, the number of 3,000-gallon tank trucks
tions. Since the whey evaporator uses large delivering to the plant daily will vary from four
amounts of steam, the boiler should be located to seven. After the milk is unloaded with the
close by. raw milk receiving pump (1), the truck tanks
are washed. Other jobs performed in the shel-
ter are inspecting theraw milk and taking sam-
Components of the Facility ples for analysis.
The major components of the plant are as The tanker-receiving shelter provides space
follows: for two trucks at a time, so that one can
1. Tanker-receiving shelter be cleaned while the other is being unloaded.
2. Milk weighing, storing, clarifying, and pas- The shelter is 40 feet wide and 40 feet long. It
teurizing area has a 3-foot island 42 inches above ground level
3. Cheesemaking area running lengthwise down the shelter dividing
4. Starter room it into two truck positions. This platform is

5. Hoop washing and storing and print-wrap- even with the walkway on the tank trucks to
ping room make it easy for workers to get to the tank
6. Cheese drying and paraffining room manhole.
7. Cheese storage room The floor of the tanker-receiving shelter
8. Dry storage room should be constructed of brick tile pitched to-
9. Loading dock ward the rear at not less than one-half inch per
10. Refrigeration, shop, and boiler room foot to permit complete and rapid draining of
11. Offices milk from the tank trucks. A floor drain is lo-
12. Plant locker and restrooms cated toward the rear of the receiving room to
13. Laboratory carry away the wash and rinse water used in
14. Lunchroom cleaning the pump compartments on the tank
15. Whey-handling area truck.

The truck tank washing assembly (118) is The raw milk storage tanks are equipped
located in the shelter. It is mounted on a hoist with indicating thermometers. Spray balls,
and monorail to facilitate moving it into and out welded into the interior, are connected to CIP
of the tank manhole and from one truck to an- hookup station (81).
other. A hoseconnects the cleaned-in-place In front of the raw milk storage tanks is a
(CIP) unit (80) with any tank having built-in two-line sanitary header system. This system is
spray-ball cleaning devices. Power-operated used for all movement of product into and out
overhead doors permit the area to be closed off of the storage tanks. One heade:" is used for re-
from the outside during inclement weather. ceiving milk from the weighing tanks or for
transferring it from one 8,000-gallon tank to
MILK WEIGHING, STORING, another, and the second to feed raw milk to the
the HTST (high-temperature,

Milk weighing. After the raw milk has been
clarifier and
short-time) pasteurizing system. A 180-gallon
inspected, it is pumped from tank trucks into
per minute (g.p.m.) transfer pump (4) is used
one of the 3,000-gallon vertical weigh tanks (2,
to transfer milk from one tank to another. Air-
3) and a sample of milk taken for laboratory
operated sanitary valves in the system, con-
trolled manually or automatically from the con-
For automatic weighing of the contents of
trol panel (82), regulate the flow of milk. To al-
the tank, each tank should be mounted on three
low space for a two-line assembly and a pas-
legs, equal distance from each other, and a load
sageway, an aisle 6 feet wide should be pro-
cell (weight-sensing device) attached to each
Each cell incorporates a deflector, and when
the amount of milk in the tank changes, the de- Clarifying and pasteurizing equipment. —
flection is detected by an electrical differential
Milk is clarified remove extraneous mate-

transformer. The transformer produces an rial and leucocytes, then pasteurized, and fin-
electrical impulse in exact proportion to the de-
ally transferred through sanitary pipes to the
flection in the cell and transmits it to the re-
cheese vats.
ceiving control panel (85) where a direct read- The clarifier (11) operates at the rate of
ing in pounds of product is given. The accuracy 20,000 pounds per hour. Milk is pumped
of the load cells should be checked at regular through the clarifier with a high-speed sani-
intervals. tary centrifugal pump (10). From the clarifier

Milk storage tanks. Three 8,000-gallon hori- it enters the HTST pasteurizing system
zontal tanks (5,6,7) hold raw milk received through a balance tank (13). The balance tank
from weigh tanks. They are equipped with level is equipped with an air-operated float which

gages and are located side by side with the front modulates a throttling valve on the discharge of
heads extending through the processing room the pump (10). This valve controls the flow of
wall to the outside. This location not only elimi- milk through the clarifier so as to match the
nates the frequency of cleaning the exteriors of rate of the HTST flow. From the balance tank,
the tanks, since the bulk of the exterior extends the milk travels through the plate heat ex-
outside the building, but also saves floorspace. changer (15) by a booster pump (14) and meas-
The tanks are equipped with air-operated sani- ure flow-timing pump (16). The flow-diversion
tary outlet valves. They do not have sight and valve (18) directs the flow of milk after pas-
light fixtures as these fixtui'es are not needed teurization.

on a gage-equipped tank that is cleaned in place. A water heating and circulating unit (19)
Each tank has 80 square feet of refrigerated provides the hot water needed to heat the milk
surface for cooling or holding milk over from in the heating section of the plate heat ex-
one day to another. changer. The equipment is arranged according
Since the milk will be received at about 3.6- to the product flow with adequate space for
percent butterfat content, standardizing clari- cleanup and passageway. Wash tanks (79) for
fiers or extra storage tanks for skim milk to be manual cleaning of equipment are provided as
used for standardizing are not needed. well as an automatic cleaning setup ( 81 )

The measure flow positive pump (22) is used The machine is L-shaped and occupies a space
to pump from the HTST unit
the milk directly about 36 feet long in one direction and 12 feet
into the cheese vat, where it is cooled in the long in the other. It is approximately 3 feet
cooling section of the HTST unit to 87° F., the wide. Its height at the tallest point is 10 feet
cheese setting temperature. The HTST system 11 inches.
is planned to process 20,000 pounds of milk per Five stainless steel cheese presses (46) 34
hour, but can be expanded by adding extra feet long, each holdingtwo rows of cheese, are
plates needed. Recirculating water pump
as provided. These presses are approximately 37
(119) is area also.
in this inches wide. The rated capacity of the presses
The dimensions of this area are 36 by 40 feet. is as follows:


Cheddars 60
Since the top daily receipts of approximately Twins 130
Daisies 178
180,000 pounds are for only a short period of the 20-pound prints 204
year, nine 20,000-pound cheese vats (29 through
The pressure needed is obtained by double-
37) 34 feet long and 51/) feet wide are proposed.
acting sanitary hydraulic cylinders motivated
The vats have round ends, are insulated and
by compressed air controlled by pressure-regu-
steam jacketed, and have overhead agitators of
lating valves.
various speeds. They are spaced with whey-
A room 90 by 130 feet would house the
draining vats (41) and whey pump (43) as
milling, and hoop-filling equipment,
indicated on the layout. The cheese vat control
the cheese vats, the starter storage tank, and
panel (83) is located nearby. A tunnel under-
the cheese presses. Whey-separating and whey-
lies the plant so that all utilities may be brought
cream-handling equipment are usually located
up from below to keep the cheesemaking room
in this room; however, recent information on
as free as possible of items that collect dust or
bacteriophage control indicates that these items
are adversely affected by strong chlorine fog.
should be placed in the whey-condensing room
The air-conditioning and filtering units (125)
along with the whey storage tanks.
for the processing area are located here. Starter
for setting the cheese is stored in a 300-gallon STARTER ROOMS
tank (20). The cheese utensil rack (120) and The starter area is completely isolated from
the two-compartment wash and sterilizing sink the rest of the plant as a precaution against
(121) are also located in this area. contamination of cultures. It is located at the
The automatic curd milling, salting, and corner of the building adjacent to the laboratory
weighing machine (45) consists of the follow- and 40° F. storage room. Two doors open onto
ing parts: the enclosed dock. One provides access to the
1. A curd mill of the reciprocating cutter-box laboratory and the other to the powder storage
type; its speed can be regulated to suit the room. An outside door is located at the end of
volume. the enclosed dock for the convenience of the
2. A hydraulically driven vibrator. starter.
3. An elevating belt-type conveyor (44) The areais 30 feet wide and 40 feet long and

4. A salt apportioning apparatus consisting is divided into a series of rooms. The entry
of a weighing conveyor carried by a sensitive room, a dressing room, a fogging room, and a
balance mechanism operated by electronic con- storage room cover a combined area of 130
trols and a variable speed electric motor which square feet. A vestibule and lavatory occupy 40
drives a metering wheel in the outlet of the salt square feet. The vestibule has four doors —one
hopper. to the fogging room, one to the lavatory, one to
5. A revolving mixing drum with an electri- the mother culture room, and one to the bulk
cally operated discharge gate. culture processing room. A room 20 ft. by 13
6. A
hoop conveying assembly incorporating feet, divided in the middle, opens off the bulk
a pushrod-and-pawl type of conveyor and scales culture room. It is used in part for storage of
provided with a proximity switch. nonfat dry milk solids used for making culture,

and mixing powder and water to

in part for (54) and the boxing machine (55). Round
make The powder-mixing
a 12-percent solution. cheeses are moved by the conveyor (53) to the
funnel and pump assembly (23) are located drying room.
The bulk starter processing room
mately 20 feet by 27 feet and contains two 300-
The equipment in these rooms is used for dry-
gallon vacuum pressure stainless steel culture
ing the various round cheeses after they have
vats (24, 25) leaving enough floorspace for two
been dehooped in the hoop-washing and storage
future vats (26, 27). The centrifugal culture
room. The cheese moves into the room on a belt
transfer pump (28) is located between the two
conveyor and is placed in the box lids. These lids
culture vats. A sink (129) is also in this room.
are then placed on portable shelves (56) con-
The mother culture room is 10 feet by 23 feet.
structed of angle iron welded frames with five
It is equipped with autoclave, incubator, refrig-
black iron painted shelves 52 inches long and 36
erator, laboratory desk, equipment for acidity
inches wide. The bottom shelf is 6 inches from
tests, and the usual laboratory glassware
the floor with 16 inches open space between
needed for culture handling.
shelves, making an overall height of about 75
The entire area is air conditioned (123) to
inches. The shelves are moved with fork-lift
maintain a temperature of 70° F. The air is
purified and is maintained at a pressure
For the daisies and twins, removable shelves
slightly higher than the outside so that any air
are placed between the permanent shelves at 8-
leakage will be to the outside of the room.
inch spacings. This is not necessary for the
The room is kept locked at all times; only the
starter is permitted access.
One portable shelf unit is needed for each of
nine vats of cheese for 4 days, making a total of
HOOP- WASHING AND STORING AND 36 units. This arrangement will provide a
limited degree of flexibility. Cleaning is no par-
This room adjacent to the drying and par-
ticular problem with the use of these shelves as
affining rooms. A
washer (49) for cleaning the an occasional hosing with hot water is sufficient.
hoops and a conveyor pan washer (48) are lo- Air-conditioning and filtering units (124,
cated here. The hoops come into this room on an
131) are provided for the paraffining and dry-
overhead conveyor (50) and are placed on a
ing areas.
dumping table (51). They then move on the After the cheese is dried, the shelves, or
stainless steel mesh-covered conveyor belt
racks, of cheese are moved by lift trucks to the
through the hoop washer, a stainless steel unit
paraffining room. The cheese must be coated
similar to a restaurant dishwasher. The first
with 235° F. paraffin to prevent loss of mois-
compartment contains a detergent solution
ture and to protect the surface from mold
which is a dilute nonfoaming organic acid.
growth. A paraffin tank (57) 24 inches wide,
The temperature of this solution is automati- 24 inches deep, and 78 inches long, with an ex-
cally held at 160° F. The cleaning solution is
haust hood (58) is provided for this purpose.
sprayed onto the hoops from nozzles by a high This tank uses a power-driven mechanism for
velocity pump. In the second compartment, the
elevating the cheese and dipping it into the hot
hoops are sprayed with 145° water. paraffin. The paraffin is heated by steam coils;
After the hoops are cleaned, some are stored its temperature is automatically controlled.
until needed on stainless steel portable skids After paraffining, the cheese is moved to the
especially made for this purpose. The hoops table and scales (59) where it is boxed and
that are needed immediately are returned to the weighed; it is then placed on pallets (60) on the
cheesemaking room on the overhead conveyor racks and taken to the 40° F. storage room.
(50). The empty racks are returned to the drying
A belt conveyor (52) in the room moves the room. Storage space is provided in the paraf-
cheese prints into the print-wrapping machine fining room for a reserve supply of pallets.


Provision should be made for storing approxi-
mately 30 days' production of cheese. Since nine
a. Cheddar boxes —
16-inch diameter X 14-
inch height, nine to a tier, five high = 45 boxes
vats of cheese will be made 2 days each week per pallet. A truckload of 810 boxes requires 18
and eight vats 4 days, the total weekly produc- pallets. Ten-pallet reserve supply. Pallets
tion will be 50 vats. The 30 days' production will stacked two high = 14 stacks. Total square feet
constitute 41/3 weeks or 216 vats, requiring 216 required = 16 X 14 = 224.
portable shelf units and pallets.
The 48 inches long and 43 inches
pallets are
b. Daisy boxes —
15-inch diameter X 51/2-inch
height, nine to a tier, 13 high = 117 per pallet.
wide. This width is used to permit loading two Truckload of 2,340 boxes requires 20 pallets.
pallets side by side in a refrigerated semi- Ten-pallet reserve supply. Pallets stacked two
trailer. high = 15 stacks. Total square feet required =
To provide proper air circulation around the 16 X 15 = 240.
cheese, 5 feet of space is allowed for each row of c. Twins use the same size of box as the Ched-
pallets. The are stacked two high in
pallets dars. Total square feet required = 224.
seven stacks, or 14 pallets in a row. To store 30-
days' production, or 216 pallets, would require
d. —
10-pound prints This cheese requires an
outer box in dry storage. One pallet will hold
15 rows and six pallets in the 16th row. The
1,600 outer boxes, 48 inches high. One month's
rows are 28 feet long, which leaves 12 feet for needs plus 1 week's reserve. 1,080 boxes used
aisle space in front. In the center of the room, a
per week = 5,400 boxes for 5 weeks. Four pal-
strip 10 feet wide and 40 feet long is left vacant
lets will be needed, stacked two high. Total
for aisle space. The total space i-equired is
square feet required = 32.
Square feet
16 rows of pallets, 28 feet long Cleaners and sanitizers
and 5 feet wide 2,240 These items are purchased in truckloads. One
Aisle space in front, 12 feet by 120 feet . 1,440
Aisle space in center, 10 feet by 28 feet . 280 truckload would be
Total - - . 3,960 32 drums general cleaner
Total space provided in the plan is 4,400 12 drums sanitizer
square feet. 28 drums acid
Double electric doors 7 feet high permit lift Four drums per pallet = 18 pallets. Fourteen
trucks to enter the room from the drying and pallets reserve supply = 32 pallets. Pallets
paraffining room, and two such double doors stacked two high = 16 stacks. Total square feet
open from the storage room to the enclosed required = 16 X 16 = 256.
dock. The room is also provided with eight cool-
ing units (90) suspended from the ceiling. Farm supplies
DRY STORAGE ROOM Washing powder, liquid acid, spray, dairy
Much of the area in the dry storage room cattle feed. Requires 2 pallets or 32 square feet.
(1,600 square feet of floorspace) will be used for
Dried skim milk
storing pallets of empty cheeseboxes, salt, wrap-
Needed per week. Twelve 100-pound bags.
ping supplies, washing powders and liquids,
Every other week delivery to maintain fresh-
farm supplies, nonfat dry milk solids, and mis-
ness. Twelve bags reserve supply. Twelve bags
cellaneous supplies, all delivered by truckloads.
per pallet. Three pallets with one stack two high.
Salt will be received in 30,000-pound lots.
Total square feet required = 32.
Bags of salt will be piled three to a tier and
eight bags high, or 24 to a pallet. Counting the Summary of floor space needed for dry stor-
13 pallets needed for a load, plus five pallets to age room
be kept on hand as a safety margin, 18 pallets of Square feet
Salt 144
salt will be stored in the room. Pallets are Cheeseboxes:
stacked two high. Cheddars 224
Daisies 240
Total square feet required : X 18 = 144. Twins 224
Prints 32

