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Proposed Guideline on how to be ready enough to successfully implement change.

The theory of readiness for change TORC by winner in 2009 was used in this research to identify
the readiness of selected universities in the aspect of their libraries. And Aydin and tacis, 2005
readiness measurement scale was used to evaluate the level of universities’ library readiness
towards the implementation of open science. The researcher used Ida F. Priyanto’s research
output as the base. It was the five constructive factors for readiness to successfully implement
open access through OAR: organizational Culture, Past experience, organizational resources,
organizational structure and policy & procedures, depending on the interviewees response add
additional some points, remove unnecessary factors and merge factors that can be unite, lead the
researcher to finally came up with a guidelines for universities moreover for HEI to be ready
enough for successful implementation of open science /change/.

Proposed Guideline

1. Create a clear awareness on the overall concept of (change) for each and every members
of the change. Provide a clear and up-to-date information on the basics questions like:
o What the change is all about, its use?
o Why need to adopt the change?
o What is each and every member contributions & how to contribute to enable the
o What benefits the change member’s gain by enabling the change? This kind of
information enhances the positive beliefs and thoughts about the change inside
members mind, which increase their commitment to enable the change. This all
can be applied by providing continues awareness creation programs. And it is the
best way to revise the curriculum and embed the open science practices and tools
on the research design and methodology course at post graduates level. This will
help as permanent solution to give up to dated information about the concept for
the upcoming researchers.
2. Develop a culture of flexibility for new, up-to-date and useful changes. Develop
supportive governance systems which value each and every change members’
commitment, engagement and involvement before: in progress: after implementation of
change. This means creating a good governance mechanism that encourage and support
each and every stackholders’ involvement in every stage of change implementation will
create a condisive environment to successfully implement that change. In this topic it
includes use of modern technologies, hiring professionals in the work place, develop and
practice knowledge sharing, assess the previous faults and be committed to change it.
3. Design a policy and procedures on how the change can be implemented. This will help
for the members as guidelines to enable and successfully implement the change. In the
case of the thesis it is very important to have national and institutional level open science
policies that contain contents which support and encourage researchers and other open
science stockholders to involve in the open science educational movements. Privacy and
security issues should be mentioned clearly in the policy to clarify the misleading
concepts in the authors’ mind.
4. Provide sufficient amount of required infrastructural resources and Skilled professional
that enable the successful implementation of the change. In this case ICT infrastructures
like, Computers with high storage capacity & high speed processor, database, networking
and communication tools, development of repositories for ETD or RD, development and
implementation of reliable open science platforms, acquiring enough amount of
electronic thesis and dissertations, providing learning materials about open science in the
institutional open access practices are the key considerations that made the institution
ready enough for successfully implement open science.
Policy and procedures
Develop institutional open science policies which
clearly guide and encourage stockholders who
actively participate in OS movement

Organizational Culture &

Create a culture of flexibility for new Awareness and perception
ideas, thought; create a culture to be Create a clear awareness on the
adaptive for change. It can be overall concept of OS for all
accomplished through providing stakeholders by providing awareness
trainings, value each stockholders creation programs. And by
involvement, enhance no of
embedding OS practices and tools in
professionals, support and actively
engaged in the practice of knowledge
research methodology course. This
Ready to implement OS, go on
sharing and assign a dedicated will be the permanent solution for
department to manage and control the upcoming researchers.
OS movement.

Organizational resources
Provide sufficient amount of these requirements
listed below.
Resources (IT, DR, ETD, financial resource)
Skilled man power.
OS platforms.
Learning materials about OS.
Guide line formulation

1. Perception and awareness …….Additional point added, that direct to gave full
information for the stockholders in addressing the questions like:
o What is open science? Its use? Who are the stockholders in this movement?
o Why we need to change the prior research trend and adopt Open science
o What particular benefit can I gain by enabling and involving in this open
science movement?
o As a stockholder what is my role to enable this open science movement?
o How can I effectively play my role and contribute for its successful
2. Merge two factors: organizational culture and organizational structure. The reason to
merge these two factors was, based on the analysis of the interviewee’s response.
Good OC is the reflection of proper OS. Which is organizational culture can be
identified and shaped by the management and governance mechanism by which this
paper used as organizational structure. Institutions with the practices of more
supportive management style that support individuals by providing a science based
capacity building trainings. That provides equal information and encourages equal
involvement of the stockholders on change, increase their commitment for
change. /Develop supportive management and governance structure and create a
culture of flexibility for change?/ This doesn’t means all changes are important and
should be accepted, rather it means be flexible and open minded to know what the
change is about?, its use, the overall positive and negative implications, critically
evaluate it and decide to accept or reject. In simple word it is to mean that don’t be
hesitant to change.
o Employees update…… through training (OS)
o hiring professionals
o Develop and practice knowledge sharing……through equal information and
o Assess the previous faults and be committed to change it….. Through equal
information and involvement.

(Momina Rajput & Anna Novitskaya, (2013))

3. Remove one factor (past experience) as it is used to know the existing condition of
the open science practices’ implementation level.
Finally propose to create awareness and perception
To create or formulate good governance mechanism which support and value
individuals’ involvement for change. Develop a culture of flexibility for changes.
To formulate institutional open science policies.
To provide infrastructural and human resources for open science.

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