Cleaners, sanitizers 256 —

Refrigeration room 35 feet by 60 feet
Farm supplies 32
Dried skim milk 32 One 25-ton ammonia compressor (99)
Aisle space 416 Three 100-ton ammonia compressors (100,
Total .... 1,600 101, 102)
Two 165-ton evaporative condensers (105,
Certain items of equipment that need to be
106) (located outside building)
moved into or out of the plant can be taken
One 24-inch by 16-foot ammonia receiver
through the storage room. If more convenient,
hirge items can be taken through a removable
One 113-ton sweetwater cooling unit (91)
panel (115) in the wall at the end of the tanker-
One 198-ton chilled water cooling unit (92)
receiving shelter. Doors, 7 feet wide, to the stor-
One 15-ton Freon condensing unit for the
age room are electrically operated. The room is
cheese drying room (128)
provided with a unit heater (116) suspended
Sweetwater pumps (93, 94, 94 A)
from the ceiling.
Chilled water pumps (95, 96, 97, 98)
Sump tank for evaporative condensers (108)
LOADING DOCK Evaporative condenser water spray pumps
An enclosed loading dock 10 feet wide runs (109, 110)
110 feet across the front of the 40° F. cheese One 10-hp. air compressor (113)
storage room. It is 54 inches above ground level. Unit heater suspended from ceiling (116)
Electrically operated rollup doors directly op- Electric distribution panel (117)
posite the two load-out doors in the cooler will
Shop—20 feet by 25 feet
permit rapid loading of trucks with the cheese The shop for repair of equipment is located
that is moved out each day. The hall ^long the adjacent to the refrigeration room. Work
dry storage room and hoop-washing room con- benches, repair tools, and mechanical supplies
nects with the loading dock.
are located here. Exhaust fans (130) are located
Shipping containers, salt, chemicals, and other along the outside wall of the room.
supplies will be received at the door opening to
the hallway.
The following offices are needed:
BOILER ROOM, REFRIGERATION Superintendent's and engineer's office. The —
plant superintendent and maintenance engineer
These rooms are located outside the main share the same office because of the closeness of
plant in the building that houses the whey-dis-
their work. It is located near the important proc-
posal equipment. One person per shift will op-
essing areas and contains 363 square feet. It is
erate all units housed in this building. An
equipped with desks, chairs, correspondence
underground tunnel will carry water, power,
files, and blueprint cabinet. One master station
steam, and refrigeration and whey lines to the
for the intercom system is located here for the
tunnel of the main building.
necessary intraplant communication. Large
Located in this area are the following items of
glass areas are provided on one side for easy
plant supervision. The office opens into a 195-
square-foot hallway connecting the plant and an
Boiler room —35 feet by 33 feet outside entrance.
One 300-hp. boiler (86)
One250-hp. boiler (87)
Fieldman's office.— This office is adjacent to
the superintendent's office and contains 154
Boiler feed water system (89)
square feet. It is connected by a hallway to both
Incoming water-chlorinating unit (126)
the superintendent's office and the laboratory.
Hot water heating unit for sinks and water
hoses (127) —
General offices.- Included in this general area
Exhaust fans (130) are the offices (634 square feet), vault (97
Removable equipment panel (115) square feet), women's lounge and restroom

(145 square feet), men's room (96 square feet), clock is located in the hallway at the entrance to
the viewing and reception area (871 square the lunchroom.
feet), and the manager's office (234 square feet)
The entire area is air conditioned ( 122 ) WHEY-HANDLING AREA
The equipment for separating and condensing
LABORATORY the whey is located in a separate building, which
The laboratory covers an area of 634 square also houses the refrigeration and boiler rooms
feet and is located to the right of the main en- and shop.
trance. It is air conditioned and the temperature One room, 36 feet by 42 feet, has alcoves for a
is maintained at 72° F. The laboratory is di- 4,000 gallon vertical (silo) storage tank (63), a
vided into two sections, one for bacteriological 16,000 gallon vertical (silo) storage tank (64),
control work and the other for chemical tests. and two 6,000-gallon vertical (silo) storage
The equipment needed to perform fat and acid- tanks (75, 76). These silo tanks are actually lo-
ity tests, sediment tests, moisture determina- cated outside the building but are connected
tions, freezing point determinations, and whey with the inside by alcoves. This room also con-
solids tests are available in the chemical section. tains two whey pumps, 20,000-pounds-per-hour
The bacteriologicallaboratory contains the (65, 65A), a 20,000-pounds-per-hour whey sepa-
glassware and media necessary to perform the rator (67), a 20,000-pound-per-hour whey clari-
standard procedures for qualitative and quanti- fier (66), a 300-gallon whey cream cooling and
tative microbiological determinations, and tests storage tank (68), a 25-g.p.m. whey cream
for antibiotics and bacteriophage. An autoclave, pump (70), a 20,000-pound-per-hour whey
flowing steam sterilizer, and microscope also are vapor heater (62), a 20,000-pound-per-hour
provided. Both laboratories have desks, tables, whey double-effect recompression evaporator
chairs, bookcases, filing cabinets, and cupboards (72) equipped with a 3,000-pound-per-hour con-
for supplies. densed whey discharge pump and a cooling
tower water return pump, a 20,000-pound-per-
PLANT LOCKER AND RESTROOMS hour tubular preheater (71), a cooling tower
The men workers is near
plant's restroom for (114) for the whey evaporator (located outside
the plant entrance. It intended that only plant
is the building) a 3,000-pound-per-hour con-

workers will use this room. Milk haulers and densed whey cooler (74), a whey plate heat ex-
general service visitors will use the men's room changer (61), a 100-g.p.m. condensed whey
adjacent to the lunchroom. pump (78) for loading bulk tank condensed
The 986-square foot area contains toilets, whey hauling trucks, a three-tank CIP system
lavatories, clothes lockers, first aid facilities, (81A), and a whey process control panel (84).
and showers. Women plant workers will use the A clarifier is included in this system to re-
women's restroom adjacent to the lunchroom. duce fat loss in separating whey cream.
This room is equipped with clothes lockers, A storeroom, approximately 15 by 25 feet,
first aid kit, chairs, a cot, and an air-condition- has a 5- by 8-foot men's room in one corner. The
ing and filtering unit ( 124A) storeroom will be used for storing chemicals,
janitor supplies, reserve items of equipment,
LUNCHROOM sanitary valves, pipelines, and plumbing and
The lunchroom, containing 385 square feet, is
electrical supplies.
located to the right of the employee's entrance.
Since most of the workers will bring their
Arrangement of Plant Components
lunches, this room contains tables, chairs, and
vending machines for dispensing milk, hot cof- In planning a cheddar cheese plant the vari-
fee, soft drinks, and candy bars. A rack for cur- ous components should be arranged to provide
rent trade magazines is provided. A bulletin for efficient processing and to minimize chances
board to carry announcements of general inter- of bacteriophage contamination of starter or
est and importance to company employees will cheese curd. To accomplish this, the cheesemak-
be mounted on one wall. The employees' time- ing operations are located in the center of one

building with no outside doors or windows, plies, such as salt, coloring (if used), wrapping
the starter room is isolated at one corner of this materials, cleaning materials, and containers.
building close to the cheese vats, and the whey- The cheeses leave the presses in hoops on con-
processing operations are in a separate building. veyors that pass directly to the hoop-washing
The arrangement of the processing areas pro- and storage room, where they are transferred
vides for the receiving, storage, and processing to conveyors that move them to the drying
of milk to be carried out at one end of the build- room. This system makes rapid handling of the
ing; the cheese setting, cutting, cooking, ched- cheeses and hoops possible with a minimum of
daring, milling, salting, and hooping in the cen- labor.
ter; and the cheese drying and paraffining The location of the paraffining room between
between the cheesemaking room and the cheese the drying and the cheese storage rooms allows
storage room. This arrangement provides an a straight-line movement of dried cheese
uninterrupted flow of product from the milk- through the paraffining treatment into the
receiving room through the various processing storage room without interfering with any
steps, to stacking of the finished cheeses in the other process being carried on simultaneously
storage room. in the cheesemaking area.
Locating the laboratory and the offices of the Grouping the whey-processing operations,
superintendent, the plant engineer, and the the repair shop, the boiler room, and the refrig-
head fieldman adjacent to the main offices eration room in a separate building is desirable
brings the administrative personnel together. not only for sanitary reasons but also for mak-
They can confer without the need of traffic ing possible one-man supervision of all these
through the plant yet have close contact with operations. The various processing and CIP con-
the processing operations in the plant. trol panels for the machines are located close to
Efficient flow of the product through the them, thus providing simplicity of control.
plant is further expedited by the use of a sin- Since the condensing operations need a large
gle-floor design and the use of pallets for the amount of steam and water, the vacuum pan
dry storage of supplies and the finished cheese. should also be located here.
An overhead conveyor system permits the The plant incinerator is outside the rear door
mechanical handling of the hooped cheese. to the covered dock, convenient to both build-
The lunchroom and locker room are conven- ings.
iently located for the workers entering and The Plant Site
leaving the plant and for use during working
The manufacture of cheese is usually concen-
hours. These rooms are sufficiently removed
trated in the rural sections of the country where
from the processing area to prevent a sanita-
there are large numbers of dairy cattle but
tion problem.
limited demand for milk for market milk and ice
The various processing components of the cream manufacture. Ordinarily, a site near a
plant are arranged to minimize the distance
small town is chosen to insure the availability
milk must travel as it passes through the of the necessary supply of labor. Suitable power
cheesemaking process. This arrangement also and an ample supply of good water are impor-
provides for workers to change job assignments
tant. Unless city sewage is available, the soil
with minimum delay.
must be suitable for the proper functioning of a
The compactness of the arrangement of the disposal plant.
milk-receiving, storing, pasteurizing, and cool- Locations near industries that produce objec-
ing equipment makes automation feasible with tionable odors or that attract rodents or flies
mimimum labor.The arrangement of the cheese should be avoided.
vats in relation to the automatic milling ma- The type of both surface and subsoil will
chine and the cheese presses and the use of an affect the cost of building. The most satisfac-
overhead conveyor make curd handling efficient. tory base for low-cost foundation construction
The dry storage room is conveniently located is either gravel or soft rockbed with enough

for serving the cheese room with needed sup- grade to provide good drainage.

The land area should be large enough to pro- be put in 40-pound blocks. Thus a drying room
vide ample space for driveways, employee and would not be needed and the curd-handling
visitor parking, and the handling of large operation would be simplified, resulting in in-
trucks. Enough space should be available for creased production per man-hour.
simple landscaping in front of the building. Four more double-row cheese presses (47)
Figure 2 shows the suggested site for the and more pallets would be needed, and the
Cheddar cheese plant. The area is 1,361 by 800 starter room would need two additional 300-
feet and comprises about 21/2 acres. A site of gallon culture vats (26, 27).
this size provides ample space for future expan- No additional equipment would be needed for
sion of the cheese operation and the possible the whey-handling unit since pickup of the
addition of some other type of processing plant whey cream and whey concentrate could be
of agricultural products. made twice as often, nor would additional
The site should be located on a main highway. oflSces be needed.
Such a location is vital in the hauling of heavy A less economical procedure would be to oper-
truckloads of milk and supplies and the ship- ate with enough additional facilities to handle
ping of cheese. It is also desirable for adver- twice as much milk in approximately the same
tising. length of time. Again assuming that the added
There a 40-foot entrance to and exit from
is volume would be made into blocks, this would
the area surrounding the plant. The entire area necessitate installing additional equipment or
around the plant should be surfaced with con- replacing present equipment with items of
crete or hardtop and sloped to drain. The area greater capacity or changing procedures as fol-
on the sides and rear of the site should be lows :

enclosed with a high steel-wire fence. A 120-foot 1. Two 8,000-gallon raw milk storage tanks

clearance between the sides of the building and (8,9).

the edge of the plant area provides ample space 2. A 14,285-pound-per-hour cold milk clari-
for parking cars and maneuvering trucks. fier (12).
Ample room is also provided at the rear and in 3. Three 20,000-pound-cheese vats and agita-
front of the building for trucks to pass. Space tors, making a total of 12 (38, 39, 49)
for a limited amount of landscaping in front is 4. Three whey-draining tanks (42).
provided. 5. Four cheese presses (47).
6. A dry storage room.
Provision for Plant Expansion
7. A cold storage room.
In planning means of handling a doubled 8. Two 300-gallon starter vats (26,27).
plant capacity, lengthening the workday should
9. A 300-gallon bulk starter storage tank
be considered so as to get maximum use of the
equipment. If this were done, present facilities,
for the most part, would be ample, though some
10. By changing the cheese vat filling sched-
ule from 1 hour to 35minutes per vat and by
additional items would be needed.
increasing the capacity of the HTST unit by
Additional raw milk storage facilities would
adding enough plates to handle 34,285 pounds
be needed. One 8,000-gallon storage tank would
per hour, the pasteurization needs would be pro-
suffice, provided raw milk deliveries could be
vided. The length of the holder tube (17) would
extended through the afternoon.
be increased.
Another dry storage room and cold storage
11. Adding a third eff"ect to the present
room would be needed. These facilities could be
best located in an extension of the building, as
20,000-pound-per-hour whey evaporator (72)
shown on the layout. A 25-ton ammonia com- would increase the capacity to 31,000 pounds per
pressor (104) would be added to handle the cold hour (73), which is the rate the whey would be
storage room addition. available.

With the rapidly growing popularity of block 12. Enlarging the plate cooler for the con-
cheese, all the additional cheese probably will densed whey from its present capacity of 3,000






-«40^ -«40^-


25 50 100

2. —A suggested layout for the site of an automated cheddar cheese plant handling 800,000 pounds of milk

pounds per hour to 4,600 pounds per hour by 18. Increasing the vapor-line heater (62) to
adding additional plates. 31,000 pounds per hour.
13. Replacing the present 20,000-pound-per- 19. Increasing the tubular preheater (71) to
hour separator with a 40,000-pound-per-hour 31,000 pounds per hour.
one, which would be operated at 30,000 pounds 20. A 300-hp. boiler (88).
per hour. 21. A 25-ton ammonia compressor to handle
14. A 300-gallon whey cream cooler and stor- the additional 40° F. cold storage room.
age (silo) tank (69). 22. Additional cooling sections to the chilled
15. Adding another 6,000-gallon condensed water cooling unit (92).
whey storage (silo) tank (77), as the present 23. An evaporative condenser spray pump
two would lack 1,650 pounds capacity on 2 days (111).
a week during the peak season. 24. A 100-ton ammonia compressor (103) and
16. The raw whey plate heat exchanger would a 165-ton evaporative condenser (101 ) to handle
be adequate, as the maximum flow to the whey- the chilled water cooling unit. This is in excess
processing area would not exceed 60,000 pounds of the size required, but the existing equipment
per hour. should be matched so that standby capacity
17. Additional pallets. would be available.


The major operating cycles involved in manu- weighing tank, the weight is read by turning

facturing Cheddar cheese are (1) receiving and the "Tank Selector" to the tank just filled. The
processing milk, (2) making the cheese, (3) weight then appears on the indicator.
preparing cultures, (4) handling whey, (5) The tank trucks are washed by CIP proce-
cleaning equipment, and (6) loading out. dures, using CIP unit (80) and spray assembly
(118). The unit is mounted on a hoist and mon-
orail to facilitate placing it into the tank truck
Receiving and Processing Milk
as well as for moving it from one truck to an-
Raw milk is received at the plant in 3,000- other. All CIP features and controls are dis-
gallon tank trucks and transferred to 3,000- cussed under "Cleaning Equipment."
gallon weighing tanks (2, 3) by a 180-g.p.m. raw Since milk is pumped out of the tank truck at
milk receiving pump ( 1 ) To perform this duty,
. the rate of 180 g.p.m., a 3,000-gallon tank truck
the operator connects the receiving hose be- can be unloaded in 17 minutes. The washing
tween the tank truck outlet and the pump. The time, using CIP recirculation equipment, is 45
cover on the tank truck is opened. The weigh- minutes. Allowing 20 minutes for sampling and
ing tank into which the milk is to be pumped is for hooking up and disconnecting pipelines and
selected on the "Fill" switch on the control CIP return pumps, the plant can handle a 3,000-
panel (85), and the pushbutton actuated to gallon tank truck in 1 hour and 22 minutes. By
aline the sanitary valves properly for the flow overlapping the washing of one truck with the
selected (fig. 3). This type of selector switch unloading of another, the plant can handle
with a button actuator is used on several con- seven 3,000-gallon tank trucks easily in 6 hours
trol panels throughout the plant. Pushbutton 1 (fig. 4).
is pressed, which starts the pump transferring After the milk is weighed, it is transferred
the milk to the weighing tank. into a storage tank and held until pasteurized by
Pushbutton 1 is pulled out from the control actuating the pushbuttons "Transfer From" and
panel approximately Vi inch to start and pushed "Transfer To" in the control panel (82) (fig.
in to stop. A pilot light located in the middle of 5). Raw milk transfer pump (4) is then actu-
the button, shows when the electrical circuit is ated to transfer the milk into the 8,000-gallon
operating. This type of pushbutton is on all the storage tank selected. The pump will not start
control panels, except where indicated. until the pushbuttons under the tank selector
When all the milk has been pumped into the switches have been actuated. After the milk is





D D D m
Is O D D
3 •




Figure 3. —A suggested receiving and CIP control panel foran automated cheddar cheese plant handling 800,000
pounds of milk weekly.

transferred, the pump is stopped by button 4 or stopped by pressing the "Horn Stop" button
by moving a transfer switch to "Off," which underneath the gages. When the high-level
breaks the pump circuit as well as the valve alarm sounds, a red light appears on the visual
circuit. readout over the tank number. For low level, a
The milk levels in the three 8,000-gallon stor- green light appears in the visual readout.
age tanks (5, 6, 7) may be read from the tank The visual readout, located at the top of the
gages located on the left side of the control control panel, informs the operator as to what
panel. The gages are air operated by a sanitary his processing situation is at any moment with-
diaphragm in the tank wall near the bottom. A out the necessity of studying all the various
change in milk level is sensed by the diaphragm, switches and gages on the panel. It also informs
amplified by compressed air, which results in a him which weighing tank (2 or 3) the receiving
change in the liquid column within the gage. man is filling. The visual readout is connected
The gages are equipped with high- and low-level to the selector switches electrically so that when
sensing devices which sound a horn at 7,500 and a particular function is set up, an abbreviated
250 gallons, respectively. The horn may be indication lights up in the opaque glass over the



37^k-45'—^1 IHR. a 22 MIN.

2 HR. a 7 MIN.
2HR. a 52 MIN.
3 HR. a 37 MIN.
4 I

4 HR. a 22 M N.
5HR. a 9MIN.
5HR. a 54 MIN.


Figure 4. —A time schedule for receiving milk and washing tank trucks in a cheddar cheese plant handling 800,000
pounds of milk weekly.

equipment number. Examples of this would be actuated until milk appears in the balance tank
the words "Fill" over (2), "HTST Feed" over (13) and is then shut off. This fills the clari-
(6), "Vat 31" over (15), "Tank 5" over (81) fier with milk, which will lubricate the seals
and, "Clean" over (5) Under this condition, the
. while it is being brought up to speed, at which
following processes would be taking place time clarification and pasteurization may begin.
The receiving man is pumping into weigh The cheese vat that is to receive the first
tank (2). milk is selected on either of the "HTST Dis-
The HTST system is using milk from 8,000- charge" switches. These two switches are inter-
locked so that if one switch is already set on a
gallon tank (6).
cheese vat the other will not function until the
The HTST system is discharging into cheese
first switch is set on "Off." The HTST system
vat (31).
is started by:
The CIP unit is cleaning 8,000-gallon tank 1. Starting heat and circulating unit (19)
(5). and cooling water circulating pump (119).
The 8,000-gallon tank (7) and the 3,000-gal- 2. Turning on steam and cooling water sup-
lon weighing tank (3) are idle. ply valves.
The flow of milk and cheese from receiving 3. Setting HTST (15) recorder-controller on

through are shown in figure 6.

filling proper pasteurizing temperature (161.5° F.).
Clarification and pasteurization of the milk 4. Setting HTST cooling section recorder-
are performed next. The storage tank which controller on proper cheese setting temperature
will supply the first milk used is selected on (87° F.).
the "HTST Feed" selector switch. The centrif- Setting the "Totalizer" for
5. pump (16) on
ugal pump which feeds the clarifier (11) is 20,000 pounds.
^ 15



TRANSFER © ® © ® 3
\fo/ ©©©(§} ii>

© (5 @ izjl

FlGURB s„gg„sle.l process control panel for .n

auto.naled Cheddar cheese plant handling
800,000 pounds of milk weekly.

6. Starting clarifier feed pump (10) and to tabulate the amount of milk passing through
measure flow pump (16) the system. This instrument tabulates the vol-
The milk will then flow through the clarifier ume passing through the pump. The measure-
(11) to the balance tank (13). An air-actuated flowpump is actually two positive displacement
throttling valve on the discharge of the pump pumps in series, one pump head providing the
(10) controls the flow through the clarifier to pressure and the second operating at no pres-
the rate required by the HTST pasteurizing sure drop. Thus, the revolutions traveled by
system. The measure flow pump (16) will the second pump head are very closely propor-
pull the milk through the raw milk side of the tioned to the volume of milk passing through
regenerator and push it through the remainder the pump. These revolutions are calibrated in
of the pasteurizing system to the cheese vat. pounds on the totalizer.
The milk will be diverted for a moment back to When 19,000 pounds have passed though the
the balance tank (which serves to reintroduce measure-flow pump (16), the totalizer horn
sublegal temperature milk into the system) by sounds, indicating to the operator that in 3 min-
flow-diversion valve (18) until the 161.5° F. utes 20,000 pounds of milk will be in the cheese
temperature is reached. When this temperature vat. At that time, the operator pushes the
is reached, the valve changes
flow-diversion "Manual Divert" button, which will momentar-
position causing the milk to flow thvough the ily cause flow-diversion valve (18) to divert the
pasteurized side of the regenerating section, the milk back to the balance tank (13). While hold-
16-second holding tube, the cooling section, and ing the manual-divert valve in, the operator
on to the cheese vats. advances the "HTST Discharge" switch to the
The booster pump (14) comes on automat- next vat and, then, releases the manual-divert
ically when the flow-diversion valve .goes into valve. The milk will then flow into the next
forward flow, as the pump is interlocked electri- cheese vat. The totalizer for pump (16) is reset
cally with the recorder-controller. In addition, a to "0" and the next vat is filled.
pressure switch in the system prevents the The totalizer horn may be turned off by
pump from operating if the pasteurized milk pushing "Horn Stop."
pressure in the regenerating section is less than If the operator fails to depress the manual-
the raw milk pressure. This makes certain that divert valve when changing from one cheese vat
should any leakage in the regenerating section to another, the milk will pass through a relief
occur, it will be toward the raw milk side. valve back to the balance tank. This is not re-
The instruments located in control panel (82) commended, however, because it creates exces-
automatically control the pasteurization tem- sive pressure on the plate heat exchanger
perature and final temperature of milk going ( 15 ) It is used only as a safety device.

to the vats. These temperatures are recorded

for use by health regulatory agencies as well as Making Cheddar Cheese
management. After operating a few minutes,
Starter, a bacterial culture chosen for its
the temperatures will equalize at the following:
Cheddar cheesemaking qualities, is stored in a
Raw milk in 38.0 300-gallon vacuum pressure tank (20). It is
Raw milk out of regenerator 109.5 forced into the pasteurized milk line leading to
Raw milk out of heater 161.5
Pasteurized milk out of regenerator 90.0 the cheese vats at the time the vat is starting
Pasteurized milk out of cooler 87.0 to fill by the measure-flow pump (22). The
holder tube (17) is used in the HTST sys- operator sets the desired quantity of starter
tem to hold the milk for 16 seconds at 161. 5°F. (1.00 to 1.25 percent, or 200 to 250 pounds) on
to insure proper pasteurization. Higher tem- the totalizer, and the pump is started by pushing
peratures should not be used because of their button (22). When the correct amount of
detrimental eflfect on the yields of cheese. starter has been added, the pump shuts off
When the flow-diversion valve (18) is automatically and the totalizer is reset to "0"
changed to forward flow, the "Totalizer" for the for the next vat. The outlet valve on the starter
measure-flow pump (16) automatically begins tank is controlled by the "Starter" selector

switch. Opening and closing tliis valve for each cold chlorinated tapwater. This is repeated on
addition is not necessary because the measure- subsequent vats (30 through 38) when they are
flow pump (22) prevents backflow. filled. To mix in the rennet, the mechanical
Other features of the control panel (82) in- agitators are operated the length of the vat
clude pushbuttons for the tank agitators and three times by turning the agitator start switch
for the cold-wall sections on the 8,000-gallon on the control panel (83) to "Automatic" (fig.
storage tanks (5, 6, 7). These pushbuttons are 7.).
connected to solenoid valves which admit refrig- The agitator automatically stops after it has
erant to the cooling sections of the cold-wall traveled the length of the vat three times. As
tanks. the agitator reaches the end of a vat, it strikes
A strip chart recording thermometer could a limit switch which is connected to a stepping-
be used to maintain a 24-hour record of the tem- type relay. At the third engagement, the step-
peratures of raw milk in the weighing tanks (2, ping relay will turn the agitator off". Shortly
3) and the storage tanks (5, 6, 7); however, its after the rennet is mixed in, the agitator pad-
expense does not seem warranted for a plant of dles are removed.
this type, receiving all milk in bulk. Therefore,
indicating thermometers are used. CUTTING THE CURD
When the first 20,000-pound cheese vat (29) The proper time for cutting the curd varies
is filled, the cheesemaker adds 60 ounces of from 20 to 25 minutes after adding rennet; it is
rennet, an enzyme, diluted with 10 gallons of determined by inserting a spatula into the

2'- 6"


50^ -

o o


Figure 7.— A suggested cheese vat control panel for an automated cheddar cheese plant handling
800,000 pounds
of milk weekly.

coagulum at a 45-degree angle and raising it should be between 0.13 and 0.15 percent. Half
slightly to judge firmness of the curd. Cutting the whey is then drawn by gravity into the
the curd at the right time is essential. If it is cut whey-draining tanks located at the outlet valve
too soon, excessive fat and curd loss occurs. If of each vat. The tanks are 16 inches in diameter
cut too late, the curd particles will be irregular, and contain an additional strainer. They are of
resulting in nonuniform whey expulsion. When such height that the level of whey is no higher
the cheesemaker decides the curd is ready, it is than the level of liquid in the vat, thus prevent-
cut immediately with curd knives. ing overflow during drainage. A positive-dis-
A curd knife is a rectangular shaped metal placement pump (43) forces the whey into one
frame with stainless steel piano wires stretched of the whey storage tanks.
vertically or horizontally. The wire spacing is After half the whey is drained from the curd,
set to secure the desired size of curd particle the vat strainer is removed and the curd is
(1/4 inch). In cutting the curd, two men cut the again agitated for 5 minutes at medium speed.
length of the vat, one using the horizontal knife The paddles are then removed; the whey
and the other the vertical knife, drawing them strainer is replaced; and the vat valve is opened.
through the coagulum, side by side. After cut- The curd is then pushed with the stainless steel
ting the length of the vat, the knives are re- curd rake toward the rear and sides of the vat,
versed to opposite sides of the vat and a return forming a trough lengthwise of the vat to facil-
cut the length of the vat is made, finishing a itate drainage of the whey. The trough should
horizontal and vertical cut on each side of the be about 8 inches wide and the curd 4 to 5 inches
vat. To finish cutting, the curd is cut across the deep.
vat with the vertical knife. A sample of the whey is again taken in a
Twenty minutes after the curd is cut, whey cup from the bottom of the vat. A
stainless steel
begins to move from the particles. The slight sample of the whey is removed from the cup
firmness that has developed permits slow ag- with a 9-ml. pipette and tested for acidity. This
itation of the curd in the whey. Mechanical pad- test is made on a stainless steel table in the vat
dles are inserted into the agitator shaft, and the area. At this point, the acidity of the whey
agitator switch is turned to "Manual" on the should be 0.20 to 0.25 percent. As the whey
control panel (83) to start agitation. Steam is continues to be expelled from the curd, it accu-
turned into the vat jacket by pressing the "Heat mulates in the whey-draining tank.
Lo" button. This admits steam from a line,
which will raise the temperature of the contents
The curd is next cut into slabs 18 inches long
of the vat 2° F. in 5 minutes. The tempera-
and 2 inches wide by hand with a cheese knife,
ture-controller in the control panel (83) is set
the curd being cut from the center of the vat to
for 100° to 104°. The temperature to which
the sides to produce blocks about 5 inches wide,
the curd heated will determine the amount of
4 inches thick, and 26 inches long. Starting at
moisture retained in the cheese. At the higher
the rear and moving forward, each block is
temperature, the moisture content of the cheese
turned on its side with sufficient space between
will be lower. The moisture content will vary
blocks to permit drainage. If the whey does not
from 35 to 38.5 percent. (The legal maximum is
drain sufficiently from the curd, a sour flavor
39 percent.) When the desired temperature is
will be noticeable in the finished cheese. This
set on the temperature-controller, the steam in-
sour flavor will continue to develop and will re-
put will be modulated to maintain that tempera-
sult in an off-grade cheese. The block-turning
ture until the steam is turned off" by push-
process is repeated until each block has been
given a quarter turn four times.
MAKING ACIDITY TESTS The row of blocks is next cut through the cen-
Sixty minutes after the curd is cut, a sample ter lengthwise; the cheesemaker then turns
of the whey is gathered in a stainless steel cup. each alternate cut block over and places it on
From this sample, 9 milliliters (ml.) are top of the one next to it. The blocks are again
pipetted and tested for acidity. The acidity turned, placing the top block on the bottom

of the vat without turning and then flipping the tray of a vibrator which spreads it evenly on
bottom piece end for end and placing it on top. the elevating conveyor. From the top of this
This somewhat tedious process is necessary to conveyor, the curd falls onto the belt of the
prevent uneven evaporation from the curd, since weighing conveyor. The weight of the curd is
uneven drying will result in nonuniform acidity translated by the balance mechanism and the
development and a variation in color, both of electronic controls into a corresponding speed
which will cause streaks in the cheese. of rotation of the salt-metering wheel and
The next step is to arrange the slabs in tiers thence into an automatic delivery of a predeter-
three high, placing the top piece on the vat bot- mined amount of salt proportional to the weight
tom and flipping the other two end for end. of the curd. Usually salt is added at the rate of
Each time, one end of each block is in contact 4 pounds for each 1,000 pounds of milk proc-
with the vat wall as an aid in retarding evapora- essed.
tion. The three-high stacking is done twice, The curd and the are fed simultaneously
after which the blocks are stacked four high, into the mixing drum where they are thor-
using the same precautions to avoid surface oughly mixed. The salted curd is then dis-
drying of the curd. charged from the drum into the hoop and
At this point approximately 1 hour has dressed with single-service bandages on the
elapsed since cutting the curd into the 5- by 4- scales of the hoop conveying assembly. When
by 26-inch slabs. The four-high tiers are turned the hoop has received the required quantity of
twice at 10-minute intervals, after which the curd, a switch in the scale causes the discharge
whey is again checked for acidity, which at this gate to close. After a preset short delay,
stage should be 0.50 to 0.60 percent. If the acid- the pushrod-and-pawl conveyor automatically
ity has not reached 0.50 percent, the blocks are moves the filled hoop away, brings an empty
restacked until the proper acidity has developed. hoop onto the scales, and the filling cycle
The curd particles are now matted together is repeated.
and are somewhat plastic. This change, known An overhead conveyor system (50) brings
as the cheddaring process, is necessary to obtain the washed and sanitized hoops from the hoop
the proper flavor and body in the finished cheese. storage room to the milling and salting ma-
Automation of the cheddaring process has chine, where single-service press cloths are
been tried, but at the time of this study no proc- inserted before the curd is added. The same con-
ess has been developed that has proved en- veyor takes the filled hoops to the cheese
tirely successful on a commercial basis. When a presses.
satisfactory method has been perfected, savings
in labor will be considerable. CURD PRESSING
The hoops of curd are placed end to end in one
MILLING, SALTING, AND of the four 34-foot double-row cheese presses
HOOP FILLING (46) which are located near the milling and salt-
The curd blocks at this pointmeasure approx- ing machine and parallel to the cheese vats. To
imately 30 by 12 by 2 to 3 inches. They are next permit the added salt to dissolve completely, the
placed on 14-inch conveyors (44) located in hoops remain here under no pressure for a half
every other row between the cheese vats. These hour, after which 50-pound gage air pressure is
conveyors move from left to right to another applied for a half hour. Pressure is then re-
belt conveyor moving at right angles, which leased the hoops are removed and the single-
; ;

picks up the curd blocks and delivers them to service bandages are redressed. The cheese is
the curd milling, salting, and weighing machine put back into the hoops and returned to the
(45). These conveyors are equipped with stain- press, where it remains under 50-pound gage
less steel belts that are easily cleaned and air pressure overnight. The next morning, the
sanitized. hoops of cheese are removed from the press and
The cheddared curd is fed into the hopper of placed on overhead conveyors (50) which take
the curd mill, and the milled curd falls onto the them to the hoop-washing and storage room.

HOOP WASHING AND STORAGE The paraffin tank (57) has a power drive for
When the stainless steel conveyor carrying the cheese elevator, which will dip five Ched-
the hoops of cheese reaches the hoop-washing dars, 14 daisies, or 10 twins into the paraffin;
and storage room, it dips down to table height. there is an automatic shutoff on the upstroke.

The hoop then lifted from the conveyor pan,

is An overhead hood (58) carries away the
inverted at the dumping table (51), and the vapors.
cheese removed. The empty hoop is placed on a
conveyor belt which takes it into and through
After paraffining, the cheeses are weighed
the hoop washer (49).
and boxed, with the weight and vat number
After the twin, daisy, and cheddar cheeses
marked on the box. These boxes are then placed
are removed from the hoops, they are placed on
on pallets (43 by 48 inches), all the cheese from
a conveyor and taken into the drying room.
one vat (1,930 pounds) being kept on one pallet.
They are placed on the portable drying shelves
One box from each vat is set aside for later in-
and moved by pallet truck to an assigned area of
spection. This box is stored in the same room
the drying room.
with the pallet of cheese.
The print cheese is moved on the belt con-
After the press cloths are removed, the prints
veyor (52) from the dumping table through the
are wrapped with a laminated multilayer of foil
print- wrapping machine (54) to the boxing
and plastic material. A heated press (54) seals
table (55).
the print wrapper to the cheese. All six surfaces
At times some of the washed hoops will be
of the press are heated by 170° F. oil circulated
placed back on the overhead conveyor to be
through the hollow plates of the sealer. The
reused. At other times, all of them will be
cheese is pressed for 17 seconds to seal the
stored on pallets in this area until needed. For
nine vats of cheese, nine pallets of hoops of the
type needed to match the styles of twins, CURING
daisies, Cheddars, or prints being made are re- The wrapped prints and the boxed paraffined
quired. Hoops should not be stored nested but round cheese are moved by pallets into the
stacked so that air can circulate around them to cheese curing room (40° F. storage room) by
permit drying. electrically powered forklift trucks. The cheese
The overhead conveyor pans travel through a is left in the curing room for 30 days before
washer after the filled hoops are removed from being shipped to the market.
the conveyor and before the cleaned empty hoop
is placed back on the conveyor. The washer LABORATORY TESTS IN
sprays the hanging arm and pan with the same CHEESEMAKING
kind of acid solution that is used in the hoop Samples of producers' milk are tested periodi-
cally in the laboratory for fat, bacteriophage,
washer. This is followed by a warm water rinse
at 145° F. The pans are automatically tilted
antibiotics, sediment, and possible watering.
rinse water
Periodic checks are also made on the sanitary
for a distance of 10 feet to allow all

to drain, since the pans have solid bottoms to

quality of plant tapwater. A
sample of cheese
from each vat is checked for fat and moisture
prevent salty whey from dripping to the plant
content when manufacture is completed. The
floor while the hoops are being conveyed from
cheese is held 30 days and then checked again
the hoop filler to the cheese presses.
for fat and moisture content before being
DRYING AND PARAFFINING shipped. At this time, the cheese is graded for
THE CHEESE flavor, color, body, and texture. Phosphatase
The round types of cheeses are placed on tests are made of the milk from each vat set for
portable shelves (56) and dried for 48 hours at cheese. An acidity test is made hourly of the
55° F. and 70 percent humidity. After drying, whey before and after condensing, and the con-
pallets of cheese are taken to the paraffining densed whey is checked for total solids. Two
room. men will be needed to perform these tests.

Preparing Cultures acid wash and rinse. Finally, the starter proces-
The starter (culture) maker begins his work- sor will be steam sterilized at 20 pounds pres-
day by changing into clean white clothing and sure for 1 hour.
clean rubber boots in his dressing room. Before Immediately after the equipment is sanitized,
entering the working area, he passes through the starter maker will pump mixed water and
the chlorine-fogged room. He will then sample nonfat dry milk into the starter processor in
the bulk starter set the previous day for flavor, such proportions as to make a 12-percent solu-
odor, and acidity. If the acidity reading is in the tion. The nonfat dry milk used is low-heat Grade

range of 0.9 to 1.1 percent (starter is made A powder especially made for making
from 12-percent solids skim milk), the worker Water and powder are recombined in a
will cool the bulk starter from 70° to 40° F. mixing funnel (23). As soon as the required
with sweet water. pounds of reconstituted mixture are added, the
The intermediate culture set the previous day solutionis heated with steam in the processor to

is also sampled for flavor, odor, and acidity. If it

190° F. and maintained at that temperature for
is in the same acidity range as that of the bulk 1 hour.
starter, the intermediate culture is cooled in During the 1-hour holding period, the starter
the water bath to 40° F. The flask of interme- maker makes a 12-percent mixture of nonfat dry
diate culture used for these tests is discarded milk and water in a sterile 5-gallon stainless
and not used for bulk inoculation. steel can, using a sterile stirring rod. This is

For bulk culture, two 300-gallon starter vacu- divided between the required number of flasks
um pressure processors (24, 25) are used. Usu- for intermediate culture plus one for sampling.
ally 1 percent of bulk culture will be needed, but The in an autoclave at 10
flasks are heated
this percentage may vary with changing culture pounds pressure, equivalent to 240° F., for 1
activity and changing amounts needed in the hour. Temperature in the autoclave is then
milk in different seasons.One-percent inocula- brought down gradually, and the flasks are re-
tion on a peak day of 180,000 pounds would re- moved to a water bath where they are tempered
quire 1,800 pounds of bulk culture. Two 300- to 70°.
gallon units have been chosen to permit making Floors of the dressing room, mother culture
the starter one day, testing the following day, room, powder mixing room, and bulk culture
and using the third day. If a starter is found room are all thoroughly scrubbed and rinsed
defective in one vat, the batch is discarded and daily. Just before the starter maker leaves for
another immediately set up for testing the fol- the day, the rooms are fogged with 500 parts per
lowing day. This procedure lessens the chance million (p. p.m.) of chlorine. Then the interme-
of ruining a day's make of cheese. diate culture is inoculated with a fresh sample
About 4 p.m., the operator will have drained of commercial freeze-dried culture from a batch
the starter storage vat (20) which was filled of culture that has been pretested for activity
with culture made 2 days before and will have and reliability for cheddar cheesemaking. Inter-
pumped it into the cheese vats. He will then mediate culture is then carefully agitated and
clean and sanitize the vat, and refill it from the set in the 70° F. incubator.
batch he has checked.^ He will rinse the empty Then the starter maker removes the flasks of
starter processor (24 or 25) with cold water and intermediate culture that were set the previous
then clean it with a detergent, following with an day and adds the required amount of intermedi-
^ To
ate culture to the bulk starter processor (24 or
check the activity of the culture, 9.5 ml. of
pasteurized milk is transferred into a sterile bottle. The 25) containing pasteurized reconstituted nonfat
milk is tempered to 90° F. and 5 ml. of test culture is dry milk. The mixture is agitated 5 minutes with
added and mixed with the milk. The sample is incubated the power agitator, temperature is checked to
at 90° for 4 hours, after which the titratable acidity is insure setting at 70° F., and the air-condition-
determined. A lactic acid value of 0.6 to 0.7 percent rep-
ing thermostat is checked to make sure the room
resents a very active culture; 0.5 to 0.6 percent is an
average culture activity; less than 0.5 percent is a slow temperature is 70°. The starter maker locks the
culture that should be discarded. door of the starter room when he leaves.

Handling Whey vacuum may be pulled on the system. At the

same time, the whey discharge line from the
Whey, a prime source of bacteriophage, is
separator (67) is opened to the floor. The steam
handled in a separate building. Workers in this
jet air ejector is started and the water from the
building are not premitted to enter the operat-
cooling tower (114) admitted to the condenser.
ing areas of the cheese plant. The outside doors
The cooling tower water-return pump is started,
to the working areas of the cheese plant are
and the water temperature controller (control
kept locked at all times.
panel 84) is set to the proper temperature.
The whey that drains from the curd collects in
When the unit is up to full vacuum, water is ad-
the whey draining tanks (41) located near the
mitted to the tubular preheater (71). The tem-
outlet valve of each cheese vat. This whey con-
perature-controller for the tubular preheater is
tains about 0.25- to 0.35-percent fat and 6.5- to
set at 195° F. and the steam turned on. The
7.0-percent total solids. Since these solids have
condensate pumps, (62), (71), (72) (control
enough food value to justify their salvage, pro-
panel 84), are started. The steam pressure con-
visions are made to separate the fat for cream
troller for the vapor recompressor is set to the
to be used in buttermaking and to condense the
proper steam pressure and the steam turned on.
remainder of the solids for making dried whey,
At this point, the evaporator will be operating
which can be used for either human or animal
on "Water." The concentrated whey discharge
food. This method of whey disposition avoids
pump is the only evaporator item which remains
the problem of stream pollution and the expense
to be started.
of setting up and operating a waste disposal
All these functions may be carried out from
system at the plant.
the control panel (84) except turning on steam
Since whey is a prime source of bacteriophage,
to the preheater (71) and evaporator (72),
it should be handled in a remote locati6n. There-
which may be done from valves adjacent to the
fore, a pump (43) is provided to move the whey
control panel. These functions are grouped in
through a 21/2-inch sanitary pipeline located in
the upper right-hand part of the control panel.
the tunnel beneath the building to the whey-
handling plant. Since the rate at which whey is Centrifugal whey feed pump (65A) is started,
drained from the vats varies, a 4,000-gallon ver- forcing the whey at the rate of 20,000 pounds
tical storage tank (63) is used as a surge tank per hour through the vapor-line preheater (62),
to even out the flow through the whey separat- where it is heated to 110° F., and on through
ing and concentrating process. the clarifier (66) and separator (67). The air in
Warm whey is cooled to 40° F. to prevent the system between the whey feed pump (65A)
buildup of acidity while in storage. A centrifu- and the separator is vented to the floor. When
gal pump (65) passes the whey through a plate the operator notes whey discharging to the
heat exchanger (61) which cools the whey first floor, he changes the bypass switch to control

with city water and finally with 34° sweet (71), which shuts off the flow of water to the
water recirculated from the sweetwater cooler tubular preheater and closes the valve opening
(91) by pump (94) The whey then passes into
to the floor, thus starting the whey into the

a 16,000-gallon vertical storage tank to await tubular preheater.

further processing. The 6,000-gallon vertical storage tanks (75,
The air-operated inlet-outlet valves for the 76) are provided for storing 40-percent total
4,000-gallon and 16,000-gallon storage tanks, as solids whey concentrate before shipping. The
well as the pumps, may be controlled from con- proper tank is selected on the control panel (84)
trol panel (84) (fig. 8). by turning the selector switch to "Feed." The
To start the separating and evaporating proc- city water and 34° F. sweet water are turned
ess, the bypass control for the 20,000-pound- on to the concentrated whey plate cooler (74).
per-hour double-eff'ect recompression evapora- Sweetwater pump (94A) is turned on. The con-
tor (72) is turned to "On" position. This closes centrated whey system is now ready to receive
the incoming product line to the 20,000-pound- product from the evaporator (72)
per-hour tubular preheater (71) so that a A continuous reading refractometer is lo-

n —






cated in the second effect of the evaporator. provides 3 pounds of evaporation for each
This device indicates to the operator what the pound of steam consumed. The selection of this
total solids concentration in the second effect unit depends upon the balance of operating cost
is at any time. When the concentration reaches (additional condensing water and fuel required
40-percent total solids, the concentrated whey for steam) against capital investment (added
discharge pump is started. This transfers the cost of double-effect recompression evaporator
concentrated whey through plate cooler (74) to over single-effect) In planning whey concen-

the 6,000-gallon storage tanks. The discharge is trating equipment, these costs should be
adjusted to give a continuous reading of 40-per- studied.
cent total solids. The refractometer is checked The vapor-line preheater (62) provides an
periodically by the operator, and the discharge economical means of raising the temperature of
of the evaporator is adjusted as needed. The rest the whey from storage temperature (40° F.)
of the operation is automatic and continuous. to separating temperature (90°). The steam
The Sweetwater inlet valve to the 300-gallon required for this purpose comes from the
whey cream cooling and storage tank (68) is second effect on the evaporator (72). Using a
opened. This will cool the cream to 40° F. vapor-line preheater results in further savings
When the cream level is above the agitator, the as it reduces the amount of vapor needed to be
agitator is turned on by pushbutton (68). condensed by the condenser in the evaporator,
The whey processing system is now in full reducing the size of the cooling tower and re-
operation. lated water handling equipment.
A centrifugal whey cream pump (70), 25
g.p.m., and positive displacement whey concen-
Cleaning Equipment
trate pump (78), 100 g.p.m., are suggested for
pumping products totank trucks that are ad- Much of the labor needed to operate a cheese
jacent to the processing room. plant is that required to clean equipment and
Tank gages for the whey storage tanks are utensils. Allequipment and utensils that come
located on the left side of the control panel (84). in contact with cheese or ingredients used in
These gages will enable the operator to know cheese must be cleaned immediately after use.
what the storage situation is at any moment. Proper cleaning methods are important not only
The gages are equipped with high- and low-level for public health reasons, but also to control
alarms which sound the alarm horn and turn on quality in the finished cheese, especially by
the pilot lights located just below the tank gage. combating bacteriophage contamination of the
The alarm may be acknowledged and turned off starter and the cheese milk.
by pushing the "Alarm Reset" button just be- Cleaning closed systems, such as storage
low the gage. These gages operate on the same tanks and HTST pasteurizing units, by circulat-
principle as those in control panel (82) ing methods is a common practice in milk and
(fig. 5). ice cream plants. These same practices can be

A visual readout is omitted from the whey- followed in cheese plants to reduce labor costs
processing control panel since there is single and to make the cleaning operations more effi-

usage of all equipment except the 6,000-gallon cient in use of chemicals, in removing soil, and
condensed whey storage tanks. The operator in sanitizing the surfaces thatcome in contact
does not need to be informed quickly as to the with milk. Some equipment, however, such as
status of his operating equipment since he does cheese vats, is not adaptable to circulation
not have to decide on the item of equipment to cleaning and must be handwashed.
use next. In closed circuits, such as the HTST units, the
The CIP unit (81 A), the controls of which circulating pump
connected with the unit can
are located in control panel (84), is the same force the cleaning and sanitizing solutions
type as that used for the milk processing equip- through the entire system and back to the solu-
ment. Its use and operation are discussed else- tion tank. But where the circuit cannot be put
where. under pressure the entire distance, as in wash-
The double-effect recompression evaporator ing a milk truck tank or a storage tank, the CIP

circulating pump delivers the cleaning or sani- here. The CIP controls are shown on the process
tizing solution to a spray ball system mounted control panels (82, 84, 85).
at the top of the tank, which circulates the solu- Coupled with the recorder-controller is an
tion, and a separate pump returns the solution electropneumatic punchcard program selector.

to the CIP unit for recirculation. This device automatically sets the elapsed time,
circulating temperature, and proper valve se-
CLEANED-IN-PLACE (CIP) SYSTEM quencing for whatever item of equipment is to
81A) are used in this be cleaned. To clean a particular item, the prop-
Three CIP units (80, 81,
er punchcard is selected from the card file and
plant. Two of them (81, 81A) have three-com-
partment tanks so that both acid and alkali so-
program selector. The pro-
inserted into the

lutions can be used. System 80 has two compart-

gram may be changed by making up a new
punchcard. Once the program is established,
ments and is used for cleaning the truck tanks;
there is no need for a variation unless some fac-
unit 81 is used for pipelines, weigh tanks, stor-
tors, such as the cleaning compounds, are
age tanks, the HTST unit, and the 300-gallon
bulk culture tank (20). Unit 81A is used in the
whey department. For cleaning surfaces coming Valve sequencing is necessary to insure prop-
in contact with only cold milk, such as the milk er cleaning of valve parts as well as branch
tank trucks, ordinarily only the alkali wash so- lines. The program
controller sets the sanitary
lution is used. For cleaning surfaces coming in line valves in theproper position for cleaning
contact with hot milk, however, both acid and and also sequences the proper valves to clean
alkali solutions should be used. All the storage the branch lines.
tanks have built-in spray balls that give suffi- The power
"Off'-On" pushbutton turns on the
cient hydraulic action to clean the soiled sur- to the control system,and the "Start" button
face. initiates the program selected by the punch-

The CIP unit comes completely assembled. card. The "Stop" button shuts off the program
Individual program punchcards are used to give at any point, should the operator wish to do
each item of equipment the optimum cleaning this; the program may again be picked up by

cycle. The unit is 41 inches wide, 61 inches long, the "Start" button. If the operator should de-
and 74 inches high. Each stainless steel tank sire to restart the program from the beginning,
has a maximum working capacity of 165 gal- the "Reset" button is pushed, followed by the
lons, and the flow of solutions to and from "Start" button. With a quick glance at the pilot
the unit is regulated by air-actuated valves. The lights, located just below the operating push-

CIP unit includes a temperature-control device, buttons, the operator knows immediately which
a level control, a recorder, air blowdown, and phase the CIP unit is in.

cleaning cycle unit with electropneumatic A CIP selector switch is provided in the con-
punchcard program selector located in the proc- trol panel to direct the CIP solutions to the prop-
ess control panel (82, 84, 85), for each type of er point for cleaning the equipment item se-
cleaning required. lected. This switch also registers on the visual
The automatic CIP units clean and sanitize readout of control panel 82.
the surfaces of milk processing equipment that To clean the various tanks, a swing-elbow
come in contact with milk, without dismantling, connection must be made at the CIP hook-up
by controlled circulation of cleaning and ster- stations (81B-D), which connects the spray
ilizing solutions. This is performed by automati- balls to the CIP solution lines. This connection
cally regulating the temperature and elapsed is made by removing the manhole cover of the

time for each phase of the cleaning cycle. A CIP tank to obtain a key which unlocks the cap cov-
recorder-controlling instrument keeps a record ering the solution line. This procedure insures
of the cleaning procedure for review by man- that the tank is properly vented to prevent its
agement and health regulatory agencies. The collapse from vacuum during the final cold
time, temperature, and pressure of the cleaning, water rinse.
rinsing, and sterilizing solutions are recorded Pipelines are cleaned by making the neces-

sary hose- jumper connections to complete cir- f. Cycle ends with all solution returned to
cuits, followed by circulation of the solutions solution tank.
and valve sequencing by means of the auto- Rinse
matic CIP units. a. Rinse tank full from last prerinse return.
Items of equipment in the main plant that b. Rinse, temperature same as prerinse, for
will not be cleaned by CIP methods are: 5 minutes.
1. Positive displacement pumps c. Circulate water at tap temperature for 10

2. Slab curd conveyor minutes and return to rinse tank.

3. Cheese vats Sanitize: (To be done just before using.)
4. Curd milling, salting, and hooping machine a. Insert card for sanitizing program.

5. Cheese presses b. Sanitize chemical powder added to tank by

6 Sanitary skids for hoop storage
c. Circulate cold for required period advised
7. Clarifier*
by sanitizer manufacturer, which is pro-
8. Bulk culture vats located in the starter gramed on card.
room d. Discharge to drain.
9. Whey clarifier * The CIP procedure using three-tank unit for
10. Whey separator * cleaning hot surfaces is as follows
* Recently some machines have been placed Prerinse
on the market that the manufacturers claim can a. Rinse tank automatically filled.

be cleaned by CIP methods successfully. b. Temperature control set initially approxi-

To initiate the cleaning cycle for any storage mately 100° F.
tank, tank truck, set of milk lines, or process- c. Rinse through lines and discharge to drain

ing equipment, the punched card for the clean- until clear.
ing operation for the respective item is inserted d. Return to rinse tank when clear circulate

into the card-reading unit, the CIP selector is 5 minutes.

set for the equipment to be cleaned, and the Alkali wash:
operation set into motion by pushing the proper a. Solution tank automatically filled.
button. A sample procedure for an open-circuit b. Alkali wash powder added to solution tank
cleaning procedure for storage tanks follows: by operator.
Prerinse: c. Initial time period set approximately 30
a. Rinse tank automatically filled. minutes.
b. Temperature control set initially approxi- d. Temperature control set initially approxi-
mately 100° F. mately 165° F.
c. Spray rinse and discharge to drain until e. Circulate at adjusted temperature and
clean. time period, discharging back to solution tank.
d. Return to rinse tank and circulated 5 min- f. Cycle ends with all solution returned to
utes. solution tank.

Alkali tvash: Rinse:

a. Solution tank automatically filled. a. Rinse tank full from last prerinse return.

b. Alkali washing powder added to solution b. Rinse at 165° F. for 2 minutes maximum;

tank by operator. discharge to drain.

c. Initial time period set approximately 40 Acid wash:
minutes. Solution tank automatically filled.
Temperature control
d. set initially approxi- Acid cleaner added to solution tank by
mately 140° F. operator.
e. Circulate at adjusted temperature and c. Initial time period set approximately 20

time period, discharging back to solution tank. minutes.


d. Temperature control set initially approxi- truck, and a crane truck for hoisting heavy
mately 165° F. bowls from clarifier frame. The tanks and cer-
e. Circulate at adjusted temperature and tain of the auxiliary items are mounted on

time period, discharging back to solution tank. casters so that they can be moved where needed.


a. Rinse tank full from last prerinse return.
The exteriors of all large items of equipment
b. Rinse same temperature as prerinse for 5 must be kept free of This is done by the
minutes; discharge to drain. operator while or after the equipment is used.
c. Circulate rinse water at tap temperature Hosing with warm water usually suffices. Some
for 10 minutes; return to rinse tank. large items of equipment must be handwashed,
such as cheese vats and balance tanks.
Sanitize: (To be done just before using.)
a. Insert card for sanitizing program. CLEANING THE WHEY-HANDLING
b. Sanitize chemical powder added to rinse
CIP unit 81A, located in the whey-handling
tank by operator.
department, is used for cleaning the whey-
c. Circulate cold for required period advised
receiving tanks, the evaporator, the heaters, the
by sanitizer manufacturer, which is pro-
condensed whey plate cooler, the condensed
gramed on card.
whey storage tanks, the pipeline that brings
d. Discharge to drain. the whey from the cheese vats to the whey han-
dling department, and the whey cream storage
tank.The positive displacement pumps, clarifier,
Some take-down sanitary pipes and certain and separators are cleaned out of place, though
pieces of equipment, such as positive displace- some of the newer clarifiers and separators can
ment pumps, clarifiers, curd knives, strainers, be cleaned in place, according to the manufac-
dippers, and pails, need to be cleaned out of turer.
place. The machines are taken apart and rinsed
The methods used for cleaning these items
free of milk remnants, and the various parts are essentially the same as those used in the
and other loose items of equipment are placed in
main plant using unit (81) with the controls
small tanks (79) especially made for COP clean- located in the control panel (82).
The stainless steel tank is 20 inches wide, 18
Loading Out
inches deep and 74V2 inches long. It has a capac-
ity of 100 gallons of washing solution. The The cheese loaded out from an enclosed

heat-controlled flow circulation system assures loading dock whichis 10 feet deep and 110 feet

thorough scrubbing of any shaped piece. A cir- long. The dock has two loading doors so that
culating pump is mounted beneath the tank. A two trucks may be loaded at a time.
two-way valve in the pump discharge line per- The cheese is put into the truck on the same
mits recirculation of cleaning or sanitizing so- palletson which it is stored in the 40° F. stor-
lution or discharge to the floor. After the parts age room. The pallets are sized so that they can
are rinsed with 100° F. water, cleaning and be placed in the delivery truck in two rows
sanitizing solutions are recirculated through stacked two high. A forklift is used to load the
the tank in the same manner as the CIP system trucks.
operates. The type and strength of the cleaner About 40 pallet loads of cheese are loaded out
used will need to be varied according to the de- on an average day. Since the buyers provide
gree of soiling. their owntrucks which differ considerably in
Auxiliary equipment needed with the COP capacity, the volume loaded out per truck var-
tank includes a small parts basket, clarifier ies from day to day. Generally, no more than
discs rack, sanitary fittings rack, clarifier three or four trucks are loaded in one day.

A total of 22 workers are needed to operate 17. Storeroom clerk Takes care of storeroom,
an automated plant of this size, excluding office receiving and shipping of
workers. Each worker will work an 8-hour day, merchandise turns ;

5 days a week, with a oO-minute lunch period, cheese in p.m.

except for the plant superintendent and engi- 18. Wheyplant Separates whey and con-
neer who will have 1-hour lunch periods. operator denses whey.
19. Whey plant Separates, condenses,
Plant Workers Needed worker cools whey; does

The workers and their principal duties are as

20. Relief man Relieves workers 5, 10,

No. Wo7'ker PrinciTpal duties

12, 16, 17,one day each.
1. Superintendent Supervises all plant oper-
21. Relief man Relieves workers 6, 7, 11,
13, 18, one day each.
ations, makes records,
hires workers, assigns
22. Relief man Relieves workers 3, 4, (2
days) 8, 9 (1 day).
In assigning relief workers, job assignments
2. Engineer Maintains all equipment
in plant.
were rotated so that these workers would obtain
Foreman broader experience. Rotating jobs also provides
3. Assists superintendent
a method for training new workers for the va-
and takes short relief
rious types of jobs in the plant.
4. Receiver Receives milk, does clean-
ing and yard work. Work Schedules
5. Cheesemaker Takes care of cheese vats Work schedules for the specified plant em-
1 and 6. ployees are as follows
6. Cheesemaker Takes care of cheese vats Worker No. 1
2 and 7. (Superintendent) :

7. Cheesemaker Takes care of cheese vats Hours to be General supervision of all

3 and 8. arranged. operations and all workers.
8. Cheesemaker Takes care of cheese vats Hires workers and assigns
4 and 9. them to their duties. Makes
9. Cheesemaker Takes care of cheese vat necessary reports.
5, 5 days per week, fin- Worker No. 2
ishes vats 6, 7, 8, 5 days (Maintenance engineer) :

per week, and vat 9, 2 2 days per week,

days per week. 7 :00 a.m. - 3 :30 p.m. Care of all automatic
10. Assistant to Inserts bandages in 3 days per week machines and their
cheesemaker hoops. 12 m. - 8 :30 p.m. controls, keeping them
11. Assistant to Hoops cheese and places oiled, adjusted, and in
cheesemaker on conveyor. good repair.
12. Assistant to Dehoops. Worker No. 3
cheesemaker (Foreman) :

13. Stacker Stacks cheese for drying. 7:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m.
14. Starter Takes care of all starters 7:00 Sanitize equipment for re-
technician 5 days per week. ceiving milk,
15. Laboratory Works in laboratory. 8:00 Start pasteurizer.
technician 8:05 Pump starter into milk line
16. Laboratory Works in laboratory. leading to cheese vat 1.
technician 8:55 Prepare rennet for vat 1.

Worker No. 3 — Continued : Worker No. 3 — Continued

9:00 Switch valve on milk line from vat 6 to vat 7. Add
from vat 1 to vat 2. Add rennet to vat 6, agitate
rennet to vat 1, agitate milk, remove paddles.
milk, remove paddles. 2:05 Pump starter into milk line
9:05 Pump starter into milk line leading to vat 7.
leading to vat 2. 2:30 Assist cheesemaker in cut-
9:30 Assist cheesemaker in cut- ting curd in vat 6.
ting curd in vat 1. 2:35 Place bandages in hoops for
9:55 Prepare rennet for vat 2. vat 2.
10:00 Switch valve on milk line 2:55 Prepare rennet for vat 7.
from vat 2 to vat 3. Add 3:00 Switch valve in milk line
rennet to vat 2, agitate from vat 7 to vat 8. Add
milk, remove paddles. rennet to vat 7, agitate
10:05 Pump starter into milk line milk, remove paddles.
leading to vat 3. 3:05 Pump starter into milk line
10:30 Assist cheesemaker in cut- leading to vat 8.
ting curd in vat 2. Worker No. 4
10:55 Prepare rennet for vat 3. (Receiver) :

11:00 Switch valve on milk line 7 :15 a.m. - 3 :45 p.m.

from vat 3 to vat 4. Add 7:15 Check equipment for receiv-
rennet to vat 3, agitate ing milk.
milk, remove paddles. 7:30 Start receiving milk and
11:05 Pump starter into milk line washing bulk milk delivery
leading to vat 4. trucks.
11:05 Lunch. 11:30 Lunch.
11:30 Assist cheesemaker in cut- 12:00 m. Receive milk.
ting curd in vat 3. 2:00 Clean equipment and take
11:30 Relieve receiving man for care of premises.
lunch. Worker No. 5
11:55 Prepare rennet for vat 4. (Cheesemaker) :

12:00 m. Switch valve on milk line 9:30 a.m. -6:00 p.m.

from vat 4 to vat 5. 9:30 Operate vat 1 from curd
12:05 Pump starter into milk line cutting to vat washing.
leading to vat 5. 2:00 Lunch.
12:30 Assist cheesemaker in cut- 2:30 Operate vat 6 from curd
ting curd in vat 4. cutting to 4-high stacking.
12:55 Prepare rennet for vat 5. Worker No. 6
1:00 Switch valve on milk line (Cheesemaker) :

leading from vat 5 to vat 6. 10:30 a.m. -7 :00 p.m.

Add rennet to vat 5, agitate 10:30 Operate vat 2 from curd
milk, remove paddles. cutting to vat washing.
1:05 Pump starter into milk line 3:00 Lunch.
leading to vat 6. 3:30 Operate vat 7 from curd
1:30 Assist cheesemaker in cut- cutting to 4-high stacking.
ting curd in vat 5. Worker No. 7
1:35 Place bandages in hoops for (Cheesemaker) :

vat 1. 11:30 a.m. -8 :00 p.m.

1:55 Prepare rennet for vat 6. 11:30 Operate vat 3 from curd
2:00 Switch valve on milk line cutting to vat washing.

Worker No. 7 — Continued : Worker No. 10 — Continued

3:55 Prepare rennet for vat 8. conveyor to press of vat 4.
4:00 Switch valve from vat 8 to 5:30 Dress bandages on hoops at
vat 9. Add rennet to vat 8, press of vat 3.
agitate, remove paddles. 5:45 Put bandages in hoops for
4:05 Lunch. vat 5.
4:35 Operate vat 8 from curd 6:15 Move hoops from overhead
cutting to 4-high stacking. conveyor to press of vat 5.
Worker No. 8 6:30 Dress bandages on hoops at
(Cheesemaker) : press of vat 4.
12:30 to 9:00 p.m. 6:45 Put bandages in hoops for
12:30 Operate vat 4 from curd vat 6.
cutting to vat washing. 7:15 Lunch.
4:55 Prepare rennet for vat 9. 7:45 Put bandages in hoops for
5:00 Shut off pasteurizer for vat vat 7.
9, add rennet, agitate milk, 8:15 Move hoops from overhead
remove paddles. conveyor to press of vat 7.
5:05 Lunch. 8:30 Dress bandages on hoops at
5:35 Operate vat 9 from curd press of vat 6.

cutting to vat washing. 8:45 Put bandages in hoops for

On 8-vat days (Wed., vat 8.
Thurs., Fri., Sat.) wash 9:15 Move hoops from overhead
walls of cheese room'. conveyor to press of vat 8.
Worker No. 9 9:30 Dress bandages on hoops at
(Cheesemaker) : press of vat 7.
1:30-10:00 p.m. 9:45 Put bandages in hoops for
1:30 Operate vat 5 from curd vat 9.
cutting to vat washing. 10:15 Move hoops from overhead
5:50 Start CIP. conveyor to press of vat 9
6:00 Lunch. on Wed., Thurs., Fri., and
6:30 Operate vat 6 from final Sat.
4-high turn to vat washing. 10:30 Dress bandages on hoops at
7:00 Operate vat 7 from first press of vat 8.
4-high turn to vat washing. 10:45 Wash milling, salting, and
8:00 Operate vat 8 from first hooping machine.
4-high turn to vat washing. Worker No. 11
9:00 Operate vat 9 from first (Assistant to cheesemaker) :

4-high turn to vat washing. 3 days per week

Worker No. 10 1:00-9:30 p.m.
(Assistant to cheesemaker) : 2 days per week
3:45 p.m. - 12 :15 a.m. 1:45 -10 :15 p.m.
3:45 Put bandages in hoops for 1:00 Prepare and sanitize mill-
vat 3. ing, salting, and hooping
4:15 Move hoops from overhead machine.
conveyor to press of vat 3. 1:10 Fill salt hopper on machine.
4:30 Dress bandages on hoops at 1:15 Move hoops of vat 1 from
press of vat 2. day before from press to
4:45 Put bandages in hoops for overhead conveyor.
vat 4. 1:45 Hoop curd in vat 1 and place
5:15 Move hoops from overhead on overhead conveyor.

Worker No. 11 — Continued: Worker No. 11 — Continued:

2:15 Move hoops from overhead 9:30 Refill salt hopper.
conveyor to press of vat 1 9:45 Hoop curd in vat 9, place on
and move hoops of vat 2 overhead conveyor.
from day before from press
to overhead conveyor.
Worker No. 12
(Assistant to cheesemaker)
2:45 Hoop curd in vat 2 and place :

on overhead conveyor. 1:00-9:30 p.m.

3:15 Move filled hoops from con- 1:00 Fill hoop washer and pre-
veyor to press of vat 2 and pare area for dehooping and
move hoops of vat 3 from washing.
day before from press to 1:15 Dehoop, wash hoops from
overhead conveyor. vat 1 of day before.
3:45 Hoop curd in vat 3 and place 1:45 Paraffin vat of daisies.
on overhead conveyor. 2:15 Dehoop, wash hoops of vat
4:15 Move hoops of vat 4 from 2 from day before.
day before from press to 2:45 Paraffin vat of daisies.
overhead conveyor. 3:15 Dehoop, wash hoops from
4:30 Assist cheesemaker cut vat 3 of day before.
curd in vat 8. 3:45 Paraffin vat of twins.
4:35 hopper.
Refill salt 4:15 Dehoop, wash hoops from
4:45 Hoop curd in vat 4 and place vat 4 oi day before.
on overhead conveyor. 4:45 Paraffin vat of twins.
5:15 Lunch. 5:15 Dehoop, wash hoops from
5:45 Hoop curd in vat 5 and place vat 5 of day before.
on overhead conveyor. 5:45 Lunch.
6:00 Check CIP and COP. 6:15 Dehoop, wash hoops of vat
6:20 Move hoops of vat 6 from 6 from day before.
day before from press to 6:45 Paraffin vat of twins except
overhead conveyor. on Mon., Tues., Fri., and
6:45 Hoop curd in vat 6 and place Sat. (On these days, clean
on overhead conveyor. dry storage room and dry-
7:15 Move filled hoops from over- ing racks.)
head conveyor of press of 7:15 Dehoop, wash hoops of vat
vat 6 (worker 10 eats 7 from day before.
lunch) 7:45 Paraffin vat of cheddars.
7:30 Dress bandages on hoops at 8:15 Dehoop, wash hoops of vat
press of vat 5 (worker 10 8 from day before.
eats lunch) 8:45 Paraffin vat of cheddars.
7:45 Hoop curd vat 7 and place
in 9:15 Dehoop, wash hoops of vat
on overhead conveyor. 9 from day before.
8:15 Check CIP and COP. Worker No. 13
8:20 Move hoops of vats 8 and 9 (Stacker) :

from day before from press 2:00-10:30 p.m.

tooverhead conveyor. 2:00 Rem.ove hoops from washer
8:45 Hoop curd in vat 8 and place (vat 2).
on overhead conveyor. 2:45 Stack cheese on racks (vats
9:15 Finish CIP and clean COP. 1 and 2).
Job ends at 9 30 p.m. 3 days
: 3:00 Help No. 12 paraffin vat of
each week. daisies.

Worker No. 13 — Continued: Worker No. 14

(Starter technician)
3 :15 Remove hoops from washer :

(vat 3). Hours to be On 6th day checks batch of

arranged. Has
culture set on 5th day.
3:45 Stack cheese on racks (vat
complete charge of the
3) .

starter program.
4:00 Help No. 12 paraffin vat of
Workers No. 15 and 16
4:15 Remove hoops from washer
(Laboratory technicians) :
(vat 4).
Hours to be ar- Duties outlined in section
4:45 Stack cheese on racks (vat
ranged. Work of on "How the Plant Oper-
4) .

each technician ates," which describes the

5:00 Help No. 12 paraffin vat of complements that functions of the laboratory,
twins. of the other; hours
5:15 Remove hoops from washer are arranged so
(vat 5). one is in labora-
5:45 Lunch. tory each of 6
6:15 Remove hoops from washer working days.
(vat 6).
6:45 Move 2 vats (5 and 6) of Worker No. 17
blocks to cooler. (Storeroom clerk) :

7:00 Help No. 12 paraffin vat of

Hours to be Loads out cheese.
twins. (On Mon., Tues.,
arranged. Checks in freight.
Fri., and Sat., clean walls of
Supplies cheeseboxes and
cheese cooler.)
paraffin todehooping and
7:15 Remove hoops from washer paraffining rooms.
(vat 7).
Supplies 10-pound paper
7 :45 Stack cheese on racks (vat boxes to block-wrapping
7) .
8:00 Help No. 12 paraffin vat of Furnishes haulers with pa-
Cheddars. tron supplies (orders made
8:15 Remove hoops from washer up the day before)
(vat 8). Supplies starter room with

8:45 Stack cheese on racks (vat powder needs.

8) .
Weighs out chemicals for
CIP and COP systems.
9:00 Help No. 12 paraffin vat of
Prepares shipping orders
and receiving records.
9:15 Remove hoops from washer Supplies salt to curd-milling
(vat 9*). Dehoop remain- machine.
der of vat 9.
Turns round cheeses on
9:45 Stack cheese on racks (vat racks in afternoons.
9*). Dresses bandages on vat 1.
*0n 8-vat days, wash one Moves hoops of vat 5 from
wall of hoop storageroom day before from press to
each day instead of work overhead conveyor.
shown on vat 9. Moves hoops of vat 7 from
10:00 Drain hoop washer, wash day before from press to
floor. overhead conveyor.

Worker No. 18 Worker No. 19 — Continued

(Whey-plant operator) : tor through plate cooler and
11:00 a.m.- Set up whey clarifier and into condensed whey stor-
7:00 p.m. separator. age tanks.
Assembles open fittings and Bypasses clarifier and sepa-
sanitizes separator, rator^ and circulation cleans
rator, plate cooler and whey storage tanks, heat-
tanks. ers, evaporator, plate cool-
Starts separator, evapora- er, and sanitary lines.
tor, and plate cooler checks; COP cleans clarifier and
boiler and compressors. separator.
Checks solids, draws off Adjusts machinery, replac-
condensed whey, cools con- es worn parts.
densed whey, and pumps Checks boiler blowdown,
into storage tanks. boiler cleaning, and burner
Checks acidity of raw whey adjustment.
every hour. Adds ammonia to compres-
Checks automatic solids test sors.
reading on condensed whey Scrubs floors daily and walls
every half hour. and ceiling as needed in
Checks temperature of whey-handling area, refrig-
heated whey, evaporator, erator room, boiler room,
vapors, cooled whey, and and shop.
cooled whey cream every Workers No. 20 - 22
half hour. (Relief workers)
Checks whey cream thick- Hours to be To maintain a 40-hour work
ness. arranged. schedule for this plant, 3
Checks ammonia pressures. relief workers are needed.
Checks boiler operation, wa- Their hours will be as re-
ter level, and pressure. quired to meet the schedule
Checks all bearings periodi- of the regular workers giv-
cally for malfunction. en above.
Checks all equipment main- To show the sequence of operations in making
tenance possible while in a batch of cheese and to better explain each
operation. worker's part in the cheesemaking process, the
Pumps condensed whey to following timetable is given. The other vats
tank truck. of cheese follow the same schedule at 1-hour
Pumps whey cream to tank intervals until all eight (or nine) batches are
truck. completed.
CIP cleans condensed whey
storage tanks and whey
8:00 Start filling vat begin add-
cream tanks.
ing starter.
Eats lunch while equipment
8:10 Finish adding starter.
isunder normal operation.
9:00 Vat filled rennet added.

Worker No. 19 9:30 Curd cut.

(Whey-plant worker) : 9:40 Paddles detached ; agitators
7:00 p.m.- Finishes whey evaporation started.
3:30 a.m. (on 9-vat days). 9:50 Steam on in jacket.
Pumps balance of con- 10:30 Steam off in jacket.
densed whey from evapora- Unless self-cleaning clarifier and separator are used.

11:20 Draw half of whey ; run 1:30 Turn blocks.

acidity test on whey. 1:35 Run aciditv test on whev
11:25 Stop agitators start ditch-
; 1:40 Pile curd blocks on belt con-
ing (making trough) veyor. Salt added to milling
12:00 Draw remainder of whey machine.
run acidity test on whey. 1:45 Start bandacinff boons*
P.M. start milling machine and
12:05 Cut curd into blocks. hoop filling.
12:10 Turn blocks. 1:50 Wash vat.
12:15 Turn blocks. 1:55 Finish bandaging hoops.
12:20 Turn blocks. 2:15 Finish milling, salting, and
12:25 Turn blocks. hooping put; filled hoops on
12:30 Cut blocks in two parts. presses.
12:35 Pile blocks 2 high. 2:30 Apply pressure to hoops.
12:40 Turn blocks. 3:30 Adjust bandages.
12:45 Pile blocks 3 high. 3:45 Apply pressure to hoops.
12:50 Turn blocks.
Following day
1:00 Pile blocks 4 high.
1:15-1:45 Remove hoops from press
1:10 Turn blocks. and place on overhead con-
1:20 Turn blocks. veyor to the dehooper.


The equipment required for the automated Thus, the estimated cost of the equipment
Cheddar cheese plant to minimize labor require- would be $262,000 greater than that for the
ments and estimated costs of the items based on nonautomated plant.
1968-69 prices are as follows The automated plant could operate with an
Dollars estimated 21 fewer workers than a properly ar-
Weighing tank load cell system 8,000 ranged and operated nonautomated one han-
Three CIP units and CIP pipe 24,000
Automatic control instruments 25,000 dling a similar volume. Based on an assumed
Milling and salting machine 52,000 costs of $6,500 annually per worker (salary plus
Conveyor system for carrying hoops 8,000
Automatic hoop washer and conveyor 4,000 fringe benefits), the annual savings in labor
Automatic block cutting, wrapping, boxing . 15,000 would be $136,500 for an automated plant. If 20
Mechanical agitators for cheese vats 15,000
Load cells for weighing tanks 5,000 percent is allowed annually for ownership and
Tank gages 9,000 operating costs (depreciation, interest, insur-
Control panels with switches 15,000
Additional sanitary pipeline and air-operated ance, taxes, maintenance, and power), the costs
valves 15,000 would amount to $52,400 and an annual saving
Controls for boilers and refrigeration units 5,000
Subtotal 200,000
of $84,100 would result.
Production per man-hour of labor should be
Additional refrigeration machinery, and air
higher in the automated than in the nonauto-
temperature and humidity controls in starter
mated plant. The production on a peak day in
room, drying room, and plant follow
the automated plant would be about 88 pounds
Two 100-ton compressors
of cheese per man-hour compared with 45
One 198-ton chilled water unit 10,000 pounds per man-hour in a nonautomated plant.
One 30-ton air conditioner 3,200
Two 15-ton air conditioners.. 4,600 Machine-controlled operations should reduce
Two 45-ton air conditioners 8,800 in-plant production losses and provide a more
One 22y2-ton air conditioner 2,300
One 12-ton air conditioner with high frequency uniform cheese than that obtained in a nonauto-
filters 2,400 mated plant using conventional equipment. No
Pumps and piping 10,000
data, however, are available for the savings that
Total 262,000 would be realized from these items.
FlGUitE 9.— A suggested refrigeration system for an automatedcheddar cheese plant handling 80U,000 pounds of milk weekly.


Refrigeration System control the incoming liquid and a back pressure
regulating valve to control the ammonia tem-
The refrigeration system (fig. 9) for the
perature within the corrugated sections. Pumps
plant should be adequate to cool milk and whey
(93, 94, 94A, 95, 96, 97, 98) are used to circulate
products, to maintain the required room tem-
the water through the equipment.
perature and humidity in the drying room and
40° F. storage room, and to handle the air- The raw milk storage tanks (5, 6, 7) are
equipped with cold-wall sections which consist
conditioning load. All of the refrigeration is
of a corrugated stainless steel sheet welded to
supplied by an ammonia refrigeration system,
the outside of the inner jacket on the bottom
except that for the drying room. This room is on
part of the tank. Liquid ammonia is admitted to
a separate Freon condensing unit so that the
these coils by combination solenoid-thermostatic
humidity here can be closely controlled.
expansion valves, which will maintain the milk
The refrigeration calculations are based
at 38° F. The temperature of the ammonia in
partly on data contained in the "Mechanical
Engineers' Handbook," "Heating, Ventilating,
the refrigerated section is controlled by an
and Air Conditioning Guide," and "Refrigera-
ammonia back pressure regulating valve. The
flow of ammonia may be turned off by a push-
tion Engineering Application Data."'*
button in control panel (82). The refrigeration
Starter in 300-gallon vats (24, 25), whey
load of these tanks is small in comparison to
passing through a plate heat exchanger (61),
other loads and occurs principally when other
and concentrated whey passing through a plate
loads are off. Therefore, it is not included in
heat exchanger (74) are cooled by 34° F.
the calculations which determine the size of the
sweet water. The sweet water is recirculated
through Sweetwater cooling unit (91). The air-
ammonia compressor equipment.
conditioning units (122, 123, 124, 124A, 125; are
The cold storage room is maintained at the
desired temperature (40° F.) by eight cooling
refrigerated by recirculating chilled water at
38°. This water is recirculated through chilled units (90) suspended from the ceiling. Each
unit has coils in which ammonia evaporates,
water cooling unit (92). These two cooling units
cooling them. Air is blown over these coils by a
are identical except that one is sized to maintain
fan in the unit to cool the room. The flow of
a temperature of 34° and the other 38°. To
distinguish between the two units, one is
ammonia through the coils is controlled by a
thermostatic expansion valve, and the tempera-
referred to as a sweetwater cooling unit (34°
ture of the ammonia in the coil is controlled by
water) and the other a chilled water cooling
unit (38° water).
an ammonia back pressure regulating valve.
These cooling units consist of corrugated The factors used in determining the sizes of
equipment suggested for the plant are described
stainless steel plates over which water flows
from a distributing trough on top to a collect- below. The refrigeration requirements pre-
sented here are offered as a guide only, since
ing tank on the bottom. The water level is main-
tained by a float control in the collecting tank.
many conditions, such as temperature differ-
ences, types of building materials used, and
Ammonia is evaporated inside the corrugated
plant location, affect the requirements of a
sections, thus cooling the water. The ammonia
particular plant. Operators planning to build
flow is by a gravity-type flooded
ammonia control with ammonia float valve to new plants or remodel present facilities should
consult local refrigeration engineers for their
' Marks, Lionel S. mechanical engineers' hand-
specific requirements.
book, 4th ed., illus. 1941 ;American Society of Heating
AND Air Conditioning Engineers, heating, ventilat-
ing and air conditioning guide. 1947; Segal, S.
— (91) LOADS
Charles, refrigeration load calculations II. tem-

peratures below 32° F. refrig. engin. applic. data 12. These loads would be based on the plant's
Refrig. Engin. Vol. 39, No. 4, Sec. 2. April 1940. peak operating capacity. This capacity occurs

when starter, whey, and whey concentrate are gain from this source would be comparatively
being cooled at the same time. The starter is small and is included in the suggested safety
cooled from 70° to 40° F. in 1 hour. Prelimi- factor for the room. In these calculations, the
nary cooling in the plate heat exchangers is done peak average hourly load for all factors is com-
with 68° well water. The formula for hourly puted with the exception of the heat gain from
B.t.u. (British thermal units) requirements is: the cheese entering and being held in the room.
The cheese will not give up all its heat the first
B.t.u. _
Weight of product y_
Temperature Specific
per hr. per hr. change heat hour; therefore, the average for a 24-hour
Equip- Rate of Temper- period is used.
ment cooling ature Specific B.t.u. (a) Heat gain through walls, ceiling, and
No. Product per hr. change heat per hr.
Lb. "
floor is calculated by the formula shown below.
24, 25 . .. Starter 5,160 70-40 1.0 154,800 The calculations are based on a coldroom tem-
61 Whey 20,000 76-40 1.0 720,000
perature of 40° F. and outside temperature of
74 whey
Cone, 3,000 90-40 .9 135,000
(40% TS) 95° F. An average overall coefficient of heat
Total .1,009,800 transmission for walls, floor, and ceiling of
10 percent for line and pumping loss 100,980
Total required 1,110,780 0.0756 B.t.u. per hour per square foot per de-
The compressor capacity required would be: gree F, temperature difference is suggested.
1,110,780 This is equivalent to a wall section of 8 inches
92.5 tons.
12,000 of brick and 4 inches of insulation. The cold-
CHILLED WATER COOLING room for the suggested plant would have a sur-
UNIT (92) LOADS face area of
The chilled refrigeration loads in tons for the Sq. Ft.

seven air-conditioning units (122-125) are

Walls = 42x17x2 + 112x17x2 = 5,236
Ceiling = 112x42 = 4,704
listed below. recommended by
The loads are as Floor = 112x42 = 4,704
equipment manufacturers for the size of room Total surface = 14 644

and type of equipment in the room. Heat gain 0.0756

through walls, Surface
(B.t.u. per
floor, and
area ^ 1^7,','^ ture
Chilled ^(^^"^^^"^ ^^ange
ceiling (B.t.u. square
Volume Air water per hour)
of circu- refrig-
Unit area lated eration 14,644 X 0.0756 X 55 = 60,890 B.t.u. per hour.
number Rooms where used load (b) Heat gain from changes is calculated
Cu. ft. C.f.m. Tons
122 Laboratories, offices,
by the following formula. It is estimated that a
and 29,770
office toilets 7,500 30 room of this type would have one air change
123 Culture, mother culture 12,096 4,000 12
124 Paraffining, hoop wash 35,104 10,000 30
every 2 hours, or 0.5 change per hour. This
124A Restrooms, lunch- would occur principally when loading in or out
rooms, locker rooms 24,784 5,000 15
125(3) Cheese processing,
of the room.
pasteurizing 210,560 60,000 90
~~~~~~~ Heat gain
Total 177 from air
Volume 2.53 Number
^^^^ per air
changes = feubT ^ hour
per X of
40" F. ROOM COOLING feet) cu. ft.)
'^"•f*-) per hour
UNIT (90) LOADS hourr^^""
The factors which determine the refrigeration 40x16x110x2.53x0.5 = 89,056 B.t.u. per hour,
(c) Heat gain from electrical energy is from
requirements of the cold storage room are: (a)
electrical motors and lights. It is assumed that
Heat gain through walls, ceiling, and floor, (b)
4 horsepowers (hp.) are used on the eight cool-
heat gain through air changes in the coldroom
ing units. For this calculation, 1 hp. equals
(c) heat gain from electrical energy, and (d)
3,700 B.t.u. per hour.
heat gain from cheese held in the room. A heat
Heat gain
gain would also be incurred from workers and from
forklift trucks which enter the room; however, motors
(B.t.u. Motor
for the proposed plant this would be only one or per hour) = horsepower x 3,700
two people at a time, depending on the load-in = 4 X 3,700 = 14,800
or load-out situation at the time. Thus, the heat per hour

It is assumed that 1,400 watts of electricity are used The eight cooling units (90) suggested have
for lights; 1 watt-hour equals 3.42 B.t.u. per hour.
a capacity of 3.1 tons each, or a total of 24.8
Heat gain tons.
lights The total refrigeration requirements are:
per hour) = Number of watts X 3.42 Tons
= 1,400 X 3.42 = 4,788 Sweetwater cooling unit (91) 92.5
B.t.u. Chilled water cooling unit (92) 177.0
per hour 40° F. cold storage room 24.7
Total heat gain from electrical energy = 19,588 Total 294.2
B.t.u. per hour.
To handle the refrigeration load, three 100-
(d) Heat gained from product entering the ton (100, 101, 102) and one 25-ton (99) ammo-
room determined from the maximum amount
nia compressors are suggested. The 100-ton
of cheese entering, or 17,366 pounds per day.
compressors would operate at 40-pounds suction
Eighty percent of this comes from the drying
pressure and 185-pounds condensing pressure
room, and 20 percent is in prints, going directly
and would require 100-hp. electric motors. The
to the 40° F. cold storage room from wrapping
25-ton compressor would operate at 35-pounds
and boxing. To determine the refrigeration re- suction pressure and 185-pounds condensing
quired, estimated that the average blend
it is
pressure and would require a 30-hp. electric
temperature of the cheese, packages, and pal- motor.
lets from the drying room is 60° F., and that
The 25-ton compressor (99) is connected to
this temperature coupled with the estimated the 40° F. storage room. It will start and stop
specific heat factor results in an accurate esti-
automatically by a room thermostat, set to turn
mate of the heat gain due to cheese entering the on at 40° and off at 38°. The thermostat will
room. The blend temperature of the prints is also shut off the supply of ammonia to the
estimated to be 80° F. The formula for deter- coils. The air circulation fans continue to run,
mining the heat gain from products entering thus automatically defrosting the coils by cir-
the room is
culating room air over them. The suction line
Heat gain from cheese (B.t.u. per hr.) from the cooling units (90) to the 25-ton com-
- Weight of cheese x temp, change X spec, heat
pressor is cross connected to the suction line
24 hours
+ from the chilled water and sweetwater units so
_ 17,366 X 20 X 0.8 X 0.6 17,366 X 40 X 0.2 X 0.6
~ 24 24 that the other ammonia compressors may be
= 6,946 + 3,473 = 10,419 B.t.u. per hour. used on the 40° F. room should the 25-ton com-
The following is a summary of heat gains in pressor be shut down for repairs.
the cold storage room The three 100-ton compressors are the multi-
cylinder type with 75- and 50-percent capacity
Walls, ceiling, floor 60,890 controls. Thus, the three compressors provide a
Air changes 89,056 variable capacity of 50 to 300 tons at 25-ton in-
Electrical energy 19,588
Cheese entering room 10,419 crements. This capacity control is automatic by
Total 179,953 a pressure switch, which will maintain the suc-
10 percent allowance 17,995
tion pressure in a range of 35 to 40 pounds. As
Total requirements 197,948
a load increases in an air-conditioning unit or
Since the room cooling units (90) are to op- any of the sweetwater refrigerated machinery,
erate only 16 hours per day to provide 8 hours or on a cold-wall tank, the suction pressure will
for automatic defrosting, the load of 197,948 rise. This rise is sensed by the pressure switch,
B.t.u. must be removed from the room in two- which adjusts the capacity controls to suit the
thirds of an hour. Therefore, the cooling unit condition. Except for turning the compressors
must remove 197,948 X 3 h- 2, or 296,922 B.t.u. on, the operation is fully automatic.
per hour. During the winter only one 100-ton compres-
The total refrigeration load would be sor would be used. During periods of moderately
296,922 ^, „ ,
warm weather two 100-ton compressors are re-
= 2^-^
12:000- quired, and for hot weather all three 100-ton

compressors would be on the line. The number automatically by a humidistat and thermostat
of compressors used may also vary with the located in the drying room.
time of day, since at night in hot weather only In winter, outside air, which is 10° F. and 80-
one unit would be required. percent relative humidity, when heated to 55°
To condense the ammonia, two 165-ton evap- without the addition of moisture, would have a
orative condensers (105, 106) are suggested. relative humidity of approximately 12 percent.
They are located outside the refrigeration room Thus, under these conditons, heating is per-
on concrete piers high enough that the liquid formed partly by the first heating coil, with final
ammonia will drain by gravity to the 24-inch by heating from the humidifying steam injection
16-foot receiver (112) Since many cheese plants
. unit to result in the discharge of air at 55° and
are located in areas which have severe cold 70-percent relative humidity. In summer, outside
weather in winter, the water from the sump pan air at 95° F. and 50-percent relative humidity,
on the evaporative condensers can be drained by when cooled to approximately 74°, is saturated
gravity to the sump tank (108). Draining this with moistui-e; that is, it has a relative humidity
water prevents the pumps and water from freez- of 100 percent. Under these conditions, further
ing, since they are located just inside the refrig- cooling from 74° F. condenses moisture out of
eration room. During seasons of rapid change in the air. To discharge air from the air-condition-
temperature, this is advantageous, as the con- ing unit at 55° and 70-percent relative humid-
densers can run dry at night when it is cold and ity, the air should be cooled to approximately

the water pumps will start automatically during 45° to condense sufficient moisture so that upon
the day when the outside temperature rises. The reheating to 55° the relative humidity will be
pumps and piping never freeze, since when they 70 percent. Thus, in winter the first heating coil
are off all water drains to the sump tank. and humidifier ai-e used; in summer the cooling
The condensing pressure is controlled by pres- coil and reheat coil are used. The above temper-
sure switches which start the fan and pump ature and humidity conditions are for outside or
motors on a pressure rise. The first evaporative makeup air and are, of course, tempered by the
condenser fan would turn on at 150 p.s.i. use of 85-percent recirculated air.
(pounds per square inch) and off at 135 p.s.i. The use of this air-conditioning unit (131)
The second evaporative condenser would turn on permits maintaining constant temperature and
at 155 p.s.i. and off at 140 p.s.i. The pumps on humidity conditions in the drying room at all
the first and second evaporative condensers times.
would be set to turn on at 160 and 165 p.s.i., re-
Heating System
spectively, and off at 145 and 150 p.s.i. Thus,
A heating system is required to provide steam
under low loading conditions, or cold outside air,
for processing milk, cheese, and whey, as well as
the units would run dry.
for heating water for cleaning equipment, and
for heating the building. A heating system
UNIT (131) should be adequate to handle the peak require-
This unit differs from the other air-condition- ments. These requirements depend to some ex-
ing units in that it has a reheat coil; that is, the tent on the climate of the area in which the

air first passes through a heating coil, then a plant is located. Thus, heating data provided
cooling coil, followed by a second heating coil herein are offered as a guide only. Operators of
and a steam injection humidifying unit. A reheat cheese plants planning to build new plants, or
coil is required because the humidity must be
remodel their present facilities, should contact
local heating engineers regarding their heating
controlled within a very narrow range. The unit
uses 15 percent makeup air all seasons of the requirements.
year and is designed to maintain a temperature The basic formula for determination of the
B.t.u. requirements for heating milk products is:
of 55° F. and a relative humidity of 70 percent
p.. Weight of Tempera-
at all times. The cooling coil is refrigerated by a o^pHfir
Der hr
= P^^^"^* >< ^""^^ ^ heat
15-ton Freon condensing unit (128) located in perhr. change
the refrigeration room. This unit is controlled Tabulated below are the B.t.u. requirements

for heating the various milk products handled in losses, the maximum hourly B.t.u. requirement
this plant, based on this formula. The whey is 16,234,808.
vaporline preheater (62) receives its heat from One boiler horsepower is equivalent to the
the double-effect recompression evaporator (72) heat required to evaporate 34.5 pounds of water
and is therefore not included. The B.t.u. require- in 1 hour, or a heat requirement of 33,524 B.t.u.
ments for operating the double-effect recom- per hour. Since makeup water is below 212° F.,
pression evaporator are those recommended by a common practice is to use 35,000 B.t.u. per
manufacturers of this type of equipment. The hour when converting to horsepower.
culture vats (24, 25) heat through the tem-
perature range indicated in 45 minutes there- ;
— =r 464 boiler horsepower

fore, the B.t.u. requirements are adjusted to

Two boilers, one 250 hp. and one 300 hp., are
include this. The cheese vats are (29-37)
suggested for the plant. These units may be
heated through their range in 35 minutes con-
operated at 50 percent overload continuously, or
secutively therefore, only one vat is included.
100 percent overload for short periods. This pro-
The contents of the cheese vat include, in addi-
vides for momentary extra steam requirements
tion to the milk, 10 gallons of water (rennet
not included in the above calculations, such as
addition) plus 1.00 percent starter. for the hoop washer (49), conveyor pan washer
Equip- Amount Temper- (48), paraffin tank (57), and laboratory equip-
ment of ature Spe- ment.
num- Product product change cific B.t.u.
ber per hour heat' per hour
Lb. ° F.
Ventilating and Air Conditioning
13 Milk 20,000 109.5-161.5 1.0 1,040,000
29 Milk 20,241 87-104 1.0 344,097
Three types of ventilating and air-condition-
24, 25 Milk 5,160 70-190 1.0 619,200
71 Whey 20,000 110-195 1.0 1,700,000 ing equipment are used in the suggested plant.
72 Whey cone. 17,000
They are (a) window and roof exhaust fans
127 Water 25,000 60-120 1.0 1,500,000
Total B.t.u. per hour required _ 11,103,297
with ceiling suspended unit heaters for winter
heating, (b) recirculating- type air-conditioning
The actual milk products is less than
specific heat of
1.0, but for simplicity, a value of 1.0 is used in these units with provision for heating, cooling, and
calculations. filtering air, and (c) recirculating-type air-
' B.t.u. per hour requirements based on recommenda- conditioning units with provision for heating,
tion of manufacturer. cooling, and high efficiency filtration.

The estimated requirement for heating the WINDOW AND ROOF EXHAUST
building based on 10 B.t.u. per hour per cubic
foot. All areas of the building would be heated This type of ventilation equipment is sug-
except the hallway, which is a principal exhaust gested for the receiving shelter, whey-process-
area the boiler room and whey-processing area,
ing room, refrigeration room, and boiler room.
which are heated by radiation and motor heat; Roof-mounted exhaust fans capable of giving
and refrigerated storage areas. one air change every 4 minutes should be lo-
The areas to be heated follow cated here, with supplementary roof exhaust
Cu. ft. fans in the boiler and refrigeration rooms to
Laboratories, offices, office restrooms 29,770
give an air change every 2 minutes. The supple-
Paraffining and hoop-washing room 35,104
Restrooms, lunchroom, and lockers 24,784 mentary fan in the boiler room would be used
Cheese processing, pasteurizing room 210,560
Dry storage, cheese storage room
on hot days to exhaust radiant heat from the
Repair shop 8,000 boilers and in the refrigeration room to remove
Whey storage 6,144
the heat from the electric motor and switchgear
Receiving shelter 25,600
Total area 365,562 given off by the electrical distribution panel. In
B.t.u. required (area X 10) = 3,655,620 addition, the supplementary fan in the refrig-
The computed requirements for heating the eration room could be used for rapid ventilation
products and the plant are 14,758,917 B.t.u. if a serious ammonia leak developed. Both the
When 10 percent is added for line and radiation boiler and refrigeration rooms should have

large window areas with insect-proof screens on From the mixing chamber, the air passes
the outside walls. through elements which remove airborne
The repair shop should be equipped with a dust particles. Aside from good housekeeping,
wall-type reversible exhaust fan, which can be control of dust is most important in eliminating

operated in either direction, according to the poor cheese sets, contaminated cultures, and
personal preference of the workers. bacteriophage.
The whey-processing room would have its ex- Next, the air passes over a cooling coil refrig-
haust fan located over the evaporator to elimi- erated by 38° F. chilled water, which is circu-
nate as much heat as possible given off this lated by pump through the coils. The air is next
unit. brought in contact with a steam-heated coil for
The unit heaters would be used for winter winter heating. The heating and cooling coils
comfort. They utilize steam from the boiler, are controlled by thermostats in the room. For
condensed in a finned coil by an air-circulating heating, a constant discharge temperature is
fan. The unit heaters are temperature-con- maintained by a bypass around the heating coil,
trolled by room thermostats, with manual which is controlled by a damper so as to main-
start and stop of the fans. tain a set temperature after the heated air and
bypassed air are blended together. The cooling
RECIRCULATING AIR-CONDITIONING coil is controlled by a room thermostat which
UNITS FOR HEATING, COOLING, starts and stops the water circulating pump,
AND PURIFYING AIR plus arranging the fresh air inlet dampers for
These units are located on the roof, with dis-
10-percent makeup air. Units 124 and 124A have
tribution ductwork on the roof for most areas. solenoid valves which are controlled by the
Thus, no dust-catching ductwork is located on room thermostats in their respective areas.
the ceilings of the cheese-processing areas. These units (124 and 124A) are arranged so
Since the office and laboratory areas have sus- that the circulating pump (97) is off only when
pended ceilings (10-foot ceiling height), distri- both solenoid valves are closed.
bution ducts are located in the space between The unit maintains a slight positive pressure
the structural ceiling and the false ceiling. in the areas serviced, so that leakage of air is
The purposes of these units are to (a) con- out of rather than into the building. This in-
trol air purity, thereby improving product qual- sui-es that air entering the building is filtered.
ity by reducing the opportunity for any bacte-
The circulating fan is two-speed. High speed
riological contamination or bacteriophage at- is used whenever the cooling coil is operating or
tack; (b) control air temperature for worker when stepped-up ventilation is desired during
comfort; and (c) control humidity with reason- periods of cleanup.
able ranges so as to prevent condensation of The air-conditioning units maintain a 72° F.
moisture on the walls, ceilings, and equipment, temperature in both winter and summer except
and to add to the comfort of the workers. on extremely hot days. On these days a differ-
Air-conditioning units of this type are sug- ential of approximately 15° is maintained of
gested for the starter room, locker room, inside to outside temperature.
cheese-processing room, and reception room. The air-conditioning and purifying unit
Air is returned to these units via ducts lo- (123) used for the culture and mother culture
cated near the floor so as to pick up moisture- room is similar to the units described above ex-
laden air at the low level. The units are cept that (a) the cooling capacity is such that a
equipped with fresh air inlets and automatic 72° F. temperature can be maintained through-
dampers to control the ratio of fresh to circu- out the hot weather, (b) the air passes through
lated air. In winter these dampers automatically a second set of filters which removes 98 percent
adjust themselves to deliver 45° F. air to the of airborne bacteria as well as microscopic dust
heating coil. Thus, when the outside air is 45° particles, and (c) the fresh air intake is located
or above, all fresh air enters the plant. These 30 feet above the roof to minimize the chance
dampers are controlled by a thermostat in the of air contamination from a nearby plant.
air-stream discharge from the dampers. l&U S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1971 O 399-602

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